Saturday, March 23, 2024

After North Carolina game....

That was a game of runs for both teams, but it looks like North Carolina had a little more ability to make a run than Michigan State.  I guess MCU still overperformed, but not too much.  North Carolina was also playing in North Carolina, so they had another advantage.

Here are the updated standings:

1. Mark A.: 33 (-9) - Arizona

2. Becky H.: 32 (-8) - Purdue

3. John Mack #1: 32 (-12) - Connecticut

4. Missy W. #1: 31 (-13) - Marquette

5. Ally H.: 31 (-15) - Purdue

6. Derek B.: 31 (-23) - North Carolina

7. Matt W.: 31 (-39) - Arizona

8. Szecho L.: 30 (-10) - Houston

9. Scott H. #1: 30 (-12) - Connecticut

10. Michelle L. #3: 30 (-16) - Houston

10. Michelle L. #4: 30 (-16) - Purdue

12. Patrick McC. #1: 30 (-18) - Connecticut

12. Tomas L.: 30 (-18) - Houston

14. Chris E.: 30 (-20) - Marquette

15. April K.: 30 (-34) - Purdue

16. Dan Dug. #2: 30 (-40) - North Carolina

16. Michelle L. #2: 30 (-40) - North Carolina

18. Alyssa B.: 30 (-54) - Arizona

19. Chun W. #2: 29 (-11) - North Carolina

19. Kim F.: 29 (-11) - Creighton

21. Jim W.: 29 (-13) - North Carolina

22. Dan Mck.: 29 (-15) - Purdue

22. Deanna T.: 29 (-15) - Purdue

24. Derek H.: 29 (-17) - Connecticut

25. Damien R. #2: 29 (-19) - Connecticut

26. Vang L.: 29 (-21) - Iowa State

27. Jackson I.: 29 (-23) - Tennessee

27. Kirt R. #2: 29 (-23) - Purdue

29. Bryce O.: 29 (-25) - Houston

29. Moochie #5: 29 (-25) - Connecticut

31. Scott K. #2: 29 (-27) - Houston

32. Adam S.: 29 (-35) - North Carolina

33. Elizabeth N. #1: 29 (-45) - Connecticut

34. Dan Dug. #1: 29 (-47) - Connecticut

35. Eric V.: 29 (-77) - Auburn

36. Daisy N. #3: 28 (-10) - Houston

37. Chris T.: 28 (-14) - North Carolina

38. Eric S. #2: 28 (-18) - Purdue

38. Marc R.: 28 (-18) - Arizona

38. Michelle L. #1: 28 (-18) - Connecticut

41. Brandon B. #1: 28 (-20) - Connecticut

41. Pete J. #1: 28 (-20) - Connecticut

41. Roth W.: 28 (-20) - Houston

44. CAAT #3: 28 (-22) - Connecticut

44. CAAT #4: 28 (-22) - Connecticut

44. Kevin F. #2: 28 (-22) - Purdue

47. Brent S. #2: 28 (-24) - Connecticut

47. Klei R. #1: 28 (-24) - Houston

47. Mike V.: 28 (-24) - Connecticut

47. Tim N.: 28 (-24) - Marquette

51. Damien R. #1: 28 (-26) - Houston

52. Dan L. #2: 28 (-28) - Purdue

52. Irene H. #4: 28 (-28) - Arizona

54. Chun W. #1: 28 (-30) - Tennessee

55. Daniel E.: 28 (-32) - Arizona

56. Gigi I.: 28 (-36) - Arizona

57. Luis B. #3: 28 (-40) - Connecticut

58. Pat K.: 28 (-42) - Connecticut

59. Missy W. #2: 28 (-46) - Tennessee

60. Kevin F. #1: 28 (-50) - Connecticut

61. Klei R. #3: 28 (-72) - Purdue

62. Baily T.: 28 (-80) - South Carolina

63. Adam E.: 27 (-13) - North Carolina

63. Brent E. #2: 27 (-13) - North Carolina

