Thursday, March 17, 2022

12 games in - Biggest upset of 2022 (literally)

 Wow.  Just wow.  What a set of games.  I’ll go through all of them.  My threshold is usually one upset per 4 games played.  The first game of the set was New Mexico State vs Connecticut.  NMSU looked better than UConn all game long.  I was pretty happy with that upset.  It was another 12/5, which everyone should know by now is high danger for the 5 seed.  If it would’ve ended there, I would’ve been OK.  One upset out of 4, right?

The second game that went off was Kentucky / St. Peter’s.  We kind of had this one on the smaller TVs.  We were pretty sure Kentucky would eventually pull away and win the game.  It happened with Gonzaga, right?  Then as we were watching other games, we looked down and there was like 5 minutes to go and St. Peter’s was leading.  That got our attention really fast.  At that point, all Murray State and San Francisco fans were honorary peacocks.  They looked just as good as Kentucky.  If you didn’t know any different, you might never know how big the disparity between schools was.  Fun fact, I keep track of the scores and the point spreads throughout the season.  The biggest underdog to win a game all season was Texas Southern over Florida back in December as a 22 point underdog.  After the turn of the New Year, the biggest underdog to win a game was 18 points done twice (Portland at San Francisco, Mississippi Valley at Prairie View).  St. Peter’s was an 18.5 point underdog, meaning they just pulled the biggest upset of 2022 so far.  That’s nuts.  I also generate a set of rankings throughout the year, and I never was totally sold on Kentucky.  I kind of thought Baylor, Kentucky, Purdue and UCLA were all in the 12-15 rank range.  I was clearly out of step with the committee and the AP voters, but I feel a little better about it right now.  As for Kentucky, they were the most picked team to come out of the East region.  I remember when the brackets came out that I told my wife that whoever gets points out of the East will be either the winner or very close to winning.  That seems like it might happen right now.  There’s always one wacky region and the East may be it.  If you had Kentucky, you probably are going to have to root for chaos in that part of the bracket so you don’t lose ground.  When it gets to the Sweet 16, some of you are going to have to root for someone you didn’t pick (like Murray State) to win in order to stay alive.  Good times.  There are 22 people who lost their champions already (Connecticut: 1, Kentucky: 21).  Ouch.

St.Mary’s buried Indiana.  That one was ugly, and I watched entirely too much of that blowout.

San Diego State choked.  Nothing will incur my wrath faster than missing free throws.  I think if SDSU had made free throws that game would have been over.  Just a terrible display down the stretch from SDSU.  I have to admit, I really like SDSU, but they have a gawd-awful record in the tournament.  I think the way to measure is not how many wins and losses they have, but how often they lose before their seed or overpreform against their seed.  SDSU consistently bows out at least one round before they should every year.  I’m not happy about this.

Here are the standings:

1. Max A. #2: 10 (-4) - Kansas

2. Becky H.: 9 (-5) - Villanova

3. Daniel E. #2: 9 (-7) - UCLA

4. Ally H.: 9 (-9) - Arizona

5. Dustin D. #3: 9 (-15) - Auburn

6. Andrew D. #1: 9 (-17) - Gonzaga

7. Bret K. #1: 9 (-19) - Gonzaga

8. Dustin D. #2: 9 (-21) - Kansas

9. Jaxon S.: 9 (-23) - Gonzaga

10. Jay H. #1: 9 (-35) - Kansas

11. Irene H. #6: 9 (-71) - Kentucky

11. Kiah H. #1: 9 (-71) - Kentucky

13. Jim D. #1: 9 (-79) - Kentucky

14. Amber W.: 8 (-6) - Villanova

14. Chrissy S: 8 (-6) - USC

14. Ryan W.: 8 (-6) - Kansas

17. Brian K.: 8 (-8) - Gonzaga

17. Daniel E. #1: 8 (-8) - Purdue

17. Mason A.: 8 (-8) - Arizona

17. Matt H.: 8 (-8) - Duke

17. Scott K. #1: 8 (-8) - Kansas

22. Baily T.: 8 (-10) - Gonzaga

22. Craig G.: 8 (-10) - Kansas

22. Creghton H.: 8 (-10) - Arizona

22. Niren D.: 8 (-10) - Gonzaga

22. Shawn M.: 8 (-10) - Baylor

22. Stephen C.: 8 (-10) - Auburn

28. April K.: 8 (-12) - Villanova

28. Avery S.: 8 (-12) - Kansas

28. Daisy N. #2: 8 (-12) - Gonzaga

28. Daisy N. #5: 8 (-12) - Duke

28. Jim D. #3: 8 (-12) - Gonzaga

28. Nick I: 8 (-12) - USC

34. Josiah T. #3: 8 (-14) - Arizona

34. Pete J. #5: 8 (-14) - Kansas

36. William G. #1: 8 (-16) - Gonzaga

37. Alex I: 8 (-18) - Arizona

38. Jackson I: 8 (-20) - UCLA

39. Itene H. #2: 8 (-22) - Gonzaga

39. Jared B.: 8 (-22) - Gonzaga

39. Ken Pom: 8 (-22) - Gonzaga

42. John M. #3: 8 (-24) - North Carolina

42. Valerie D.: 8 (-24) - Gonzaga

44. Bret K. #2: 8 (-32) - Gonzaga

45. Jace D.: 8 (-34) - Ohio State

46. Ray Min. #1: 8 (-38) - Baylor

47. Daisy N. #3: 8 (-48) - Gonzaga

47. Eric S.: 8 (-48) - Arizona

49. Colonel S.: 8 (-68) - Kentucky

50. Harrell R. # 3: 8 (-74) - Kentucky

51. Mindi W.: 8 (-82) - Kentucky

52. Irene H. #5: 7 (-5) - Auburn

53. Amanda R.: 7 (-7) - Ohio State

53. Jay H. #2: 7 (-7) - Gonzaga

53. Tisa S.: 7 (-7) - Gonzaga

56. Bret K. #3: 7 (-9) - Arizona

56. Kristina H.: 7 (-9) - Duke

56. Max A. #1: 7 (-9) - Gonzaga

56. Nathan R.: 7 (-9) - Gonzaga

56. Pete J. #4: 7 (-9) - Arizona

61. Ben S.: 7 (-11) - Arizona

61. Brett W.: 7 (-11) - UCLA

61. Harrell R. # 1: 7 (-11) - Virginia Tech

61. Karen Ch.: 7 (-11) - Kansas

61. Luis B. #1: 7 (-11) - Gonzaga

61. Mary Lou H.: 7 (-11) - Arizona

67. Adalyn H.: 7 (-13) - Auburn

67. Andrew D. #2: 7 (-13) - Gonzaga

67. Dylan B. #2: 7 (-13) - Tennessee

67. Hutch H. #1: 7 (-13) - Arizona

67. Irene H. #1: 7 (-13) - Gonzaga

67. Jason S.: 7 (-13) - Duke

67. Kristin G.: 7 (-13) - Gonzaga

67. Roth W.: 7 (-13) - Arizona

67. Scarlett H.: 7 (-13) - Wisconsin

67. Taima B. #1: 7 (-13) - Arizona

77. Brett G. #3: 7 (-15) - Duke

77. Kyle V.: 7 (-15) - UCLA

79. Irene H. #4: 7 (-17) - Arizona

79. Josiah T. #1: 7 (-17) - Gonzaga

79. Kylee T.: 7 (-17) - Villanova

79. Pete J. #3: 7 (-17) - Gonzaga

83. Brett G. #2: 7 (-19) - Arizona

83. Chris E.: 7 (-19) - Arizona

83. Cicely K.: 7 (-19) - Auburn

86. Kealoah G.: 7 (-21) - Gonzaga

86. Kirt R. #1: 7 (-21) - Gonzaga

86. Pete J. #6: 7 (-21) - Wisconsin

86. Stefon K.: 7 (-21) - Kansas

90. Dan P.: 7 (-23) - Baylor

90. Howard S. #1: 7 (-23) - Auburn

90. Jim D. #2: 7 (-23) - Arizona

90. Kansas C.: 7 (-23) - Gonzaga

90. Missy W.: 7 (-23) - Tennessee

90. Pete J. #1: 7 (-23) - Tennessee

96. Alyssa B.: 7 (-25) - Arizona

97. Daisy N. #10: 7 (-27) - Tennessee

97. Eric V.: 7 (-27) - Arizona

97. Owen R.: 7 (-27) - Jacksonville State

97. Rex C.: 7 (-27) - Arizona

101. Gigi I: 7 (-29) - Gonzaga

102. Dan Du. #3: 7 (-39) - Gonzaga

102. Harrell R. # 2: 7 (-39) - Tennessee

102. Otis L.: 7 (-39) - Arizona

105. Scott He. #2: 7 (-49) - Gonzaga

106. William G. #2: 7 (-53) - Villanova

107. Josiah T. #2: 7 (-67) - Kentucky

108. Pete J. #2: 7 (-69) - Kentucky

108. Scott K. #2: 7 (-69) - Kentucky

110. John M. #1: 7 (-71) - Connecticut

111. Brandon H.: 7 (-75) - Kentucky

111. Brett G. #4: 7 (-75) - Kentucky

113. Daisy N. #4: 6 (-10) - Kansas

113. Damien R #2: 6 (-10) - Gonzaga

113. Daryl J.: 6 (-10) - Arizona

113. Dustin D. #4: 6 (-10) - Arizona

113. Lindsay R.: 6 (-10) - Villanova

113. Tomas L.: 6 (-10) - Baylor

119. Brent E. #1: 6 (-12) - Michigan State

119. Brent E. #2: 6 (-12) - Houston

119. Brent S. #1: 6 (-12) - Duke

119. Chalk for Charity: 6 (-12) - Gonzaga

119. Ray Min. #2: 6 (-12) - Gonzaga

124. Charlotte N.: 6 (-14) - Gonzaga

124. Daisy N. #1: 6 (-14) - Gonzaga

124. Dylan B. #1: 6 (-14) - Gonzaga

124. Klei R. #1: 6 (-14) - Arizona

124. TommyJoe V. #2: 6 (-14) - Gonzaga

124. TommyJoe V. #3: 6 (-14) - Kansas

124. TommyJoe V. #4: 6 (-14) - Arizona

131. Dan Du. #1: 6 (-16) - Duke

131. Hutch H. #2: 6 (-16) - Kansas

131. Michael S. #1 (Cluck Norris): 6 (-16) - Gonzaga

131. Michael S. #2 (Hank the Tank): 6 (-16) - Arizona

131. Rob I #2: 6 (-16) - Gonzaga

131. Steve Dz. #1: 6 (-16) - Houston

137. Brent E. #6: 6 (-18) - Arizona

138. Chris T.: 6 (-22) - Arizona

138. Hero R.: 6 (-22) - Gonzaga

138. Howie G. #1: 6 (-22) - Gonzaga

138. Josh Ch.: 6 (-22) - UCLA

138. Luis B. #3: 6 (-22) - Arizona

138. TommyJoe V. #1: 6 (-22) - Gonzaga

144. Adam O. #1 (CAAT I): 6 (-24) - Arizona

144. Adam O. #2 (CAAT II): 6 (-24) - Gonzaga

144. Adam O. #4 (CAAT IV): 6 (-24) - Kansas

144. Brent E. #3: 6 (-24) - Gonzaga

144. Colston W.: 6 (-24) - Arizona

144. Connor W.: 6 (-24) - Arizona

144. Damien R #1: 6 (-24) - Gonzaga

144. Dan Du. #2: 6 (-24) - Duke

144. Elizabeth N. #2: 6 (-24) - Gonzaga

153. Dustin D. #1: 6 (-28) - Gonzaga

154. Brett G. #1: 6 (-36) - Tennessee

154. Dan McK. #1: 6 (-36) - Gonzaga

156. Brent E. #5: 6 (-38) - Kansas

156. Brent S. #2: 6 (-38) - Arizona

156. Daisy N. #6: 6 (-38) - Arizona

156. Diana A.: 6 (-38) - Auburn

160. Derek H.: 6 (-40) - Tennessee

161. Tim K.: 6 (-52) - Tennessee

162. Dan McK. #2: 6 (-70) - Kentucky

162. Elizabeth N. #1: 6 (-70) - Kentucky

164. Adam O. #3 (CAAT III): 6 (-72) - Kentucky

164. Irene H. #3: 6 (-72) - Kentucky

164. Nick V.: 6 (-72) - Kentucky

167. Brent E. #4: 6 (-84) - Kentucky

168. Matt N.: 5 (-9) - Gonzaga

169. Mike N : 5 (-11) - Kansas

169. Steve Dz. #2: 5 (-11) - Purdue

171. JoJo D.: 5 (-13) - Kansas

172. Daisy N. #7: 5 (-15) - UCLA

172. Daisy N. #8: 5 (-15) - Gonzaga

172. Howard S. #2: 5 (-15) - UCLA

175. Chris L. #1: 5 (-17) - Gonzaga

175. Chris L. #2: 5 (-17) - Arizona

175. Kirt R. #2: 5 (-17) - Arizona

178. Scott He. #1: 5 (-19) - Gonzaga

179. Noah N.: 5 (-21) - Arizona

180. Brad R.: 5 (-23) - Gonzaga

180. Elliot N.: 5 (-23) - Arizona

180. Gary W.: 5 (-23) - Gonzaga

180. Tucker D.: 5 (-23) - Alabama

184. Chris L. #3: 5 (-25) - Gonzaga

184. Hutch H. #3: 5 (-25) - Gonzaga

186. Jeremy W. (SI): 5 (-27) - Arizona

186. Paul K.: 5 (-27) - Arizona

186. Reid D.: 5 (-27) - Duke

189. Eric G. #2: 5 (-29) - Gonzaga

189. Rich F.: 5 (-29) - Gonzaga

189. Rob I #1: 5 (-29) - Gonzaga

192. Daisy N. #9: 5 (-39) - Arizona

192. Luis B. #2: 5 (-39) - Arizona

192. Zach V.: 5 (-39) - Gonzaga

195. Chris L. #4: 5 (-41) - Arizona

196. Chris L. #5: 5 (-53) - Arizona

197. Dustin B.: 4 (-12) - Kansas

197. Eric G. #1: 4 (-12) - Arizona

199. Christian C.: 4 (-16) - Gonzaga

199. Michelle L. #3: 4 (-16) - Baylor

199. Michelle L. #4: 4 (-16) - Kansas

199. Mike W.: 4 (-16) - Kansas

203. Jim W.: 4 (-18) - Arizona

204. John M. #2: 4 (-24) - Duke

204. Michelle L. #1: 4 (-24) - Arizona

204. Taima B. #2: 4 (-24) - Gonzaga

207. Paul W.: 4 (-30) - Villanova

208. Michelle L. #2: 4 (-36) - Gonzaga

209. Matt M.: 4 (-78) - Kentucky

210. Kiah H. #2: 4 (-80) - Kentucky

211. Michelle L. #5: 4 (-84) - Kentucky

212. Adam E.: 4 (-88) - Kentucky

and the net points:

1. Max A. #2 (6)

2. Becky H. (4)

3. Daniel E. #2 (2)

3. Amber W. (2)

3. Chrissy S (2)

3. Ryan W. (2)

3. Irene H. #5 (2)

8. Ally H. (0)

8. Brian K. (0)

8. Daniel E. #1 (0)

8. Mason A. (0)

8. Matt H. (0)

8. Scott K. #1 (0)

8. Amanda R. (0)

8. Jay H. #2 (0)

8. Tisa S. (0)

17. Baily T. (-2)

17. Craig G. (-2)

17. Creghton H. (-2)

17. Niren D. (-2)

17. Shawn M. (-2)

17. Stephen C. (-2)

17. Bret K. #3 (-2)

17. Kristina H. (-2)

17. Max A. #1 (-2)

17. Nathan R. (-2)

17. Pete J. #4 (-2)

28. April K. (-4)

28. Avery S. (-4)

28. Daisy N. #2 (-4)

28. Daisy N. #5 (-4)

28. Jim D. #3 (-4)

28. Nick I (-4)

28. Ben S. (-4)

28. Brett W. (-4)

28. Harrell R. # 1 (-4)

28. Karen Ch. (-4)

28. Luis B. #1 (-4)

28. Mary Lou H. (-4)

28. Daisy N. #4 (-4)

28. Damien R #2 (-4)

28. Daryl J. (-4)

28. Dustin D. #4 (-4)

28. Lindsay R. (-4)

28. Tomas L. (-4)

28. Matt N. (-4)

47. Dustin D. #3 (-6)

47. Josiah T. #3 (-6)

47. Pete J. #5 (-6)

47. Adalyn H. (-6)

47. Andrew D. #2 (-6)

47. Dylan B. #2 (-6)

47. Hutch H. #1 (-6)

47. Irene H. #1 (-6)

47. Jason S. (-6)

47. Kristin G. (-6)

47. Roth W. (-6)

47. Scarlett H. (-6)

47. Taima B. #1 (-6)

47. Brent E. #1 (-6)

47. Brent E. #2 (-6)

47. Brent S. #1 (-6)

47. Chalk for Charity (-6)

47. Ray Min. #2 (-6)

47. Mike N  (-6)

47. Steve Dz. #2 (-6)

67. Andrew D. #1 (-8)

67. William G. #1 (-8)

67. Brett G. #3 (-8)

67. Kyle V. (-8)

67. Charlotte N. (-8)

67. Daisy N. #1 (-8)

67. Dylan B. #1 (-8)

67. Klei R. #1 (-8)

67. TommyJoe V. #2 (-8)

67. TommyJoe V. #3 (-8)

67. TommyJoe V. #4 (-8)

67. JoJo D. (-8)

67. Dustin B. (-8)

67. Eric G. #1 (-8)

81. Bret K. #1 (-10)

81. Alex I (-10)

81. Irene H. #4 (-10)

81. Josiah T. #1 (-10)

81. Kylee T. (-10)

81. Pete J. #3 (-10)

81. Dan Du. #1 (-10)

81. Hutch H. #2 (-10)

81. Michael S. #1 (Cluck Norris) (-10)

81. Michael S. #2 (Hank the Tank) (-10)

81. Rob I #2 (-10)

81. Steve Dz. #1 (-10)

81. Daisy N. #7 (-10)

81. Daisy N. #8 (-10)

81. Howard S. #2 (-10)

96. Dustin D. #2 (-12)

96. Jackson I (-12)

96. Brett G. #2 (-12)

96. Chris E. (-12)

96. Cicely K. (-12)

96. Brent E. #6 (-12)

96. Chris L. #1 (-12)

96. Chris L. #2 (-12)

96. Kirt R. #2 (-12)

96. Christian C. (-12)

96. Michelle L. #3 (-12)

96. Michelle L. #4 (-12)

96. Mike W. (-12)

109. Jaxon S. (-14)

109. Itene H. #2 (-14)

109. Jared B. (-14)

109. Ken Pom (-14)

109. Kealoah G. (-14)

109. Kirt R. #1 (-14)

109. Pete J. #6 (-14)

109. Stefon K. (-14)

109. Scott He. #1 (-14)

109. Jim W. (-14)

119. John M. #3 (-16)

119. Valerie D. (-16)

119. Dan P. (-16)

119. Howard S. #1 (-16)

119. Jim D. #2 (-16)

119. Kansas C. (-16)

119. Missy W. (-16)

119. Pete J. #1 (-16)

119. Chris T. (-16)

119. Hero R. (-16)

119. Howie G. #1 (-16)

119. Josh Ch. (-16)

119. Luis B. #3 (-16)

119. TommyJoe V. #1 (-16)

119. Noah N. (-16)

134. Alyssa B. (-18)

134. Adam O. #1 (CAAT I) (-18)

134. Adam O. #2 (CAAT II) (-18)

134. Adam O. #4 (CAAT IV) (-18)

134. Brent E. #3 (-18)

134. Colston W. (-18)

134. Connor W. (-18)

134. Damien R #1 (-18)

134. Dan Du. #2 (-18)

134. Elizabeth N. #2 (-18)

134. Brad R. (-18)

134. Elliot N. (-18)

134. Gary W. (-18)

134. Tucker D. (-18)

148. Daisy N. #10 (-20)

148. Eric V. (-20)

148. Owen R. (-20)

148. Rex C. (-20)

148. Chris L. #3 (-20)

148. Hutch H. #3 (-20)

148. John M. #2 (-20)

148. Michelle L. #1 (-20)

148. Taima B. #2 (-20)

157. Gigi I (-22)

157. Dustin D. #1 (-22)

157. Jeremy W. (SI) (-22)

157. Paul K. (-22)

157. Reid D. (-22)

162. Bret K. #2 (-24)

162. Eric G. #2 (-24)

162. Rich F. (-24)

162. Rob I #1 (-24)

166. Jay H. #1 (-26)

166. Jace D. (-26)

166. Paul W. (-26)

169. Ray Min. #1 (-30)

169. Brett G. #1 (-30)

169. Dan McK. #1 (-30)

172. Dan Du. #3 (-32)

172. Harrell R. # 2 (-32)

172. Otis L. (-32)

172. Brent E. #5 (-32)

172. Brent S. #2 (-32)

172. Daisy N. #6 (-32)

172. Diana A. (-32)

172. Michelle L. #2 (-32)

180. Derek H. (-34)

180. Daisy N. #9 (-34)

180. Luis B. #2 (-34)

180. Zach V. (-34)

184. Chris L. #4 (-36)

185. Daisy N. #3 (-40)

185. Eric S. (-40)

187. Scott He. #2 (-42)

188. William G. #2 (-46)

188. Tim K. (-46)

190. Chris L. #5 (-48)

191. Colonel S. (-60)

191. Josiah T. #2 (-60)

193. Irene H. #6 (-62)

193. Kiah H. #1 (-62)

193. Pete J. #2 (-62)

193. Scott K. #2 (-62)

197. John M. #1 (-64)

197. Dan McK. #2 (-64)

197. Elizabeth N. #1 (-64)

200. Harrell R. # 3 (-66)

200. Adam O. #3 (CAAT III) (-66)

200. Irene H. #3 (-66)

200. Nick V. (-66)

204. Brandon H. (-68)

204. Brett G. #4 (-68)

206. Jim D. #1 (-70)

207. Mindi W. (-74)

207. Matt M. (-74)

209. Kiah H. #2 (-76)

210. Brent E. #4 (-78)

211. Michelle L. #5 (-80)

212. Adam E. (-84)

Good luck to everyone.  I see that Akron is looking good.  I thought they had zero chance.  I know nothing about basketball.

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