Well that game wasn’t too exciting. Arizona looked pretty good.
Here are the updated points:
1. Mark A.: 29 (-9) - Arizona |
2. Derek B.: 29 (-21) - North
Carolina |
3. Becky H.: 28 (-8) - Purdue |
4. Dan Dug. #2: 28 (-10) - North
Carolina |
5. John Mack #1: 28 (-12) -
Connecticut |
6. April K.: 28 (-20) - Purdue |
7. Alyssa B.: 28 (-52) - Arizona |
8. Kim F.: 27 (-9) - Creighton |
8. Kirt R. #2: 27 (-9) - Purdue |
10. Missy W. #1: 27 (-13) -
Marquette |
11. Ally H.: 27 (-15) - Purdue |
11. Chris M.: 27 (-15) - Houston |
13. Jackson I.: 27 (-17) - Tennessee |
14. Matt W.: 27 (-39) - Arizona |
15. Dan Dug. #1: 27 (-45) -
Connecticut |
16. Daisy N. #3: 26 (-8) - Houston |
17. Szecho L.: 26 (-10) - Houston |
18. Scott H. #1: 26 (-12) -
Connecticut |
19. Michelle L. #1: 26 (-16) -
Connecticut |
19. Michelle L. #3: 26 (-16) -
Houston |
19. Michelle L. #4: 26 (-16) -
Purdue |
22. Mike V.: 26 (-18) - Connecticut |
22. Patrick McC. #1: 26 (-18) -
Connecticut |
22. Tomas L.: 26 (-18) - Houston |
25. Chris E.: 26 (-20) - Marquette |
25. Kevin F. #2: 26 (-20) - Purdue |
25. Roth W.: 26 (-20) - Houston |
28. Brent S. #2: 26 (-22) -
Connecticut |
29. Irene H. #4: 26 (-26) - Arizona |
30. Chun W. #1: 26 (-30) - Tennessee |
31. Gigi I.: 26 (-36) - Arizona |
32. Michelle L. #2: 26 (-40) - North
Carolina |
33. Pat K.: 26 (-42) - Connecticut |
34. Kevin F. #1: 26 (-48) -
Connecticut |
35. Klei R. #3: 26 (-70) - Purdue |
36. Brent E. #2: 25 (-11) - North
Carolina |
36. Chun W. #2: 25 (-11) - North
Carolina |
36. Daisy N. #4: 25 (-11) -
Connecticut |
39. Adam E.: 25 (-13) - North
Carolina |
39. Brent E. #1: 25 (-13) - Houston |
39. Dave A.: 25 (-13) - Purdue |
39. Dawn T.: 25 (-13) - North
Carolina |
39. Jim W.: 25 (-13) - North
Carolina |
39. Michael S. #2: 25 (-13) - Purdue |
39. Ryan Green: 25 (-13) - Houston |
46. Brent E. #3: 25 (-15) -
Connecticut |
46. Brent E. #4: 25 (-15) -
Connecticut |
46. Dan Mck.: 25 (-15) - Purdue |
46. Deanna T.: 25 (-15) - Purdue |
50. Derek H.: 25 (-17) - Connecticut |
51. Connor W.: 25 (-19) - Houston |
51. Damien R. #2: 25 (-19) -
Connecticut |
51. Michael S. #1: 25 (-19) -
Connecticut |
51. Niren D.: 25 (-19) - Connecticut |
55. Craig G.: 25 (-21) - Purdue |
55. Steve Dz. #2: 25 (-21) -
Illinois |
55. Vang L.: 25 (-21) - Iowa State |
58. Bryce O.: 25 (-25) - Houston |
58. Howard S. #2: 25 (-25) - Purdue |
58. Moochie #5: 25 (-25) -
Connecticut |
61. Scott K. #2: 25 (-27) - Houston |
62. Adam S.: 25 (-35) - North
Carolina |
63. Brent S. #1: 25 (-39) -
Connecticut |
64. DESGRU8 (Dan Dz.): 25 (-45)
- North Carolina |
64. Elizabeth N. #1: 25 (-45) -
Connecticut |
66. Eric V.: 25 (-77) - Auburn |
66. Noah G.: 25 (-77) - Kentucky |
68. Andrew D. #1: 24 (-12) - Houston |
