Friday, March 22, 2019

The Niren-stradamus edition - 2 games into Day 2

We are 2 games into the day, and we have two “upsets”.  We have another 10 over a 7, and a 9 over an 8.  A few people were brave enough to take Cincinnati and Mississippi into the Sweet 16, so these are tough losses for those people, but these kinds of 50/50 games accomplish one thing: they spread out the points in the standings.  That’s a good thing.

To that end, we have a new leader in the standings.  Niren D. keeps up his hot hand at picking games.  So far, he has only missed one game (Yale over LSU) so he’s 17/18.  Brent S. #3 has only missed one game so far as well, but he had Marquette in the Sweet 16, so he is behind on the tiebreaker.  Good job Niren D.  He actually sits next to me at work, and we’ve collaborated on numerous presentations, so this could make for some real interesting over the cubicle wall conversations.

So, my Northern Kentucky Norse and UC Irvine Anteaters are hanging with Texas Tech and Kansas State, so we may have some upsets continue as the games continue.  Maybe we’ve started something with the early games.  One can hope.

Here are the updated standings:

1. Niren D.: 17 (-1)
2. Brent S. #3: 17 (-3)
3. Jay K.: 16 (-2)
3. Kirt R. #1: 16 (-2)
3. Regina L.: 16 (-2)
3. Scott K. #2: 16 (-2)
3. Washington Post: 16 (-2)
8. Jacob A.: 16 (-4)
8. Joel B. #5: 16 (-4)
10. Brian K.: 16 (-8)
11. Alex P.: 15 (-3)
11. Chrissy I: 15 (-3)
11. Daisy N. #6: 15 (-3)
11. Dan D. #2: 15 (-3)
11. David S.: 15 (-3)
11. Dennis R. #1: 15 (-3)
11. Dennis R. #2: 15 (-3)
11. Irene H. #7: 15 (-3)
11. James G. #1: 15 (-3)
11. Kevin F. #3: 15 (-3)
11. Kiah H.: 15 (-3)
11. Michelle L. #3: 15 (-3)
11. Michelle L. #4: 15 (-3)
11. Mike W.: 15 (-3)
11. Scott Her. #1: 15 (-3)
26. Becky H.: 15 (-5)
26. David W.: 15 (-5)
26. Josiah T. #2: 15 (-5)
26. Michelle L. #1: 15 (-5)
26. Michelle L. #2: 15 (-5)
26. Ray W. #1: 15 (-5)
26. Tomas L.: 15 (-5)
33. Zach T.: 15 (-9)
34. Valerie D.: 15 (-11)
35. Dan D.: 15 (-15)
36. Alyssa B.: 14 (-4)
36. Ben P.: 14 (-4)
36. Ben W. #2: 14 (-4)
36. Brent S. #1: 14 (-4)
36. Chris T. #2: 14 (-4)
36. Harrell R. #2: 14 (-4)
36. Harrell R. #3: 14 (-4)
36. Joe D. #1: 14 (-4)
36. Josh D. #2: 14 (-4)
36. Kevin F. #1: 14 (-4)
36. Kirt R. #2: 14 (-4)
36. Steve Dz.: 14 (-4)
48. Adam S.: 14 (-6)
48. Andy P.: 14 (-6)
48. Brad R.: 14 (-6)
48. Elizabeth N. #1: 14 (-6)
48. Taima B. #1: 14 (-6)
48. Taima B. #2: 14 (-6)
48. Todd K. #3: 14 (-6)
55. Ben J. #2: 14 (-8)
55. Hutch H. #1: 14 (-8)
55. Jim W.: 14 (-8)
58. Bhav R. #2: 14 (-10)
58. Harrell R. #1: 14 (-10)
58. Josiah T. #4: 14 (-10)
58. Todd K. #4: 14 (-10)
62. Jared B.: 14 (-12)
63. J. Mack #3: 14 (-20)
63. Mason A. #1: 14 (-20)
65. Alexander N. #4: 13 (-5)
65. Ally H.: 13 (-5)
65. Bret K. #2: 13 (-5)
65. Bret K. #3: 13 (-5)
65. Carlos B. #2: 13 (-5)
65. Chris M.: 13 (-5)
65. Craig G.: 13 (-5)
65. Daisy N. #2: 13 (-5)
65. Damien R. #3: 13 (-5)
65. Dustin B.: 13 (-5)
65. Gigi I: 13 (-5)
65. Irene H. #3: 13 (-5)
65. Jeff Sagarin: 13 (-5)
65. Jim D. #2: 13 (-5)
65. Joel B. #1: 13 (-5)
65. Ken Pom: 13 (-5)
65. Nate S. - 538: 13 (-5)
65. Ryan P.: 13 (-5)
65. Stephen H.: 13 (-5)
65. Tim D.: 13 (-5)
85. Brent E. #2: 13 (-7)
85. Brent E. #3: 13 (-7)
85. Brent E. #4: 13 (-7)
85. Brent S. #4: 13 (-7)
85. Dan C.: 13 (-7)
85. Elizabeth N. #3: 13 (-7)
85. Howard S.: 13 (-7)
85. Irene H. #1: 13 (-7)
85. Irene H. #5: 13 (-7)