63. Daisy N. #4: 27 (-13) - Connecticut

63. Michael S. #2: 27 (-13) - Purdue

67. Dave A.: 27 (-15) - Purdue

67. Dawn T.: 27 (-15) - North Carolina

67. Ken Pom: 27 (-15) - Connecticut

67. Ryan Green: 27 (-15) - Houston

67. Wayne D. #3: 27 (-15) - Purdue

72. Brent E. #3: 27 (-17) - Connecticut

72. Brent E. #4: 27 (-17) - Connecticut

74. Danielle A.: 27 (-19) - Connecticut

74. Kirt R. #1: 27 (-19) - Houston

74. Michael S. #1: 27 (-19) - Connecticut

74. Michelle L. #5: 27 (-19) - Alabama

74. Scott K. #1: 27 (-19) - Tennessee

79. Connor W.: 27 (-21) - Houston

79. Dan P.: 27 (-21) - Connecticut

79. Emily T.: 27 (-21) - Arizona

79. Niren D.: 27 (-21) - Connecticut

83. Brandon H. #1: 27 (-23) - Houston

83. CAAT #1: 27 (-23) - Connecticut

83. Craig G.: 27 (-23) - Purdue

83. Damien R. #3: 27 (-23) - Houston

83. Rich F.: 27 (-23) - Marquette

88. Stefon K.: 27 (-25) - Purdue

89. Howard S. #2: 27 (-27) - Purdue

89. Kyle V.: 27 (-27) - Houston

91. Off Efficiency: 27 (-31) - Connecticut

92. Steve Dz. #2: 27 (-35) - Illinois

93. Brent S. #1: 27 (-41) - Connecticut

94. Brent E. #1: 27 (-43) - Houston

94. Dan L. #1: 27 (-43) - Tennessee

96. Daisy N. #11: 27 (-47) - Connecticut

97. Amber D.: 27 (-51) - Connecticut

97. Chris M.: 27 (-51) - Houston

99. DESGRU8 (Dan Dz.): 27 (-59) - North Carolina

100. Klei R. #2: 27 (-65) - Purdue

101. Noah G.: 27 (-77) - Kentucky

102. Ryan W.: 27 (-83) - Kentucky

103. Paul W.: 26 (-12) - North Carolina

104. Andrew D. #1: 26 (-14) - Houston

105. Brad E.: 26 (-16) - Purdue

105. Dustin B.: 26 (-16) - Creighton

107. Chrissy I.: 26 (-18) - Arizona

107. Zach V.: 26 (-18) - Connecticut

109. David F. #2: 26 (-20) - Connecticut

109. Eric G.: 26 (-20) - Houston

109. Greg R.: 26 (-20) - Purdue

109. Irene H. #2: 26 (-20) - Houston

109. Luis B. #2: 26 (-20) - Connecticut

109. Mike N.: 26 (-20) - Connecticut

109. Scott H. #2: 26 (-20) - Houston

116. Chris L. #1: 26 (-22) - Connecticut

116. Chris L. #2: 26 (-22) - Purdue

116. Chris L. #3: 26 (-22) - North Carolina

116. Chris L. #4: 26 (-22) - North Carolina

116. Jay B. - ESPN: 26 (-22) - Connecticut

116. Jay H. #2: 26 (-22) - Connecticut

116. John A. #2: 26 (-22) - Houston

123. Brian K.: 26 (-24) - Illinois

123. CAAT #5: 26 (-24) - Connecticut

123. Nick I.: 26 (-24) - Purdue

123. Tyler C.: 26 (-24) - Houston

127. Ben S.: 26 (-26) - Connecticut

127. Daisy N. #9: 26 (-26) - Houston

127. Irene H. #7: 26 (-26) - Connecticut

127. Patrick McC. #2: 26 (-26) - Connecticut

127. Tim Dz. #1: 26 (-26) - Connecticut

132. Kiah H. #1: 26 (-28) - Houston

132. Mason A. #2: 26 (-28) - North Carolina

134. Pete J. #4: 26 (-32) - Tennessee

135. D. Mag #2: 26 (-44) - North Carolina

