Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Day 1 snooze-fest edition

Everyone knows that I love watching basketball, so there’s no real bad day when I get to watch basketball for 12+ hours straight.  That being said, we only had 4 upsets, and every one of them was minor.  The 4 upsets for the day were a 9 over an 8, two 10s over 7s and a 12 over a 5.  None of the top 16 seeded teams lost.  That sucks.  It really sucks because it’s days like today that give people the idea that maybe picking only by the seeds is a viable idea.  Let me disabuse anyone of this notion.  It is not.  Thankfully, no one did that this year.

Despite the seeming predictability, we finished the game with exactly zero perfect brackets.  That is kind of amazing to me.  These upsets weren’t really all that hard to envision, but the math really works against getting every one of them right.  Scott K. got the furthest, but fell as soon as Syracuse lost.  Good effort Scott.

So, in this last run of 4 games, 50 people managed to go a perfect 4/4.  The average was 2.95, which is a little surprising given that the last set of 4 was only slightly higher and it had 2 games where everyone got points.  That also goes to show how predictable this tournament has been so far.

15 people went 8/8 in these afternoon games.  The average was 5.98 points out of 8, and the median was 6/8.  Meh….  80 people still have all 16 of their Sweet 16 teams alive.  Another 72 people have only lost 1 Sweet 16 teams.  That probably means that very few people are actually out of this pool.  I guess that’s a silver lining.  That also means that if this trend continues, every game from the Sweet 16 on is going to be a bloodbath of brackets getting eliminated.  That’s kinda fun, I guess.

So, here is the updated standings:

1. Daisy N. #6: 15 (-1)
1. Irene H. #7: 15 (-1)
1. Niren D.: 15 (-1)
1. Scott K. #2: 15 (-1)
5. Brent S. #3: 15 (-3)
6. Alyssa B.: 14 (-2)
6. Dan D. #2: 14 (-2)
6. David S.: 14 (-2)
6. Harrell R. #1: 14 (-2)
6. Harrell R. #2: 14 (-2)
6. Harrell R. #3: 14 (-2)
6. James G. #1: 14 (-2)
6. Jay K.: 14 (-2)
6. Kevin F. #1: 14 (-2)
6. Kevin F. #3: 14 (-2)
6. Kirt R. #1: 14 (-2)
6. Kirt R. #2: 14 (-2)
6. Ray W. #1: 14 (-2)
6. Regina L.: 14 (-2)
6. Scott Her. #1: 14 (-2)
6. Washington Post: 14 (-2)
22. Becky H.: 14 (-4)
22. Jacob A.: 14 (-4)
22. Joel B. #5: 14 (-4)
22. Tomas L.: 14 (-4)
26. Brian K.: 14 (-8)
26. Dan D.: 14 (-8)
28. Alex P.: 13 (-3)
28. Alexander N. #4: 13 (-3)
28. Ben P.: 13 (-3)
28. Ben W. #2: 13 (-3)
28. Bret K. #2: 13 (-3)
28. Bret K. #3: 13 (-3)
28. Carlos B. #2: 13 (-3)
28. Chris T. #2: 13 (-3)
28. Chrissy I: 13 (-3)
28. Damien R. #3: 13 (-3)
28. Dennis R. #1: 13 (-3)
28. Dennis R. #2: 13 (-3)
28. Dustin B.: 13 (-3)
28. Irene H. #3: 13 (-3)
28. Joe D. #1: 13 (-3)
28. Joel B. #1: 13 (-3)
28. Josh D. #2: 13 (-3)
28. Kiah H.: 13 (-3)
28. Michelle L. #3: 13 (-3)
28. Michelle L. #4: 13 (-3)
28. Mike W.: 13 (-3)
49. Adam S.: 13 (-5)
49. Andy P.: 13 (-5)
49. Ben J. #2: 13 (-5)
49. David W.: 13 (-5)
49. Hutch H. #1: 13 (-5)
49. Irene H. #1: 13 (-5)
49. Irene H. #5: 13 (-5)
49. Jim W.: 13 (-5)
49. Joel B. #2: 13 (-5)
49. Joel B. #4: 13 (-5)
49. Josiah T. #2: 13 (-5)
49. Mason A. #1: 13 (-5)
49. Michelle L. #1: 13 (-5)
49. Michelle L. #2: 13 (-5)
49. Ray W. #3: 13 (-5)
49. Taima B. #1: 13 (-5)
49. Taima B. #2: 13 (-5)
66. Chad L.: 13 (-7)
67. Damien R. #2: 13 (-9)
67. Damien R. #4: 13 (-9)
67. Josiah T. #4: 13 (-9)
67. Szecho L. #1: 13 (-9)
67. Todd K. #4: 13 (-9)
67. Zach T.: 13 (-9)
73. Jared B.: 13 (-11)
73. Valerie D.: 13 (-11)
75. Ally H.: 12 (-4)
75. Ben S. #3: 12 (-4)
75. Brent S. #1: 12 (-4)
75. Brent S. #2: 12 (-4)
75. Chris M.: 12 (-4)
75. Daisy N. #1: 12 (-4)
75. Daisy N. #2: 12 (-4)
75. Gigi I: 12 (-4)
75. Irene H. #4: 12 (-4)
75. Jeff Sagarin: 12 (-4)
75. Jim D. #2: 12 (-4)
75. Ken Pom: 12 (-4)
75. Klei R. #1: 12 (-4)
75. Max A. #2: 12 (-4)
75. Nate S. - 538: 12 (-4)
75. Ray W. #5: 12 (-4)
75. Ryan P.: 12 (-4)
75. Steve Dz.: 12 (-4)
93. Brad R.: 12 (-6)
93. Brent E. #2: 12 (-6)
93. Brent E. #3: 12 (-6)
93. Brent E. #4: 12 (-6)
93. Brent S. #4: 12 (-6)
93. Carlos B. #1: 12 (-6)
93. Chris T. #4: 12 (-6)
93. Daisy N. #7: 12 (-6)
93. Elizabeth N. #1: 12 (-6)
93. J. Mack #2: 12 (-6)
93. Jay H. #2: 12 (-6)
93. Josiah T. #3: 12 (-6)
93. Luis B. #2: 12 (-6)
93. Michelle R.: 12 (-6)
93. Pete J. #1: 12 (-6)
93. Pete J. #2: 12 (-6)
93. Scott K. #1: 12 (-6)
93. Szecho L. #2: 12 (-6)
93. Todd K. #1: 12 (-6)
93. Todd K. #3: 12 (-6)
93. Tristan E.: 12 (-6)
114. Jaxon S.: 12 (-8)
115. Bhav R. #2: 12 (-10)
115. Brett W.: 12 (-10)
115. Irene H. #2: 12 (-10)