69. Chris T.: 24 (-14) - North
Carolina |
70. Chrissy I.: 24 (-16) - Arizona |
71. Eric S. #2: 24 (-18) - Purdue |
71. Marc R.: 24 (-18) - Arizona |
71. Mike N.: 24 (-18) - Connecticut |
74. Brandon B. #1: 24 (-20) -
Connecticut |
74. Colston W.: 24 (-20) -
Connecticut |
74. Daisy N. #9: 24 (-20) - Houston |
74. John A. #2: 24 (-20) - Houston |
74. Patrick McC. #2: 24 (-20) -
Connecticut |
74. Pete J. #1: 24 (-20) -
Connecticut |
80. CAAT #3: 24 (-22) - Connecticut |
80. CAAT #4: 24 (-22) - Connecticut |
82. Klei R. #1: 24 (-24) - Houston |
82. Nick I.: 24 (-24) - Purdue |
82. Tim N.: 24 (-24) - Marquette |
85. Ben S.: 24 (-26) - Connecticut |
85. Damien R. #1: 24 (-26) - Houston |
87. Dan L. #2: 24 (-28) - Purdue |
88. Pete J. #4: 24 (-30) - Tennessee |
89. Daniel E.: 24 (-32) - Arizona |
90. Luis B. #3: 24 (-40) -
Connecticut |
91. Luis B. #1: 24 (-44) -
Connecticut |
91. Paul K. #1: 24 (-44) - North
Carolina |
93. Missy W. #2: 24 (-46) -
Tennessee |
94. Moochie #1: 24 (-56) - North
Carolina |
95. Baily T.: 24 (-80) - South
Carolina |
95. Daisy N. #7: 24 (-80) - Kentucky |
97. Howard S. #1: 24 (-82) - Auburn |
98. Elliot N.: 23 (-15) -
Connecticut |
98. Gutless Bracket: 23 (-15) -
Connecticut |
98. Hutch H. #2: 23 (-15) - Houston |
98. John E. #1: 23 (-15) - Houston |
98. Ken Pom: 23 (-15) - Connecticut |
98. Mary Lou H.: 23 (-15) - Houston |
98. Ryan G.: 23 (-15) - Purdue |
98. Wayne D. #3: 23 (-15) - Purdue |
106. Kristin G.: 23 (-17) - Houston |
107. Daisy N. #12: 23 (-19) -
Tennessee |
107. Danielle A.: 23 (-19) -
Connecticut |
107. Kirt R. #1: 23 (-19) - Houston |
107. Michelle L. #5: 23 (-19) -
Alabama |
107. Scott K. #1: 23 (-19) -
Tennessee |
112. Dan P.: 23 (-21) - Connecticut |
112. Emily T.: 23 (-21) - Arizona |
112. Nate R.: 23 (-21) - Houston |
115. Brandon H. #1: 23 (-23) -
Houston |
115. CAAT #1: 23 (-23) - Connecticut |
115. Damien R. #3: 23 (-23) -
Houston |
115. Def Efficiency: 23 (-23) - Iowa
State |
115. Rich F.: 23 (-23) - Marquette |
120. Brad R.: 23 (-25) - Connecticut |
120. Carlo G.: 23 (-25) -
Connecticut |
120. Dirk F.: 23 (-25) - Purdue |
120. Stefon K.: 23 (-25) - Purdue |
124. Dianna A.: 23 (-27) - Kansas |
124. Kyle V.: 23 (-27) - Houston |
126. Brooklynn B.: 23 (-29) - Purdue |
127. Gary W.: 23 (-31) - Arizona |
127. Off Efficiency: 23 (-31) -
Connecticut |
129. Brett W.: 23 (-33) - Arizona |
130. Brandon H. #2: 23 (-37) -
Arizona |
130. David F. #1: 23 (-37) - Purdue |
130. Josiah T.: 23 (-37) - North
Carolina |
133. Guillermo V.: 23 (-41) -
Connecticut |
134. Dan L. #1: 23 (-43) - Tennessee |
135. Daisy N. #11: 23 (-47) -
Connecticut |
136. Amber D.: 23 (-51) -
Connecticut |
137. Elizabeth N. #2: 23 (-53) -
North Carolina |
138. Jaxon S.: 23 (-57) - Purdue |