135. Luis B. #1: 26 (-44) - Connecticut

137. Paul K. #1: 26 (-50) - North Carolina

138. Moochie #1: 26 (-58) - North Carolina

139. Steve Dz. #1: 26 (-62) - Iowa State

140. Daisy N. #7: 26 (-82) - Kentucky

140. Kristina H.: 26 (-82) - Kentucky

142. D. Mag #1: 26 (-98) - Auburn

143. Elliot N.: 25 (-17) - Connecticut

143. Gutless Bracket: 25 (-17) - Connecticut

143. Hutch H. #2: 25 (-17) - Houston

143. John E. #1: 25 (-17) - Houston

143. Kristin G.: 25 (-17) - Houston

143. Mary Lou H.: 25 (-17) - Houston

149. Cicely K.: 25 (-19) - North Carolina

149. Daisy N. #12: 25 (-19) - Tennessee

151. Brett G. (Sleeper): 25 (-21) - Iowa State

151. Mike W.: 25 (-21) - Iowa State

153. D. Mag #3: 25 (-23) - Connecticut

153. Larry G. #4: 25 (-23) - Tennessee

153. Nate R.: 25 (-23) - Houston

156. Dirk F.: 25 (-25) - Purdue

156. Paul K. #2: 25 (-25) - Illinois

158. Brad R.: 25 (-27) - Connecticut

158. Carlo G.: 25 (-27) - Connecticut

160. Daisy N. #1: 25 (-29) - Connecticut

160. Def Efficiency: 25 (-29) - Iowa State

160. Dylan B.: 25 (-29) - Houston

163. Brooklynn B.: 25 (-31) - Purdue

163. Gary W.: 25 (-31) - Arizona

165. Brett W.: 25 (-33) - Arizona

166. Guillermo V.: 25 (-41) - Connecticut

167. Bryce S.: 25 (-51) - Creighton

167. Josiah T.: 25 (-51) - North Carolina

169. Jaxon S.: 25 (-59) - Purdue

170. Elizabeth N. #2: 25 (-67) - North Carolina

171. Elizabeth P. #3: 25 (-83) - Kentucky

172. Dianna A.: 25 (-89) - Kansas

173. Stephen C.: 25 (-103) - Nebraska

174. Josh C.: 25 (-105) - Auburn

175. Noah N.: 25 (-109) - Kentucky

176. Jared V.: 24 (-18) - Connecticut

176. Joe C.: 24 (-18) - Houston

176. John E. #2: 24 (-18) - Purdue

176. Melody K.: 24 (-18) - Connecticut

180. Andy L.: 24 (-20) - Purdue

180. Josh V.: 24 (-20) - Connecticut

180. Kealoha G.: 24 (-20) - North Carolina

180. Matt N.: 24 (-20) - Purdue

180. Moochie #2: 24 (-20) - Tennessee

185. Daisy N. #6: 24 (-22) - Iowa State

185. Luis B. #5: 24 (-22) - Connecticut

187. Pete J. #3: 24 (-24) - Houston

187. Seth D.: 24 (-24) - Connecticut

187. Veronica G.: 24 (-24) - Houston

190. Larry G. #2: 24 (-26) - Connecticut

190. Matt H.: 24 (-26) - Connecticut

192. Colston W.: 24 (-28) - Connecticut

192. Larry G. #1: 24 (-28) - Purdue

192. Miles D.: 24 (-28) - Arizona

192. Rob I.: 24 (-28) - Arizona

192. Shanky G.: 24 (-28) - Connecticut

197. Andrew D. #2: 24 (-30) - Houston

197. John Mack #2: 24 (-30) - Purdue

199. Daisy N. #10: 24 (-32) - Arizona

199. Grant F.: 24 (-32) - Houston

199. Mitchell S.: 24 (-32) - North Carolina

199. Wayne D. #1: 24 (-32) - North Carolina

203. Irene H. #5: 24 (-36) - Tennessee

204. Melissa M.: 24 (-44) - Connecticut

205. Henry A.: 24 (-46) - Connecticut

206. Tim Dz. #2: 24 (-54) - Arizona

