Sunday, March 24, 2024

Marquette advances - 9/9 favorites in the Sweet 16

For a while there, I wasn’t so sure if Marquette was going to pull this one out.  I was kind of hoping for a Colorado upset, but we are 9/9 in favorites winning in the Round of 32.  I guess when you shoot 62% from the floor, you should probably win.

Here is the updated standings.  It looks like Derek B. has separated himself from the field a little bit.  He is 3 point clear of the field, which means that he’ll probably be at the top for a while.  Remember though, next rounds games are worth 4 points, so a 3-point lead is great picking and really nice, but will not be enough to prevent him from having to get a lot of games right going forward.

1. Derek B.: 43 (-23) - North Carolina

2. Scott H. #1: 40 (-12) - Connecticut

3. John Mack #1: 40 (-14) - Connecticut

4. Becky H.: 40 (-16) - Purdue

4. Michelle L. #3: 40 (-16) - Houston

4. Michelle L. #4: 40 (-16) - Purdue

7. Chris E.: 40 (-20) - Marquette

8. Dan Dug. #2: 40 (-40) - North Carolina

8. Michelle L. #2: 40 (-40) - North Carolina

10. Chun W. #2: 39 (-11) - North Carolina

10. Kim F.: 39 (-11) - Creighton

12. Jim W.: 39 (-13) - North Carolina

13. Ally H.: 39 (-15) - Purdue

13. Dan Mck.: 39 (-15) - Purdue

13. Missy W. #1: 39 (-15) - Marquette

16. Mark A.: 39 (-21) - Arizona

17. Jackson I.: 39 (-23) - Tennessee

18. Matt W.: 39 (-41) - Arizona

19. Dan L. #1: 39 (-43) - Tennessee

20. Eric V.: 39 (-77) - Auburn

21. Daisy N. #3: 38 (-12) - Houston

21. Szecho L.: 38 (-12) - Houston

23. Chris T.: 38 (-14) - North Carolina

24. Brandon B. #1: 38 (-20) - Connecticut

24. Eric S. #2: 38 (-20) - Purdue

24. Patrick McC. #1: 38 (-20) - Connecticut

27. Brent S. #2: 38 (-24) - Connecticut

28. Luis B. #3: 38 (-40) - Connecticut

29. Pat K.: 38 (-42) - Connecticut

30. Alyssa B.: 38 (-56) - Arizona

31. Brent E. #2: 37 (-13) - North Carolina

32. Adam E.: 37 (-15) - North Carolina

32. Daisy N. #4: 37 (-15) - Connecticut

32. Dawn T.: 37 (-15) - North Carolina

32. Deanna T.: 37 (-15) - Purdue

32. Ken Pom: 37 (-15) - Connecticut

32. Michael S. #2: 37 (-15) - Purdue

32. Wayne D. #3: 37 (-15) - Purdue

39. Brent E. #3: 37 (-17) - Connecticut

39. Brent E. #4: 37 (-17) - Connecticut

41. Danielle A.: 37 (-19) - Connecticut

41. Kirt R. #1: 37 (-19) - Houston

41. Michael S. #1: 37 (-19) - Connecticut

41. Michelle L. #5: 37 (-19) - Alabama

45. Connor W.: 37 (-21) - Houston

45. Dave A.: 37 (-21) - Purdue

45. Emily T.: 37 (-21) - Arizona

45. Niren D.: 37 (-21) - Connecticut

49. Rich F.: 37 (-23) - Marquette

50. Bryce O.: 37 (-25) - Houston

50. Moochie #5: 37 (-25) - Connecticut

52. Scott K. #2: 37 (-27) - Houston

52. Vang L.: 37 (-27) - Iowa State

54. Kirt R. #2: 37 (-31) - Purdue

55. Steve Dz. #2: 37 (-35) - Illinois

56. Brent S. #1: 37 (-41) - Connecticut