139. Klei R. #2: 23 (-65) - Purdue |
140. Elizabeth P. #3: 23 (-81) -
Kentucky |
141. Ryan W.: 23 (-83) - Kentucky |
142. Stephen C.: 23 (-89) - Nebraska |
143. Josh C.: 23 (-105) - Auburn |
144. Noah N.: 23 (-109) - Kentucky |
145. Paul W.: 22 (-12) - North
Carolina |
146. Andrew D. #2: 22 (-16) -
Houston |
146. Brad E.: 22 (-16) - Purdue |
146. Dustin B.: 22 (-16) - Creighton |
146. Joe C.: 22 (-16) - Houston |
146. Melody K.: 22 (-16) -
Connecticut |
151. Andy L.: 22 (-18) - Purdue |
151. Zach V.: 22 (-18) - Connecticut |
153. David F. #2: 22 (-20) -
Connecticut |
153. Eric G.: 22 (-20) - Houston |
153. Greg R.: 22 (-20) - Purdue |
153. Irene H. #2: 22 (-20) - Houston |
153. Josh V.: 22 (-20) - Connecticut |
153. Kealoha G.: 22 (-20) - North
Carolina |
153. Legend of Zelli: 22 (-20) -
Duke |
153. Luis B. #2: 22 (-20) -
Connecticut |
153. Matt N.: 22 (-20) - Purdue |
153. Moochie #2: 22 (-20) -
Tennessee |
153. Scott H. #2: 22 (-20) - Houston |
164. Chris L. #1: 22 (-22) -
Connecticut |
164. Chris L. #2: 22 (-22) - Purdue |
164. Chris L. #3: 22 (-22) - North
Carolina |
164. Chris L. #4: 22 (-22) - North
Carolina |
164. Jay B. - ESPN: 22 (-22) -
Connecticut |
164. Jay H. #2: 22 (-22) -
Connecticut |
164. Luis B. #5: 22 (-22) -
Connecticut |
164. Mario M.: 22 (-22) - Tennessee |
164. Veronica G.: 22 (-22) - Houston |
173. Brian K.: 22 (-24) - Illinois |
173. CAAT #5: 22 (-24) - Connecticut |
173. Larry G. #2: 22 (-24) -
Connecticut |
173. Pete J. #3: 22 (-24) - Houston |
173. Seth D.: 22 (-24) - Connecticut |
173. Tim Dz. #2: 22 (-24) - Arizona |
173. Tyler C.: 22 (-24) - Houston |
180. Irene H. #7: 22 (-26) -
Connecticut |
180. Miles D.: 22 (-26) - Arizona |
180. Shanky G.: 22 (-26) -
Connecticut |
180. Tim Dz. #1: 22 (-26) -
Connecticut |
184. Kiah H. #1: 22 (-28) - Houston |
184. Mason A. #2: 22 (-28) - North
Carolina |
184. Rob I.: 22 (-28) - Arizona |
187. Daisy N. #10: 22 (-32) -
Arizona |
187. Grant F.: 22 (-32) - Houston |
187. Wayne D. #1: 22 (-32) - North
Carolina |
190. Mason A. #1: 22 (-36) -
Connecticut |
191. Melissa M.: 22 (-42) -
Connecticut |
192. D. Mag #2: 22 (-44) - North
Carolina |
193. Henry A.: 22 (-46) -
Connecticut |
194. Christopher K.: 22 (-48) -
Illinois |
195. Steve Dz. #1: 22 (-62) - Iowa
State |
196. Adalyn H.: 22 (-72) - Purdue |
197. Kristina H.: 22 (-82) -
Kentucky |
197. Pete J. #5: 22 (-82) - Auburn |
197. Wayne D. #2: 22 (-82) - Auburn |
200. D. Mag #1: 22 (-98) - Auburn |
200. Karen C.: 22 (-98) - Kentucky |
202. Brooke M. #2: 21 (-19) -
Arizona |
202. Cicely K.: 21 (-19) - North
Carolina |
202. Wayne D. #4: 21 (-19) - Purdue |
205. Brett G. (Sleeper): 21 (-21) -
Iowa State |
205. Daisy N. #8: 21 (-21) -
Tennessee |
