We are 4 games in. Compliments of Baylor, everyone is on the board. I didn’t watch much of that game. We relegated it to the 3rd screen. I don’t think they were ever in any jeopardy. Thanks Baylor! Props to Tucker D. for being the only person brave enough to pick Norfolk State. It didn’t work out this season, but dare to dream!!!! As for the other game, Memphis beat the third Mountain West team. The conference is now 0-3, with one game left. That’s not helping my “let the mid-majors in” stance…. At least Boise made it moderately close after being down about 20 points in the first half. We are down to 26 perfect brackets.
We are around half time of the next 2 games. It looks like Tennessee is rolling. Iowa though, may be in a spot of trouble. That would be a minor earthquake in the standings if that happens. It would easily be the biggest upset so far. We’ll keep an eye on that (like I’m not keeping an eye on all the games – let’s be real here).
Here are the standings:
1. Ally H.: 4 (0)
- Arizona |
1. Andrew D. #1:
4 (0) - Gonzaga |
1. Andrew D. #2:
4 (0) - Gonzaga |
1. Brett G. #2: 4
(0) - Arizona |
1. Craig G.: 4
(0) - Kansas |
1. Creghton H.: 4
(0) - Arizona |
1. Dustin D. #2:
4 (0) - Kansas |
1. Dustin D. #3:
4 (0) - Auburn |
1. Dylan B. #2: 4
(0) - Tennessee |
1. Irene H. #6: 4
(0) - Kentucky |
1. Itene H. #2: 4
(0) - Gonzaga |
1. Jared B.: 4
(0) - Gonzaga |
1. Jaxon S.: 4
(0) - Gonzaga |
1. Jay H. #1: 4
(0) - Kansas |
1. Jim D. #1: 4
(0) - Kentucky |
1. Jim D. #2: 4
(0) - Arizona |
1. Jim D. #3: 4
(0) - Gonzaga |
1. Josiah T. #3:
4 (0) - Arizona |
1. Kansas C.: 4
(0) - Gonzaga |
1. Ken Pom: 4 (0)
- Gonzaga |
1. Kiah H. #1: 4
(0) - Kentucky |
1. Mason A.: 4
(0) - Arizona |
1. Missy W.: 4
(0) - Tennessee |
1. Niren D.: 4
(0) - Gonzaga |
1. Tomas L.: 4
(0) - Baylor |
1. William G. #1:
4 (0) - Gonzaga |
27. Alyssa B.: 3
(-1) - Arizona |
27. Amanda R.: 3
(-1) - Ohio State |
27. April K.: 3
(-1) - Villanova |
27. Avery S.: 3
(-1) - Kansas |
27. Baily T.: 3
(-1) - Gonzaga |
27. Becky H.: 3
(-1) - Villanova |
27. Ben S.: 3
(-1) - Arizona |
27. Brent E. #1:
3 (-1) - Michigan State |
27. Brent E. #2:
3 (-1) - Houston |
27. Brent E. #3:
3 (-1) - Gonzaga |
27. Brent E. #4:
3 (-1) - Kentucky |
27. Brent E. #5:
3 (-1) - Kansas |
27. Brent E. #6:
3 (-1) - Arizona |
27. Bret K. #1: 3
(-1) - Gonzaga |
27. Bret K. #2: 3
(-1) - Gonzaga |
27. Bret K. #3: 3
(-1) - Arizona |
27. Brett G. #1:
3 (-1) - Tennessee |
27. Brett G. #4:
3 (-1) - Kentucky |
27. Brett W.: 3
(-1) - UCLA |
27. Brian K.: 3
(-1) - Gonzaga |
27. Chris E.: 3
(-1) - Arizona |
27. Chris T.: 3
(-1) - Arizona |
27. Chrissy S: 3
(-1) - USC |
27. Cicely K.: 3
(-1) - Auburn |
27. Colonel S.: 3
(-1) - Kentucky |
27. Colston W.: 3
(-1) - Arizona |
27. Daisy N. #2:
3 (-1) - Gonzaga |
27. Daisy N. #3:
3 (-1) - Gonzaga |
27. Daisy N. #5:
3 (-1) - Duke |
27. Damien R #1:
3 (-1) - Gonzaga |
