Thursday, March 21, 2019

Highlander edition

It looks like we finally got to our Highlander moment.  “THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!!!!!”.  We are down to one and only one perfect bracket.  It took all 12 games played so far, but we are here.  Congratulations to Scott K.  It doesn’t come with any money or anything cool.  It doesn’t even mean he’s any kind of favorite to win anything, but it’s kinda cool for now.  For everyone else, remember that there are 192 possible points in the pool, and we’ve decided 12 of them.  That’s something like 6%.  Lots of games left, and most of them are more important.

The two big favorites won big, as I thought they might.  I think that just highlights how crazy the UMBC win was last year.  It’s almost impossible to imagine the 15 / 16 seeds this year winning a game against a 1 / 2 seed.

Compliments of everyone picking Gonzaga and Kentucky, it should come as no surprise that the average bracket got 3.03 points out of 4.  The median was 3, so if you were one of the 63 people that went 4/4, you moved up a little bit in the standings.  Also, 87 entries still have all 16 of their Sweet 16 teams alive.  Anyway, here are the updated standings:

1. Scott K. #2: 12 (0)
2. Alyssa B.: 11 (-1)
2. Daisy N. #6: 11 (-1)
2. Dan D. #2: 11 (-1)
2. Dennis R. #1: 11 (-1)
2. Dennis R. #2: 11 (-1)
2. Irene H. #7: 11 (-1)
2. Jacob A.: 11 (-1)
2. James G. #1: 11 (-1)
2. Jay K.: 11 (-1)
2. Kevin F. #1: 11 (-1)
2. Kirt R. #1: 11 (-1)
2. Niren D.: 11 (-1)
2. Washington Post: 11 (-1)
2. Zach T.: 11 (-1)
16. Brent S. #3: 11 (-3)
16. Joel B. #5: 11 (-3)
18. Brian K.: 11 (-7)
19. Ben P.: 10 (-2)
19. Brent S. #1: 10 (-2)
19. Bret K. #2: 10 (-2)
19. Bret K. #3: 10 (-2)
19. Chris T. #2: 10 (-2)
19. Chrissy I: 10 (-2)
19. David S.: 10 (-2)
19. Dustin B.: 10 (-2)
19. Gigi I: 10 (-2)
19. Harrell R. #1: 10 (-2)
19. Harrell R. #2: 10 (-2)
19. Harrell R. #3: 10 (-2)
19. Jim D. #2: 10 (-2)
19. Joel B. #1: 10 (-2)
19. Josh D. #2: 10 (-2)
19. Kate G.: 10 (-2)
19. Kevin F. #3: 10 (-2)
19. Kiah H.: 10 (-2)
19. Kirt R. #2: 10 (-2)
19. Mason A. #1: 10 (-2)
19. Michelle L. #3: 10 (-2)
19. Michelle L. #4: 10 (-2)
19. Mike W.: 10 (-2)
19. Ray W. #1: 10 (-2)
19. Regina L.: 10 (-2)
19. Scott Her. #1: 10 (-2)
45. Andy P.: 10 (-4)
45. Becky H.: 10 (-4)
45. Ben J. #2: 10 (-4)
45. Bhav R. #1: 10 (-4)
45. Brad R.: 10 (-4)
45. Brent S. #4: 10 (-4)
45. Chad L.: 10 (-4)
45. David W.: 10 (-4)
45. Hutch H. #1: 10 (-4)
45. Irene H. #5: 10 (-4)
45. Jared B.: 10 (-4)
45. Joel B. #4: 10 (-4)
45. Michelle L. #1: 10 (-4)
45. Michelle L. #2: 10 (-4)
45. Michelle R.: 10 (-4)
45. Taima B. #1: 10 (-4)
45. Taima B. #2: 10 (-4)
45. Todd K. #1: 10 (-4)
45. Tomas L.: 10 (-4)
64. Jaxon S.: 10 (-6)
65. Bhav R. #2: 10 (-8)
65. Dan D.: 10 (-8)
65. Josiah T. #4: 10 (-8)
65. Mason A. #2: 10 (-8)
65. Szecho L. #1: 10 (-8)
70. Molly R.: 10 (-10)
71. Alex P.: 9 (-3)
71. Alexander N. #4: 9 (-3)
71. Ally H.: 9 (-3)
71. Ben S. #3: 9 (-3)
71. Ben W. #2: 9 (-3)
71. Brent S. #2: 9 (-3)
71. Carlos B. #1: 9 (-3)
71. Carlos B. #2: 9 (-3)
71. Chris M.: 9 (-3)
71. Craig G.: 9 (-3)
71. Daisy N. #1: 9 (-3)
71. Daisy N. #2: 9 (-3)
71. Daisy N. #5: 9 (-3)
71. Damien R. #3: 9 (-3)
71. Irene H. #3: 9 (-3)
71. Irene H. #4: 9 (-3)
71. Janahan A.: 9 (-3)
71. Jeff Sagarin: 9 (-3)
71. Jim D. #1: 9 (-3)
71. Jim P.: 9 (-3)
71. Joe D. #1: 9 (-3)