115. Jessica McG.: 12 (-10)
115. Kate G.: 12 (-10)
115. Mason A. #2: 12 (-10)
121. Chris T. #1: 12 (-12)
121. Chris T. #3: 12 (-12)
121. Josh D. #1: 12 (-12)
121. Molly R.: 12 (-12)
125. Nikolajs B.: 12 (-18)
126. J. Mack #3: 12 (-20)
126. Rob I #1: 12 (-20)
128. Adam E. #2: 11 (-5)
128. Craig G.: 11 (-5)
128. Daisy N. #5: 11 (-5)
128. Dylan B.: 11 (-5)
128. Hutch H. #2 : 11 (-5)
128. Janahan A.: 11 (-5)
128. Jim D. #1: 11 (-5)
128. Jim P.: 11 (-5)
128. Joe D. #2: 11 (-5)
128. Josh S. #2: 11 (-5)
128. Max A. #1: 11 (-5)
128. Pete J. #3: 11 (-5)
128. Pete J. #4: 11 (-5)
128. Sagarin Plus: 11 (-5)
128. Scott Her. #2: 11 (-5)
128. Stephen H.: 11 (-5)
128. Tim D.: 11 (-5)
128. Veronica A.: 11 (-5)
128. Wayne D. #2: 11 (-5)
147. Alexander N. #5: 11 (-7)
147. Ben S. #4: 11 (-7)
147. Bhav R. #1: 11 (-7)
147. Daisy N. #11: 11 (-7)
147. Daisy N. #8: 11 (-7)
147. Dan C.: 11 (-7)
147. Elizabeth N. #3: 11 (-7)
147. Howard S.: 11 (-7)
147. Jay Bilas: 11 (-7)
147. Kevin F. #2: 11 (-7)
147. Luis B. #1: 11 (-7)
147. Matt M.: 11 (-7)
147. Matt N.: 11 (-7)
147. Mike N.: 11 (-7)
147. Nick I: 11 (-7)
147. Stefon K.: 11 (-7)
163. Jay H. #1: 11 (-9)
163. Joel B. #3: 11 (-9)
163. Karim D.: 11 (-9)
163. Michelle L. #5: 11 (-9)
163. Nick V.: 11 (-9)
168. Stephanie P.: 11 (-11)
169. Alex I: 11 (-13)
169. Damien R. #1: 11 (-13)
169. Josh S. #1: 11 (-13)
172. Ben W. #1: 11 (-15)
173. J. Mack #1: 11 (-17)
174. James G. #2: 11 (-21)
175. Bret K. #1: 11 (-23)
176. E. Rucker #1: 10 (-6)
176. E. Rucker #2: 10 (-6)
178. Ben S. #1: 10 (-8)
178. Ben S. #2: 10 (-8)
178. Elizabeth N. #2: 10 (-8)
178. Irene H. #6: 10 (-8)
178. Joel B. #7: 10 (-8)
178. Josh D. #3: 10 (-8)
178. Josiah T. #1: 10 (-8)
178. Mike S. #2: 10 (-8)
186. Alexander N. #1: 10 (-10)
186. Alexander N. #2: 10 (-10)
186. Alexander N. #3: 10 (-10)
186. Ben J. #1: 10 (-10)
186. Brent E. #1: 10 (-10)
186. Daisy N. #10: 10 (-10)
186. Daisy N. #12: 10 (-10)
186. Daisy N. #16: 10 (-10)
186. Daisy N. #3: 10 (-10)
186. Daisy N. #9: 10 (-10)
186. Jackson I: 10 (-10)
186. Jason S.: 10 (-10)
186. Noah N.: 10 (-10)
186. Rob I #2: 10 (-10)
186. Wayne D. #1: 10 (-10)
201. Bryce S.: 10 (-12)
201. Marc R.: 10 (-12)
201. Mike S. #1: 10 (-12)
201. Rich W.: 10 (-12)
201. Ryan W.: 10 (-12)
206. Ray W. #2: 10 (-14)
207. Mark D.: 10 (-16)
207. Tim N.: 10 (-16)
207. Todd K. #2: 10 (-16)
210. Ben J. #3: 9 (-9)
210. Craig McG.: 9 (-9)
210. Daisy N. #13: 9 (-9)
210. William G. #1: 9 (-9)
214. Ben J. #4: 9 (-11)
214. Daisy N. #14: 9 (-11)
214. Jason L.: 9 (-11)
217. Klei R. #2: 9 (-13)
217. Wayne D. #3: 9 (-13)
219. Joel B. #6: 9 (-15)
220. Daisy N. #4: 9 (-17)
220. Dan D. #1: 9 (-17)
220. William G. #2: 9 (-17)
223. Daisy N. #15: 9 (-23)
224. Ray W. #4: 8 (-10)
225. Daisy N. #17: 8 (-12)
225. Pete J. #5: 8 (-12)
227. Adam E. #1: 8 (-20)

