Friday, March 17, 2017

NCAA - I predict no one will get through the first round unscathed....

Technically, it was chalk for the first four games of the day, but since more people picked Seton Hall in this pool, I 'm going to say that we had a minor upset.  That's what this tournament has reduced me to.  An 8 beats a 9, and because people had it the other way, I think it's an upset.  That's not good.

The Arkansas game did whittle the undefeated brackets down to 2 - and none of them are named Nieto.  That's a bit of a miracle in itself.  Depending on the results of the next two games, we will be down to 1 or zero undefeated brackets.  So much for the million bucks....

As for the first 4 games, 58 people managed to go 4/4.  The average points gained so far today is 3.18, which is quite a bit.  Jim D. #4 was the only person who managed to go 0/4 in these first games.  Adam E., Jim D. #3 and Kevin F. #3 were the only people that only received 1 point in these first 4.  In a pool like this is shaping up to be, that may be tough to overcome.

104 people still haven't lost a single Sweet 16 team.

Here are the updated standings:
1. Chris T. #1: 20 (0)
1. Mike S. #1: 20 (0)
3. Alex N. #1: 19 (-1)
3. Chris T. #2: 19 (-1)
3. Daisy N. #3: 19 (-1)
3. Daisy N. #9: 19 (-1)
3. Dan Dz.: 19 (-1)
3. Eric V.: 19 (-1)
3. Hal R. #1: 19 (-1)
3. Jeff S.: 19 (-1)
3. Luis B. #5: 19 (-1)
12. Alex N. #3: 18 (-2)
12. Bosun S.: 18 (-2)
12. Brayden R.: 18 (-2)
12. Chris T. #3: 18 (-2)
12. Craig G.: 18 (-2)
12. Daisy N. #12: 18 (-2)
12. Daisy N. #4: 18 (-2)
12. Daisy N. #8: 18 (-2)
12. Dylan B.: 18 (-2)
12. Gutless Jack: 18 (-2)
12. Hal R. #2: 18 (-2)
12. Hal R. #3: 18 (-2)
12. Howard S. #1: 18 (-2)
12. Jack K. #2: 18 (-2)
12. Jana T.: 18 (-2)
12. Josh C.: 18 (-2)
12. Ken P.: 18 (-2)
12. Kirt R. #1: 18 (-2)
12. Luis B. #1: 18 (-2)
12. Nathan R.: 18 (-2)
12. Paul R. #1: 18 (-2)
12. Pete J. #2: 18 (-2)
12. Ray W. #3: 18 (-2)
12. Szecho L. #1: 18 (-2)
12. Szecho L. #2: 18 (-2)
12. Taylor F.: 18 (-2)
12. Wayne D. #1: 18 (-2)
12. Wayne D. #2: 18 (-2)
40. Alex N. #2: 18 (-4)
40. Brent S. #1: 18 (-4)
40. Chad L. #3: 18 (-4)
43. April K.: 17 (-3)
43. Ava S.: 17 (-3)
43. Daisy N. #5: 17 (-3)
43. Daisy N. #6: 17 (-3)
43. Daisy N. #7: 17 (-3)
43. Dan S.: 17 (-3)
43. David S.: 17 (-3)
43. Dustin B. #2: 17 (-3)
43. Eric R. #1: 17 (-3)
43. Howard S. #2: 17 (-3)
43. Hutch H. #1: 17 (-3)
43. Irene H. #4: 17 (-3)
43. Joe D. #1: 17 (-3)
43. Joel B. #1: 17 (-3)
43. Julie S.: 17 (-3)
43. Kansas C. #3: 17 (-3)
43. Klei R.: 17 (-3)
43. Luis B. #2: 17 (-3)
43. Luis B. #3: 17 (-3)
43. Luis B. #4: 17 (-3)
43. Matt M.: 17 (-3)
43. Matt N.: 17 (-3)
43. Michelle R.: 17 (-3)
43. Mike McQ. #1: 17 (-3)
43. Mike S. #2: 17 (-3)
43. Mike W.: 17 (-3)
43. Missy W. #1: 17 (-3)
43. Paul R. #2: 17 (-3)
43. Pete J. #5: 17 (-3)
43. Presley J.: 17 (-3)
43. Ray W. #1: 17 (-3)
43. Zach V.: 17 (-3)
75. Allie I.: 17 (-5)
75. Ben J. #1: 17 (-5)
75. Chad L. #1: 17 (-5)
75. Daisy N. #2: 17 (-5)
75. Irene H. #3: 17 (-5)
75. James G. #1: 17 (-5)
75. Joe D. #3: 17 (-5)
75. John E. #2: 17 (-5)
75. Josh S. #2: 17 (-5)
75. Kyle V.: 17 (-5)
75. Larry G. #4: 17 (-5)
75. Mike C. #1: 17 (-5)
75. Mindi W.: 17 (-5)
75. Rob I.: 17 (-5)
75. Tim's Stepson: 17 (-5)
90. Adam S. #1: 16 (-4)
90. Alyssa N.: 16 (-4)
90. Bella S.: 16 (-4)