85. Jay H. #2: 13 (-7)
85. Joel B. #2: 13 (-7)
85. Joel B. #4: 13 (-7)
85. Luis B. #2: 13 (-7)
85. Michelle R.: 13 (-7)
85. Nick I: 13 (-7)
85. Ray W. #3: 13 (-7)
101. Chad L.: 13 (-9)
101. Michelle L. #5: 13 (-9)
101. Scott K. #1: 13 (-9)
101. Tristan E.: 13 (-9)
105. Brett W.: 13 (-11)
105. Damien R. #4: 13 (-11)
105. Irene H. #2: 13 (-11)
105. Jessica McG.: 13 (-11)
105. Kate G.: 13 (-11)
110. Chris T. #1: 13 (-13)
110. Chris T. #3: 13 (-13)
110. Damien R. #2: 13 (-13)
110. Josh D. #1: 13 (-13)
110. Molly R.: 13 (-13)
110. Szecho L. #1: 13 (-13)
116. Nikolajs B.: 13 (-19)
117. J. Mack #2: 13 (-21)
117. Rob I #1: 13 (-21)
119. Ben S. #3: 12 (-6)
119. Brent S. #2: 12 (-6)
119. Daisy N. #1: 12 (-6)
119. Irene H. #4: 12 (-6)
119. Janahan A.: 12 (-6)
119. Jim D. #1: 12 (-6)
119. Jim P.: 12 (-6)
119. Ray W. #5: 12 (-6)
127. Bhav R. #1: 12 (-8)
127. Carlos B. #1: 12 (-8)
127. Chris T. #4: 12 (-8)
127. Daisy N. #7: 12 (-8)
127. Elizabeth N. #2: 12 (-8)
127. Josh D. #3: 12 (-8)
127. Josiah T. #3: 12 (-8)
127. Klei R. #1: 12 (-8)
127. Luis B. #1: 12 (-8)
127. Matt M.: 12 (-8)
127. Max A. #2: 12 (-8)
127. Mike N.: 12 (-8)
127. Pete J. #1: 12 (-8)
127. Pete J. #2: 12 (-8)
127. Stefon K.: 12 (-8)
127. Szecho L. #2: 12 (-8)
127. Todd K. #1: 12 (-8)
144. Jaxon S.: 12 (-10)
144. Jay H. #1: 12 (-10)
146. Adam E. #2: 12 (-12)
146. Marc R.: 12 (-12)
146. Mason A. #2: 12 (-12)
146. Ryan W.: 12 (-12)
146. Veronica A.: 12 (-12)
151. Alex I: 12 (-14)
151. Kevin F. #2: 12 (-14)
151. Ray W. #2: 12 (-14)
154. Nick V.: 12 (-16)
154. Todd K. #2: 12 (-16)
156. James G. #2: 12 (-22)
157. Daisy N. #5: 11 (-7)
157. Dylan B.: 11 (-7)
157. E. Rucker #1: 11 (-7)
157. E. Rucker #2: 11 (-7)
157. Hutch H. #2 : 11 (-7)
157. Joe D. #2: 11 (-7)
157. Josh S. #2: 11 (-7)
157. Pete J. #3: 11 (-7)
157. Pete J. #4: 11 (-7)
157. Sagarin Plus: 11 (-7)
157. Scott Her. #2: 11 (-7)
157. Wayne D. #2: 11 (-7)
169. Alexander N. #5: 11 (-9)
169. Ben S. #4: 11 (-9)
169. Daisy N. #11: 11 (-9)
169. Daisy N. #8: 11 (-9)
169. Jay Bilas: 11 (-9)
169. Matt N.: 11 (-9)
169. Max A. #1: 11 (-9)
169. Mike S. #2: 11 (-9)
177. Ben J. #1: 11 (-11)
177. Irene H. #6: 11 (-11)
177. Jackson I: 11 (-11)
177. Jason L.: 11 (-11)
177. Jason S.: 11 (-11)
177. Joel B. #3: 11 (-11)
177. Karim D.: 11 (-11)
177. Rob I #2: 11 (-11)
185. Mike S. #1: 11 (-13)
186. Damien R. #1: 11 (-15)
186. Joel B. #6: 11 (-15)
186. Josh S. #1: 11 (-15)
186. Stephanie P.: 11 (-15)
190. Ben W. #1: 11 (-17)
190. Tim N.: 11 (-17)
192. Mark D.: 11 (-23)
193. Bret K. #1: 11 (-25)
193. J. Mack #1: 11 (-25)
195. Ben J. #3: 10 (-10)
195. Ben S. #1: 10 (-10)
195. Ben S. #2: 10 (-10)
195. Craig McG.: 10 (-10)
195. Joel B. #7: 10 (-10)
195. Josiah T. #1: 10 (-10)
195. William G. #1: 10 (-10)
202. Alexander N. #1: 10 (-12)
202. Alexander N. #2: 10 (-12)
202. Alexander N. #3: 10 (-12)
202. Ben J. #4: 10 (-12)
202. Brent E. #1: 10 (-12)
202. Daisy N. #10: 10 (-12)
202. Daisy N. #12: 10 (-12)
202. Daisy N. #16: 10 (-12)
202. Daisy N. #3: 10 (-12)
202. Daisy N. #9: 10 (-12)
202. Noah N.: 10 (-12)
202. Wayne D. #1: 10 (-12)
214. Bryce S.: 10 (-14)
215. Daisy N. #4: 10 (-18)
215. Dan D. #1: 10 (-18)
215. William G. #2: 10 (-18)
218. Rich W.: 10 (-20)
219. Daisy N. #13: 9 (-11)
220. Daisy N. #14: 9 (-13)
221. Pete J. #5: 9 (-15)
221. Wayne D. #3: 9 (-15)
223. Klei R. #2: 9 (-17)
224. Adam E. #1: 9 (-21)
225. Daisy N. #15: 9 (-25)
226. Ray W. #4: 8 (-12)
227. Daisy N. #17: 8 (-14)