71. Joe D. #2: 9 (-3)
71. Ken Pom: 9 (-3)
71. Klei R. #1: 9 (-3)
71. Nate S. - 538: 9 (-3)
71. Ray W. #5: 9 (-3)
71. Ryan P.: 9 (-3)
71. Scott Her. #2: 9 (-3)
71. Stephanie P.: 9 (-3)
71. Stephen H.: 9 (-3)
71. Steve Dz.: 9 (-3)
71. Tim D.: 9 (-3)
71. Veronica A.: 9 (-3)
104. Adam S.: 9 (-5)
104. Chris T. #4: 9 (-5)
104. Elizabeth N. #1: 9 (-5)
104. Irene H. #1: 9 (-5)
104. J. Mack #2: 9 (-5)
104. James G. #2: 9 (-5)
104. Jim W.: 9 (-5)
104. Joel B. #2: 9 (-5)
104. Josiah T. #2: 9 (-5)
104. Josiah T. #3: 9 (-5)
104. Luis B. #2: 9 (-5)
104. Matt M.: 9 (-5)
104. Matt N.: 9 (-5)
104. Nick I: 9 (-5)
104. Pete J. #1: 9 (-5)
104. Pete J. #2: 9 (-5)
104. Ray W. #3: 9 (-5)
104. Scott K. #1: 9 (-5)
104. Szecho L. #2: 9 (-5)
104. Tristan E.: 9 (-5)
124. Karim D.: 9 (-7)
124. Todd K. #2: 9 (-7)
126. Brett W.: 9 (-9)
126. Damien R. #2: 9 (-9)
126. Damien R. #4: 9 (-9)
126. Irene H. #2: 9 (-9)
126. J. Mack #1: 9 (-9)
126. Jessica McG.: 9 (-9)
126. Todd K. #4: 9 (-9)
133. Alex I: 9 (-11)
133. Ben W. #1: 9 (-11)
133. Chris T. #1: 9 (-11)
133. Chris T. #3: 9 (-11)
133. Valerie D.: 9 (-11)
138. Nikolajs B.: 9 (-17)
139. Bret K. #1: 9 (-19)
140. Adam E. #2: 8 (-4)
140. Dylan B.: 8 (-4)
140. E. Rucker #1: 8 (-4)
140. E. Rucker #2: 8 (-4)
140. Hutch H. #2 : 8 (-4)
140. Josh D. #3: 8 (-4)
140. Josh S. #2: 8 (-4)
140. Max A. #1: 8 (-4)
140. Max A. #2: 8 (-4)
140. Pete J. #3: 8 (-4)
140. Pete J. #4: 8 (-4)
140. Sagarin Plus: 8 (-4)
140. Wayne D. #2: 8 (-4)
153. Ben S. #4: 8 (-6)
153. Brent E. #2: 8 (-6)
153. Brent E. #3: 8 (-6)
153. Brent E. #4: 8 (-6)
153. Daisy N. #7: 8 (-6)
153. Dan C.: 8 (-6)
153. Elizabeth N. #3: 8 (-6)
153. Howard S.: 8 (-6)
153. Jay Bilas: 8 (-6)
153. Jay H. #2: 8 (-6)
153. Josh S. #1: 8 (-6)
153. Kevin F. #2: 8 (-6)
153. Luis B. #1: 8 (-6)
153. Mike N.: 8 (-6)
153. Mike S. #2: 8 (-6)
153. Stefon K.: 8 (-6)
153. Todd K. #3: 8 (-6)
170. Jackson I: 8 (-8)
170. Jason S.: 8 (-8)
170. Jay H. #1: 8 (-8)
170. Joel B. #3: 8 (-8)
170. Michelle L. #5: 8 (-8)
170. Nick V.: 8 (-8)
176. Bryce S.: 8 (-10)
176. Mike S. #1: 8 (-10)
178. Joel B. #6: 8 (-12)
178. Josh D. #1: 8 (-12)
180. J. Mack #3: 8 (-20)
180. Rob I #1: 8 (-20)
182. Alexander N. #5: 7 (-7)
182. Ben J. #1: 7 (-7)
182. Ben J. #3: 7 (-7)
182. Ben S. #1: 7 (-7)
182. Ben S. #2: 7 (-7)
182. Craig McG.: 7 (-7)
182. Daisy N. #11: 7 (-7)
182. Daisy N. #13: 7 (-7)
182. Daisy N. #3: 7 (-7)
182. Daisy N. #8: 7 (-7)
182. Elizabeth N. #2: 7 (-7)
182. Irene H. #6: 7 (-7)
182. Joel B. #7: 7 (-7)
182. Josiah T. #1: 7 (-7)
182. William G. #1: 7 (-7)
197. Alexander N. #1: 7 (-9)
197. Alexander N. #2: 7 (-9)
197. Alexander N. #3: 7 (-9)
197. Ben J. #4: 7 (-9)
197. Brent E. #1: 7 (-9)
197. Daisy N. #10: 7 (-9)
197. Daisy N. #12: 7 (-9)
197. Daisy N. #9: 7 (-9)
197. Jason L.: 7 (-9)
197. Noah N.: 7 (-9)
197. Rob I #2: 7 (-9)
197. Wayne D. #1: 7 (-9)
209. Marc R.: 7 (-11)
209. Ray W. #2: 7 (-11)
209. Rich W.: 7 (-11)
212. Damien R. #1: 7 (-13)
212. Mark D.: 7 (-13)
212. William G. #2: 7 (-13)
215. Daisy N. #4: 7 (-15)
215. Dan D. #1: 7 (-15)
217. Daisy N. #17: 6 (-8)
217. Ray W. #4: 6 (-8)
219. Daisy N. #14: 6 (-10)
219. Daisy N. #16: 6 (-10)
219. Pete J. #5: 6 (-10)
219. Wayne D. #3: 6 (-10)
223. Klei R. #2: 6 (-12)
223. Ryan W.: 6 (-12)
225. Tim N.: 6 (-16)
226. Daisy N. #15: 6 (-22)
227. Adam E. #1: 5 (-13)

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