90. Ben J. #3: 16 (-4)
90. Brett W.: 16 (-4)
90. Chris M.: 16 (-4)
90. Cool Guy: 16 (-4)
90. Daisy N. #1: 16 (-4)
90. Daisy N. #10: 16 (-4)
90. Daisy N. #11: 16 (-4)
90. Dennis R. #2: 16 (-4)
90. Howard S. #3: 16 (-4)
90. Jack K. #1: 16 (-4)
90. Jim W.: 16 (-4)
90. John E. #1: 16 (-4)
90. Mike McQ. #2: 16 (-4)
90. Ron V. #2: 16 (-4)
90. Roth W. #3: 16 (-4)
90. Todd K. #2: 16 (-4)
109. Becky H.: 16 (-6)
109. Ben S. #1: 16 (-6)
109. Brent E. #1: 16 (-6)
109. Brent E. #2: 16 (-6)
109. Brent E. #3: 16 (-6)
109. Brent E. #4: 16 (-6)
109. Cory W.: 16 (-6)
109. Dan D. #1: 16 (-6)
109. Hutch H. #2: 16 (-6)
109. Michelle D.: 16 (-6)
109. Roth W. #2: 16 (-6)
109. Scott H. #2: 16 (-6)
109. Scott K. #2: 16 (-6)
109. Stefan K.: 16 (-6)
123. Chrissy I.: 16 (-8)
123. Joel B. #2: 16 (-8)
123. Josh S. #1: 16 (-8)
123. Ron KY: 16 (-8)
123. Roth W. #4: 16 (-8)
128. Irene H. #2: 16 (-10)
128. John M. #1: 16 (-10)
128. Larry G. #3: 16 (-10)
128. Pete J. #4: 16 (-10)
132. Ray W. #2: 16 (-12)
133. Joshua R.: 16 (-16)
134. Ben J. #4: 15 (-5)
134. Brad E.: 15 (-5)
134. Brent S. #2: 15 (-5)
134. Dennis R. #1: 15 (-5)
134. James R.: 15 (-5)
134. Missy W. #3: 15 (-5)
134. Molly R.: 15 (-5)
134. Pete J. #3: 15 (-5)
134. Riley Y.: 15 (-5)
134. Taima B.: 15 (-5)
144. Adam E.: 15 (-7)
144. Ben S. #2: 15 (-7)
144. Brett K. #2: 15 (-7)
144. Chris L. #1: 15 (-7)
144. Chris L. #2: 15 (-7)
144. Chris L. #3: 15 (-7)
144. Damien R. #3: 15 (-7)
144. Dustin B. #1: 15 (-7)
144. Elizabeth N.: 15 (-7)
144. James G. #2: 15 (-7)
144. Jaxon S.: 15 (-7)
144. Josh D.: 15 (-7)
144. Ron V. #1: 15 (-7)
144. Sanjay T.: 15 (-7)
158. Larry G. #2: 15 (-9)
158. Mike C. #2: 15 (-9)
158. Ryan S.: 15 (-9)
158. Scott H. #1: 15 (-9)
158. Scott Has.: 15 (-9)
158. Scott K. #1: 15 (-9)
164. Jon F.: 15 (-11)
165. Jay H. #1: 15 (-13)
166. Barack O.: 14 (-6)
166. Jax I.: 14 (-6)
166. Jill M. #2: 14 (-6)
166. Jim D. #1: 14 (-6)
170. Alyssa B.: 14 (-8)
170. Arianna S.: 14 (-8)
170. Brad R.: 14 (-8)
170. Chad L. #2: 14 (-8)
170. Damien R. #2: 14 (-8)
170. Gigi I.: 14 (-8)
170. Irene H. #1: 14 (-8)
170. Kansas C. #1: 14 (-8)
170. Kiah H.: 14 (-8)
170. Michelle L. #3: 14 (-8)
170. Richard Z.: 14 (-8)
170. Todd K. #1: 14 (-8)
182. Ally H.: 14 (-10)
182. Ashley D.: 14 (-10)
182. Kirt R. #2: 14 (-10)
182. Seth D.: 14 (-10)
186. Brian K.: 14 (-12)
187. Ben J. #2: 14 (-14)
187. Ben J. #5: 14 (-14)
189. Eric R. #2: 14 (-16)
190. Carrie F.: 13 (-9)
190. Jay H. #2: 13 (-9)
190. John M. #2: 13 (-9)
190. Kansas C. #2: 13 (-9)
194. Brandon H.: 13 (-11)
194. Brett K. #1: 13 (-11)
194. Damien R. #1: 13 (-11)
194. Dan D. #2: 13 (-11)
194. Jim D. #2: 13 (-11)
194. Jim D. #3: 13 (-11)
194. Larry G. #1: 13 (-11)
194. Marc R.: 13 (-11)
194. Michelle L. #1: 13 (-11)
194. Michelle L. #2: 13 (-11)
194. Michelle L. #4: 13 (-11)
194. Pete J. #1: 13 (-11)
206. Eleanor: 13 (-13)
206. Roth W. #1: 13 (-13)
208. Jim K.: 12 (-10)
208. Joe D. #2: 12 (-10)
208. Michelle L. #5: 12 (-10)
208. Pete J. #6: 12 (-10)
212. Karen C.: 12 (-12)
212. Kevin F. #1: 12 (-12)
214. Kevin F. #2: 12 (-14)
215. Adam S. #2: 12 (-16)
215. Jay H. #3: 12 (-16)
215. Jill M. #1: 12 (-16)
215. Kansas C. #4: 12 (-16)
219. Irene H. #5: 11 (-15)
220. Jack K. #4: 11 (-21)
221. Tim N.: 10 (-14)
222. Missy W. #2: 9 (-41)
223. Jim D. #4: 8 (-16)
224. Emily W.: 8 (-20)
225. Kevin F. #3: 8 (-36)

...and the updated net points standings:
1. Chris T. #1 (20)
1. Mike S. #1 (20)
3. Alex N. #1 (18)
3. Chris T. #2 (18)
3. Daisy N. #3 (18)
3. Daisy N. #9 (18)
3. Dan Dz. (18)
3. Eric V. (18)
3. Hal R. #1 (18)
3. Jeff S. (18)
3. Luis B. #5 (18)
12. Alex N. #3 (16)
12. Bosun S. (16)
12. Brayden R. (16)
12. Chris T. #3 (16)
12. Craig G. (16)
12. Daisy N. #12 (16)
12. Daisy N. #4 (16)
12. Daisy N. #8 (16)
12. Dylan B. (16)
12. Gutless Jack (16)
12. Hal R. #2 (16)
12. Hal R. #3 (16)
12. Howard S. #1 (16)
12. Jack K. #2 (16)
12. Jana T. (16)
12. Josh C. (16)
12. Ken P. (16)
12. Kirt R. #1 (16)
12. Luis B. #1 (16)
12. Nathan R. (16)
12. Paul R. #1 (16)
12. Pete J. #2 (16)
12. Ray W. #3 (16)
12. Szecho L. #1 (16)
12. Szecho L. #2 (16)
12. Taylor F. (16)
12. Wayne D. #1 (16)
12. Wayne D. #2 (16)
40. Alex N. #2 (14)
40. April K. (14)
40. Ava S. (14)
40. Brent S. #1 (14)
40. Chad L. #3 (14)
40. Daisy N. #5 (14)
40. Daisy N. #6 (14)
40. Daisy N. #7 (14)
40. Dan S. (14)
40. David S. (14)
40. Dustin B. #2 (14)
40. Eric R. #1 (14)
40. Howard S. #2 (14)
40. Hutch H. #1 (14)
40. Irene H. #4 (14)
40. Joe D. #1 (14)
40. Joel B. #1 (14)
40. Julie S. (14)
40. Kansas C. #3 (14)
40. Klei R. (14)
40. Luis B. #2 (14)
40. Luis B. #3 (14)
40. Luis B. #4 (14)
40. Matt M. (14)
40. Matt N. (14)
40. Michelle R. (14)
40. Mike McQ. #1 (14)
40. Mike S. #2 (14)
40. Mike W. (14)
40. Missy W. #1 (14)
40. Paul R. #2 (14)
40. Pete J. #5 (14)
40. Presley J. (14)
40. Ray W. #1 (14)
40. Zach V. (14)
75. Adam S. #1 (12)
75. Allie I. (12)
75. Alyssa N. (12)
75. Bella S. (12)
75. Ben J. #1 (12)
75. Ben J. #3 (12)
75. Brett W. (12)
75. Chad L. #1 (12)
75. Chris M. (12)
75. Cool Guy (12)
75. Daisy N. #1 (12)
75. Daisy N. #10 (12)
75. Daisy N. #11 (12)
75. Daisy N. #2 (12)
75. Dennis R. #2 (12)
75. Howard S. #3 (12)
75. Irene H. #3 (12)
75. Jack K. #1 (12)
75. James G. #1 (12)
75. Jim W. (12)
75. Joe D. #3 (12)
75. John E. #1 (12)
75. John E. #2 (12)
75. Josh S. #2 (12)
75. Kyle V. (12)
75. Larry G. #4 (12)
75. Mike C. #1 (12)
75. Mike McQ. #2 (12)
75. Mindi W. (12)
75. Rob I. (12)
75. Ron V. #2 (12)
75. Roth W. #3 (12)
75. Tim's Stepson (12)
75. Todd K. #2 (12)
109. Becky H. (10)
109. Ben J. #4 (10)
109. Ben S. #1 (10)
109. Brad E. (10)
109. Brent E. #1 (10)
