Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Bowl pool update - 1 day in

There are a few administrative things to clear up that I left out of my original post.

First, I left off the tiebreaker criteria.  The tiebreaker is the total combined score of the BCS Championship game.  Whoever comes closest to the final points scored wins.  I wouldn't worry about it if you leave it off.  I'll be able to tell if we are going to potentially need a tiebreaker about a week before the final game, and I will contact the people involved if it comes down to needing one.  I hope that it doesn't, since I think finishing out of the money based on a tiebreaker is a lousy way to lose.

Second, the deadline for submitting entries is before kickoff of the opening game.  Your payment doesn't have to be in my hands before then (although that would be nice), but I need completed sheets before then.  Any sheets submitted after kickoff of the first game on 12/21 won't be entered.

Third, I gave it some serious consideration, but I don't think I'm going to accept bitcoin as payment.  Maybe next year....

So far, I've got 7 completed sheets, which is pretty good for just one day and 10 days before the deadline.  I'd say we're off to a good start.  I also looked at the games for the first time since I made the spreadsheet.  I feel like imparting some analysis on the games, but I don't want to unduly influence anyone in regards to strategy.  I also haven't looked at anyone's picks.  I've just saved the spreadsheets in a common file and will look at them after the first game starts.

Again, feel free to tell anyone that's interested.  I'll enjoy running stats on just about any amount of entries, but the more there is, the more interesting outcomes you get.

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