57. Brent E. #1: 37 (-43) - Houston

58. Ryan W.: 37 (-83) - Kentucky

59. Andrew D. #1: 36 (-14) - Houston

59. Paul W.: 36 (-14) - North Carolina

61. Brad E.: 36 (-16) - Purdue

62. Zach V.: 36 (-18) - Connecticut

63. Eric G.: 36 (-20) - Houston

63. Irene H. #2: 36 (-20) - Houston

63. Luis B. #2: 36 (-20) - Connecticut

63. Michelle L. #1: 36 (-20) - Connecticut

63. Mike N.: 36 (-20) - Connecticut

63. Pete J. #1: 36 (-20) - Connecticut

63. Roth W.: 36 (-20) - Houston

63. Scott H. #2: 36 (-20) - Houston

71. CAAT #3: 36 (-22) - Connecticut

71. CAAT #4: 36 (-22) - Connecticut

71. Chris L. #1: 36 (-22) - Connecticut

71. Chris L. #2: 36 (-22) - Purdue

71. Chris L. #3: 36 (-22) - North Carolina

71. Chris L. #4: 36 (-22) - North Carolina

71. Jay B. - ESPN: 36 (-22) - Connecticut

71. Jay H. #2: 36 (-22) - Connecticut

71. John A. #2: 36 (-22) - Houston

80. Ben S.: 36 (-26) - Connecticut

80. Mike V.: 36 (-26) - Connecticut

82. Damien R. #1: 36 (-28) - Houston

82. Dan L. #2: 36 (-28) - Purdue

82. Mason A. #2: 36 (-28) - North Carolina

85. Tim N.: 36 (-30) - Marquette

86. Chun W. #1: 36 (-32) - Tennessee

86. Tomas L.: 36 (-32) - Houston

88. Daniel E.: 36 (-34) - Arizona

89. April K.: 36 (-38) - Purdue

90. Luis B. #1: 36 (-44) - Connecticut

91. Baily T.: 36 (-80) - South Carolina

92. Daisy N. #7: 36 (-82) - Kentucky

93. Gutless Bracket: 35 (-17) - Connecticut

93. John E. #1: 35 (-17) - Houston

93. Kristin G.: 35 (-17) - Houston

93. Mary Lou H.: 35 (-17) - Houston

97. Cicely K.: 35 (-19) - North Carolina

98. Dan P.: 35 (-21) - Connecticut

98. Mike W.: 35 (-21) - Iowa State

98. Ryan Green: 35 (-21) - Houston

98. Scott K. #1: 35 (-21) - Tennessee

102. CAAT #1: 35 (-23) - Connecticut

102. Damien R. #2: 35 (-23) - Connecticut

102. Derek H.: 35 (-23) - Connecticut

102. Nate R.: 35 (-23) - Houston

106. Stefon K.: 35 (-25) - Purdue

107. Howard S. #2: 35 (-29) - Purdue

108. Brooklynn B.: 35 (-31) - Purdue

109. Elizabeth N. #1: 35 (-47) - Connecticut

110. Dan Dug. #1: 35 (-51) - Connecticut

111. Noah G.: 35 (-79) - Kentucky

112. Chrissy I.: 34 (-18) - Arizona

112. Dustin B.: 34 (-18) - Creighton

112. Jared V.: 34 (-18) - Connecticut

112. Joe C.: 34 (-18) - Houston

112. John E. #2: 34 (-18) - Purdue

117. Andy L.: 34 (-20) - Purdue

117. Josh V.: 34 (-20) - Connecticut

117. Kealoha G.: 34 (-20) - North Carolina

117. Matt N.: 34 (-20) - Purdue

121. David F. #2: 34 (-22) - Connecticut

121. Greg R.: 34 (-22) - Purdue

121. Luis B. #5: 34 (-22) - Connecticut

124. CAAT #5: 34 (-24) - Connecticut

124. Tyler C.: 34 (-24) - Houston

124. Veronica G.: 34 (-24) - Houston

127. Brian K.: 34 (-26) - Illinois

127. Irene H. #7: 34 (-26) - Connecticut

127. Klei R. #1: 34 (-26) - Houston

130. Daisy N. #9: 34 (-28) - Houston

130. Kevin F. #2: 34 (-28) - Purdue