109. Brent E. #2 (10)
109. Brent E. #3 (10)
109. Brent E. #4 (10)
109. Brent S. #2 (10)
109. Cory W. (10)
109. Dan D. #1 (10)
109. Dennis R. #1 (10)
109. Hutch H. #2 (10)
109. James R. (10)
109. Michelle D. (10)
109. Missy W. #3 (10)
109. Molly R. (10)
109. Pete J. #3 (10)
109. Riley Y. (10)
109. Roth W. #2 (10)
109. Scott H. #2 (10)
109. Scott K. #2 (10)
109. Stefan K. (10)
109. Taima B. (10)
133. Adam E. (8)
133. Barack O. (8)
133. Ben S. #2 (8)
133. Brett K. #2 (8)
133. Chris L. #1 (8)
133. Chris L. #2 (8)
133. Chris L. #3 (8)
133. Chrissy I. (8)
133. Damien R. #3 (8)
133. Dustin B. #1 (8)
133. Elizabeth N. (8)
133. James G. #2 (8)
133. Jax I. (8)
133. Jaxon S. (8)
133. Jill M. #2 (8)
133. Jim D. #1 (8)
133. Joel B. #2 (8)
133. Josh D. (8)
133. Josh S. #1 (8)
133. Ron KY (8)
133. Ron V. #1 (8)
133. Roth W. #4 (8)
133. Sanjay T. (8)
156. Alyssa B. (6)
156. Arianna S. (6)
156. Brad R. (6)
156. Chad L. #2 (6)
156. Damien R. #2 (6)
156. Gigi I. (6)
156. Irene H. #1 (6)
156. Irene H. #2 (6)
156. John M. #1 (6)
156. Kansas C. #1 (6)
156. Kiah H. (6)
156. Larry G. #2 (6)
156. Larry G. #3 (6)
156. Michelle L. #3 (6)
156. Mike C. #2 (6)
156. Pete J. #4 (6)
156. Richard Z. (6)
156. Ryan S. (6)
156. Scott H. #1 (6)
156. Scott Has. (6)
156. Scott K. #1 (6)
156. Todd K. #1 (6)
178. Ally H. (4)
178. Ashley D. (4)
178. Carrie F. (4)
178. Jay H. #2 (4)
178. John M. #2 (4)
178. Jon F. (4)
178. Kansas C. #2 (4)
178. Kirt R. #2 (4)
178. Ray W. #2 (4)
178. Seth D. (4)
188. Brandon H. (2)
188. Brett K. #1 (2)
188. Brian K. (2)
188. Damien R. #1 (2)
188. Dan D. #2 (2)
188. Jay H. #1 (2)
188. Jim D. #2 (2)
188. Jim D. #3 (2)
188. Jim K. (2)
188. Joe D. #2 (2)
188. Larry G. #1 (2)
188. Marc R. (2)
188. Michelle L. #1 (2)
188. Michelle L. #2 (2)
188. Michelle L. #4 (2)
188. Michelle L. #5 (2)
188. Pete J. #1 (2)
188. Pete J. #6 (2)
206. Ben J. #2 (0)
206. Ben J. #5 (0)
206. Eleanor (0)
206. Joshua R. (0)
206. Karen C. (0)
206. Kevin F. #1 (0)
206. Roth W. #1 (0)
213. Eric R. #2 (-2)
213. Kevin F. #2 (-2)
215. Adam S. #2 (-4)
215. Irene H. #5 (-4)
215. Jay H. #3 (-4)
215. Jill M. #1 (-4)
215. Kansas C. #4 (-4)
215. Tim N. (-4)
221. Jim D. #4 (-8)
222. Jack K. #4 (-10)
223. Emily W. (-12)
224. Kevin F. #3 (-28)
225. Missy W. #2 (-32)

