Friday, March 22, 2024

Free basketball!!!!!

Free basketball!!!  I told ya’ this 8/9 game was gonna to be close.  Doesn’t get much closer than overtime.  Not sure what Florida Atlantic was doing at the end of regulation.  They got the ball with about 6 seconds and they more or less walked the ball up the court and chucked up a 3 with 2 guys defending.  They didn’t try to run any offense.  Nothing.  I would have been upset about that if I were rooting for the Owls.

On the other hand, the Baylor game didn’t look particularly interesting.  I think they were about 15-25 points up from the second I started watching the game.

Here are the updated standings:

1. Becky H.: 16 (-2) - Purdue

1. Derek B.: 16 (-2) - North Carolina

3. Mark A.: 16 (-4) - Arizona

4. Jackson I.: 16 (-8) - Tennessee

5. Dave A.: 15 (-3) - Purdue

6. Missy W. #1: 15 (-5) - Marquette

6. Szecho L.: 15 (-5) - Houston

8. Ally H.: 15 (-9) - Purdue

8. D. Mag #1: 15 (-9) - Auburn

8. John Mack #1: 15 (-9) - Connecticut

8. Scott K. #2: 15 (-9) - Houston

12. April K.: 15 (-17) - Purdue

13. Alyssa B.: 15 (-33) - Arizona

14. Ryan W.: 15 (-65) - Kentucky

15. Daisy N. #3: 14 (-4) - Houston

15. Daisy N. #4: 14 (-4) - Connecticut

17. Brent E. #1: 14 (-6) - Houston

17. Chris E.: 14 (-6) - Marquette

17. Chun W. #2: 14 (-6) - North Carolina

17. Dan Dug. #2: 14 (-6) - North Carolina

17. Dawn T.: 14 (-6) - North Carolina

17. Scott H. #1: 14 (-6) - Connecticut

17. Steve Dz. #2: 14 (-6) - Illinois

17. Tim N.: 14 (-6) - Marquette

17. Tomas L.: 14 (-6) - Houston

26. Deanna T.: 14 (-8) - Purdue

27. Brandon B. #1: 14 (-10) - Connecticut

27. Bryce O.: 14 (-10) - Houston

27. Howard S. #1: 14 (-10) - Auburn

27. Kiah H. #1: 14 (-10) - Houston

27. Michelle L. #1: 14 (-10) - Connecticut

27. Michelle L. #3: 14 (-10) - Houston

27. Michelle L. #4: 14 (-10) - Purdue

27. Patrick McC. #1: 14 (-10) - Connecticut

27. Pete J. #1: 14 (-10) - Connecticut

27. Vang L.: 14 (-10) - Iowa State

37. Chris M.: 14 (-12) - Houston

37. Craig G.: 14 (-12) - Purdue

37. Dennis R.: 14 (-12) - Connecticut

40. Klei R. #3: 14 (-16) - Purdue

41. Irene H. #4: 14 (-18) - Arizona

42. Matt W.: 14 (-34) - Arizona

42. Michelle L. #2: 14 (-34) - North Carolina

42. Paul K. #1: 14 (-34) - North Carolina

45. Amber D.: 14 (-36) - Connecticut

46. Moochie #1: 14 (-48) - North Carolina

47. Dan L. #1: 13 (-5) - Tennessee

47. Eric S. #2: 13 (-5) - Purdue

47. Kirt R. #2: 13 (-5) - Purdue

47. Paul W.: 13 (-5) - North Carolina

51. Andrew D. #1: 13 (-7) - Houston

51. Andrew D. #2: 13 (-7) - Houston

51. Brent E. #2: 13 (-7) - North Carolina

51. Brooklynn B.: 13 (-7) - Purdue

51. Christopher K.: 13 (-7) - Illinois

51. Connor W.: 13 (-7) - Houston

51. Daniel E.: 13 (-7) - Arizona

51. Def Efficiency: 13 (-7) - Iowa State

