I always say that I want to see at least one upset in each group of 4 games. I guess Texas A&M beating Nebraska is going to be it for this group. Duke was pushed a little bit in the second half, but still won pretty handily. It looks like Purdue is going to win and Alabama looks good as well. I guess a 9 over 8 is all we get for now.
Here are the updated scores:
1 |
1. Becky H.: 23 (-3) - Purdue |
2 |
2. Derek B.: 23 (-17) - North
Carolina |
3 |
3. Mark A.: 22 (-6) - Arizona |
4 |
4. John Mack #1: 22 (-10) -
Connecticut |
5 |
5. April K.: 22 (-18) - Purdue |
6 |
6. Dan Dug. #2: 21 (-7) - North
Carolina |
7 |
7. Missy W. #1: 21 (-9) - Marquette |
8 |
8. Chris M.: 21 (-13) - Houston |
8 |
8. Jackson I.: 21 (-13) - Tennessee |
10 |
10. Alyssa B.: 21 (-49) - Arizona |
11 |
11. Chun W. #2: 20 (-8) - North
Carolina |
11 |
11. Scott H. #1: 20 (-8) -
Connecticut |
11 |
11. Szecho L.: 20 (-8) - Houston |
14 |
14. Deanna T.: 20 (-10) - Purdue |
15 |
15. Ally H.: 20 (-14) - Purdue |
15 |
15. Dan Dug. #1: 20 (-14) -
Connecticut |
15 |
15. Tomas L.: 20 (-14) - Houston |
15 |
15. Vang L.: 20 (-14) - Iowa State |
19 |
19. Chris E.: 20 (-16) - Marquette |
19 |
19. Craig G.: 20 (-16) - Purdue |
19 |
19. Patrick McC. #1: 20 (-16) -
Connecticut |
22 |
22. Matt W.: 20 (-38) - Arizona |
23 |
23. Amber D.: 20 (-40) - Connecticut |
24 |
24. Daisy N. #3: 19 (-7) - Houston |
25 |
25. Brent E. #1: 19 (-9) - Houston |
25 |
25. Connor W.: 19 (-9) - Houston |
25 |
25. Daisy N. #4: 19 (-9) -
Connecticut |
25 |
25. Dave A.: 19 (-9) - Purdue |
25 |
25. Kim F.: 19 (-9) - Creighton |
25 |
25. Kirt R. #2: 19 (-9) - Purdue |
31 |
31. Dawn T.: 19 (-11) - North
Carolina |
32 |
32. Tim N.: 19 (-13) - Marquette |
33 |
33. Michelle L. #1: 19 (-15) -
Connecticut |
33 |
33. Michelle L. #3: 19 (-15) -
Houston |
33 |
33. Michelle L. #4: 19 (-15) -
Purdue |
33 |
33. Mike V.: 19 (-15) - Connecticut |
33 |
33. Patrick McC. #2: 19 (-15) -
Connecticut |
33 |
33. Steve Dz. #2: 19 (-15) -
Illinois |
39 |
39. Brandon B. #1: 19 (-17) -
Connecticut |
39 |
39. Kevin F. #1: 19 (-17) -
Connecticut |
39 |
39. Kevin F. #2: 19 (-17) - Purdue |
39 |
39. Kiah H. #1: 19 (-17) - Houston |
39 |
39. Mason A. #2: 19 (-17) - North
Carolina |
44 |
44. Scott K. #2: 19 (-19) - Houston |
45 |
45. Brent S. #2: 19 (-21) -
Connecticut |
45 |
45. Bryce O.: 19 (-21) - Houston |
47 |
47. Irene H. #4: 19 (-23) - Arizona |
48 |
48. Chun W. #1: 19 (-29) - Tennessee |
49 |
49. Adam S.: 19 (-33) - North
Carolina |
49 |
49. Gigi I.: 19 (-33) - Arizona |
51 |
51. Michelle L. #2: 19 (-39) - North
Carolina |
51 |
51. Paul K. #1: 19 (-39) - North
Carolina |
53 |
53. DESGRU8 (Dan Dz.): 19 (-41)
- North Carolina |