…and the net points standings:

1. Niren D. (16)
2. Brent S. #3 (14)
2. Jay K. (14)
2. Kirt R. #1 (14)
2. Regina L. (14)
2. Scott K. #2 (14)
2. Washington Post (14)
8. Jacob A. (12)
8. Joel B. #5 (12)
8. Alex P. (12)
8. Chrissy I (12)
8. Daisy N. #6 (12)
8. Dan D. #2 (12)
8. David S. (12)
8. Dennis R. #1 (12)
8. Dennis R. #2 (12)
8. Irene H. #7 (12)
8. James G. #1 (12)
8. Kevin F. #3 (12)
8. Kiah H. (12)
8. Michelle L. #3 (12)
8. Michelle L. #4 (12)
8. Mike W. (12)
8. Scott Her. #1 (12)
25. Becky H. (10)
25. David W. (10)
25. Josiah T. #2 (10)
25. Michelle L. #1 (10)
25. Michelle L. #2 (10)
25. Ray W. #1 (10)
25. Tomas L. (10)
25. Alyssa B. (10)
25. Ben P. (10)
25. Ben W. #2 (10)
25. Brent S. #1 (10)
25. Chris T. #2 (10)
25. Harrell R. #2 (10)
25. Harrell R. #3 (10)
25. Joe D. #1 (10)
25. Josh D. #2 (10)
25. Kevin F. #1 (10)
25. Kirt R. #2 (10)
25. Steve Dz. (10)
44. Brian K. (8)
44. Adam S. (8)
44. Andy P. (8)
44. Brad R. (8)
44. Elizabeth N. #1 (8)
44. Taima B. #1 (8)
44. Taima B. #2 (8)
44. Todd K. #3 (8)
44. Alexander N. #4 (8)
44. Ally H. (8)
44. Bret K. #2 (8)
44. Bret K. #3 (8)
44. Carlos B. #2 (8)
44. Chris M. (8)
44. Craig G. (8)
44. Daisy N. #2 (8)
44. Damien R. #3 (8)
44. Dustin B. (8)
44. Gigi I (8)
44. Irene H. #3 (8)
44. Jeff Sagarin (8)
44. Jim D. #2 (8)
44. Joel B. #1 (8)
44. Ken Pom (8)
44. Nate S. - 538 (8)
44. Ryan P. (8)
44. Stephen H. (8)
44. Tim D. (8)
72. Zach T. (6)
72. Ben J. #2 (6)
72. Hutch H. #1 (6)
72. Jim W. (6)
72. Brent E. #2 (6)
72. Brent E. #3 (6)
72. Brent E. #4 (6)
72. Brent S. #4 (6)
72. Dan C. (6)
72. Elizabeth N. #3 (6)
72. Howard S. (6)
72. Irene H. #1 (6)
72. Irene H. #5 (6)
72. Jay H. #2 (6)
72. Joel B. #2 (6)
72. Joel B. #4 (6)
72. Luis B. #2 (6)
72. Michelle R. (6)
72. Nick I (6)
72. Ray W. #3 (6)
72. Ben S. #3 (6)
72. Brent S. #2 (6)
72. Daisy N. #1 (6)
72. Irene H. #4 (6)
72. Janahan A. (6)
72. Jim D. #1 (6)
72. Jim P. (6)
72. Ray W. #5 (6)
100. Valerie D. (4)
100. Bhav R. #2 (4)
100. Harrell R. #1 (4)
100. Josiah T. #4 (4)
100. Todd K. #4 (4)
100. Chad L. (4)
100. Michelle L. #5 (4)
100. Scott K. #1 (4)
100. Tristan E. (4)
100. Bhav R. #1 (4)
100. Carlos B. #1 (4)
100. Chris T. #4 (4)
100. Daisy N. #7 (4)
100. Elizabeth N. #2 (4)
100. Josh D. #3 (4)
100. Josiah T. #3 (4)
100. Klei R. #1 (4)