51. Eric G.: 13 (-7) - Houston

51. Eric V.: 13 (-7) - Auburn

51. Ken Pom: 13 (-7) - Connecticut

51. Rich F.: 13 (-7) - Marquette

51. Ryan Green: 13 (-7) - Houston

51. Scott K. #1: 13 (-7) - Tennessee

65. Brad R.: 13 (-9) - Connecticut

65. Henry A.: 13 (-9) - Connecticut

67. Brent E. #3: 13 (-11) - Connecticut

67. Brent E. #4: 13 (-11) - Connecticut

67. Dan Dug. #1: 13 (-11) - Connecticut

67. Danielle A.: 13 (-11) - Connecticut

67. John A. #2: 13 (-11) - Houston

67. John N.: 13 (-11) - San Diego State

67. Kirt R. #1: 13 (-11) - Houston

67. Legend of Zelli: 13 (-11) - Duke

67. Mike V.: 13 (-11) - Connecticut

67. Patrick McC. #2: 13 (-11) - Connecticut

67. Pete J. #5: 13 (-11) - Auburn

67. Shawn D.: 13 (-11) - Purdue

79. Kevin F. #1: 13 (-13) - Connecticut

79. Kevin F. #2: 13 (-13) - Purdue

79. Klei R. #2: 13 (-13) - Purdue

79. Mason A. #2: 13 (-13) - North Carolina

79. Mitchell S.: 13 (-13) - North Carolina

79. Moochie #5: 13 (-13) - Connecticut

85. Brandon H. #2: 13 (-17) - Arizona

85. Carlo G.: 13 (-17) - Connecticut

85. Stephen C.: 13 (-17) - Nebraska

88. Howard S. #2: 13 (-19) - Purdue

88. Jaxon S.: 13 (-19) - Purdue

88. Missy W. #2: 13 (-19) - Tennessee

91. Moochie #4: 13 (-21) - Connecticut

91. Pete J. #4: 13 (-21) - Tennessee

93. Adam S.: 13 (-29) - North Carolina

94. DESGRU8 (Dan Dz.): 13 (-37) - North Carolina

94. Pat K.: 13 (-37) - Connecticut

96. Elizabeth N. #1: 13 (-41) - Connecticut

96. Moochie #3: 13 (-41) - James Madison

98. Noah G.: 13 (-69) - Kentucky

99. Elizabeth P. #3: 13 (-73) - Kentucky

100. Andy L.: 12 (-8) - Purdue

100. Brad E.: 12 (-8) - Purdue

100. Brett G. (Sleeper): 12 (-8) - Iowa State

100. Chris T.: 12 (-8) - North Carolina

100. Daisy N. #8: 12 (-8) - Tennessee

100. Gutless Bracket: 12 (-8) - Connecticut

100. Jim W.: 12 (-8) - North Carolina

100. Kim F.: 12 (-8) - Creighton

100. Mary Lou H.: 12 (-8) - Houston

100. Michael S. #2: 12 (-8) - Purdue

110. Derek H.: 12 (-10) - Connecticut

110. Tyler C.: 12 (-10) - Houston

112. Brian K.: 12 (-12) - Illinois

112. CAAT #3: 12 (-12) - Connecticut

112. CAAT #4: 12 (-12) - Connecticut

112. CAAT #5: 12 (-12) - Connecticut

112. D. Mag #3: 12 (-12) - Connecticut

112. Daisy N. #12: 12 (-12) - Tennessee

112. Daisy N. #9: 12 (-12) - Houston

112. Damien R. #1: 12 (-12) - Houston

112. Damien R. #2: 12 (-12) - Connecticut

112. Jay H. #1: 12 (-12) - Houston

112. John A. #1: 12 (-12) - Houston

112. Marc R.: 12 (-12) - Arizona

112. Michelle L. #5: 12 (-12) - Alabama

112. Mike N.: 12 (-12) - Connecticut

112. Miles D.: 12 (-12) - Arizona

112. Nate R.: 12 (-12) - Houston

112. Niren D.: 12 (-12) - Connecticut

112. Ryan G.: 12 (-12) - Purdue

112. Shanky G.: 12 (-12) - Connecticut

131. Amanda R.: 12 (-14) - Wisconsin