A brief thought about the net points standings.  Typically they are useful to penalize the brackets that may have racked up some points, but are going to lose a lot of points in the out rounds.  When nobody is losing any teams in the out rounds, this ranking looks very much like the overall points standings.  I swear it's useful in other years.

There are only 2 games left in the morning session.

North Carolina / Texas Southern
North Carolina: 224
Texas Southern : 1
Vegas line: North Carolina by 26

This is the biggest point spread of the first round.  I think this may be a good time to take a nap or prepare for the afternoon slate of games.  I fully expect Texas Southern to get run off the court.  I also took North Carolina to win it all, so I'm really hoping for a cake walk here.  Better luck next time, Texas Southern.

Creighton / Rhode Island
Creighton: 110
Rhode Island: 115
Vegas Line: Rhode Island by 1

Well, this is interesting.  This looks very similar to the Middle Tennessee State / Minnesota game yesterday.  As a group, we have picked Rhode Island (the 11 seed) to beat Creighton (the 6 seed).  There are some good reasons to do this.  Rhode Island just won the A10 tournament, so they are playing well.  I think that Creighton lost their point guard earlier this year, and have been a little mediocre ever since.  Creighton also has a bad track record of losing as a favorite compliments of the Doug McDermott era.  Considering that 3/4 of the brackets have Oregon beating whoever comes out of this game, it looks a lot like a classic tie-breaker game.

Good luck to everyone!!!!!

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