Thursday, March 17, 2022

Standings update - 6 games in & first big upset

 Well, things are just getting interesting.  We’ve had some minor upsets on the day, like a 11 beating a 6, and a 9 beating an 8, but this particular 12 beating a 5 was brutal kind of across the board.  As I mentioned in the last post, a lot of people really liked Iowa as an underseeded #5.  Richmond was kind of an afterthought after having to win their conference tournament just to get in.  That’s why they play the games though, and it was a pretty big shakeup in the standings.

In the other game, Tennessee pounded Longwood, looking everything like the team people expected when they won the SEC tournament.  Arguably, Tennessee and Iowa were really similar.  Both were probably the third best teams in their conferences and they both won their conference tournaments, but if you backed one today, you like your chances and if you backed the other, you are hoping a lot of other stuff breaks for you.

So, only 42 people can win any points in the Providence / Richmond Round 2 game.  50 people lost an elite 8 team.  29 people lost a Final 4 team and 3 people had Iowa in the Finals.  No one had them winning it all, so that was a bit of a bullet dodged if you want to look at the bright side.  We are also down to 2 perfect brackets.  There is a reason no one ever gets a perfect bracket….

Here are the updated standings:

1. Andrew D. #1: 6 (0) - Gonzaga

1. Kiah H. #1: 6 (0) - Kentucky

3. Ally H.: 5 (-1) - Arizona

3. Amanda R.: 5 (-1) - Ohio State

3. Becky H.: 5 (-1) - Villanova

3. Bret K. #3: 5 (-1) - Arizona

3. Chrissy S: 5 (-1) - USC

3. Dan McK. #2: 5 (-1) - Kentucky

3. Irene H. #6: 5 (-1) - Kentucky

3. Max A. #2: 5 (-1) - Kansas

3. Roth W.: 5 (-1) - Arizona

3. Ryan W.: 5 (-1) - Kansas

13. Alex I: 5 (-3) - Arizona

13. Andrew D. #2: 5 (-3) - Gonzaga

13. Brett G. #2: 5 (-3) - Arizona

13. Craig G.: 5 (-3) - Kansas

13. Creghton H.: 5 (-3) - Arizona

13. Daniel E. #2: 5 (-3) - UCLA

13. Dustin D. #2: 5 (-3) - Kansas

13. Gigi I: 5 (-3) - Gonzaga

13. Itene H. #2: 5 (-3) - Gonzaga

13. Jay H. #1: 5 (-3) - Kansas

13. Jim D. #2: 5 (-3) - Arizona

13. Jim D. #3: 5 (-3) - Gonzaga

13. Kansas C.: 5 (-3) - Gonzaga

13. Ken Pom: 5 (-3) - Gonzaga

13. Mason A.: 5 (-3) - Arizona

13. Missy W.: 5 (-3) - Tennessee

13. Niren D.: 5 (-3) - Gonzaga

13. Otis L.: 5 (-3) - Arizona

13. Tomas L.: 5 (-3) - Baylor

32. Dustin D. #3: 5 (-7) - Auburn

32. Dylan B. #2: 5 (-7) - Tennessee

32. Jaxon S.: 5 (-7) - Gonzaga

32. Josiah T. #3: 5 (-7) - Arizona

32. Nick I: 5 (-7) - USC

32. William G. #1: 5 (-7) - Gonzaga

38. Jackson I: 5 (-15) - UCLA

38. Jared B.: 5 (-15) - Gonzaga

38. Jim D. #1: 5 (-15) - Kentucky

41. April K.: 4 (-2) - Villanova

41. Baily T.: 4 (-2) - Gonzaga

41. Charlotte N.: 4 (-2) - Gonzaga

41. Cicely K.: 4 (-2) - Auburn

41. Daniel E. #1: 4 (-2) - Purdue

41. Irene H. #5: 4 (-2) - Auburn

41. John M. #3: 4 (-2) - North Carolina

41. Josiah T. #2: 4 (-2) - Kentucky

41. Kealoah G.: 4 (-2) - Gonzaga

41. Kristin G.: 4 (-2) - Gonzaga

41. Matt N.: 4 (-2) - Gonzaga

41. Owen R.: 4 (-2) - Jacksonville State

41. Pete J. #4: 4 (-2) - Arizona

41. Scott K. #2: 4 (-2) - Kentucky

41. Shawn M.: 4 (-2) - Baylor

41. Stefon K.: 4 (-2) - Kansas

57. Avery S.: 4 (-4) - Kansas

57. Ben S.: 4 (-4) - Arizona

57. Brent E. #1: 4 (-4) - Michigan State

57. Brent E. #2: 4 (-4) - Houston

57. Brent E. #3: 4 (-4) - Gonzaga

57. Brent E. #4: 4 (-4) - Kentucky

57. Brent E. #5: 4 (-4) - Kansas

57. Brett W.: 4 (-4) - UCLA

57. Brian K.: 4 (-4) - Gonzaga

57. Chris T.: 4 (-4) - Arizona

57. Colonel S.: 4 (-4) - Kentucky

57. Daisy N. #2: 4 (-4) - Gonzaga

57. Daisy N. #5: 4 (-4) - Duke

57. Damien R #2: 4 (-4) - Gonzaga

57. Daryl J.: 4 (-4) - Arizona

57. Diana A.: 4 (-4) - Auburn

57. Dylan B. #1: 4 (-4) - Gonzaga

57. Elizabeth N. #1: 4 (-4) - Kentucky

57. Harrell R. # 1: 4 (-4) - Virginia Tech

57. Harrell R. # 2: 4 (-4) - Tennessee

57. Harrell R. # 3: 4 (-4) - Kentucky

57. Hutch H. #1: 4 (-4) - Arizona

57. Irene H. #3: 4 (-4) - Kentucky

57. Jay H. #2: 4 (-4) - Gonzaga

57. John M. #1: 4 (-4) - Connecticut

57. JoJo D.: 4 (-4) - Kansas

57. Lindsay R.: 4 (-4) - Villanova

57. Luis B. #1: 4 (-4) - Gonzaga

57. Mary Lou H.: 4 (-4) - Arizona

57. Max A. #1: 4 (-4) - Gonzaga

57. Michael S. #1 (Cluck Norris): 4 (-4) - Gonzaga

57. Mindi W.: 4 (-4) - Kentucky

57. Nathan R.: 4 (-4) - Gonzaga

57. Pete J. #1: 4 (-4) - Tennessee

57. Pete J. #2: 4 (-4) - Kentucky

57. Pete J. #5: 4 (-4) - Kansas

57. Pete J. #6: 4 (-4) - Wisconsin

57. Scott K. #1: 4 (-4) - Kansas

57. Stephen C.: 4 (-4) - Auburn

57. Taima B. #1: 4 (-4) - Arizona

57. Tisa S.: 4 (-4) - Gonzaga

57. Tucker D.: 4 (-4) - Alabama

99. Brent E. #6: 4 (-8) - Arizona

99. Brett G. #4: 4 (-8) - Kentucky

99. Chris E.: 4 (-8) - Arizona

99. Dan Du. #1: 4 (-8) - Duke

99. Dustin D. #1: 4 (-8) - Gonzaga

99. Irene H. #1: 4 (-8) - Gonzaga

99. Jason S.: 4 (-8) - Duke

99. Michael S. #2 (Hank the Tank): 4 (-8) - Arizona

99. Pete J. #3: 4 (-8) - Gonzaga

99. Rex C.: 4 (-8) - Arizona

99. Steve Dz. #1: 4 (-8) - Houston

99. Valerie D.: 4 (-8) - Gonzaga

111. Kylee T.: 4 (-10) - Villanova

111. Scarlett H.: 4 (-10) - Wisconsin

113. Alyssa B.: 4 (-16) - Arizona

113. Bret K. #1: 4 (-16) - Gonzaga

113. Bret K. #2: 4 (-16) - Gonzaga

113. Brett G. #1: 4 (-16) - Tennessee

113. Damien R #1: 4 (-16) - Gonzaga

113. Dan P.: 4 (-16) - Baylor

113. Elliot N.: 4 (-16) - Arizona

113. Eric S.: 4 (-16) - Arizona

113. Eric V.: 4 (-16) - Arizona

113. Josh Ch.: 4 (-16) - UCLA

113. Ray Min. #1: 4 (-16) - Baylor

113. Tim K.: 4 (-16) - Tennessee

113. William G. #2: 4 (-16) - Villanova

113. Zach V.: 4 (-16) - Gonzaga

127. Daisy N. #3: 4 (-32) - Gonzaga

127. Dan Du. #3: 4 (-32) - Gonzaga

127. Scott He. #2: 4 (-32) - Gonzaga

130. Chalk for Charity: 3 (-3) - Gonzaga

130. Jace D.: 3 (-3) - Ohio State

130. Kristina H.: 3 (-3) - Duke

133. Adam O. #1 (CAAT I): 3 (-5) - Arizona

133. Adam O. #2 (CAAT II): 3 (-5) - Gonzaga

133. Adam O. #3 (CAAT III): 3 (-5) - Kentucky

133. Adam O. #4 (CAAT IV): 3 (-5) - Kansas

133. Amber W.: 3 (-5) - Villanova

133. Brent S. #1: 3 (-5) - Duke

133. Brent S. #2: 3 (-5) - Arizona

133. Brett G. #3: 3 (-5) - Duke

133. Chris L. #1: 3 (-5) - Gonzaga

133. Chris L. #2: 3 (-5) - Arizona

133. Chris L. #3: 3 (-5) - Gonzaga

133. Chris L. #4: 3 (-5) - Arizona

133. Colston W.: 3 (-5) - Arizona

133. Daisy N. #1: 3 (-5) - Gonzaga

133. Daisy N. #9: 3 (-5) - Arizona

133. Derek H.: 3 (-5) - Tennessee

133. Dustin D. #4: 3 (-5) - Arizona

133. Eric G. #2: 3 (-5) - Gonzaga

133. Gary W.: 3 (-5) - Gonzaga

133. Howard S. #1: 3 (-5) - Auburn

133. Howard S. #2: 3 (-5) - UCLA

133. Howie G. #1: 3 (-5) - Gonzaga

133. Hutch H. #2: 3 (-5) - Kansas

133. Hutch H. #3: 3 (-5) - Gonzaga

133. Karen Ch.: 3 (-5) - Kansas

133. Kirt R. #1: 3 (-5) - Gonzaga

133. Klei R. #1: 3 (-5) - Arizona

133. Kyle V.: 3 (-5) - UCLA

133. Luis B. #2: 3 (-5) - Arizona

133. Matt H.: 3 (-5) - Duke

133. Mike N : 3 (-5) - Kansas

133. Ray Min. #2: 3 (-5) - Gonzaga

133. Steve Dz. #2: 3 (-5) - Purdue

133. TommyJoe V. #1: 3 (-5) - Gonzaga

133. TommyJoe V. #2: 3 (-5) - Gonzaga

133. TommyJoe V. #3: 3 (-5) - Kansas

133. TommyJoe V. #4: 3 (-5) - Arizona

170. Elizabeth N. #2: 3 (-7) - Gonzaga

170. Kirt R. #2: 3 (-7) - Arizona

172. Adalyn H.: 3 (-9) - Auburn

172. Irene H. #4: 3 (-9) - Arizona

172. Josiah T. #1: 3 (-9) - Gonzaga

172. Rich F.: 3 (-9) - Gonzaga

172. Scott He. #1: 3 (-9) - Gonzaga

177. Brandon H.: 3 (-11) - Kentucky

177. Jeremy W. (SI): 3 (-11) - Arizona

179. Dan Du. #2: 3 (-13) - Duke

180. Adam E.: 3 (-17) - Kentucky

180. Brad R.: 3 (-17) - Gonzaga

180. Chris L. #5: 3 (-17) - Arizona

180. Daisy N. #10: 3 (-17) - Tennessee

180. Luis B. #3: 3 (-17) - Arizona

180. Noah N.: 3 (-17) - Arizona

186. Christian C.: 2 (-6) - Gonzaga

186. Daisy N. #4: 2 (-6) - Kansas

186. Daisy N. #6: 2 (-6) - Arizona

186. Daisy N. #7: 2 (-6) - UCLA

186. Daisy N. #8: 2 (-6) - Gonzaga

186. Dan McK. #1: 2 (-6) - Gonzaga

186. Dustin B.: 2 (-6) - Kansas

186. Eric G. #1: 2 (-6) - Arizona

186. Jim W.: 2 (-6) - Arizona

186. Kiah H. #2: 2 (-6) - Kentucky

186. Matt M.: 2 (-6) - Kentucky

186. Michelle L. #1: 2 (-6) - Arizona

186. Michelle L. #3: 2 (-6) - Baylor

186. Michelle L. #4: 2 (-6) - Kansas

186. Mike W.: 2 (-6) - Kansas

186. Paul W.: 2 (-6) - Villanova

186. Taima B. #2: 2 (-6) - Gonzaga

203. Connor W.: 2 (-8) - Arizona

203. Nick V.: 2 (-8) - Kentucky

205. Reid D.: 2 (-10) - Duke

205. Rob I #2: 2 (-10) - Gonzaga

207. John M. #2: 2 (-14) - Duke

208. Hero R.: 2 (-18) - Gonzaga

208. Michelle L. #2: 2 (-18) - Gonzaga

208. Michelle L. #5: 2 (-18) - Kentucky

211. Paul K.: 2 (-20) - Arizona

211. Rob I #1: 2 (-20) - Gonzaga

and the net point rankings (which are quite a bit different):

1. Andrew D. #1 (6)

1. Kiah H. #1 (6)

3. Ally H. (4)

3. Amanda R. (4)

3. Becky H. (4)

3. Bret K. #3 (4)

3. Chrissy S (4)

3. Dan McK. #2 (4)

3. Irene H. #6 (4)

3. Max A. #2 (4)

3. Roth W. (4)

3. Ryan W. (4)

13. Alex I (2)

13. Andrew D. #2 (2)

13. April K. (2)

13. Baily T. (2)

13. Brett G. #2 (2)

13. Charlotte N. (2)

13. Cicely K. (2)

13. Craig G. (2)

13. Creghton H. (2)

13. Daniel E. #1 (2)

13. Daniel E. #2 (2)

13. Dustin D. #2 (2)

13. Gigi I (2)

13. Irene H. #5 (2)

13. Itene H. #2 (2)

13. Jay H. #1 (2)

13. Jim D. #2 (2)

13. Jim D. #3 (2)

13. John M. #3 (2)

13. Josiah T. #2 (2)

13. Kansas C. (2)

13. Kealoah G. (2)

13. Ken Pom (2)

13. Kristin G. (2)

13. Mason A. (2)

13. Matt N. (2)

13. Missy W. (2)

13. Niren D. (2)

13. Otis L. (2)

13. Owen R. (2)

13. Pete J. #4 (2)

13. Scott K. #2 (2)

13. Shawn M. (2)

13. Stefon K. (2)

13. Tomas L. (2)

48. Avery S. (0)

48. Ben S. (0)

48. Brent E. #1 (0)

48. Brent E. #2 (0)

48. Brent E. #3 (0)

48. Brent E. #4 (0)

48. Brent E. #5 (0)

48. Brett W. (0)

48. Brian K. (0)

48. Chalk for Charity (0)

48. Chris T. (0)

48. Colonel S. (0)

48. Daisy N. #2 (0)

48. Daisy N. #5 (0)

48. Damien R #2 (0)

48. Daryl J. (0)

48. Diana A. (0)

48. Dylan B. #1 (0)

48. Elizabeth N. #1 (0)

48. Harrell R. # 1 (0)

48. Harrell R. # 2 (0)

48. Harrell R. # 3 (0)

48. Hutch H. #1 (0)

48. Irene H. #3 (0)

48. Jace D. (0)

48. Jay H. #2 (0)

48. John M. #1 (0)

48. JoJo D. (0)

48. Kristina H. (0)

48. Lindsay R. (0)

48. Luis B. #1 (0)

48. Mary Lou H. (0)

48. Max A. #1 (0)

48. Michael S. #1 (Cluck Norris) (0)

48. Mindi W. (0)

48. Nathan R. (0)

48. Pete J. #1 (0)

48. Pete J. #2 (0)

48. Pete J. #5 (0)

48. Pete J. #6 (0)

48. Scott K. #1 (0)

48. Stephen C. (0)

48. Taima B. #1 (0)

48. Tisa S. (0)

48. Tucker D. (0)

93. Adam O. #1 (CAAT I) (-2)

93. Adam O. #2 (CAAT II) (-2)

93. Adam O. #3 (CAAT III) (-2)

93. Adam O. #4 (CAAT IV) (-2)

93. Amber W. (-2)

93. Brent S. #1 (-2)

93. Brent S. #2 (-2)

93. Brett G. #3 (-2)

93. Chris L. #1 (-2)

93. Chris L. #2 (-2)

93. Chris L. #3 (-2)

93. Chris L. #4 (-2)

93. Colston W. (-2)

93. Daisy N. #1 (-2)

93. Daisy N. #9 (-2)

93. Derek H. (-2)

93. Dustin D. #3 (-2)

93. Dustin D. #4 (-2)

93. Dylan B. #2 (-2)

93. Eric G. #2 (-2)

93. Gary W. (-2)

93. Howard S. #1 (-2)

93. Howard S. #2 (-2)

93. Howie G. #1 (-2)

93. Hutch H. #2 (-2)

93. Hutch H. #3 (-2)

93. Jaxon S. (-2)

93. Josiah T. #3 (-2)

93. Karen Ch. (-2)

93. Kirt R. #1 (-2)

93. Klei R. #1 (-2)

93. Kyle V. (-2)

93. Luis B. #2 (-2)

93. Matt H. (-2)

93. Mike N  (-2)

93. Nick I (-2)

93. Ray Min. #2 (-2)

93. Steve Dz. #2 (-2)

93. TommyJoe V. #1 (-2)

93. TommyJoe V. #2 (-2)

93. TommyJoe V. #3 (-2)

93. TommyJoe V. #4 (-2)

93. William G. #1 (-2)

136. Brent E. #6 (-4)

136. Brett G. #4 (-4)

136. Chris E. (-4)

136. Christian C. (-4)

136. Daisy N. #4 (-4)

136. Daisy N. #6 (-4)

136. Daisy N. #7 (-4)

136. Daisy N. #8 (-4)

136. Dan Du. #1 (-4)

136. Dan McK. #1 (-4)

136. Dustin B. (-4)

136. Dustin D. #1 (-4)

136. Elizabeth N. #2 (-4)

136. Eric G. #1 (-4)

136. Irene H. #1 (-4)

136. Jason S. (-4)

136. Jim W. (-4)

136. Kiah H. #2 (-4)

136. Kirt R. #2 (-4)

136. Matt M. (-4)

136. Michael S. #2 (Hank the Tank) (-4)

136. Michelle L. #1 (-4)

136. Michelle L. #3 (-4)

136. Michelle L. #4 (-4)

136. Mike W. (-4)

136. Paul W. (-4)

136. Pete J. #3 (-4)

136. Rex C. (-4)

136. Steve Dz. #1 (-4)

136. Taima B. #2 (-4)

136. Valerie D. (-4)

167. Adalyn H. (-6)

167. Connor W. (-6)

167. Irene H. #4 (-6)

167. Josiah T. #1 (-6)

167. Kylee T. (-6)

167. Nick V. (-6)

167. Rich F. (-6)

167. Scarlett H. (-6)

167. Scott He. #1 (-6)

176. Brandon H. (-8)

176. Jeremy W. (SI) (-8)

176. Reid D. (-8)

176. Rob I #2 (-8)

180. Dan Du. #2 (-10)

180. Jackson I (-10)

180. Jared B. (-10)

180. Jim D. #1 (-10)

184. Alyssa B. (-12)

184. Bret K. #1 (-12)

184. Bret K. #2 (-12)

184. Brett G. #1 (-12)

184. Damien R #1 (-12)

184. Dan P. (-12)

184. Elliot N. (-12)

184. Eric S. (-12)

184. Eric V. (-12)

184. John M. #2 (-12)

184. Josh Ch. (-12)

184. Ray Min. #1 (-12)

184. Tim K. (-12)

184. William G. #2 (-12)

184. Zach V. (-12)

199. Adam E. (-14)

199. Brad R. (-14)

199. Chris L. #5 (-14)

199. Daisy N. #10 (-14)

199. Luis B. #3 (-14)

199. Noah N. (-14)

205. Hero R. (-16)

205. Michelle L. #2 (-16)

205. Michelle L. #5 (-16)

208. Paul K. (-18)

208. Rob I #1 (-18)

210. Daisy N. #3 (-28)

210. Dan Du. #3 (-28)

210. Scott He. #2 (-28)

There are still 2 games left of the “morning sessions”.  It looks like North Carolina is crushing Marquette in one game and Gonzaga is really struggling to get clear of Georgia State in the other.  That’s about the exact opposite of what I was expecting.  If Gonzaga goes down……  Dare I even dream that big?!?!?

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