131. Colston W.: 12 (-14) - Connecticut

131. Greg R.: 12 (-14) - Purdue

131. Irene H. #7: 12 (-14) - Connecticut

131. Michael S. #1: 12 (-14) - Connecticut

136. Roth W.: 12 (-16) - Houston

137. Constance McA.: 12 (-18) - Gonzaga

137. Dylan B.: 12 (-18) - Houston

137. Stefon K.: 12 (-18) - Purdue

140. Brent S. #2: 12 (-20) - Connecticut

140. Dianna A.: 12 (-20) - Kansas

142. D. Mag #2: 12 (-22) - North Carolina

142. Dan L. #2: 12 (-22) - Purdue

142. Gary W.: 12 (-22) - Arizona

142. Off Efficiency: 12 (-22) - Connecticut

146. Chun W. #1: 12 (-26) - Tennessee

147. David F. #1: 12 (-28) - Purdue

148. Gigi I.: 12 (-32) - Arizona

149. Adalyn H.: 12 (-34) - Purdue

150. Brent S. #1: 12 (-36) - Connecticut

151. Brandon B. #2: 12 (-38) - North Carolina

151. Daisy N. #11: 12 (-38) - Connecticut

151. Elizabeth N. #2: 12 (-38) - North Carolina

151. Mark B.: 12 (-38) - Connecticut

155. Jacob A.: 12 (-44) - Iowa State

156. Steve Dz. #1: 12 (-52) - Iowa State

157. Daisy N. #7: 12 (-68) - Kentucky

158. Noah N.: 12 (-72) - Kentucky

159. Adam E.: 11 (-9) - North Carolina

159. David F. #2: 11 (-9) - Connecticut

159. Dustin B.: 11 (-9) - Creighton

159. Emily T.: 11 (-9) - Arizona

159. Jared V.: 11 (-9) - Connecticut

159. Joe C.: 11 (-9) - Houston

159. John E. #1: 11 (-9) - Houston

159. Mario M.: 11 (-9) - Tennessee

159. Scott H. #2: 11 (-9) - Houston

159. Zach V.: 11 (-9) - Connecticut

169. Ali A. #1: 11 (-11) - Washington State

169. Elliot N.: 11 (-11) - Connecticut

169. Hutch H. #2: 11 (-11) - Houston

169. Josh V.: 11 (-11) - Connecticut

169. Kealoha G.: 11 (-11) - North Carolina

169. Kristin G.: 11 (-11) - Houston

175. CAAT #1: 11 (-13) - Connecticut

175. Damien R. #3: 11 (-13) - Houston

175. Hutch H. #1: 11 (-13) - Kansas

175. Irene H. #2: 11 (-13) - Houston

175. Kyle V.: 11 (-13) - Houston

175. Larry G. #2: 11 (-13) - Connecticut

175. Luis B. #2: 11 (-13) - Connecticut

175. Nick I.: 11 (-13) - Purdue

175. Veronica G.: 11 (-13) - Houston

184. Brett G. (Upset): 11 (-15) - Connecticut

184. Daisy N. #1: 11 (-15) - Connecticut

184. Dan P.: 11 (-15) - Connecticut

184. Guillermo V.: 11 (-15) - Connecticut

184. Larry G. #1: 11 (-15) - Purdue

184. Mustard (Nikolajs B.): 11 (-15) - Oregon

190. Finn D.: 11 (-17) - Kansas

190. Moochie #2: 11 (-17) - Tennessee

192. Josiah T.: 11 (-19) - North Carolina

192. Klei R. #1: 11 (-19) - Houston

192. Valerie D.: 11 (-19) - Connecticut

195. Grant F.: 11 (-21) - Houston

195. Tim Dz. #1: 11 (-21) - Connecticut

197. Daisy N. #10: 11 (-25) - Arizona

198. Mason A. #1: 11 (-27) - Connecticut

199. Ali A. #2: 11 (-35) - Arizona

200. Luis B. #3: 11 (-37) - Connecticut

201. Luis B. #1: 11 (-39) - Connecticut

202. Baily T.: 11 (-75) - South Carolina

203. Marshmellow (Nik B.): 11 (-77) - Howard / Wagner

204. Karen C.: 11 (-89) - Kentucky

205. Cicely K.: 10 (-10) - North Carolina

205. John E. #2: 10 (-10) - Purdue

205. Mike W.: 10 (-10) - Iowa State

205. Wayne D. #3: 10 (-10) - Purdue

209. Brooke M. #2: 10 (-12) - Arizona

209. Harrell R. #1: 10 (-12) - North Carolina

209. Harrell R. #2: 10 (-12) - NC State

209. Irene H. #6: 10 (-12) - North Carolina

209. Melody K.: 10 (-12) - Connecticut

209. Paul K. #2: 10 (-12) - Illinois

215. Brett W.: 10 (-14) - Arizona

215. Chris L. #1: 10 (-14) - Connecticut

215. Chris L. #2: 10 (-14) - Purdue

215. Chris L. #3: 10 (-14) - North Carolina

215. Chris L. #4: 10 (-14) - North Carolina

215. Dan Mck.: 10 (-14) - Purdue

215. Dirk F.: 10 (-14) - Purdue

215. Jay B. - ESPN: 10 (-14) - Connecticut

215. Jay H. #2: 10 (-14) - Connecticut

215. Larry G. #3: 10 (-14) - Purdue

215. Rob C.: 10 (-14) - Connecticut

215. Tim Dz. #2: 10 (-14) - Arizona

227. CAAT #2: 10 (-16) - Connecticut

227. Harrell R. #3: 10 (-16) - Tennessee

227. James G.: 10 (-16) - Connecticut

227. Jim D. #1: 10 (-16) - Connecticut

227. Larry G. #4: 10 (-16) - Tennessee

227. Luis B. #5: 10 (-16) - Connecticut

227. Matt H.: 10 (-16) - Connecticut

227. Pete J. #3: 10 (-16) - Houston

235. Brett G. (Devils): 10 (-20) - Houston

236. Wayne D. #1: 10 (-24) - North Carolina

237. Irene H. #5: 10 (-26) - Tennessee

238. Beau H.: 10 (-28) - Alabama

239. Josh C.: 10 (-38) - Auburn

240. Harrell R. #4: 10 (-40) - Iowa State

241. Pete J. #6: 10 (-44) - Connecticut

242. Pete J. #2: 10 (-74) - Kentucky

243. Kristina H.: 10 (-76) - Kentucky

244. Kiah H. #2: 10 (-84) - Texas Tech

245. Chrissy I.: 9 (-13) - Arizona

245. Daisy N. #6: 9 (-13) - Iowa State

245. Matt N.: 9 (-13) - Purdue

248. Bryce S.: 9 (-15) - Creighton

248. D. Mag #4: 9 (-15) - Illinois

248. Irene H. #1: 9 (-15) - Connecticut

248. Jim D. #2: 9 (-15) - Houston

252. Brooke M. #1: 9 (-17) - Houston

252. Matt M.: 9 (-17) - Auburn

252. Seth D.: 9 (-17) - Connecticut

252. Wayne D. #2: 9 (-17) - Auburn

252. Wayne D. #5: 9 (-17) - Houston

257. Brandon H. #1: 9 (-19) - Houston

257. Eric S. #1: 9 (-19) - Houston

257. Jared B.: 9 (-19) - Iowa State

260. Rob I.: 9 (-21) - Arizona

261. Charlotte N.: 9 (-23) - San Diego State

261. Daisy N. #2: 9 (-23) - Purdue

263. Ben S.: 9 (-25) - Connecticut

263. John Mack #2: 9 (-25) - Purdue

263. Scarlett H.: 9 (-25) - Houston

266. Daisy N. #5: 9 (-29) - North Carolina

267. Melissa M.: 9 (-37) - Connecticut

268. Wayne D. #4: 8 (-14) - Purdue

269. Irene H. #3: 8 (-16) - Purdue

270. Brandie H.: 8 (-20) - Nebraska

271. Brett G. (Quinnie): 8 (-38) - Arizona

272. Faye N.: 8 (-40) - Texas A&M

273. Luis B. #4: 8 (-42) - Connecticut

274. Damien R. #4: 8 (-90) - Long Beach State

..and the updated net standings:

1. Becky H. (14)

1. Derek B. (14)

3. Mark A. (12)

3. Dave A. (12)

5. Missy W. #1 (10)

5. Szecho L. (10)

5. Daisy N. #3 (10)

5. Daisy N. #4 (10)

9. Jackson I. (8)

9. Brent E. #1 (8)

9. Chris E. (8)

9. Chun W. #2 (8)

9. Dan Dug. #2 (8)

9. Dawn T. (8)

9. Scott H. #1 (8)

9. Steve Dz. #2 (8)

9. Tim N. (8)

9. Tomas L. (8)

9. Dan L. #1 (8)

9. Eric S. #2 (8)

9. Kirt R. #2 (8)

9. Paul W. (8)

23. Ally H. (6)

23. D. Mag #1 (6)

23. John Mack #1 (6)

23. Scott K. #2 (6)

23. Deanna T. (6)

23. Andrew D. #1 (6)

23. Andrew D. #2 (6)

23. Brent E. #2 (6)

23. Brooklynn B. (6)

23. Christopher K. (6)

23. Connor W. (6)

23. Daniel E. (6)

23. Def Efficiency (6)

23. Eric G. (6)

23. Eric V. (6)

23. Ken Pom (6)

23. Rich F. (6)

23. Ryan Green (6)

23. Scott K. #1 (6)

42. Brandon B. #1 (4)

42. Bryce O. (4)

42. Howard S. #1 (4)

42. Kiah H. #1 (4)

42. Michelle L. #1 (4)

42. Michelle L. #3 (4)

42. Michelle L. #4 (4)

42. Patrick McC. #1 (4)

42. Pete J. #1 (4)

42. Vang L. (4)

42. Brad R. (4)

42. Henry A. (4)

42. Andy L. (4)

42. Brad E. (4)

42. Brett G. (Sleeper) (4)

42. Chris T. (4)

42. Daisy N. #8 (4)

42. Gutless Bracket (4)

42. Jim W. (4)

42. Kim F. (4)

42. Mary Lou H. (4)

42. Michael S. #2 (4)

64. Chris M. (2)

64. Craig G. (2)

64. Dennis R. (2)

64. Brent E. #3 (2)

64. Brent E. #4 (2)

64. Dan Dug. #1 (2)

64. Danielle A. (2)

64. John A. #2 (2)

64. John N. (2)

64. Kirt R. #1 (2)

64. Legend of Zelli (2)

64. Mike V. (2)

64. Patrick McC. #2 (2)

64. Pete J. #5 (2)

64. Shawn D. (2)

64. Derek H. (2)

64. Tyler C. (2)

64. Adam E. (2)

64. David F. #2 (2)

64. Dustin B. (2)

64. Emily T. (2)

64. Jared V. (2)

64. Joe C. (2)

64. John E. #1 (2)

64. Mario M. (2)

64. Scott H. #2 (2)

64. Zach V. (2)

91. Kevin F. #1 (0)

91. Kevin F. #2 (0)

91. Klei R. #2 (0)

91. Mason A. #2 (0)

91. Mitchell S. (0)

91. Moochie #5 (0)

91. Brian K. (0)

91. CAAT #3 (0)

91. CAAT #4 (0)

91. CAAT #5 (0)

91. D. Mag #3 (0)

91. Daisy N. #12 (0)

91. Daisy N. #9 (0)

91. Damien R. #1 (0)

91. Damien R. #2 (0)

91. Jay H. #1 (0)

91. John A. #1 (0)

91. Marc R. (0)

91. Michelle L. #5 (0)

91. Mike N. (0)

91. Miles D. (0)

91. Nate R. (0)

91. Niren D. (0)

91. Ryan G. (0)

91. Shanky G. (0)

91. Ali A. #1 (0)

91. Elliot N. (0)

91. Hutch H. #2 (0)

91. Josh V. (0)

91. Kealoha G. (0)

91. Kristin G. (0)

91. Cicely K. (0)

91. John E. #2 (0)

91. Mike W. (0)

91. Wayne D. #3 (0)

126. April K. (-2)

126. Klei R. #3 (-2)

126. Amanda R. (-2)

126. Colston W. (-2)

126. Greg R. (-2)

126. Irene H. #7 (-2)

126. Michael S. #1 (-2)

126. CAAT #1 (-2)

126. Damien R. #3 (-2)

126. Hutch H. #1 (-2)

126. Irene H. #2 (-2)

126. Kyle V. (-2)

126. Larry G. #2 (-2)

126. Luis B. #2 (-2)

126. Nick I. (-2)

126. Veronica G. (-2)

126. Brooke M. #2 (-2)

126. Harrell R. #1 (-2)

126. Harrell R. #2 (-2)

126. Irene H. #6 (-2)

126. Melody K. (-2)

126. Paul K. #2 (-2)

148. Irene H. #4 (-4)