205. Mike W.: 21 (-21) - Iowa State |
208. D. Mag #3: 21 (-23) -
Connecticut |
208. Dennis R.: 21 (-23) -
Connecticut |
208. Hutch H. #1: 21 (-23) - Kansas |
208. Irene H. #1: 21 (-23) -
Connecticut |
208. John A. #1: 21 (-23) - Houston |
208. Larry G. #4: 21 (-23) -
Tennessee |
214. Eric S. #1: 21 (-25) - Houston |
214. John N.: 21 (-25) - San Diego
State |
214. Paul K. #2: 21 (-25) - Illinois |
217. Daisy N. #1: 21 (-29) -
Connecticut |
217. Dylan B.: 21 (-29) - Houston |
219. Daisy N. #2: 21 (-31) - Purdue |
220. Valerie D.: 21 (-37) -
Connecticut |
221. Shawn D.: 21 (-41) - Purdue |
222. Moochie #4: 21 (-45) -
Connecticut |
223. Brandon B. #2: 21 (-47) - North
Carolina |
224. Bryce S.: 21 (-51) - Creighton |
225. Mark B.: 21 (-61) - Connecticut |
226. Pete J. #2: 21 (-85) - Kentucky |
227. Moochie #3: 21 (-87) - James
Madison |
228. Kiah H. #2: 21 (-93) - Texas
Tech |
229. Jared V.: 20 (-18) -
Connecticut |
229. John E. #2: 20 (-18) - Purdue |
231. Daisy N. #6: 20 (-22) - Iowa
State |
231. Rob C.: 20 (-22) - Connecticut |
233. James G.: 20 (-24) -
Connecticut |
233. Jim D. #1: 20 (-24) -
Connecticut |
235. Matt H.: 20 (-26) - Connecticut |
236. Brooke M. #1: 20 (-28) -
Houston |
236. CAAT #2: 20 (-28) - Connecticut |
236. Larry G. #1: 20 (-28) - Purdue |
239. John Mack #2: 20 (-30) - Purdue |
240. Brett G. (Upset): 20 (-32) -
Connecticut |
240. Mitchell S.: 20 (-32) - North
Carolina |
242. Irene H. #5: 20 (-36) -
Tennessee |
243. Brett G. (Devils): 20 (-42) -
Houston |
244. Luis B. #4: 20 (-48) -
Connecticut |
245. Jacob A.: 20 (-56) - Iowa State |
246. Brett G. (Quinnie): 20 (-58) -
Arizona |
247. Marshmellow (Nik B.): 20 (-90)
- Howard / Wagner |
248. Amanda R.: 20 (-134) -
Wisconsin |
249. Harrell R. #2: 19 (-21) - NC
State |
250. Larry G. #3: 19 (-23) - Purdue |
251. Harrell R. #1: 19 (-25) - North
Carolina |
252. Harrell R. #3: 19 (-27) -
Tennessee |
252. Jim D. #2: 19 (-27) - Houston |
254. Finn D.: 19 (-29) - Kansas |
255. Ali A. #1: 19 (-35) -
Washington State |
255. Beau H.: 19 (-35) - Alabama |
257. Scarlett H.: 19 (-41) - Houston |
258. Pete J. #6: 19 (-53) -
Connecticut |
259. Harrell R. #4: 19 (-55) - Iowa
State |
260. Ali A. #2: 19 (-89) - Arizona |
261. Irene H. #6: 18 (-26) - North
Carolina |
262. Jay H. #1: 18 (-30) - Houston |
263. Jared B.: 18 (-32) - Iowa State |
264. Charlotte N.: 18 (-40) - San
Diego State |
265. Mustard (Nikolajs B.): 18 (-42)
- Oregon |
266. Daisy N. #5: 18 (-46) - North
Carolina |
267. Faye N.: 18 (-50) - Texas
A&M |
268. Constance McA.: 18 (-52) -
Gonzaga |
269. Matt M.: 18 (-90) - Auburn |
270. Irene H. #3: 17 (-25) - Purdue |
271. Wayne D. #5: 17 (-43) - Houston |
272. Brandie H.: 16 (-106) -
Nebraska |
273. Damien R. #4: 16 (-108) - Long
Beach State |