100. Luis B. #1 (4)
100. Matt M. (4)
100. Max A. #2 (4)
100. Mike N. (4)
100. Pete J. #1 (4)
100. Pete J. #2 (4)
100. Stefon K. (4)
100. Szecho L. #2 (4)
100. Todd K. #1 (4)
100. Daisy N. #5 (4)
100. Dylan B. (4)
100. E. Rucker #1 (4)
100. E. Rucker #2 (4)
100. Hutch H. #2  (4)
100. Joe D. #2 (4)
100. Josh S. #2 (4)
100. Pete J. #3 (4)
100. Pete J. #4 (4)
100. Sagarin Plus (4)
100. Scott Her. #2 (4)
100. Wayne D. #2 (4)
138. Jared B. (2)
138. Brett W. (2)
138. Damien R. #4 (2)
138. Irene H. #2 (2)
138. Jessica McG. (2)
138. Kate G. (2)
138. Jaxon S. (2)
138. Jay H. #1 (2)
138. Alexander N. #5 (2)
138. Ben S. #4 (2)
138. Daisy N. #11 (2)
138. Daisy N. #8 (2)
138. Jay Bilas (2)
138. Matt N. (2)
138. Max A. #1 (2)
138. Mike S. #2 (2)
154. Dan D. (0)
154. Chris T. #1 (0)
154. Chris T. #3 (0)
154. Damien R. #2 (0)
154. Josh D. #1 (0)
154. Molly R. (0)
154. Szecho L. #1 (0)
154. Adam E. #2 (0)
154. Marc R. (0)
154. Mason A. #2 (0)
154. Ryan W. (0)
154. Veronica A. (0)
154. Ben J. #1 (0)
154. Irene H. #6 (0)
154. Jackson I (0)
154. Jason L. (0)
154. Jason S. (0)
154. Joel B. #3 (0)
154. Karim D. (0)
154. Rob I #2 (0)
154. Ben J. #3 (0)
154. Ben S. #1 (0)
154. Ben S. #2 (0)
154. Craig McG. (0)
154. Joel B. #7 (0)
154. Josiah T. #1 (0)
154. William G. #1 (0)
181. Alex I (-2)
181. Kevin F. #2 (-2)
181. Ray W. #2 (-2)
181. Mike S. #1 (-2)
181. Alexander N. #1 (-2)
181. Alexander N. #2 (-2)
181. Alexander N. #3 (-2)
181. Ben J. #4 (-2)
181. Brent E. #1 (-2)
181. Daisy N. #10 (-2)
181. Daisy N. #12 (-2)
181. Daisy N. #16 (-2)
181. Daisy N. #3 (-2)
181. Daisy N. #9 (-2)
181. Noah N. (-2)
181. Wayne D. #1 (-2)
181. Daisy N. #13 (-2)
198. Nick V. (-4)
198. Todd K. #2 (-4)
198. Damien R. #1 (-4)
198. Joel B. #6 (-4)
198. Josh S. #1 (-4)
198. Stephanie P. (-4)
198. Bryce S. (-4)
198. Daisy N. #14 (-4)
198. Ray W. #4 (-4)
207. J. Mack #3 (-6)
207. Mason A. #1 (-6)
207. Nikolajs B. (-6)
207. Ben W. #1 (-6)
207. Tim N. (-6)
207. Pete J. #5 (-6)
207. Wayne D. #3 (-6)
207. Daisy N. #17 (-6)
215. J. Mack #2 (-8)
215. Rob I #1 (-8)
215. Daisy N. #4 (-8)
215. Dan D. #1 (-8)
215. William G. #2 (-8)
215. Klei R. #2 (-8)
221. James G. #2 (-10)
221. Rich W. (-10)
223. Mark D. (-12)
223. Adam E. #1 (-12)
225. Bret K. #1 (-14)
225. J. Mack #1 (-14)
227. Daisy N. #15 (-16)