148. Brandon H. #2 (-4)

148. Carlo G. (-4)

148. Stephen C. (-4)

148. Roth W. (-4)

148. Brett G. (Upset) (-4)

148. Daisy N. #1 (-4)

148. Dan P. (-4)

148. Guillermo V. (-4)

148. Larry G. #1 (-4)

148. Mustard (Nikolajs B.) (-4)

148. Brett W. (-4)

148. Chris L. #1 (-4)

148. Chris L. #2 (-4)

148. Chris L. #3 (-4)

148. Chris L. #4 (-4)

148. Dan Mck. (-4)

148. Dirk F. (-4)

148. Jay B. - ESPN (-4)

148. Jay H. #2 (-4)

148. Larry G. #3 (-4)

148. Rob C. (-4)

148. Tim Dz. #2 (-4)

148. Chrissy I. (-4)

148. Daisy N. #6 (-4)

148. Matt N. (-4)

174. Howard S. #2 (-6)

174. Jaxon S. (-6)

174. Missy W. #2 (-6)

174. Constance McA. (-6)

174. Dylan B. (-6)

174. Stefon K. (-6)

174. Finn D. (-6)

174. Moochie #2 (-6)

174. CAAT #2 (-6)

174. Harrell R. #3 (-6)

174. James G. (-6)

174. Jim D. #1 (-6)

174. Larry G. #4 (-6)

174. Luis B. #5 (-6)

174. Matt H. (-6)

174. Pete J. #3 (-6)

174. Bryce S. (-6)

174. D. Mag #4 (-6)

174. Irene H. #1 (-6)

174. Jim D. #2 (-6)

174. Wayne D. #4 (-6)

195. Moochie #4 (-8)

195. Pete J. #4 (-8)

195. Brent S. #2 (-8)

195. Dianna A. (-8)

195. Josiah T. (-8)

195. Klei R. #1 (-8)

195. Valerie D. (-8)

195. Brooke M. #1 (-8)

195. Matt M. (-8)

195. Seth D. (-8)

195. Wayne D. #2 (-8)

195. Wayne D. #5 (-8)

195. Irene H. #3 (-8)

208. D. Mag #2 (-10)

208. Dan L. #2 (-10)

208. Gary W. (-10)

208. Off Efficiency (-10)

208. Grant F. (-10)

208. Tim Dz. #1 (-10)

208. Brett G. (Devils) (-10)

208. Brandon H. #1 (-10)

208. Eric S. #1 (-10)

208. Jared B. (-10)

218. Rob I. (-12)

218. Brandie H. (-12)

220. Chun W. #1 (-14)

220. Daisy N. #10 (-14)

220. Wayne D. #1 (-14)

220. Charlotte N. (-14)

220. Daisy N. #2 (-14)

225. Adam S. (-16)

225. David F. #1 (-16)

225. Mason A. #1 (-16)

225. Irene H. #5 (-16)

225. Ben S. (-16)

225. John Mack #2 (-16)

225. Scarlett H. (-16)

232. Alyssa B. (-18)

232. Beau H. (-18)

234. Matt W. (-20)

234. Michelle L. #2 (-20)

234. Paul K. #1 (-20)

234. Gigi I. (-20)

234. Daisy N. #5 (-20)

239. Amber D. (-22)

239. Adalyn H. (-22)

241. DESGRU8 (Dan Dz.) (-24)

241. Pat K. (-24)

241. Brent S. #1 (-24)

241. Ali A. #2 (-24)

245. Brandon B. #2 (-26)

245. Daisy N. #11 (-26)

245. Elizabeth N. #2 (-26)

245. Mark B. (-26)

245. Luis B. #3 (-26)

250. Elizabeth N. #1 (-28)

250. Moochie #3 (-28)

250. Luis B. #1 (-28)

250. Josh C. (-28)

250. Melissa M. (-28)

255. Harrell R. #4 (-30)

255. Brett G. (Quinnie) (-30)

257. Jacob A. (-32)

257. Faye N. (-32)

259. Moochie #1 (-34)

259. Pete J. #6 (-34)

259. Luis B. #4 (-34)

262. Steve Dz. #1 (-40)

263. Ryan W. (-50)

264. Noah G. (-56)

264. Daisy N. #7 (-56)

266. Elizabeth P. #3 (-60)

266. Noah N. (-60)

268. Baily T. (-64)

268. Pete J. #2 (-64)

270. Marshmellow (Nik B.) (-66)

270. Kristina H. (-66)

272. Kiah H. #2 (-74)

273. Karen C. (-78)

274. Damien R. #4 (-82)

There are 4 more games left this morning:

Game 21

Connecticut v Stetson

Vegas Line: Connecticut -26.5