130. Miles D.: 34 (-28) - Arizona

130. Patrick McC. #2: 34 (-28) - Connecticut

130. Shanky G.: 34 (-28) - Connecticut

135. Irene H. #4: 34 (-30) - Arizona

136. Wayne D. #1: 34 (-32) - North Carolina

137. Gigi I.: 34 (-38) - Arizona

138. Kevin F. #1: 34 (-64) - Connecticut

139. Adalyn H.: 34 (-72) - Purdue

140. Klei R. #3: 34 (-74) - Purdue

141. Kristina H.: 34 (-82) - Kentucky

141. Wayne D. #2: 34 (-82) - Auburn

143. Pete J. #5: 34 (-84) - Auburn

144. D. Mag #1: 34 (-98) - Auburn

145. Elliot N.: 33 (-17) - Connecticut

145. Hutch H. #2: 33 (-17) - Houston

147. Daisy N. #12: 33 (-19) - Tennessee

147. Wayne D. #4: 33 (-19) - Purdue

149. Brandon H. #1: 33 (-23) - Houston

149. Brett G. (Sleeper): 33 (-23) - Iowa State

149. D. Mag #3: 33 (-23) - Connecticut

149. Larry G. #4: 33 (-23) - Tennessee

153. Daisy N. #8: 33 (-25) - Tennessee

153. Dennis R.: 33 (-25) - Connecticut

153. Dirk F.: 33 (-25) - Purdue

153. John A. #1: 33 (-25) - Houston

153. Paul K. #2: 33 (-25) - Illinois

158. Carlo G.: 33 (-27) - Connecticut

159. Craig G.: 33 (-29) - Purdue

159. Dylan B.: 33 (-29) - Houston

161. Def Efficiency: 33 (-31) - Iowa State

161. John N.: 33 (-31) - San Diego State

163. Kyle V.: 33 (-33) - Houston

164. Ryan G.: 33 (-37) - Purdue

165. Guillermo V.: 33 (-43) - Connecticut

166. Brandon B. #2: 33 (-47) - North Carolina

167. Josiah T.: 33 (-51) - North Carolina

168. Amber D.: 33 (-53) - Connecticut

168. Chris M.: 33 (-53) - Houston

170. Daisy N. #11: 33 (-61) - Connecticut

170. Jaxon S.: 33 (-61) - Purdue

172. Klei R. #2: 33 (-67) - Purdue

173. Hutch H. #1: 33 (-85) - Kansas

174. Noah N.: 33 (-109) - Kentucky

175. Melody K.: 32 (-18) - Connecticut

176. Mario M.: 32 (-24) - Tennessee

176. Pete J. #3: 32 (-24) - Houston

176. Seth D.: 32 (-24) - Connecticut

179. Larry G. #2: 32 (-26) - Connecticut

179. Matt H.: 32 (-26) - Connecticut

179. Moochie #2: 32 (-26) - Tennessee

179. Nick I.: 32 (-26) - Purdue

183. Marc R.: 32 (-28) - Arizona

184. Kiah H. #1: 32 (-30) - Houston

185. Andrew D. #2: 32 (-32) - Houston

185. Daisy N. #10: 32 (-32) - Arizona

185. Mitchell S.: 32 (-32) - North Carolina

185. Pete J. #4: 32 (-32) - Tennessee

189. Luis B. #4: 32 (-48) - Connecticut

190. Paul K. #1: 32 (-54) - North Carolina

191. Moochie #1: 32 (-60) - North Carolina

192. Steve Dz. #1: 32 (-62) - Iowa State

193. Howard S. #1: 32 (-86) - Auburn

194. Brooke M. #2: 31 (-21) - Arizona

195. Irene H. #1: 31 (-23) - Connecticut

196. Eric S. #1: 31 (-25) - Houston

196. Larry G. #3: 31 (-25) - Purdue

198. Jim D. #2: 31 (-29) - Houston

199. Off Efficiency: 31 (-33) - Connecticut

200. Adam S.: 31 (-35) - North Carolina

200. Brad R.: 31 (-35) - Connecticut

200. Brett W.: 31 (-35) - Arizona

200. Daisy N. #1: 31 (-35) - Connecticut

204. Pete J. #6: 31 (-53) - Connecticut