27. Damien R #2:
3 (-1) - Gonzaga |
27. Dan Du. #3: 3
(-1) - Gonzaga |
27. Dan McK. #2:
3 (-1) - Kentucky |
27. Dan P.: 3
(-1) - Baylor |
27. Daryl J.: 3
(-1) - Arizona |
27. Dustin D. #1:
3 (-1) - Gonzaga |
27. Dylan B. #1:
3 (-1) - Gonzaga |
27. Elizabeth N.
#1: 3 (-1) - Kentucky |
27. Elliot N.: 3
(-1) - Arizona |
27. Eric S.: 3
(-1) - Arizona |
27. Eric V.: 3
(-1) - Arizona |
27. Harrell R. #
1: 3 (-1) - Virginia Tech |
27. Harrell R. #
2: 3 (-1) - Tennessee |
27. Harrell R. #
3: 3 (-1) - Kentucky |
27. Hutch H. #1:
3 (-1) - Arizona |
27. Irene H. #1:
3 (-1) - Gonzaga |
27. Irene H. #3:
3 (-1) - Kentucky |
27. Irene H. #5:
3 (-1) - Auburn |
27. Jason S.: 3
(-1) - Duke |
27. Jay H. #2: 3
(-1) - Gonzaga |
27. John M. #3: 3
(-1) - North Carolina |
27. JoJo D.: 3
(-1) - Kansas |
27. Josh Ch.: 3
(-1) - UCLA |
27. Josiah T. #2:
3 (-1) - Kentucky |
27. Kealoah G.: 3
(-1) - Gonzaga |
27. Kristin G.: 3
(-1) - Gonzaga |
27. Lindsay R.: 3
(-1) - Villanova |
27. Luis B. #1: 3
(-1) - Gonzaga |
27. Mary Lou H.:
3 (-1) - Arizona |
27. Max A. #1: 3
(-1) - Gonzaga |
27. Max A. #2: 3
(-1) - Kansas |
27. Michael S. #1
(Cluck Norris): 3 (-1) - Gonzaga |
27. Michael S. #2
(Hank the Tank): 3 (-1) - Arizona |
27. Mindi W.: 3
(-1) - Kentucky |
27. Nathan R.: 3
(-1) - Gonzaga |
27. Owen R.: 3
(-1) - Jacksonville State |
27. Pete J. #1: 3
(-1) - Tennessee |
27. Pete J. #2: 3
(-1) - Kentucky |
27. Pete J. #3: 3
(-1) - Gonzaga |
27. Pete J. #4: 3
(-1) - Arizona |
27. Pete J. #5: 3
(-1) - Kansas |
27. Pete J. #6: 3
(-1) - Wisconsin |
27. Ray Min. #1:
3 (-1) - Baylor |
27. Rex C.: 3
(-1) - Arizona |
27. Roth W.: 3
(-1) - Arizona |
27. Ryan W.: 3
(-1) - Kansas |
27. Scott He. #2:
3 (-1) - Gonzaga |
27. Scott K. #1:
3 (-1) - Kansas |
27. Shawn M.: 3
(-1) - Baylor |
27. Stefon K.: 3
(-1) - Kansas |
27. Steve Dz. #1:
3 (-1) - Houston |
27. Taima B. #1:
3 (-1) - Arizona |
27. Tim K.: 3
(-1) - Tennessee |
27. Tisa S.: 3
(-1) - Gonzaga |
27. William G.
#2: 3 (-1) - Villanova |
27. Zach V.: 3
(-1) - Gonzaga |
113. Alex I: 3
(-3) - Arizona |
113. Daniel E.
#2: 3 (-3) - UCLA |
113. Diana A.: 3
(-3) - Auburn |
113. Gigi I: 3
(-3) - Gonzaga |
113. John M. #1:
3 (-3) - Connecticut |
113. Kylee T.: 3
(-3) - Villanova |
113. Otis L.: 3
(-3) - Arizona |
113. Stephen C.:
3 (-3) - Auburn |
121. Nick I: 3
(-7) - USC |
122. Jackson I: 3
(-15) - UCLA |
123. Adam E.: 2
(-2) - Kentucky |
123. Adam O. #1
(CAAT I): 2 (-2) - Arizona |
123. Adam O. #2
(CAAT II): 2 (-2) - Gonzaga |
123. Adam O. #3
(CAAT III): 2 (-2) - Kentucky |
123. Adam O. #4
(CAAT IV): 2 (-2) - Kansas |
123. Brad R.: 2
(-2) - Gonzaga |
123. Brent S. #1:
2 (-2) - Duke |
123. Brent S. #2:
2 (-2) - Arizona |
123. Brett G. #3:
2 (-2) - Duke |
123. Chalk for
Charity: 2 (-2) - Gonzaga |
123. Charlotte
N.: 2 (-2) - Gonzaga |
123. Chris L. #1:
2 (-2) - Gonzaga |
123. Chris L. #2:
2 (-2) - Arizona |
123. Chris L. #3:
2 (-2) - Gonzaga |
123. Chris L. #4:
2 (-2) - Arizona |
123. Chris L. #5:
2 (-2) - Arizona |
123. Daisy N. #1:
2 (-2) - Gonzaga |
123. Daisy N.
#10: 2 (-2) - Tennessee |
123. Daisy N. #9:
2 (-2) - Arizona |
123. Daniel E.
#1: 2 (-2) - Purdue |
123. Derek H.: 2
(-2) - Tennessee |
123. Dustin D.
#4: 2 (-2) - Arizona |
123. Eric G. #2:
2 (-2) - Gonzaga |
123. Gary W.: 2
(-2) - Gonzaga |
123. Howard S.
#2: 2 (-2) - UCLA |
123. Howie G. #1:
2 (-2) - Gonzaga |
123. Hutch H. #2:
2 (-2) - Kansas |
123. Hutch H. #3:
2 (-2) - Gonzaga |
123. Irene H. #4:
2 (-2) - Arizona |
123. Jace D.: 2
(-2) - Ohio State |
123. Josiah T.
#1: 2 (-2) - Gonzaga |
123. Karen Ch.: 2
(-2) - Kansas |
123. Kirt R. #1:
2 (-2) - Gonzaga |
123. Klei R. #1:
2 (-2) - Arizona |
123. Kristina H.:
2 (-2) - Duke |
123. Kyle V.: 2
(-2) - UCLA |
123. Luis B. #2:
2 (-2) - Arizona |
123. Luis B. #3:
2 (-2) - Arizona |
123. Matt N.: 2
(-2) - Gonzaga |
123. Mike N : 2
(-2) - Kansas |
123. Noah N.: 2
(-2) - Arizona |
123. Ray Min. #2:
2 (-2) - Gonzaga |
123. Rich F.: 2
(-2) - Gonzaga |
123. Scott He.
#1: 2 (-2) - Gonzaga |
123. Scott K. #2:
2 (-2) - Kentucky |
123. TommyJoe V.
#1: 2 (-2) - Gonzaga |
123. TommyJoe V.
#2: 2 (-2) - Gonzaga |
123. TommyJoe V.
#3: 2 (-2) - Kansas |
123. TommyJoe V.
#4: 2 (-2) - Arizona |
172. Amber W.: 2
(-4) - Villanova |
172. Elizabeth N.
#2: 2 (-4) - Gonzaga |
172. Howard S.
#1: 2 (-4) - Auburn |
172. Kirt R. #2:
2 (-4) - Arizona |
172. Steve Dz.
#2: 2 (-4) - Purdue |
172. Tucker D.: 2
(-4) - Alabama |
178. Reid D.: 2
(-6) - Duke |
179. Adalyn H.: 2
(-8) - Auburn |
179. Dan Du. #1:
2 (-8) - Duke |
179. Jeremy W.
(SI): 2 (-8) - Arizona |
179. John M. #2:
2 (-8) - Duke |
179. Valerie D.:
2 (-8) - Gonzaga |
184. Brandon H.:
2 (-10) - Kentucky |
184. Dan Du. #2:
2 (-10) - Duke |
184. Scarlett H.:
2 (-10) - Wisconsin |
187. Christian
C.: 1 (-3) - Gonzaga |
187. Daisy N. #6:
1 (-3) - Arizona |
187. Daisy N. #7:
1 (-3) - UCLA |
187. Daisy N. #8:
1 (-3) - Gonzaga |
187. Dustin B.: 1
(-3) - Kansas |
187. Eric G. #1:
1 (-3) - Arizona |
187. Hero R.: 1
(-3) - Gonzaga |
187. Kiah H. #2:
1 (-3) - Kentucky |
187. Matt M.: 1
(-3) - Kentucky |
187. Michelle L.
#2: 1 (-3) - Gonzaga |
187. Michelle L.
#3: 1 (-3) - Baylor |
187. Michelle L.
#5: 1 (-3) - Kentucky |
187. Paul W.: 1
(-3) - Villanova |
187. Rob I #2: 1
(-3) - Gonzaga |
187. Taima B. #2:
1 (-3) - Gonzaga |
202. Daisy N. #4:
1 (-5) - Kansas |
202. Dan McK. #1:
1 (-5) - Gonzaga |
202. Jim W.: 1
(-5) - Arizona |
202. Matt H.: 1
(-5) - Duke |
202. Michelle L.
#1: 1 (-5) - Arizona |
202. Michelle L.
#4: 1 (-5) - Kansas |
202. Mike W.: 1
(-5) - Kansas |
202. Nick V.: 1
(-5) - Kentucky |
202. Paul K.: 1
(-5) - Arizona |
211. Connor W.: 1
(-7) - Arizona |
212. Rob I #1: 1 (-17) – Gonzaga …and the net points rankings:
Good luck to
everyone!!!! |
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