53 |
53. Pat K.: 19 (-41) - Connecticut |
55 |
55. Elizabeth N. #1: 19 (-43) -
Connecticut |
56 |
56. Moochie #1: 19 (-53) - North
Carolina |
57 |
57. Klei R. #3: 19 (-55) - Purdue |
58 |
58. Ryan W.: 19 (-71) - Kentucky |
59 |
59. Howard S. #1: 19 (-79) - Auburn |
60 |
60. Andrew D. #1: 18 (-10) - Houston |
60 |
60. Brent E. #2: 18 (-10) - North
Carolina |
60 |
60. Brooklynn B.: 18 (-10) - Purdue |
60 |
60. Chris T.: 18 (-10) - North
Carolina |
64 |
64. Emily T.: 18 (-12) - Arizona |
64 |
64. Jim W.: 18 (-12) - North
Carolina |
64 |
64. Ken Pom: 18 (-12) - Connecticut |
64 |
64. Rich F.: 18 (-12) - Marquette |
64 |
64. Ryan Green: 18 (-12) - Houston |
69 |
69. Brent E. #3: 18 (-14) -
Connecticut |
69 |
69. Brent E. #4: 18 (-14) -
Connecticut |
69 |
69. Kirt R. #1: 18 (-14) - Houston |
69 |
69. Ryan G.: 18 (-14) - Purdue |
73 |
73. Colston W.: 18 (-16) -
Connecticut |
73 |
73. Eric S. #2: 18 (-16) - Purdue |
73 |
73. Marc R.: 18 (-16) - Arizona |
73 |
73. Niren D.: 18 (-16) - Connecticut |
77 |
77. Brad R.: 18 (-18) - Connecticut |
77 |
77. Def Efficiency: 18 (-18) - Iowa
State |
77 |
77. Moochie #5: 18 (-18) -
Connecticut |
77 |
77. Pete J. #1: 18 (-18) -
Connecticut |
81 |
81. Roth W.: 18 (-20) - Houston |
81 |
81. Stefon K.: 18 (-20) - Purdue |
83 |
83. Carlo G.: 18 (-22) - Connecticut |
84 |
84. Daniel E.: 18 (-24) - Arizona |
84 |
84. Howard S. #2: 18 (-24) - Purdue |
86 |
86. Dan L. #2: 18 (-26) - Purdue |
86 |
86. Henry A.: 18 (-26) - Connecticut |
86 |
86. Moochie #4: 18 (-26) -
Connecticut |
89 |
89. Pete J. #4: 18 (-28) - Tennessee |
90 |
90. Brent S. #1: 18 (-38) -
Connecticut |
90 |
90. Missy W. #2: 18 (-38) -
Tennessee |
92 |
92. Brandon B. #2: 18 (-40) - North
Carolina |
93 |
93. Klei R. #2: 18 (-48) - Purdue |
94 |
94. Eric V.: 18 (-74) - Auburn |
95 |
95. Elizabeth P. #3: 18 (-76) -
Kentucky |
96 |
96. Baily T.: 18 (-78) - South
Carolina |
97 |
97. Karen C.: 18 (-90) - Kentucky |
98 |
98. Paul W.: 17 (-9) - North
Carolina |
99 |
99. Adam E.: 17 (-13) - North
Carolina |
99 |
99. Andrew D. #2: 17 (-13) - Houston |
99 |
99. Andy L.: 17 (-13) - Purdue |
99 |
99. Brad E.: 17 (-13) - Purdue |
99 |
99. Elliot N.: 17 (-13) -
Connecticut |
99 |
99. Gutless Bracket: 17 (-13) -
Connecticut |
99 |
99. Hutch H. #2: 17 (-13) - Houston |
99 |
99. Mary Lou H.: 17 (-13) - Houston |
99 |
99. Michael S. #2: 17 (-13) - Purdue |
108 |
108. Dan Mck.: 17 (-15) - Purdue |
108 |
108. Eric G.: 17 (-15) - Houston |
108 |
108. Tim Dz. #2: 17 (-15) - Arizona |
111 |
111. Danielle A.: 17 (-17) -
Connecticut |
111 |
111. Derek H.: 17 (-17) -
Connecticut |
111 |
111. John A. #2: 17 (-17) - Houston |
111 |
111. Legend of Zelli: 17 (-17) -
Duke |
111 |
111. Mike N.: 17 (-17) - Connecticut |
111 |
111. Scott K. #1: 17 (-17) -
Tennessee |
117 |
117. CAAT #3: 17 (-19) - Connecticut |
117 |
117. CAAT #4: 17 (-19) - Connecticut |
117 |
117. CAAT #5: 17 (-19) - Connecticut |
117 |
117. D. Mag #3: 17 (-19) -
Connecticut |
117 |
117. Daisy N. #8: 17 (-19) -
Tennessee |
117 |
117. Daisy N. #9: 17 (-19) - Houston |
117 |
117. Damien R. #1: 17 (-19) -
Houston |
117 |
117. Damien R. #2: 17 (-19) -
Connecticut |
117 |
117. Dennis R.: 17 (-19) -
Connecticut |
117 |
117. Greg R.: 17 (-19) - Purdue |
117 |
117. Irene H. #7: 17 (-19) -
Connecticut |
117 |
117. Michael S. #1: 17 (-19) -
Connecticut |
117 |
117. Moochie #2: 17 (-19) -
Tennessee |
117 |
117. Nate R.: 17 (-19) - Houston |
131 |
131. Nick I.: 17 (-21) - Purdue |
132 |
132. Tim Dz. #1: 17 (-23) -
Connecticut |
133 |
133. Dylan B.: 17 (-25) - Houston |
134 |
134. Off Efficiency: 17 (-29) -
Connecticut |
135 |
135. Shawn D.: 17 (-31) - Purdue |
136 |
136. Brandon H. #2: 17 (-33) -
Arizona |
137 |
137. Dan L. #1: 17 (-41) - Tennessee |
138 |
138. Christopher K.: 17 (-43) -
Illinois |
139 |
139. Elizabeth N. #2: 17 (-45) -
North Carolina |
140 |
140. Amanda R.: 17 (-61) - Wisconsin |
141 |
141. Noah G.: 17 (-77) - Kentucky |
141 |
141. Pete J. #5: 17 (-77) - Auburn |
143 |
143. Daisy N. #7: 17 (-79) -
Kentucky |
144 |
144. D. Mag #1: 17 (-81) - Auburn |
145 |
145. Stephen C.: 17 (-87) - Nebraska |
146 |
146. Dustin B.: 16 (-12) - Creighton |
147 |
147. Brett G. (Sleeper): 16 (-14) -
Iowa State |
147 |
147. Joe C.: 16 (-14) - Houston |
147 |
147. John E. #1: 16 (-14) - Houston |
147 |
147. Melody K.: 16 (-14) -
Connecticut |
147 |
147. Zach V.: 16 (-14) - Connecticut |
152 |
152. Chrissy I.: 16 (-16) - Arizona |
152 |
152. David F. #2: 16 (-16) -
Connecticut |
154 |
154. Daisy N. #12: 16 (-18) -
Tennessee |
154 |
154. Dirk F.: 16 (-18) - Purdue |
154 |
154. Irene H. #2: 16 (-18) - Houston |
154 |
154. John A. #1: 16 (-18) - Houston |
154 |
154. John N.: 16 (-18) - San Diego
State |
154 |
154. Luis B. #2: 16 (-18) -
Connecticut |
154 |
154. Michelle L. #5: 16 (-18) -
Alabama |
154 |
154. Veronica G.: 16 (-18) - Houston |
162 |
162. Brian K.: 16 (-20) - Illinois |
162 |
162. CAAT #1: 16 (-20) - Connecticut |
162 |
162. Damien R. #3: 16 (-20) -
Houston |
162 |
162. Dan P.: 16 (-20) - Connecticut |
162 |
162. Larry G. #2: 16 (-20) -
Connecticut |
162 |
162. Mario M.: 16 (-20) - Tennessee |
162 |
162. Shanky G.: 16 (-20) -
Connecticut |
169 |
169. Finn D.: 16 (-22) - Kansas |
170 |
170. Klei R. #1: 16 (-24) - Houston |
170 |
170. Miles D.: 16 (-24) - Arizona |
172 |
172. Ben S.: 16 (-26) - Connecticut |
172 |
172. