Thursday, March 16, 2017

Another middling upset edition....

We are getting closer to wiping out all the perfect brackets.  As of right now, there are only 9 left, of which Daisy is the proud owner of 3.  For those that don't remember, Daisy won the whole thing 2 years ago, so she's a pretty formidable entrant.

So, we had one minor upset in the last 4 game.  Xavier beat Maryland, which was an upset by seed number only.  A lot of people saw that one coming.  All of this chalk makes every game important.  The average amount of points in this last block of games was 2.98 points, with 63 people going 4/4.  Kevin F. #3 managed to go 0/4.  He was really the only person that could've since he was the only person to take Mt. St. Mary's to score the upset over Villanova.  I got suckered into thinking they could around halftime, but that second half was a disaster.  At least they will have something to tell their grandkids about some day.

Here are the updated standings:
1. Alex N. #1: 12 (0)
1. Chris T. #1: 12 (0)
1. Daisy N. #12: 12 (0)
1. Daisy N. #3: 12 (0)
1. Daisy N. #9: 12 (0)
1. Mike McQ. #1: 12 (0)
1. Mike S. #1: 12 (0)
1. Taylor F.: 12 (0)
1. Wayne D. #1: 12 (0)
10. Adam E.: 11 (-1)
10. Bosun S.: 11 (-1)
10. Brayden R.: 11 (-1)
10. Brent E. #1: 11 (-1)
10. Brent E. #2: 11 (-1)
10. Brent E. #3: 11 (-1)
10. Brent E. #4: 11 (-1)
10. Chris T. #2: 11 (-1)
10. Daisy N. #2: 11 (-1)
10. Daisy N. #4: 11 (-1)
10. Daisy N. #6: 11 (-1)
10. Daisy N. #7: 11 (-1)
10. Daisy N. #8: 11 (-1)
10. Dan D.: 11 (-1)
10. Dustin B. #2: 11 (-1)
10. Dylan B.: 11 (-1)
10. Eric R. #1: 11 (-1)
10. Eric V.: 11 (-1)
10. Hal R. #1: 11 (-1)
10. Howard S. #1: 11 (-1)
10. Howard S. #2: 11 (-1)
10. Hutch H. #1: 11 (-1)
10. Jana T.: 11 (-1)
10. Jeff S.: 11 (-1)
10. Joe D. #1: 11 (-1)
10. John E. #2: 11 (-1)
10. Josh C.: 11 (-1)
10. Julie S.: 11 (-1)
10. Luis B. #5: 11 (-1)
10. Matt M.: 11 (-1)
10. Mike McQ. #2: 11 (-1)
10. Paul R. #1: 11 (-1)
10. Pete J. #2: 11 (-1)
10. Ray W. #1: 11 (-1)
10. Ray W. #3: 11 (-1)
10. Rob I.: 11 (-1)
10. Tim's Stepson: 11 (-1)
10. Wayne D. #2: 11 (-1)
10. Zach V.: 11 (-1)
49. Ben J. #1: 11 (-3)
49. Brent S. #1: 11 (-3)
49. Mindi W.: 11 (-3)
52. Alex N. #3: 10 (-2)
52. Alyssa N.: 10 (-2)
52. April K.: 10 (-2)
52. Ava S.: 10 (-2)
52. Bella S.: 10 (-2)
52. Ben J. #4: 10 (-2)
52. Brad R.: 10 (-2)
52. Brett K. #2: 10 (-2)
52. Brett W.: 10 (-2)
52. Chris M.: 10 (-2)
52. Chris T. #3: 10 (-2)
52. Craig G.: 10 (-2)
52. Daisy N. #5: 10 (-2)
52. Dennis R. #2: 10 (-2)
52. Gutless Jack: 10 (-2)
52. Hal R. #2: 10 (-2)
52. Hal R. #3: 10 (-2)
52. Howard S. #3: 10 (-2)
52. Hutch H. #2: 10 (-2)
52. Jack K. #2: 10 (-2)
52. Jim D. #1: 10 (-2)
52. Jim W.: 10 (-2)
52. Joel B. #1: 10 (-2)
52. John E. #1: 10 (-2)
52. Kansas C. #3: 10 (-2)
52. Ken P.: 10 (-2)
52. Kirt R. #1: 10 (-2)
52. Klei R.: 10 (-2)
52. Luis B. #1: 10 (-2)
52. Luis B. #2: 10 (-2)
52. Luis B. #3: 10 (-2)
52. Luis B. #4: 10 (-2)
52. Matt N.: 10 (-2)
52. Michelle R.: 10 (-2)
52. Mike C. #1: 10 (-2)
52. Mike W.: 10 (-2)
52. Missy W. #1: 10 (-2)
52. Nathan R.: 10 (-2)
52. Paul R. #2: 10 (-2)
52. Pete J. #5: 10 (-2)
52. Szecho L. #1: 10 (-2)
52. Szecho L. #2: 10 (-2)
52. Todd K. #2: 10 (-2)
95. Alex N. #2: 10 (-4)
95. Becky H.: 10 (-4)
95. Ben S. #1: 10 (-4)
95. Chad L. #1: 10 (-4)
95. Chad L. #3: 10 (-4)
95. Chrissy I.: 10 (-4)
95. Cory W.: 10 (-4)
95. Irene H. #3: 10 (-4)
95. James G. #1: 10 (-4)
95. James G. #2: 10 (-4)
95. Jay H. #1: 10 (-4)
95. Jim D. #3: 10 (-4)
95. Joe D. #3: 10 (-4)
95. Josh S. #1: 10 (-4)
95. Josh S. #2: 10 (-4)
95. Kyle V.: 10 (-4)
95. Larry G. #4: 10 (-4)
95. Michelle D.: 10 (-4)
95. Michelle L. #3: 10 (-4)
95. Mike C. #2: 10 (-4)
95. Roth W. #2: 10 (-4)
95. Scott K. #1: 10 (-4)
95. Stefan K.: 10 (-4)
118. Ryan S.: 10 (-6)
119. John M. #1: 10 (-8)
120. Adam S. #1: 9 (-3)
120. Alyssa B.: 9 (-3)
120. Ben J. #3: 9 (-3)
120. Ben S. #2: 9 (-3)
120. Brent S. #2: 9 (-3)
120. Cool Guy: 9 (-3)
120. Daisy N. #1: 9 (-3)
120. Daisy N. #10: 9 (-3)
120. Daisy N. #11: 9 (-3)
120. Dan D. #1: 9 (-3)
120. Dan S.: 9 (-3)
120. David S.: 9 (-3)
120. Irene H. #4: 9 (-3)
120. Jack K. #1: 9 (-3)
120. James R.: 9 (-3)
120. Jax I.: 9 (-3)
120. Jill M. #2: 9 (-3)
120. Josh D.: 9 (-3)
120. Mike S. #2: 9 (-3)
120. Missy W. #3: 9 (-3)
120. Molly R.: 9 (-3)
120. Pete J. #3: 9 (-3)
120. Presley J.: 9 (-3)
120. Riley Y.: 9 (-3)
120. Ron V. #2: 9 (-3)
120. Roth W. #3: 9 (-3)
120. Seth D.: 9 (-3)
120. Taima B.: 9 (-3)
120. Todd K. #1: 9 (-3)
149. Allie I.: 9 (-5)
149. Chad L. #2: 9 (-5)
149. Chris L. #1: 9 (-5)
149. Chris L. #2: 9 (-5)
149. Chris L. #3: 9 (-5)
149. Elizabeth N.: 9 (-5)
149. Jaxon S.: 9 (-5)
149. Jim D. #2: 9 (-5)
149. Kevin F. #1: 9 (-5)
149. Scott H. #1: 9 (-5)
149. Scott H. #2: 9 (-5)
160. Ashley D.: 9 (-7)
160. Joel B. #2: 9 (-7)
160. Michelle L. #1: 9 (-7)
160. Michelle L. #2: 9 (-7)
160. Michelle L. #4: 9 (-7)
160. Pete J. #4: 9 (-7)
160. Roth W. #4: 9 (-7)
167. Irene H. #2: 9 (-9)
167. Larry G. #3: 9 (-9)
169. Ray W. #2: 9 (-11)
170. Barack O.: 8 (-4)
170. Brad E.: 8 (-4)
170. Dennis R. #1: 8 (-4)
170. Jay H. #2: 8 (-4)
170. Marc R.: 8 (-4)
175. Arianna S.: 8 (-6)
175. Ben J. #2: 8 (-6)
175. Ben J. #5: 8 (-6)
175. Damien R. #3: 8 (-6)
175. Dustin B. #1: 8 (-6)
175. Irene H. #1: 8 (-6)
175. Kansas C. #1: 8 (-6)
175. Karen C.: 8 (-6)
175. Kiah H.: 8 (-6)
175. Michelle L. #5: 8 (-6)
175. Richard Z.: 8 (-6)
175. Ron V. #1: 8 (-6)
175. Sanjay T.: 8 (-6)
175. Scott K. #2: 8 (-6)
189. Dan D. #2: 8 (-8)
189. Kirt R. #2: 8 (-8)
189. Larry G. #2: 8 (-8)
189. Ron KY: 8 (-8)
189. Scott Has.: 8 (-8)
194. Brian K.: 8 (-10)
194. Jon F.: 8 (-10)
196. Eric R. #2: 8 (-14)
197. Joshua R.: 8 (-16)
198. Joe D. #2: 7 (-5)
199. Brett K. #1: 7 (-7)
199. Carrie F.: 7 (-7)
199. Damien R. #2: 7 (-7)
199. Gigi I.: 7 (-7)
199. Jim D. #4: 7 (-7)
199. Kansas C. #2: 7 (-7)
199. Pete J. #1: 7 (-7)
206. Ally H.: 7 (-9)
206. Brandon H.: 7 (-9)
206. Eleanor: 7 (-9)
206. Roth W. #1: 7 (-9)
210. Jay H. #3: 7 (-11)
210. Kansas C. #4: 7 (-11)
212. Adam S. #2: 7 (-13)
213. Jim K.: 6 (-8)
213. John M. #2: 6 (-8)
213. Pete J. #6: 6 (-8)
216. Damien R. #1: 6 (-10)
216. Larry G. #1: 6 (-10)
218. Kevin F. #2: 6 (-12)
219. Jill M. #1: 6 (-14)
220. Irene H. #5: 5 (-13)
220. Jack K. #4: 5 (-13)
222. Tim N.: 4 (-12)
223. Emily W.: 4 (-16)
224. Kevin F. #3: 4 (-32)
225. Missy W. #2: 3 (-33)

...and the net points:
1. Alex N. #1 (12)
1. Chris T. #1 (12)
1. Daisy N. #12 (12)
1. Daisy N. #3 (12)
1. Daisy N. #9 (12)
1. Mike McQ. #1 (12)
1. Mike S. #1 (12)
1. Taylor F. (12)
1. Wayne D. #1 (12)
10. Adam E. (10)
10. Bosun S. (10)
10. Brayden R. (10)
10. Brent E. #1 (10)
10. Brent E. #2 (10)
10. Brent E. #3 (10)
10. Brent E. #4 (10)
10. Chris T. #2 (10)
10. Daisy N. #2 (10)
10. Daisy N. #4 (10)
10. Daisy N. #6 (10)
10. Daisy N. #7 (10)
10. Daisy N. #8 (10)
10. Dan D. (10)
10. Dustin B. #2 (10)
10. Dylan B. (10)
10. Eric R. #1 (10)
10. Eric V. (10)
10. Hal R. #1 (10)
10. Howard S. #1 (10)
10. Howard S. #2 (10)
10. Hutch H. #1 (10)
10. Jana T. (10)
10. Jeff S. (10)
10. Joe D. #1 (10)
10. John E. #2 (10)
10. Josh C. (10)
10. Julie S. (10)
10. Luis B. #5 (10)
10. Matt M. (10)
10. Mike McQ. #2 (10)
10. Paul R. #1 (10)
10. Pete J. #2 (10)
10. Ray W. #1 (10)
10. Ray W. #3 (10)
10. Rob I. (10)
10. Tim's Stepson (10)
10. Wayne D. #2 (10)
10. Zach V. (10)
49. Alex N. #3 (8)
49. Alyssa N. (8)
49. April K. (8)
49. Ava S. (8)
49. Bella S. (8)
49. Ben J. #1 (8)
49. Ben J. #4 (8)
49. Brad R. (8)
49. Brent S. #1 (8)
49. Brett K. #2 (8)
49. Brett W. (8)
49. Chris M. (8)
49. Chris T. #3 (8)
49. Craig G. (8)
49. Daisy N. #5 (8)
49. Dennis R. #2 (8)
49. Gutless Jack (8)
49. Hal R. #2 (8)
49. Hal R. #3 (8)
49. Howard S. #3 (8)
49. Hutch H. #2 (8)
49. Jack K. #2 (8)
49. Jim D. #1 (8)
49. Jim W. (8)
49. Joel B. #1 (8)
49. John E. #1 (8)
49. Kansas C. #3 (8)
49. Ken P. (8)
49. Kirt R. #1 (8)
49. Klei R. (8)
49. Luis B. #1 (8)
49. Luis B. #2 (8)
49. Luis B. #3 (8)
49. Luis B. #4 (8)
49. Matt N. (8)
49. Michelle R. (8)
49. Mike C. #1 (8)
49. Mike W. (8)
49. Mindi W. (8)
49. Missy W. #1 (8)
49. Nathan R. (8)
49. Paul R. #2 (8)
49. Pete J. #5 (8)
49. Szecho L. #1 (8)
49. Szecho L. #2 (8)
49. Todd K. #2 (8)
95. Adam S. #1 (6)
95. Alex N. #2 (6)
95. Alyssa B. (6)
95. Becky H. (6)
95. Ben J. #3 (6)
95. Ben S. #1 (6)
95. Ben S. #2 (6)
95. Brent S. #2 (6)
95. Chad L. #1 (6)
95. Chad L. #3 (6)
95. Chrissy I. (6)
95. Cool Guy (6)
95. Cory W. (6)
95. Daisy N. #1 (6)
95. Daisy N. #10 (6)
95. Daisy N. #11 (6)
95. Dan D. #1 (6)
95. Dan S. (6)
95. David S. (6)
95. Irene H. #3 (6)
95. Irene H. #4 (6)
95. Jack K. #1 (6)
95. James G. #1 (6)
95. James G. #2 (6)
95. James R. (6)
95. Jax I. (6)
95. Jay H. #1 (6)
95. Jill M. #2 (6)
95. Jim D. #3 (6)
95. Joe D. #3 (6)
95. Josh D. (6)
95. Josh S. #1 (6)
95. Josh S. #2 (6)
95. Kyle V. (6)
95. Larry G. #4 (6)
95. Michelle D. (6)
95. Michelle L. #3 (6)
95. Mike C. #2 (6)
95. Mike S. #2 (6)
95. Missy W. #3 (6)
95. Molly R. (6)
95. Pete J. #3 (6)
95. Presley J. (6)
95. Riley Y. (6)
95. Ron V. #2 (6)
95. Roth W. #2 (6)
95. Roth W. #3 (6)
95. Scott K. #1 (6)
95. Seth D. (6)
95. Stefan K. (6)
95. Taima B. (6)
95. Todd K. #1 (6)
147. Allie I. (4)
147. Barack O. (4)
147. Brad E. (4)
147. Chad L. #2 (4)
147. Chris L. #1 (4)
147. Chris L. #2 (4)
147. Chris L. #3 (4)
147. Dennis R. #1 (4)
147. Elizabeth N. (4)
147. Jaxon S. (4)
147. Jay H. #2 (4)
147. Jim D. #2 (4)
147. Kevin F. #1 (4)
147. Marc R. (4)
147. Ryan S. (4)
147. Scott H. #1 (4)
147. Scott H. #2 (4)
164. Arianna S. (2)
164. Ashley D. (2)
164. Ben J. #2 (2)
164. Ben J. #5 (2)
164. Damien R. #3 (2)
164. Dustin B. #1 (2)
164. Irene H. #1 (2)
164. Joe D. #2 (2)
164. Joel B. #2 (2)
164. John M. #1 (2)
164. Kansas C. #1 (2)
164. Karen C. (2)
164. Kiah H. (2)
164. Michelle L. #1 (2)
164. Michelle L. #2 (2)
164. Michelle L. #4 (2)
164. Michelle L. #5 (2)
164. Pete J. #4 (2)
164. Richard Z. (2)
164. Ron V. #1 (2)
164. Roth W. #4 (2)
164. Sanjay T. (2)
164. Scott K. #2 (2)
187. Brett K. #1 (0)
187. Carrie F. (0)
187. Damien R. #2 (0)
187. Dan D. #2 (0)
187. Gigi I. (0)
187. Irene H. #2 (0)
187. Jim D. #4 (0)
187. Kansas C. #2 (0)
187. Kirt R. #2 (0)
187. Larry G. #2 (0)
187. Larry G. #3 (0)
187. Pete J. #1 (0)
187. Ron KY (0)
187. Scott Has. (0)
201. Ally H. (-2)
201. Brandon H. (-2)
201. Brian K. (-2)
201. Eleanor (-2)
201. Jim K. (-2)
201. John M. #2 (-2)
201. Jon F. (-2)
201. Pete J. #6 (-2)
201. Ray W. #2 (-2)
201. Roth W. #1 (-2)
211. Damien R. #1 (-4)
211. Jay H. #3 (-4)
211. Kansas C. #4 (-4)
211. Larry G. #1 (-4)
215. Adam S. #2 (-6)
215. Eric R. #2 (-6)
215. Kevin F. #2 (-6)
218. Irene H. #5 (-8)
218. Jack K. #4 (-8)
218. Jill M. #1 (-8)
218. Joshua R. (-8)
218. Tim N. (-8)
223. Emily W. (-12)
224. Kevin F. #3 (-28)
225. Missy W. #2 (-30)

126 sheets still have yet to lose a Sweet 16 team.  That's an amazing amount of points still available.

Good luck to everyone!!!!!

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