I mentioned the net points rankings.  Usually it’s interesting to show the health of brackets.  It’s essentially the points won minus the points lost.  That way, if you’ve lost teams that are deeper in the tournament, it hurts you more.  Given that not many people have actually lost many teams like that, these rankings are largely the same as the points rankings.  I’ll send them out anyway:

1. Daisy N. #6 (14)
1. Irene H. #7 (14)
1. Niren D. (14)
1. Scott K. #2 (14)
5. Brent S. #3 (12)
5. Alyssa B. (12)
5. Dan D. #2 (12)
5. David S. (12)
5. Harrell R. #1 (12)
5. Harrell R. #2 (12)
5. Harrell R. #3 (12)
5. James G. #1 (12)
5. Jay K. (12)
5. Kevin F. #1 (12)
5. Kevin F. #3 (12)
5. Kirt R. #1 (12)
5. Kirt R. #2 (12)
5. Ray W. #1 (12)
5. Regina L. (12)
5. Scott Her. #1 (12)
5. Washington Post (12)
22. Becky H. (10)
22. Jacob A. (10)
22. Joel B. #5 (10)
22. Tomas L. (10)
22. Alex P. (10)
22. Alexander N. #4 (10)
22. Ben P. (10)
22. Ben W. #2 (10)
22. Bret K. #2 (10)
22. Bret K. #3 (10)
22. Carlos B. #2 (10)
22. Chris T. #2 (10)
22. Chrissy I (10)
22. Damien R. #3 (10)
22. Dennis R. #1 (10)
22. Dennis R. #2 (10)
22. Dustin B. (10)
22. Irene H. #3 (10)
22. Joe D. #1 (10)
22. Joel B. #1 (10)
22. Josh D. #2 (10)
22. Kiah H. (10)
22. Michelle L. #3 (10)
22. Michelle L. #4 (10)
22. Mike W. (10)
47. Adam S. (8)
47. Andy P. (8)
47. Ben J. #2 (8)
47. David W. (8)
47. Hutch H. #1 (8)
47. Irene H. #1 (8)
47. Irene H. #5 (8)
47. Jim W. (8)
47. Joel B. #2 (8)
47. Joel B. #4 (8)
47. Josiah T. #2 (8)
47. Mason A. #1 (8)
47. Michelle L. #1 (8)
47. Michelle L. #2 (8)
47. Ray W. #3 (8)
47. Taima B. #1 (8)
47. Taima B. #2 (8)
47. Ally H. (8)
47. Ben S. #3 (8)
47. Brent S. #1 (8)
47. Brent S. #2 (8)
47. Chris M. (8)
47. Daisy N. #1 (8)
47. Daisy N. #2 (8)
47. Gigi I (8)
47. Irene H. #4 (8)
47. Jeff Sagarin (8)
47. Jim D. #2 (8)
47. Ken Pom (8)
47. Klei R. #1 (8)
47. Max A. #2 (8)
47. Nate S. - 538 (8)
47. Ray W. #5 (8)
47. Ryan P. (8)
47. Steve Dz. (8)
82. Brian K. (6)
82. Dan D. (6)
82. Chad L. (6)
82. Brad R. (6)
82. Brent E. #2 (6)
82. Brent E. #3 (6)
82. Brent E. #4 (6)
82. Brent S. #4 (6)
82. Carlos B. #1 (6)
82. Chris T. #4 (6)
82. Daisy N. #7 (6)
82. Elizabeth N. #1 (6)
82. J. Mack #2 (6)
82. Jay H. #2 (6)
82. Josiah T. #3 (6)
82. Luis B. #2 (6)
82. Michelle R. (6)
82. Pete J. #1 (6)
82. Pete J. #2 (6)
82. Scott K. #1 (6)
82. Szecho L. #2 (6)
82. Todd K. #1 (6)
82. Todd K. #3 (6)
82. Tristan E. (6)
82. Adam E. #2 (6)
82. Craig G. (6)
82. Daisy N. #5 (6)
82. Dylan B. (6)
82. Hutch H. #2  (6)
82. Janahan A. (6)
82. Jim D. #1 (6)
82. Jim P. (6)
82. Joe D. #2 (6)
82. Josh S. #2 (6)
