Thursday, December 31, 2015

After Peach Bowl

One game so far, one upset.  Houston scored a big one today, and like almost all games for here on in, it shook up the standings quite a bit.  The median pick was Florida State for 23 points, and Sally R. kept her  hot streak up by scoring 34 points by picking Houston.  If you take the 67 points she made up on the field by nailing Wisconsin yesterday and add it to the 57 she got on this game, you get 124 points made up on the field over the course of two games.  That's really good picking, and puts her in good shape right now.  There are still a lot of games to go however.  Without any further ado, here are the updated probabilities:

1. Sally R. (29.484%)
2. Klei R. (17.1508%)
3. Marc R. #2 (16.1865%)
4. Pete J. #2 (7.1268%)
5. Dan D. (5.9631%)
6. Brent E. #2 (5.4626%)
7. Jay H. #1 (5.1757%)
8. Ashley D. (3.8391%)
9. Marc R. #1 (2.7343%)
10. Matt N. (2.7221%)
11. Brad R. (0.9582%)
12. Scott H. #1 (0.8544%)
13. Brent E. #1 (0.6652%)
14. Michelle L. #1 (0.4821%)
15. Jay H. #2 (0.4394%)
16. Damien R. #2 (0.3173%)
17. Brett W. (0.177%)
18. Michelle L. #2 (0.1708%)
19. Becky H. (0.0366%)
20. Craig G. (0.0162%)
21. Jim W. (0.0122%)
21. Ray R. (0.0122%)
21. Mike W. (0.0122%)

...and the probabilities for 2nd place:

1. Marc R. #2 (15.3889%)
2. Marc R. #1 (10.8886%)
3. Sally R. (10.6282%)
4. Klei R. (10.4003%)
5. Ashley D. (9.4482%)
6. Pete J. #2 (8.4676%)
7. Dan D. (6.785%)
8. Brent E. #2 (6.6406%)
9. Jay H. #1 (4.3782%)
10. Brad R. (3.5909%)
11. Matt N. (2.95%)
12. Brent E. #1 (2.8503%)
13. Michelle L. #1 (2.8462%)
14. Scott H. #1 (1.1535%)
15. Jay H. #2 (1.0762%)
16. Damien R. #2 (0.6469%)
17. Michelle L. #2 (0.6103%)
18. Brett W. (0.354%)
19. Mike S. #2 (0.238%)
20. Dustin B. (0.1708%)
21. Ray R. (0.1037%)
21. Mike W. (0.1037%)
23. Jim W. (0.0854%)
24. Becky H. (0.0671%)
25. Craig G. (0.0651%)
26. Jay H. #3 (0.0427%)
27. Brent S. #2 (0.0122%)
28. Dave M. (0.0061%)

For those interested in points, here are the points standings:

1. Brad R.: 517 (-278)
2. Sally R.: 460 (-156)
3. Marc R. #2: 455 (-157)
4. Dan D.: 440 (-183)
5. Klei R.: 439 (-158)
6. Pete J. #2: 437 (-194)
7. Ashley D.: 436 (-216)
8. Marc R. #1: 432 (-166)
9. Mike W.: 427 (-244)
10. Jim W.: 421 (-262)
11. Brent E. #2: 415 (-164)
12. Brent E. #1: 415 (-194)
13. Damien R. #1: 415 (-293)
14. Mike S. #2: 412 (-237)
15. Jay H. #1: 407 (-183)
16. Michelle L. #1: 401 (-188)
17. Craig G.: 400 (-249)
18. Matt N.: 398 (-196)
19. Michelle L. #2: 390 (-199)
20. Roth W. #1: 386 (-294)
21. Mike S. #1: 381 (-289)
22. Dave M.: 380 (-247)
23. Scott H. #1: 374 (-219)
24. Ray R.: 371 (-247)
25. Jay H. #3: 362 (-268)
26. Chris L.: 360 (-267)
27. Adam E.: 359 (-284)
28. Brent S. #1: 342 (-265)
29. Pete J. #1: 338 (-293)
30. Becky H.: 331 (-273)
31. Brent S. #2: 329 (-211)
32. Scott H. #2: 329 (-218)
33. Brett W.: 329 (-222)
34. Damien R. #2: 314 (-232)
35. Ally H.: 300 (-298)
36. Dustin B.: 295 (-197)
37. Ryan W.: 288 (-283)
38. James R.: 288 (-320)
39. Jay H. #2: 282 (-183)
40. Nichole W.: 274 (-319)
41. Tim N.: 263 (-323)
42. Mindi W.: 257 (-296)
43. Dylan B.: 228 (-291)
44. Roth W. #2: 209 (-256)

It's a real family affair, as my Mom and Dad have both top spots as of right now.  I know they have a side bet along with my aunt for another $5, so that's looking to be pretty competitive also.

There's another big game to be fought over right now though.  Here are the eliminations for the Orange Bowl:

If Clemson wins:
Brent S. #2 is eliminated from 2nd place contention (Oklahoma for 23)
Craig G. is eliminated from 1st & 2nd place contention (Oklahoma for 7)
Dave M. is eliminated from 2nd place contention (Oklahoma for 14)
Jay H. #3 is eliminated from 2nd place contention (Oklahoma for 16 + Champion)
Mike S. #2 is eliminated from 2nd place contention (Oklahoma for 17 + Champion)
Mike W. is eliminated from 1st place contention (Oklahoma for 6)
Ray R. is eliminated from 1st & 2nd place contention (Oklahoma for 31 + Champion)

If Oklahoma wins:

Becky H. is eliminated from 1st & 2nd place contention (Clemson for 29 + Champion)
Brad R. is eliminated from 1st place contention (Clemson for 11 + Champion)
Dustin B. is eliminated from 2nd place contention (Clemson for 26 + Champion)
Jim W. is eliminated from 1st & 2nd place contention (Clemson for 18)
Michelle L. #1 is eliminated from 1st place contention (Clemson for 8 + Champion)

Anyone not listed that is still alive will still be alive after this game, so you can pull for your team, but also breathe a little sigh of relief.

For those that care about such things, here are the particulars:

Clemson: 26 picks (average = 15.69)
Oklahoma: 18 picks (average = 19.56)

Median pick is Clemson for 4.5 points.  Based on those numbers, this game seems like a bit of a toss up.  That should make for an interesting game, I hope.

Good luck to everyone, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

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