274. D. Mag #4: 15 (-45) - Illinois |
…and the net points:
1. Mark A. (20) |
1. Becky H. (20) |
3. Dan Dug. #2 (18) |
3. Kim F. (18) |
3. Kirt R. #2 (18) |
3. Daisy N. #3 (18) |
7. John Mack #1 (16) |
7. Szecho L. (16) |
9. Missy W. #1 (14) |
9. Scott H. #1 (14) |
9. Brent E. #2 (14) |
9. Chun W. #2 (14) |
9. Daisy N. #4 (14) |
14. Ally H. (12) |
14. Chris M. (12) |
14. Adam E. (12) |
14. Brent E. #1 (12) |
14. Dave A. (12) |
14. Dawn T. (12) |
14. Jim W. (12) |
14. Michael S. #2 (12) |
14. Ryan Green (12) |
14. Andrew D. #1 (12) |
24. Jackson I. (10) |
24. Michelle L. #1 (10) |
24. Michelle L. #3 (10) |
24. Michelle L. #4 (10) |
24. Brent E. #3 (10) |
24. Brent E. #4 (10) |
24. Dan Mck. (10) |
24. Deanna T. (10) |
24. Chris T. (10) |
24. Paul W. (10) |
34. Derek B. (8) |
34. April K. (8) |
34. Mike V. (8) |
34. Patrick McC. #1 (8) |
34. Tomas L. (8) |
34. Derek H. (8) |
34. Chrissy I. (8) |
34. Elliot N. (8) |
34. Gutless Bracket (8) |
34. Hutch H. #2 (8) |
34. John E. #1 (8) |
34. Ken Pom (8) |
34. Mary Lou H. (8) |
34. Ryan G. (8) |
34. Wayne D. #3 (8) |
49. Chris E. (6) |
49. Kevin F. #2 (6) |
49. Roth W. (6) |
49. Connor W. (6) |
49. Damien R. #2 (6) |
49. Michael S. #1 (6) |
49. Niren D. (6) |
49. Eric S. #2 (6) |
49. Marc R. (6) |
49. Mike N. (6) |
49. Kristin G. (6) |
49. Andrew D. #2 (6) |
49. Brad E. (6) |
49. Dustin B. (6) |
49. Joe C. (6) |
49. Melody K. (6) |
65. Brent S. #2 (4) |
65. Craig G. (4) |
65. Steve Dz. #2 (4) |
65. Vang L. (4) |
65. Brandon B. #1 (4) |
65. Colston W. (4) |
65. Daisy N. #9 (4) |
65. John A. #2 (4) |
65. Patrick McC. #2 (4) |
65. Pete J. #1 (4) |
65. Daisy N. #12 (4) |
65. Danielle A. (4) |
65. Kirt R. #1 (4) |
65. Michelle L. #5 (4) |
65. Scott K. #1 (4) |
65. Andy L. (4) |
65. Zach V. (4) |
82. CAAT #3 (2) |
82. CAAT #4 (2) |
82. Dan P. (2) |
82. Emily T. (2) |
82. Nate R. (2) |
82. David F. #2 (2) |
82. Eric G. (2) |
82. Greg R. (2) |
82. Irene H. #2 (2) |
82. Josh V. (2) |
82. Kealoha G. (2) |
82. Legend of Zelli (2) |
82. Luis B. #2 (2) |
82. Matt N. (2) |
82. Moochie #2 (2) |
82. Scott H. #2 (2) |
82. Brooke M. #2 (2) |
82. Cicely K. (2) |
82. Wayne D. #4 (2) |
82. Jared V. (2) |
82. John E. #2 (2) |
103. Irene H. #4 (0) |
103. Bryce O. (0) |
103. Howard S. #2 (0) |
103. Moochie #5 (0) |
103. Klei R. #1 (0) |
103. Nick I. (0) |
103. Tim N. (0) |
103. Brandon H. #1 (0) |
103. CAAT #1 (0) |
103. Damien R. #3 (0) |
103. Def Efficiency (0) |
103. Rich F. (0) |
103. Chris L. #1 (0) |
103. Chris L. #2 (0) |
103. Chris L. #3 (0) |
103. Chris L. #4 (0) |
103. Jay B. - ESPN (0) |
103. Jay H. #2 (0) |
103. Luis B. #5 (0) |
103. Mario M. (0) |
103. Veronica G. (0) |
103. Brett G. (Sleeper) (0) |
103. Daisy N. #8 (0) |
103. Mike W. (0) |