205. Elizabeth P. #3: 31 (-85) - Kentucky

205. Pete J. #2: 31 (-85) - Kentucky

207. Irene H. #6: 30 (-26) - North Carolina

207. James G.: 30 (-26) - Connecticut

207. Jim D. #1: 30 (-26) - Connecticut

210. CAAT #2: 30 (-28) - Connecticut

210. Daisy N. #6: 30 (-28) - Iowa State

210. Larry G. #1: 30 (-28) - Purdue

213. Brooke M. #1: 30 (-30) - Houston

213. Legend of Zelli: 30 (-30) - Duke

213. Tim Dz. #1: 30 (-30) - Connecticut

216. Brett G. (Upset): 30 (-34) - Connecticut

216. Rob I.: 30 (-34) - Arizona

218. Irene H. #5: 30 (-36) - Tennessee

219. D. Mag #2: 30 (-46) - North Carolina

220. Missy W. #2: 30 (-48) - Tennessee

221. Henry A.: 30 (-54) - Connecticut

221. Tim Dz. #2: 30 (-54) - Arizona

223. Jacob A.: 30 (-56) - Iowa State

224. Christopher K.: 30 (-76) - Illinois

225. Amanda R.: 30 (-136) - Wisconsin

226. Harrell R. #2: 29 (-23) - NC State

227. Harrell R. #1: 29 (-27) - North Carolina

228. Gary W.: 29 (-33) - Arizona

229. Beau H.: 29 (-35) - Alabama

229. Damien R. #3: 29 (-35) - Houston

231. David F. #1: 29 (-39) - Purdue

232. Shawn D.: 29 (-49) - Purdue

233. Bryce S.: 29 (-57) - Creighton

234. DESGRU8 (Dan Dz.): 29 (-67) - North Carolina

235. Kiah H. #2: 29 (-93) - Texas Tech

236. Josh C.: 29 (-105) - Auburn

237. Rob C.: 28 (-28) - Connecticut

238. Colston W.: 28 (-32) - Connecticut

238. Grant F.: 28 (-32) - Houston

238. Jared B.: 28 (-32) - Iowa State

241. Brett G. (Devils): 28 (-46) - Houston

242. Daisy N. #5: 28 (-48) - North Carolina

243. Brett G. (Quinnie): 28 (-58) - Arizona

244. Matt M.: 28 (-92) - Auburn

245. Karen C.: 28 (-100) - Kentucky

246. Irene H. #3: 27 (-25) - Purdue

247. Harrell R. #3: 27 (-29) - Tennessee

248. Daisy N. #2: 27 (-35) - Purdue

249. Brandon H. #2: 27 (-39) - Arizona

250. Moochie #4: 27 (-53) - Connecticut

251. Harrell R. #4: 27 (-57) - Iowa State

252. Mark B.: 27 (-67) - Connecticut

253. Elizabeth N. #2: 27 (-75) - North Carolina

254. Stephen C.: 27 (-107) - Nebraska

255. Jay H. #1: 26 (-32) - Houston

255. John Mack #2: 26 (-32) - Purdue

257. Melissa M.: 26 (-44) - Connecticut

258. Marshmellow (Nik B.): 26 (-106) - Howard / Wagner

259. Valerie D.: 25 (-39) - Connecticut

260. Scarlett H.: 25 (-41) - Houston

261. Wayne D. #5: 25 (-45) - Houston

262. Finn D.: 25 (-93) - Kansas

263. Moochie #3: 25 (-95) - James Madison

264. Dianna A.: 25 (-99) - Kansas

265. Charlotte N.: 24 (-42) - San Diego State

266. Mason A. #1: 24 (-44) - Connecticut

267. Faye N.: 24 (-64) - Texas A&M

268. Constance McA.: 24 (-84) - Gonzaga

269. Mustard (Nikolajs B.): 24 (-112) - Oregon

270. Damien R. #4: 22 (-110) - Long Beach State

271. D. Mag #4: 21 (-79) - Illinois

272. Ali A. #1: 21 (-143) - Washington State

273. Brandie H.: 20 (-112) - Nebraska

274. Ali A. #2: 19 (-107) - Arizona

…and net points:

1. Scott H. #1 (28)

1. Chun W. #2 (28)

1. Kim F. (28)

4. John Mack #1 (26)

4. Jim W. (26)

4. Daisy N. #3 (26)

4. Szecho L. (26)

8. Becky H. (24)

8. Michelle L. #3 (24)

8. Michelle L. #4 (24)

8. Ally H. (24)

8. Dan Mck. (24)

8. Missy W. #1 (24)

8. Chris T. (24)

8. Brent E. #2 (24)

16. Adam E. (22)

16. Daisy N. #4 (22)

16. Dawn T. (22)

16. Deanna T. (22)

16. Ken Pom (22)

16. Michael S. #2 (22)

16. Wayne D. #3 (22)

16. Andrew D. #1 (22)

16. Paul W. (22)

25. Derek B. (20)

25. Chris E. (20)

25. Brent E. #3 (20)

25. Brent E. #4 (20)

25. Brad E. (20)

30. Mark A. (18)

30. Brandon B. #1 (18)

30. Eric S. #2 (18)

30. Patrick McC. #1 (18)

30. Danielle A. (18)

30. Kirt R. #1 (18)

30. Michael S. #1 (18)

30. Michelle L. #5 (18)

30. Zach V. (18)

30. Gutless Bracket (18)

30. John E. #1 (18)

30. Kristin G. (18)

30. Mary Lou H. (18)

43. Jackson I. (16)

43. Connor W. (16)

43. Dave A. (16)

43. Emily T. (16)

43. Niren D. (16)

43. Eric G. (16)

43. Irene H. #2 (16)

43. Luis B. #2 (16)

43. Michelle L. #1 (16)

43. Mike N. (16)

43. Pete J. #1 (16)

43. Roth W. (16)

43. Scott H. #2 (16)

43. Cicely K. (16)

43. Chrissy I. (16)

43. Dustin B. (16)

43. Jared V. (16)

43. Joe C. (16)

43. John E. #2 (16)

43. Elliot N. (16)

43. Hutch H. #2 (16)

64. Brent S. #2 (14)

64. Rich F. (14)

64. CAAT #3 (14)

64. CAAT #4 (14)

64. Chris L. #1 (14)

64. Chris L. #2 (14)

64. Chris L. #3 (14)

64. Chris L. #4 (14)

64. Jay B. - ESPN (14)

64. Jay H. #2 (14)

64. John A. #2 (14)

64. Dan P. (14)

64. Mike W. (14)

64. Ryan Green (14)

64. Scott K. #1 (14)

64. Andy L. (14)

64. Josh V. (14)

64. Kealoha G. (14)

64. Matt N. (14)

64. Daisy N. #12 (14)

64. Wayne D. #4 (14)

64. Melody K. (14)

86. Bryce O. (12)

86. Moochie #5 (12)

86. CAAT #1 (12)

86. Damien R. #2 (12)

86. Derek H. (12)

86. Nate R. (12)

86. David F. #2 (12)

86. Greg R. (12)

86. Luis B. #5 (12)

95. Scott K. #2 (10)

95. Vang L. (10)

95. Ben S. (10)

95. Mike V. (10)

95. Stefon K. (10)

95. CAAT #5 (10)

95. Tyler C. (10)

95. Veronica G. (10)

95. Brandon H. #1 (10)

95. Brett G. (Sleeper) (10)

95. D. Mag #3 (10)

95. Larry G. #4 (10)

95. Brooke M. #2 (10)

108. Damien R. #1 (8)

108. Dan L. #2 (8)

108. Mason A. #2 (8)

108. Brian K. (8)

108. Irene H. #7 (8)

108. Klei R. #1 (8)

108. Daisy N. #8 (8)

108. Dennis R. (8)

108. Dirk F. (8)

108. John A. #1 (8)

108. Paul K. #2 (8)

108. Mario M. (8)

108. Pete J. #3 (8)

108. Seth D. (8)

108. Irene H. #1 (8)

123. Kirt R. #2 (6)

123. Tim N. (6)

123. Howard S. #2 (6)

123. Daisy N. #9 (6)

