Thursday, March 21, 2019

NCAA 1/4 into the first round

This will be a quick post to update some things before the next round of 4 games goes off.  We are 1/4 way through the first round, and we are still on pace to have 1 out of every 4 games finish in an upset.  So far, there hasn’t been a big upset – and by that I mean an upset of a team that was supposed to win more than one game based on the seeds.  Only a #7 (Louisville) and a #5 (Marquette) have lost.  If you picked only by the seeds, you would still have all 16 of the Sweet 16 in tact.  That means the upsets haven’t been that impactful to the field.  I’m still waiting for the pool-defining upset.

We did finally have another after Minnesota though.  Murray State looked every bit the better team against Marquette.  Ja Morant is predicted to be the #2 pick of the NBA draft after Zion Williamson, and he showed why.  I can’t remember the last time I saw a triple double in college, much less in a tournament game.  It was an amazing performance.  I’m glad we get to see him play more.  It will be interesting to see what he can do against Florida State in the next round.

Now that we are a quarter of the way into the first round, we are down to 7 perfect brackets.  On average, we got 5.72 games correct.  The median number of correct games was 6 games correct.  The median points lost is (-3).  108 entries still have all 16 of their Sweet 16 teams alive.  That’s a good place to be.  You really want to not lose games deep in the pool this early if at all possible.

Here are the updated standings:

1. Daisy N. #6: 8 (0)
1. David W.: 8 (0)
1. Jacob A.: 8 (0)
1. Jay K.: 8 (0)
1. Joel B. #5: 8 (0)
1. Scott K. #2: 8 (0)
1. Washington Post: 8 (0)
8. Alyssa B.: 7 (-1)
8. Becky H.: 7 (-1)
8. Ben P.: 7 (-1)
8. Ben S. #3: 7 (-1)
8. Brent S. #1: 7 (-1)
8. Chris T. #1: 7 (-1)
8. Chris T. #2: 7 (-1)
8. Chris T. #4: 7 (-1)
8. Chrissy I: 7 (-1)
8. Damien R. #3: 7 (-1)
8. Damien R. #4: 7 (-1)
8. Dan D. #2: 7 (-1)
8. Dennis R. #1: 7 (-1)
8. Dennis R. #2: 7 (-1)
8. Irene H. #5: 7 (-1)
8. Irene H. #7: 7 (-1)
8. James G. #1: 7 (-1)
8. Josiah T. #4: 7 (-1)
8. Kate G.: 7 (-1)
8. Kevin F. #1: 7 (-1)
8. Kirt R. #1: 7 (-1)
8. Klei R. #1: 7 (-1)
8. Matt M.: 7 (-1)
8. Mike W.: 7 (-1)
8. Niren D.: 7 (-1)
8. Ray W. #1: 7 (-1)
8. Ray W. #5: 7 (-1)
8. Scott Her. #1: 7 (-1)
8. Scott Her. #2: 7 (-1)
8. Stephen H.: 7 (-1)
8. Szecho L. #1: 7 (-1)
8. Zach T.: 7 (-1)
40. Bhav R. #1: 7 (-3)
40. Brad R.: 7 (-3)
40. Brent S. #3: 7 (-3)
40. Chris T. #3: 7 (-3)
40. Jaxon S.: 7 (-3)
40. Karim D.: 7 (-3)
40. Luis B. #2: 7 (-3)
40. Taima B. #1: 7 (-3)
40. Taima B. #2: 7 (-3)
49. Brian K.: 7 (-7)
50. Adam S.: 6 (-2)
50. Alex P.: 6 (-2)
50. Alexander N. #4: 6 (-2)
50. Brent S. #2: 6 (-2)
50. Bret K. #2: 6 (-2)
50. Bret K. #3: 6 (-2)
50. Brett W.: 6 (-2)
50. Carlos B. #1: 6 (-2)
50. Carlos B. #2: 6 (-2)
50. Craig G.: 6 (-2)
50. Daisy N. #1: 6 (-2)
50. Daisy N. #2: 6 (-2)
50. Daisy N. #5: 6 (-2)
50. Damien R. #2: 6 (-2)
50. David S.: 6 (-2)
50. Dustin B.: 6 (-2)
50. E. Rucker #1: 6 (-2)
50. E. Rucker #2: 6 (-2)
50. Gigi I: 6 (-2)
50. Harrell R. #1: 6 (-2)
50. Harrell R. #2: 6 (-2)
50. Harrell R. #3: 6 (-2)
50. Hutch H. #2 : 6 (-2)
50. Irene H. #3: 6 (-2)
50. Irene H. #4: 6 (-2)
50. Janahan A.: 6 (-2)
50. Jeff Sagarin: 6 (-2)
50. Jessica McG.: 6 (-2)
50. Jim D. #1: 6 (-2)
50. Jim D. #2: 6 (-2)
50. Jim P.: 6 (-2)
50. Joe D. #1: 6 (-2)
50. Joe D. #2: 6 (-2)
50. Joel B. #1: 6 (-2)
50. Joel B. #6: 6 (-2)
50. Josh D. #2: 6 (-2)
50. Josiah T. #3: 6 (-2)
50. Ken Pom: 6 (-2)
50. Kevin F. #2: 6 (-2)
50. Kevin F. #3: 6 (-2)
50. Kiah H.: 6 (-2)
50. Kirt R. #2: 6 (-2)
50. Mason A. #1: 6 (-2)
50. Max A. #1: 6 (-2)
50. Max A. #2: 6 (-2)
50. Michelle L. #3: 6 (-2)
50. Michelle L. #4: 6 (-2)
50. Nate S. - 538: 6 (-2)
50. Nikolajs B.: 6 (-2)
50. Pete J. #3: 6 (-2)
50. Regina L.: 6 (-2)
50. Ryan P.: 6 (-2)
50. Scott K. #1: 6 (-2)
50. Stephanie P.: 6 (-2)
50. Steve Dz.: 6 (-2)
50. Tim D.: 6 (-2)
106. Andy P.: 6 (-4)
106. Ben J. #2: 6 (-4)
106. Ben S. #4: 6 (-4)
106. Brent S. #4: 6 (-4)
106. Bryce S.: 6 (-4)
106. Chad L.: 6 (-4)
106. Hutch H. #1: 6 (-4)
106. Irene H. #1: 6 (-4)
106. J. Mack #2: 6 (-4)
106. James G. #2: 6 (-4)
106. Jared B.: 6 (-4)
106. Joel B. #2: 6 (-4)
106. Joel B. #4: 6 (-4)
106. Josiah T. #2: 6 (-4)
106. Luis B. #1: 6 (-4)
106. Matt N.: 6 (-4)
106. Michelle L. #1: 6 (-4)
106. Michelle L. #2: 6 (-4)
106. Michelle R.: 6 (-4)
106. Mike S. #2: 6 (-4)
106. Pete J. #1: 6 (-4)
106. Pete J. #2: 6 (-4)
106. Ray W. #3: 6 (-4)
106. Todd K. #1: 6 (-4)
106. Todd K. #2: 6 (-4)
106. Todd K. #3: 6 (-4)
106. Tomas L.: 6 (-4)
106. Valerie D.: 6 (-4)
134. Mike S. #1: 6 (-6)
135. Alex I: 6 (-8)
135. Bhav R. #2: 6 (-8)
135. Dan D.: 6 (-8)
135. Irene H. #2: 6 (-8)
135. J. Mack #1: 6 (-8)
135. Mason A. #2: 6 (-8)
135. Todd K. #4: 6 (-8)
142. Molly R.: 6 (-10)
142. Rob I #1: 6 (-10)
144. Bret K. #1: 6 (-16)
144. J. Mack #3: 6 (-16)
146. Adam E. #2: 5 (-3)
146. Ally H.: 5 (-3)
146. Ben W. #2: 5 (-3)
146. Chris M.: 5 (-3)
146. Daisy N. #3: 5 (-3)
146. Dylan B.: 5 (-3)
146. Josh D. #3: 5 (-3)
146. Josh S. #2: 5 (-3)
146. Pete J. #4: 5 (-3)
146. Sagarin Plus: 5 (-3)
146. Veronica A.: 5 (-3)
146. Wayne D. #2: 5 (-3)
158. Ben S. #1: 5 (-5)
158. Ben S. #2: 5 (-5)
158. Brent E. #2: 5 (-5)
158. Brent E. #3: 5 (-5)
158. Brent E. #4: 5 (-5)
158. Craig McG.: 5 (-5)
158. Daisy N. #10: 5 (-5)
158. Daisy N. #11: 5 (-5)
158. Daisy N. #12: 5 (-5)
158. Daisy N. #13: 5 (-5)
158. Daisy N. #7: 5 (-5)
158. Daisy N. #8: 5 (-5)
158. Daisy N. #9: 5 (-5)
158. Damien R. #1: 5 (-5)
158. Dan D. #1: 5 (-5)
158. Elizabeth N. #1: 5 (-5)
158. Elizabeth N. #2: 5 (-5)
158. Elizabeth N. #3: 5 (-5)
158. Howard S.: 5 (-5)
158. Jackson I: 5 (-5)
158. Jason S.: 5 (-5)
158. Jay Bilas: 5 (-5)
158. Jay H. #1: 5 (-5)
158. Jay H. #2: 5 (-5)
158. Jim W.: 5 (-5)
158. Joel B. #3: 5 (-5)
158. Joel B. #7: 5 (-5)
158. Josh S. #1: 5 (-5)
158. Mike N.: 5 (-5)
158. Nick I: 5 (-5)
158. Rob I #2: 5 (-5)
158. Szecho L. #2: 5 (-5)
158. Tristan E.: 5 (-5)
191. Alexander N. #1: 5 (-7)
191. Alexander N. #2: 5 (-7)
191. Alexander N. #3: 5 (-7)
191. Daisy N. #4: 5 (-7)
191. Marc R.: 5 (-7)
191. Michelle L. #5: 5 (-7)
191. Nick V.: 5 (-7)
191. Wayne D. #1: 5 (-7)
199. Ben W. #1: 5 (-11)
200. Daisy N. #17: 4 (-4)
201. Alexander N. #5: 4 (-6)
201. Ben J. #1: 4 (-6)
201. Daisy N. #14: 4 (-6)
201. Daisy N. #16: 4 (-6)
201. Dan C.: 4 (-6)
201. Irene H. #6: 4 (-6)
201. Jason L.: 4 (-6)
201. Josiah T. #1: 4 (-6)
201. Noah N.: 4 (-6)
201. Stefon K.: 4 (-6)
201. William G. #1: 4 (-6)
212. Brent E. #1: 4 (-8)
212. Ray W. #2: 4 (-8)
212. Ryan W.: 4 (-8)
215. Rich W.: 4 (-10)
216. Josh D. #1: 4 (-12)
216. Mark D.: 4 (-12)
216. William G. #2: 4 (-12)
219. Daisy N. #15: 4 (-18)
220. Ben J. #3: 3 (-7)
220. Ray W. #4: 3 (-7)
222. Ben J. #4: 3 (-9)
222. Pete J. #5: 3 (-9)
224. Klei R. #2: 3 (-11)
225. Tim N.: 3 (-15)
226. Wayne D. #3: 2 (-10)
227. Adam E. #1: 2 (-12)

I’ll be back a little later with details for the last 4 games.

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