82. Max A. #1 (6)
82. Pete J. #3 (6)
82. Pete J. #4 (6)
82. Sagarin Plus (6)
82. Scott Her. #2 (6)
82. Stephen H. (6)
82. Tim D. (6)
82. Veronica A. (6)
82. Wayne D. #2 (6)
125. Damien R. #2 (4)
125. Damien R. #4 (4)
125. Josiah T. #4 (4)
125. Szecho L. #1 (4)
125. Todd K. #4 (4)
125. Zach T. (4)
125. Jaxon S. (4)
125. Alexander N. #5 (4)
125. Ben S. #4 (4)
125. Bhav R. #1 (4)
125. Daisy N. #11 (4)
125. Daisy N. #8 (4)
125. Dan C. (4)
125. Elizabeth N. #3 (4)
125. Howard S. (4)
125. Jay Bilas (4)
125. Kevin F. #2 (4)
125. Luis B. #1 (4)
125. Matt M. (4)
125. Matt N. (4)
125. Mike N. (4)
125. Nick I (4)
125. Stefon K. (4)
125. E. Rucker #1 (4)
125. E. Rucker #2 (4)
150. Jared B. (2)
150. Valerie D. (2)
150. Bhav R. #2 (2)
150. Brett W. (2)
150. Irene H. #2 (2)
150. Jessica McG. (2)
150. Kate G. (2)
150. Mason A. #2 (2)
150. Jay H. #1 (2)
150. Joel B. #3 (2)
150. Karim D. (2)
150. Michelle L. #5 (2)
150. Nick V. (2)
150. Ben S. #1 (2)
150. Ben S. #2 (2)
150. Elizabeth N. #2 (2)
150. Irene H. #6 (2)
150. Joel B. #7 (2)
150. Josh D. #3 (2)
150. Josiah T. #1 (2)
150. Mike S. #2 (2)
171. Chris T. #1 (0)
171. Chris T. #3 (0)
171. Josh D. #1 (0)
171. Molly R. (0)
171. Stephanie P. (0)
171. Alexander N. #1 (0)
171. Alexander N. #2 (0)
171. Alexander N. #3 (0)
171. Ben J. #1 (0)
171. Brent E. #1 (0)
171. Daisy N. #10 (0)
171. Daisy N. #12 (0)
171. Daisy N. #16 (0)
171. Daisy N. #3 (0)
171. Daisy N. #9 (0)
171. Jackson I (0)
171. Jason S. (0)
171. Noah N. (0)
171. Rob I #2 (0)
171. Wayne D. #1 (0)
171. Ben J. #3 (0)
171. Craig McG. (0)
171. Daisy N. #13 (0)
171. William G. #1 (0)
195. Alex I (-2)
195. Damien R. #1 (-2)
195. Josh S. #1 (-2)
195. Bryce S. (-2)
195. Marc R. (-2)
195. Mike S. #1 (-2)
195. Rich W. (-2)
195. Ryan W. (-2)
195. Ben J. #4 (-2)
195. Daisy N. #14 (-2)
195. Jason L. (-2)
195. Ray W. #4 (-2)
207. Ben W. #1 (-4)
207. Ray W. #2 (-4)
207. Klei R. #2 (-4)
207. Wayne D. #3 (-4)
207. Daisy N. #17 (-4)
207. Pete J. #5 (-4)
213. Nikolajs B. (-6)
213. J. Mack #1 (-6)
213. Mark D. (-6)
213. Tim N. (-6)
213. Todd K. #2 (-6)
213. Joel B. #6 (-6)
219. J. Mack #3 (-8)
219. Rob I #1 (-8)
219. Daisy N. #4 (-8)
219. Dan D. #1 (-8)
219. William G. #2 (-8)
224. James G. #2 (-10)
225. Bret K. #1 (-12)
225. Adam E. #1 (-12)
227. Daisy N. #15 (-14)

One more fun fact: so far, no one has lost a team they have playing in the Championship game.  Only 5 entries have even lost even a single Final 4 team.  That’s not much attrition.

I’ll be back tomorrow.  I’m hoping for better results…..  Until then, have a good night.

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