207. Jacob A.: 24 (-56) - Iowa State

208. Adalyn H.: 24 (-72) - Purdue

209. Wayne D. #2: 24 (-82) - Auburn

210. Pete J. #5: 24 (-84) - Auburn

211. Howard S. #1: 24 (-86) - Auburn

212. Karen C.: 24 (-98) - Kentucky

213. Amanda R.: 24 (-134) - Wisconsin

214. Wayne D. #4: 23 (-19) - Purdue

215. Brooke M. #2: 23 (-21) - Arizona

216. Daisy N. #8: 23 (-23) - Tennessee

216. Irene H. #1: 23 (-23) - Connecticut

218. Dennis R.: 23 (-25) - Connecticut

218. Eric S. #1: 23 (-25) - Houston

218. John A. #1: 23 (-25) - Houston

221. John N.: 23 (-31) - San Diego State

221. Ryan G.: 23 (-31) - Purdue

223. Daisy N. #2: 23 (-33) - Purdue

224. Beau H.: 23 (-35) - Alabama

225. Brandon H. #2: 23 (-37) - Arizona

226. David F. #1: 23 (-39) - Purdue

226. Valerie D.: 23 (-39) - Connecticut

228. Shawn D.: 23 (-41) - Purdue

229. Brandon B. #2: 23 (-47) - North Carolina

230. Moochie #4: 23 (-51) - Connecticut

231. Hutch H. #1: 23 (-85) - Kansas

231. Pete J. #2: 23 (-85) - Kentucky

233. Kiah H. #2: 23 (-93) - Texas Tech

234. Mario M.: 22 (-24) - Tennessee

235. James G.: 22 (-26) - Connecticut

235. Jim D. #1: 22 (-26) - Connecticut

237. CAAT #2: 22 (-28) - Connecticut

237. Legend of Zelli: 22 (-28) - Duke

237. Rob C.: 22 (-28) - Connecticut

240. Brooke M. #1: 22 (-30) - Houston

241. Brett G. (Upset): 22 (-34) - Connecticut

242. Mason A. #1: 22 (-42) - Connecticut

243. Brett G. (Devils): 22 (-44) - Houston

244. Luis B. #4: 22 (-48) - Connecticut

245. Christopher K.: 22 (-76) - Illinois

246. Marshmellow (Nik B.): 22 (-90) - Howard / Wagner

246. Matt M.: 22 (-90) - Auburn

248. Harrell R. #2: 21 (-23) - NC State

249. Larry G. #3: 21 (-25) - Purdue

250. Harrell R. #1: 21 (-27) - North Carolina

251. Harrell R. #3: 21 (-29) - Tennessee

251. Jim D. #2: 21 (-29) - Houston

253. Ali A. #1: 21 (-37) - Washington State

254. Scarlett H.: 21 (-41) - Houston

255. Pete J. #6: 21 (-53) - Connecticut

256. Harrell R. #4: 21 (-57) - Iowa State

257. Mark B.: 21 (-63) - Connecticut

258. Moochie #3: 21 (-93) - James Madison

259. Irene H. #6: 20 (-26) - North Carolina

260. Jared B.: 20 (-32) - Iowa State

260. Jay H. #1: 20 (-32) - Houston

262. Charlotte N.: 20 (-40) - San Diego State

263. Daisy N. #5: 20 (-48) - North Carolina

263. Mustard (Nikolajs B.): 20 (-48) - Oregon

265. Faye N.: 20 (-50) - Texas A&M

266. Constance McA.: 20 (-54) - Gonzaga

267. Brett G. (Quinnie): 20 (-58) - Arizona

268. Irene H. #3: 19 (-25) - Purdue

269. Ali A. #2: 19 (-91) - Arizona

269. Finn D.: 19 (-91) - Kansas

271. Wayne D. #5: 17 (-45) - Houston

272. Brandie H.: 16 (-106) - Nebraska

273. Damien R. #4: 16 (-110) - Long Beach State

274. D. Mag #4: 15 (-47) - Illinois

…and net points rankings:

1. Mark A. (24)

1. Becky H. (24)

3. John Mack #1 (20)

3. Szecho L. (20)

5. Missy W. #1 (18)

5. Scott H. #1 (18)

5. Chun W. #2 (18)

5. Kim F. (18)

5. Daisy N. #3 (18)

10. Ally H. (16)

10. Jim W. (16)

12. Michelle L. #3 (14)

12. Michelle L. #4 (14)

12. Dan Mck. (14)

12. Deanna T. (14)

12. Chris T. (14)

12. Adam E. (14)

12. Brent E. #2 (14)

12. Daisy N. #4 (14)

12. Michael S. #2 (14)

12. Paul W. (14)

22. Patrick McC. #1 (12)

22. Tomas L. (12)

22. Derek H. (12)

22. Dave A. (12)

22. Dawn T. (12)

22. Ken Pom (12)

22. Ryan Green (12)

22. Wayne D. #3 (12)

22. Andrew D. #1 (12)

31. Chris E. (10)

31. Damien R. #2 (10)

31. Eric S. #2 (10)

31. Marc R. (10)

31. Michelle L. #1 (10)

31. Brent E. #3 (10)

31. Brent E. #4 (10)

31. Brad E. (10)

31. Dustin B. (10)

40. Derek B. (8)

40. Vang L. (8)

40. Brandon B. #1 (8)

40. Pete J. #1 (8)

40. Roth W. (8)

40. Danielle A. (8)

40. Kirt R. #1 (8)

40. Michael S. #1 (8)

40. Michelle L. #5 (8)

40. Scott K. #1 (8)

40. Chrissy I. (8)

40. Zach V. (8)

40. Elliot N. (8)

40. Gutless Bracket (8)

40. Hutch H. #2 (8)

40. John E. #1 (8)

40. Kristin G. (8)

40. Mary Lou H. (8)

58. Jackson I. (6)

58. Kirt R. #2 (6)

58. CAAT #3 (6)

58. CAAT #4 (6)

58. Kevin F. #2 (6)

58. Connor W. (6)

58. Dan P. (6)

58. Emily T. (6)

58. Niren D. (6)

58. David F. #2 (6)

58. Eric G. (6)

58. Greg R. (6)

58. Irene H. #2 (6)

58. Luis B. #2 (6)

58. Mike N. (6)

58. Scott H. #2 (6)

58. Cicely K. (6)

58. Daisy N. #12 (6)

58. Jared V. (6)

58. Joe C. (6)

58. John E. #2 (6)

58. Melody K. (6)

80. Bryce O. (4)

80. Moochie #5 (4)

80. Brent S. #2 (4)

80. Klei R. #1 (4)

80. Mike V. (4)

80. Tim N. (4)

80. Brandon H. #1 (4)

80. CAAT #1 (4)

80. Craig G. (4)

80. Damien R. #3 (4)

80. Rich F. (4)

80. Chris L. #1 (4)

80. Chris L. #2 (4)

80. Chris L. #3 (4)

80. Chris L. #4 (4)

80. Jay B. - ESPN (4)

80. Jay H. #2 (4)

80. John A. #2 (4)

80. Brett G. (Sleeper) (4)

80. Mike W. (4)

80. Andy L. (4)

80. Josh V. (4)

80. Kealoha G. (4)

80. Matt N. (4)

80. Moochie #2 (4)

80. Wayne D. #4 (4)

106. Scott K. #2 (2)

106. Damien R. #1 (2)

106. Stefon K. (2)

106. Brian K. (2)