Picks for Connecticut: 270

Picks for Stetson: 4

Remember the Final 4 from last year?  Connecticut is the odds on favorite to return.  San Diego State is playing right now.  Florida Atlantic just lost in the first round and Miami didn’t make the tournament at all.  Based on that, you would probably say that UConn is the most blue blood team of the group.  They are the overall #1 seed, and they have the largest Vegas line of the entire first round.  All of that seems justified, but it’s not stopping me from wearing my Stetson t-shirt today.  I kind of like it.  It’s green and it has the hat on it.

For those that don’t know, much like Colgate was founded by the namesake of the Colgate Corporation, Stetson was indeed founded by the guy who made the Stetson hat.  Their mascot is the Hatter.  I have no idea what that is, but I kind of hope it’s just a giant hat.  That would be fun.  I’ll attach a picture.  I also will show a picture of my workstation and the 4-TV setup we have.  It’s pretty glorious.

Game 22

Clemson v New Mexico

Vegas Line: New Mexico -2

Picks for Clemson: 84

Picks for New Mexico: 190

Oh no.  It’s the dreaded 11/6 game.  All three 11s won yesterday, and it looks like we all are on board with a 11-seed sweep.  I’m good with that.  I always say I’ll be happy if I get one upset in every group of 4.  This one seems like the most likely, not that that means much.

Game 23

Auburn v Yale

Vegas Line: Auburn -12.5

Picks for Auburn: 256

Picks for Yale: 18

I don’t know how many of you follow the computer rankings of the NCAA teams.  If you do, you will know that Auburn is the contrarian pick to make it out of the East.  KenPom had them ranked as the #5 team in the country.  That seems incongruous given they are the #4 seed in this region alone.

I was talking with someone about the tournament earlier, and I said that it was sometimes easier to pick teams if you know less about them.  For instance, I’ve watched and followed Auburn throughout the season, and there’s just no way I can picture Auburn losing this game.  They could lose this game, but my imagination won’t let me see it.  If I didn’t have those prejudices, I’d be more likely to pick someone like Yale.  If Yale happens to win, I will suffer for it due to a lack of creativity.  Still, I don’t think they will.

Game 24

Florida v Colorado

Vegas Line: Colorado -1

Picks for Florida: 167

Picks for Colorado: 107

This is the case for picking the play-in winner.  If this game was paired up just like this without the play-in, Colorado would almost certainly have more people picking it than Florida.  Due to the unknown quality injected in the play-in, people seemed to shy away from picking Colorado.  That may wind up costing them.

Also, I think Florida is missing one of their better players due to injury.  One more reason to take the play-in winner.

Good luck everyone!!!!

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