There are 2 more games coming up, so here are the details:

Picks for Tennessee: 226
Picks for Colgate: 1 (Joel B. #6)
Vegas Line: Tennessee -17.5

For years, I’ve proposed that it almost pointless to pick a 15 over a 2 or a 16 over a 1.  The reason being that the risk/reward is not in your favor.  If you are right, you get 1 point on the field.  If you lose, you are probably dropping a ton of points to the field.  For example, if you picked UMBC to beat Virginia last year, you got that point.  However, the rest of that line in the region was chaos, and trying to predict that chaos is a whole lot harder and more unlikely than if you picked Virginia to win a few games and you lost all the points everyone else lost anyway.  So, I discourage people from taking a 15 or a 16, but secretly, I’m glad people don’t listen to me.  It makes the pool more interesting.

Anyway, Rick Barnes (coach at Tennessee) has a real history of coming into the tournament with great teams and underperforming.  Does that mean he’s going to lose to the best Colgate team since Adonal Foyle?  Probably not, but it would be pretty cool if he did.

Picks for Virginia: 226
Picks for Gardner Webb: 1 (Nikolajs B.)
Vegas Line: Virginia -22

Here’s the first test of “Virginia is a good value bet” theory.  By all accounts, they should come out and throttle Gardner Webb.  If they are even close at halftime, I’m guessing that most of the crowd in South Carolina are going to be the biggest Gardner Webb fans ever.  My guess also is that almost no one knows A. Where Gardner Webb is located (North Carolina) and B. What Gardner Webb’s mascot is (the Runnin Bulldogs).  Can I take a minute and say that I love mascots.  I like that UC Irvine is the Anteaters, and that Northern Kentucky are the Norse.  That being said, when I think of bulldogs, I don’t exactly envision them running.  That’s a strange visual.  Great mascot, just strange.

As always, here is the spreadsheet with all the points:

FYI: If you see your name in green, that means I have your money already.  If it’s in yellow, make sure you have paid.  As checks come in, I will flip the colors so that you know I got them.  Thanks.

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