123. Kevin F. #2 (6)

123. Miles D. (6)

123. Patrick McC. #2 (6)

123. Shanky G. (6)

123. Carlo G. (6)

123. Larry G. #2 (6)

123. Matt H. (6)

123. Moochie #2 (6)

123. Nick I. (6)

123. Eric S. #1 (6)

123. Larry G. #3 (6)

123. Harrell R. #2 (6)

139. Chun W. #1 (4)

139. Tomas L. (4)

139. Brooklynn B. (4)

139. Irene H. #4 (4)

139. Craig G. (4)

139. Dylan B. (4)

139. Marc R. (4)

139. Irene H. #6 (4)

139. James G. (4)

139. Jim D. #1 (4)

149. Steve Dz. #2 (2)

149. Daniel E. (2)

149. Wayne D. #1 (2)

149. Def Efficiency (2)

149. John N. (2)

149. Kiah H. #1 (2)

149. Jim D. #2 (2)

149. CAAT #2 (2)

149. Daisy N. #6 (2)

149. Larry G. #1 (2)

149. Harrell R. #1 (2)

149. Irene H. #3 (2)

161. Dan Dug. #2 (0)

161. Michelle L. #2 (0)

161. Kyle V. (0)

161. Andrew D. #2 (0)

161. Daisy N. #10 (0)

161. Mitchell S. (0)

161. Pete J. #4 (0)

161. Brooke M. #1 (0)

161. Legend of Zelli (0)

161. Tim Dz. #1 (0)

161. Rob C. (0)

172. Matt W. (-2)

172. Luis B. #3 (-2)

172. April K. (-2)

172. Off Efficiency (-2)

172. Harrell R. #3 (-2)

177. Dan L. #1 (-4)

177. Pat K. (-4)

177. Brent S. #1 (-4)

177. Gigi I. (-4)

177. Ryan G. (-4)

177. Adam S. (-4)

177. Brad R. (-4)

177. Brett W. (-4)

177. Daisy N. #1 (-4)

177. Brett G. (Upset) (-4)

177. Rob I. (-4)

177. Gary W. (-4)

177. Colston W. (-4)

177. Grant F. (-4)

177. Jared B. (-4)

192. Brent E. #1 (-6)

192. Irene H. #5 (-6)

192. Beau H. (-6)

192. Damien R. #3 (-6)

192. Jay H. #1 (-6)

192. John Mack #2 (-6)

198. Luis B. #1 (-8)

198. Daisy N. #2 (-8)

200. Guillermo V. (-10)

200. David F. #1 (-10)

202. Elizabeth N. #1 (-12)

202. Brandon H. #2 (-12)

204. Brandon B. #2 (-14)

204. Valerie D. (-14)

206. Dan Dug. #1 (-16)

206. Luis B. #4 (-16)

206. D. Mag #2 (-16)

206. Scarlett H. (-16)

210. Alyssa B. (-18)

210. Josiah T. (-18)

210. Missy W. #2 (-18)

210. Brett G. (Devils) (-18)

210. Melissa M. (-18)

210. Charlotte N. (-18)

216. Amber D. (-20)

216. Chris M. (-20)

216. Shawn D. (-20)

216. Daisy N. #5 (-20)

216. Wayne D. #5 (-20)

216. Mason A. #1 (-20)

222. Paul K. #1 (-22)

222. Pete J. #6 (-22)

224. Henry A. (-24)

224. Tim Dz. #2 (-24)

226. Jacob A. (-26)

226. Moochie #4 (-26)

228. Daisy N. #11 (-28)

228. Jaxon S. (-28)

228. Moochie #1 (-28)

228. Bryce S. (-28)

232. Kevin F. #1 (-30)

232. Steve Dz. #1 (-30)

232. Brett G. (Quinnie) (-30)

232. Harrell R. #4 (-30)

236. Klei R. #2 (-34)

237. Eric V. (-38)

237. Adalyn H. (-38)

237. DESGRU8 (Dan Dz.) (-38)

240. Klei R. #3 (-40)

240. Mark B. (-40)

240. Faye N. (-40)

243. Baily T. (-44)