106. CAAT #5 (2)

106. Nick I. (2)

106. Tyler C. (2)

106. D. Mag #3 (2)

106. Larry G. #4 (2)

106. Nate R. (2)

106. Daisy N. #6 (2)

106. Luis B. #5 (2)

106. Brooke M. #2 (2)

119. Dan L. #2 (0)

119. Irene H. #4 (0)

119. Howard S. #2 (0)

119. Kyle V. (0)

119. Ben S. (0)

119. Daisy N. #9 (0)

119. Irene H. #7 (0)

119. Patrick McC. #2 (0)

119. Tim Dz. #1 (0)

119. Dirk F. (0)

119. Paul K. #2 (0)

119. Pete J. #3 (0)

119. Seth D. (0)

119. Veronica G. (0)

119. Daisy N. #8 (0)

119. Irene H. #1 (0)

135. Chun W. #1 (-2)

135. Kiah H. #1 (-2)

135. Mason A. #2 (-2)

135. Brad R. (-2)

135. Carlo G. (-2)

135. Larry G. #2 (-2)

135. Matt H. (-2)

135. Dennis R. (-2)

135. Eric S. #1 (-2)

135. John A. #1 (-2)

135. Mario M. (-2)

135. Harrell R. #2 (-2)

147. April K. (-4)

147. Daniel E. (-4)

147. Off Efficiency (-4)

147. Daisy N. #1 (-4)

147. Def Efficiency (-4)

147. Dylan B. (-4)

147. Colston W. (-4)

147. Larry G. #1 (-4)

147. Miles D. (-4)

147. Rob I. (-4)

147. Shanky G. (-4)

147. James G. (-4)

147. Jim D. #1 (-4)

147. Larry G. #3 (-4)

161. Adam S. (-6)

161. Pete J. #4 (-6)

161. Brooklynn B. (-6)

161. Gary W. (-6)

161. Andrew D. #2 (-6)

161. John Mack #2 (-6)

161. CAAT #2 (-6)

161. Legend of Zelli (-6)

161. Rob C. (-6)

161. Harrell R. #1 (-6)

161. Irene H. #6 (-6)

161. Irene H. #3 (-6)

173. Matt W. (-8)

173. Gigi I. (-8)

173. Steve Dz. #2 (-8)

173. Brett W. (-8)

173. Daisy N. #10 (-8)

173. Grant F. (-8)

173. Mitchell S. (-8)

173. Wayne D. #1 (-8)

173. John N. (-8)

173. Ryan G. (-8)

173. Brooke M. #1 (-8)

173. Harrell R. #3 (-8)

173. Jim D. #2 (-8)

186. Dan Dug. #2 (-10)

186. Michelle L. #2 (-10)

186. Daisy N. #2 (-10)

189. Luis B. #3 (-12)

189. Irene H. #5 (-12)

189. Beau H. (-12)

189. Brett G. (Upset) (-12)

189. Jared B. (-12)

189. Jay H. #1 (-12)

195. Pat K. (-14)

195. Brent S. #1 (-14)

195. Brandon H. #2 (-14)

198. Elizabeth N. #1 (-16)

198. Brent E. #1 (-16)

198. Dan L. #1 (-16)

198. Guillermo V. (-16)

198. David F. #1 (-16)

198. Valerie D. (-16)

198. Ali A. #1 (-16)

205. Dan Dug. #1 (-18)

205. Missy W. #2 (-18)

205. D. Mag #2 (-18)