127. Scott K. #2 (-2) |
127. Ben S. (-2) |
127. Damien R. #1 (-2) |
127. Brad R. (-2) |
127. Carlo G. (-2) |
127. Dirk F. (-2) |
127. Stefon K. (-2) |
127. Brian K. (-2) |
127. CAAT #5 (-2) |
127. Larry G. #2 (-2) |
127. Pete J. #3 (-2) |
127. Seth D. (-2) |
127. Tim Dz. #2 (-2) |
127. Tyler C. (-2) |
127. D. Mag #3 (-2) |
127. Dennis R. (-2) |
127. Hutch H. #1 (-2) |
127. Irene H. #1 (-2) |
127. John A. #1 (-2) |
127. Larry G. #4 (-2) |
127. Daisy N. #6 (-2) |
127. Rob C. (-2) |
127. Harrell R. #2 (-2) |
150. Chun W. #1 (-4) |
150. Dan L. #2 (-4) |
150. Dianna A. (-4) |
150. Kyle V. (-4) |
150. Irene H. #7 (-4) |
150. Miles D. (-4) |
150. Shanky G. (-4) |
150. Tim Dz. #1 (-4) |
150. Eric S. #1 (-4) |
150. John N. (-4) |
150. Paul K. #2 (-4) |
150. James G. (-4) |
150. Jim D. #1 (-4) |
150. Larry G. #3 (-4) |
164. Pete J. #4 (-6) |
164. Brooklynn B. (-6) |
164. Kiah H. #1 (-6) |
164. Mason A. #2 (-6) |
164. Rob I. (-6) |
164. Matt H. (-6) |
164. Harrell R. #1 (-6) |
171. Daniel E. (-8) |
171. Gary W. (-8) |
171. Off Efficiency (-8) |
171. Daisy N. #1 (-8) |
171. Dylan B. (-8) |
171. Brooke M. #1 (-8) |
171. CAAT #2 (-8) |
171. Larry G. #1 (-8) |
171. Harrell R. #3 (-8) |
171. Jim D. #2 (-8) |
171. Irene H. #6 (-8) |
171. Irene H. #3 (-8) |
183. Gigi I. (-10) |
183. Adam S. (-10) |
183. Brett W. (-10) |
183. Daisy N. #10 (-10) |
183. Grant F. (-10) |
183. Wayne D. #1 (-10) |
183. Daisy N. #2 (-10) |
183. John Mack #2 (-10) |
183. Finn D. (-10) |
192. Matt W. (-12) |
192. Brett G. (Upset) (-12) |
192. Mitchell S. (-12) |
192. Jay H. #1 (-12) |
196. Michelle L. #2 (-14) |
196. Brent S. #1 (-14) |
196. Brandon H. #2 (-14) |
196. David F. #1 (-14) |
196. Josiah T. (-14) |
196. Mason A. #1 (-14) |
196. Jared B. (-14) |
203. Pat K. (-16) |
203. Luis B. #3 (-16) |
203. Valerie D. (-16) |
203. Irene H. #5 (-16) |
203. Ali A. #1 (-16) |
203. Beau H. (-16) |
209. Dan Dug. #1 (-18) |
209. Guillermo V. (-18) |
211. DESGRU8 (Dan Dz.) (-20) |
211. Elizabeth N. #1 (-20) |
211. Luis B. #1 (-20) |
211. Paul K. #1 (-20) |
211. Dan L. #1 (-20) |
211. Melissa M. (-20) |
211. Shawn D. (-20) |
218. Kevin F. #1 (-22) |
218. Missy W. #2 (-22) |
218. D. Mag #2 (-22) |
218. Brett G. (Devils) (-22) |
218. Scarlett H. (-22) |
218. Charlotte N. (-22) |
224. Alyssa B. (-24) |
224. Daisy N. #11 (-24) |
224. Henry A. (-24) |
224. Moochie #4 (-24) |
224. Mustard (Nikolajs B.) (-24) |
229. Christopher K. (-26) |
229. Brandon B. #2 (-26) |
229. Wayne D. #5 (-26) |
232. Amber D. (-28) |
232. Luis B. #4 (-28) |
232. Daisy N. #5 (-28) |
235. Elizabeth N. #2 (-30) |
235. Bryce S. (-30) |
235. D. Mag #4 (-30) |
238. Moochie #1 (-32) |
238. Faye N. (-32) |
240. Jaxon S. (-34) |
240. Pete J. #6 (-34) |
240. Constance McA. (-34) |