243. Noah G. (-44)

245. Ryan W. (-46)

245. Daisy N. #7 (-46)

245. Christopher K. (-46)

248. Kristina H. (-48)

248. Wayne D. #2 (-48)

248. Elizabeth N. #2 (-48)

251. Pete J. #5 (-50)

252. Hutch H. #1 (-52)

253. Howard S. #1 (-54)

253. Elizabeth P. #3 (-54)

253. Pete J. #2 (-54)

256. D. Mag #4 (-58)

257. Constance McA. (-60)

258. D. Mag #1 (-64)

258. Kiah H. #2 (-64)

258. Matt M. (-64)

261. Finn D. (-68)

262. Moochie #3 (-70)

263. Karen C. (-72)

264. Dianna A. (-74)

265. Noah N. (-76)

265. Josh C. (-76)

267. Stephen C. (-80)

267. Marshmellow (Nik B.) (-80)

269. Mustard (Nikolajs B.) (-88)

269. Damien R. #4 (-88)

269. Ali A. #2 (-88)

272. Brandie H. (-92)

273. Amanda R. (-106)

274. Ali A. #1 (-122)

Here’s who we lost in the South bracket:

Bryce S.: 5 (-11) - Houston / BSU / Colo / Houston

Derek H.: 6 (-10) - Duke / BSU / Colo / Duke

Eric S. #2: 7 (-5) - Duke / NC State / Duke

Henry A.: 7 (-23) - Wisconsin / BSU / Colo / Wisconsin

Mark A.: 7 (-9) - Houston / BSU / Colo / Houston

Michael S. #2: 8 (-4) - Houston / NC State / Houston

…and the remaining people alive:

Harrell R. #2: 10 (-2) - Houston / NC State / NC State


Charlotte N.: 8 (-4) - Texas A&M / Marquette / Texas A&M


Daisy N. #8: 10 (-2) - Duke / NC State / NC State


Moochie #3: 9 (-5) - James Madison / NC State / James Madison


Daisy N. #4: 11 (-1) - Duke / NC State / Duke


Daniel E.: 10 (-2) - Duke / Marquette / Duke


David F. #2: 7 (-5) - Texas A&M / Marquette / Marquette


Derek B.: 11 (-1) - Duke / Marquette / Marquette


Faye N.: 8 (-8) - Texas A&M / Kentucky / Texas A&M


Jim W.: 11 (-1) - Houston / Marquette / Houston


Kirt R. #2: 10 (-2) - Duke / Marquette / Duke


Nick I.: 8 (-4) - James Madison / Marquette / Marquette


Ryan G.: 10 (-2) - Duke / Marquette / Duke


Ryan Green: 7 (-5) - Houston / Marquette / Houston


Adam E.: 11 (-1) - Houston / NC State / Houston


Chris T.: 8 (-4) - Houston / Marquette / Marquette


Daisy N. #3: 10 (-2) - Houston / NC State / Houston


Dan Dug. #2: 8 (-4) - Houston / Marquette / Marquette


Dirk F.: 9 (-3) - Duke / Marquette / Marquette


John Mack #1: 10 (-2) - Duke / NC State / NC State


Paul W.: 8 (-4) - Houston / NC State / NC State


Rob I.: 8 (-4) - Houston / Marquette / Marquette


Scott H. #1: 8 (-4) - Houston / Marquette / Marquette


Tim N.: 9 (-5) - Houston / Marquette / Marquette


Wayne D. #3: 7 (-5) - Houston / Marquette / Marquette


You had to get Marquette right in that game to stay alive in this region.  Good luck in the next game!!!

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