205. Luis B. #1 (-18)

205. Shawn D. (-18)

210. Daisy N. #11 (-20)

210. Melissa M. (-20)

210. Mason A. #1 (-20)

210. Scarlett H. (-20)

210. Charlotte N. (-20)

215. Kevin F. #1 (-22)

215. Henry A. (-22)

215. Brett G. (Devils) (-22)

218. Alyssa B. (-24)

218. Amber D. (-24)

218. Chris M. (-24)

218. Paul K. #1 (-24)

218. Brandon B. #2 (-24)

223. Bryce S. (-26)

223. Josiah T. (-26)

223. Luis B. #4 (-26)

226. Moochie #4 (-28)

226. Daisy N. #5 (-28)

226. Mustard (Nikolajs B.) (-28)

226. Wayne D. #5 (-28)

230. Tim Dz. #2 (-30)

230. Faye N. (-30)

232. DESGRU8 (Dan Dz.) (-32)

232. Moochie #1 (-32)

232. Jacob A. (-32)

232. Pete J. #6 (-32)

232. D. Mag #4 (-32)

237. Jaxon S. (-34)

237. Constance McA. (-34)

239. Steve Dz. #1 (-36)

239. Harrell R. #4 (-36)

241. Klei R. #2 (-38)

241. Brett G. (Quinnie) (-38)

243. Elizabeth N. #2 (-42)

243. Mark B. (-42)

245. Klei R. #3 (-44)

246. Eric V. (-48)

246. Adalyn H. (-48)

248. Noah G. (-50)

249. Baily T. (-52)

250. Christopher K. (-54)

251. Ryan W. (-56)

251. Daisy N. #7 (-56)

251. Kristina H. (-56)

254. Elizabeth P. #3 (-58)

254. Wayne D. #2 (-58)

256. Pete J. #5 (-60)

257. Howard S. #1 (-62)

257. Hutch H. #1 (-62)

257. Pete J. #2 (-62)

260. Dianna A. (-64)

261. Marshmellow (Nik B.) (-68)

261. Matt M. (-68)

263. Kiah H. #2 (-70)

264. D. Mag #1 (-72)

264. Moochie #3 (-72)

264. Ali A. #2 (-72)

264. Finn D. (-72)

268. Karen C. (-74)

269. Stephen C. (-78)

270. Josh C. (-80)

271. Noah N. (-84)

272. Brandie H. (-90)

273. Damien R. #4 (-94)

274. Amanda R. (-110)

Here are the people we lost in the West Region due to Michigan State losing:

Alyssa B.: 9 (-3) - Alabama / Arizona / Arizona

Brent E. #1: 10 (-14) - Michigan State / Arizona / Michigan State

Chris M.: 9 (-15) - Michigan State / Baylor / Michigan State

John N.: 8 (-12) - Michigan State / Arizona / Arizona

Legend of Zelli: 8 (-10) - Michigan State / Arizona / Arizona

Mason A. #1: 9 (-7) - Michigan State / Baylor / Baylor

Moochie #2: 5 (-11) - Mississippi State / Clemson / Clemson

Patrick McC. #2: 6 (-12) - Michigan State / Arizona / Arizona

..and the updated rankings for the West:

Daisy N. #2: 9 (-5) - North Carolina / Clemson / Clemson


Brandie H.: 7 (-7) - Grand Canyon / Arizona / Grand Canyon


Szecho L.: 12 (0) - North Carolina / Baylor / Baylor


Brent E. #2: 12 (0) - North Carolina / Arizona / North Carolina


Brent E. #3: 12 (0) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona


Brent E. #4: 12 (0) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona


D. Mag #1: 11 (-1) - Alabama / Arizona / Alabama


Daisy N. #7: 12 (0) - North Carolina / Arizona / North Carolina


Dave A.: 11 (-1) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona


Dawn T.: 12 (0) - North Carolina / Arizona / North Carolina


Howard S. #2: 11 (-1) - Alabama / Clemson / Alabama


Irene H. #4: 11 (-1) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona


Kristina H.: 10 (-2) - North Carolina / Clemson / North Carolina


Ally H.: 11 (-1) - Alabama / Arizona / Arizona


Brandon H. #1: 10 (-2) - Grand Canyon / Arizona / Arizona


Brent S. #1: 10 (-2) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona


Dan Dug. #1: 11 (-1) - Alabama / Arizona / Arizona


Dan Mck.: 10 (-2) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona


Deanna T.: 11 (-1) - North Carolina / Baylor / North Carolina


Elizabeth N. #1: 11 (-1) - Alabama / Arizona / Arizona


Finn D.: 5 (-7) - Grand Canyon / Clemson / Grand Canyon


Gigi I.: 11 (-3) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona


Irene H. #5: 10 (-2) - North Carolina / Baylor / Baylor


Jared V.: 9 (-3) - Alabama / Baylor / Baylor


Joe C.: 11 (-1) - North Carolina / Baylor / North Carolina


John Mack #1: 11 (-1) - North Carolina / Arizona / North Carolina


Kim F.: 10 (-2) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona


Kristin G.: 11 (-3) - Grand Canyon / Arizona / Arizona


Luis B. #3: 10 (-2) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona


Matt W.: 10 (-2) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona


Melissa M.: 11 (-1) - North Carolina / Arizona / North Carolina


Michelle L. #1: 10 (-2) - North Carolina / Baylor / Baylor


Missy W. #1: 10 (-4) - North Carolina / Clemson / North Carolina


Moochie #1: 11 (-1) - North Carolina / Baylor / North Carolina


Moochie #5: 10 (-2) - North Carolina / Arizona / North Carolina


Noah G.: 11 (-3) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona


Off Efficiency: 11 (-1) - Alabama / Baylor / Alabama


Paul K. #2: 10 (-2) - North Carolina / Baylor / Baylor


Pete J. #1: 9 (-3) - Alabama / Arizona / Alabama


Seth D.: 10 (-2) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona


Steve Dz. #2: 11 (-1) - North Carolina / Baylor / North Carolina


Wayne D. #2: 10 (-2) - North Carolina / Baylor / Baylor


Here is the breakdown of the second set of games.

Game 37

NC State v Oakland

Vagas Line: NC State -6.5

Picks for NC State: 30

Picks ofr Oakland: 2

Picks for Other: 242

How many people had this matchup?  9 people.  That’s it.  Of those 9, only 3 of them are currently sitting in the top ½ of the rankings.  That’s why this tournament is so tough.  You can hit both of these teams, but people tend to pick a lot crazier stuff.  It’s so hard to be selective.  It’s like trying to predict peaks in a sporadic forecast.  It’s nearly impossible to do.  Someone will though, and that person will win this thing.

Game 38

Tennessee v Texas

Vegas Line: Tennessee -6.5

Picks for Tennessee: 227

Picks for Texas: 26

Picks for Other: 21

See what I mean about the 6.5 point spread?  This is 3 games in row with that exact same line.  This is the Rick Barnes game, as he is the current head coach at Tennessee, and used to be the coach at Texas.  That wasa long time ago.  It is where the reputation for choking started.  He had Kevin Durant once, and still didn’t make the Final 4, but one time.  He perpetually underachieves.  IF he doesn’t lose this game, he’ll still have a chance to underachieve in the next one.  I guess that’s the curse of being a 1 or 2 seed.  If you don’t make it really far, it looks bad.

Game 39

Illinois v Duquesne

Vegas Line: Illinois -10

Picks for Illinois: 193

Picks for Duquesne: 7

Picks for Other: 74

It’s the t-shirt game of the day!  My wife gave me a hard time for yesterday’s picture.  She said I was holding the camera too low and wasn’t smiling.  We remedied that today by having her take the picture.  Is Duquesne going to win?  Probably not.  If they do, I hope everyone shares the attached picture far and wide.  Go Dukes!!!

Game 40

Creighton v Oregon

Vegas Line: Creighton -5

Picks for Creighton: 186

Picks for Oregon: 54

Picks for Other: 34

If Tennessee and Creighton happen to play each other in the Sweet 16, it will really be a battle of teams that traditionally choke.  If it happens, I predict a ton of missed free throws and layups.  Then again, it might not happen.  Oregon is pretty decent.  They could pull the upset here – or Texas could beat Tennessee earlier in the day.  I kind of hope Oregon wins so I can wear my Oregon T-shirt in the next round.  I mentioned that it’s my favorite T-shirt before.  I wouldn’t mind showing that one off.

Good luck to everyone!!!!!

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