Saturday, January 4, 2020

2nd place decided - 3rd place strangeness (Update: No more strangeness)

Good afternoon.  It looks like Tulane has won the Armed Forces Bowl, so that clears some things up and confuses some other things.

First, the part that is clear.  Harrell R. #2 has won 2nd place in the pool.  That’s about as far as the clarity goes.  As I mentioned in the last post, the same person can’t win multiple places in the pool, so that makes Harrell R #1 ineligible to win 3rd place.  Therefore, some people that were mathematically eliminated for 3rd are now eligible yet again.

There are 4 ways the last two games can play out.   Here’s who gets 3rd in all 4:

Louisiana wins the Lending Tree Bowl & LSU wins the National Championship:  Pete J. #1 wins 3rd.
Louisiana wins the Lending Tree Bowl & Clemson wins the National Championship:  Mike S. wins 3rd.
Miami wins the Lending Tree Bowl & LSU wins the National Championship: Pete J. #1 wins 3rd.
Miami wins the Lending Tree Bowl & Clemson wins the National Championship: 3rd place goes to the winner of a tie-breaker between Mike S. & Josiah T. #1.

So, the last two games still mean some things to some people, and nothing will be decided until the Championship Game.  My personal choice is that I don’t have to worry about the tie-breaker.  I hate tie-breakers.

That’s all there is to report.  Congratulations to Harrell R. #2 for taking second place.  He had a really good run, and was near the top virtually the entire pool long.

------Correction: I was re-reading this tonight, and I think I misaligned some of the picks when I calculated the final scores.  I had Josiah T. #1 and Mike S. picking Clemson, which they didn't (They had LSU).  It turns out that Pete J. #1 will take 3rd place regardless of the outcome of the final two games.  Anyone close to Pete J. #1 has essentially the same picks as Pete J. #1 and anyone who differs is too far back to make up the distance.

This is all pretty anticlimactic, but that pretty much wraps up the pool except for the final scores.  I'll be back after the final game with those that matter for bragging rights.  I'll be in touch with the winners regarding payment.  Congratulations to everyone.  I had fun, even though I was sick for a solid week during the pool.  I'm already preparing for the March Madness tournament this year.  That one seems like it will be wild.  Hope to see you all then.

Congrats to the winners!!!!

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