243. Jacob A. (-36) |
243. Harrell R. #4 (-36) |
245. Brett G. (Quinnie) (-38) |
246. Steve Dz. #1 (-40) |
246. Mark B. (-40) |
248. Klei R. #2 (-42) |
249. Klei R. #3 (-44) |
250. Adalyn H. (-50) |
251. Eric V. (-52) |
251. Noah G. (-52) |
253. Baily T. (-56) |
253. Daisy N. #7 (-56) |
255. Howard S. #1 (-58) |
255. Elizabeth P. #3 (-58) |
257. Ryan W. (-60) |
257. Kristina H. (-60) |
257. Pete J. #5 (-60) |
257. Wayne D. #2 (-60) |
261. Pete J. #2 (-64) |
262. Stephen C. (-66) |
262. Moochie #3 (-66) |
264. Marshmellow (Nik B.) (-70) |
264. Ali A. #2 (-70) |
266. Kiah H. #2 (-72) |
266. Matt M. (-72) |
268. D. Mag #1 (-76) |
268. Karen C. (-76) |
270. Josh C. (-82) |
271. Noah N. (-86) |
272. Brandie H. (-90) |
273. Damien R. #4 (-92) |
274. Amanda R. (-114) |
We have a new leader in the race to win the West region, as
the leader previously had Dayton winning:
Display |
Total |
Daisy N. #2: 7 (-5) - North Carolina / Clemson / Clemson |
12.5000% |
Brent E. #1: 10 (0) - Michigan State / Arizona / Michigan
State |
9.3750% |
Brandie H.: 7 (-7) - Grand Canyon / Arizona / Grand
Canyon |
9.3750% |
D. Mag #1: 9 (-1) - Alabama / Arizona / Alabama |
6.2500% |
Howard S. #2: 9 (-1) - Alabama / Clemson / Alabama |
6.2500% |
Legend of Zelli: 8 (-4) - Michigan State / Arizona /
Arizona |
6.2500% |
Szecho L.: 10 (0) - North Carolina / Baylor / Baylor |
4.6875% |
Mason A. #1: 9 (-1) - Michigan State / Baylor / Baylor |
4.6875% |
Brent E. #2: 10 (0) - North Carolina / Arizona / North
Carolina |
3.1250% |
Brent E. #3: 10 (0) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona |
3.1250% |
Brent E. #4: 10 (0) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona |
3.1250% |
Daisy N. #7: 10 (0) - North Carolina / Arizona / North
Carolina |
3.1250% |
Dawn T.: 10 (0) - North Carolina / Arizona / North
Carolina |
3.1250% |
Alyssa B.: 9 (-1) - Alabama / Arizona / Arizona |
3.1250% |
Chris M.: 9 (-1) - Michigan State / Baylor / Michigan
State |
3.1250% |
Dave A.: 9 (-1) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona |
3.1250% |
Elizabeth N. #1: 9 (-1) - Alabama / Arizona / Arizona |
3.1250% |
Irene H. #4: 9 (-1) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona |
3.1250% |
Kristin G.: 9 (-3) - Grand Canyon / Arizona / Arizona |
3.1250% |
Off Efficiency: 9 (-1) - Alabama / Baylor / Alabama |
3.1250% |
Brandon H. #1: 8 (-2) - Grand Canyon / Arizona / Arizona |
3.1250% |
John N.: 8 (-6) - Michigan State / Arizona / Arizona |
3.1250% |
Kristina H.: 8 (-2) - North Carolina / Clemson / North
Carolina |
3.1250% |
Jared V.: 7 (-3) - Alabama / Baylor / Baylor |
3.1250% |
Pete J. #1: 7 (-3) - Alabama / Arizona / Alabama |
3.1250% |
Finn D.: 5 (-7) - Grand Canyon / Clemson / Grand Canyon |
3.1250% |
Moochie #2: 5 (-11) - Mississippi State / Clemson /
Clemson |
3.1250% |
Ally H.: 9 (-1) - Alabama / Arizona / Arizona |
1.5625% |
Dan Dug. #1: 9 (-1) - Alabama / Arizona / Arizona |
1.5625% |
Deanna T.: 9 (-1) - North Carolina / Baylor / North
Carolina |
1.5625% |
Gigi I.: 9 (-3) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona |
1.5625% |
Joe C.: 9 (-1) - North Carolina / Baylor / North Carolina |
1.5625% |
John Mack #1: 9 (-1) - North Carolina / Arizona / North
Carolina |
1.5625% |
Melissa M.: 9 (-1) - North Carolina / Arizona / North
Carolina |
1.5625% |
Moochie #1: 9 (-1) - North Carolina / Baylor / North
Carolina |
1.5625% |
Noah G.: 9 (-3) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona |
1.5625% |
Steve Dz. #2: 9 (-1) - North Carolina / Baylor / North
Carolina |
1.5625% |
Brent S. #1: 8 (-2) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona |
1.5625% |
Dan Mck.: 8 (-2) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona |
1.5625% |
Irene H. #5: 8 (-2) - North Carolina / Baylor / Baylor |
1.5625% |
Kim F.: 8 (-2) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona |
1.5625% |
Luis B. #3: 8 (-2) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona |
1.5625% |
Matt W.: 8 (-2) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona |
1.5625% |
Michelle L. #1: 8 (-2) - North Carolina / Baylor / Baylor |
1.5625% |
Missy W. #1: 8 (-4) - North Carolina / Clemson / North
Carolina |
1.5625% |
Moochie #5: 8 (-2) - North Carolina / Arizona / North
Carolina |
1.5625% |
Paul K. #2: 8 (-2) - North Carolina / Baylor / Baylor |
1.5625% |
Seth D.: 8 (-2) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona |
1.5625% |
Wayne D. #2: 8 (-2) - North Carolina / Baylor / Baylor |
1.5625% |
Patrick McC. #2: 6 (-6) - Michigan State / Arizona /
Arizona |
1.5625% |
These people were knocked out of West contention….
Display |
Ryan Green: 8 (-4) - North Carolina / Arizona / North
Carolina |
Ryan G.: 7 (-7) - Michigan State / Nevada / Michigan
State |
D. Mag #3: 6 (-4) - North Carolina / Baylor / North
Carolina |
Harrell R. #1: 6 (-4) - North Carolina / Baylor / North
Carolina |
Harrell R. #2: 6 (-4) - North Carolina / Baylor / North
Carolina |
Harrell R. #3: 6 (-4) - North Carolina / Baylor / North
Carolina |
Harrell R. #4: 6 (-4) - North Carolina / Baylor / North
Carolina |
Kiah H. #1: 6 (-8) - Alabama / Dayton / Alabama |
Moochie #3: 6 (-24) - Mississippi State / Dayton / Dayton |
Tim Dz. #1: 6 (-4) - Alabama / Baylor / Baylor |
Remember that I kind of messed up Ryan G. and Ryan Green
earlier, so they’ve both been included as the same. Now it looks like both are now eliminated from
the West.
Good luck to everyone!!!!
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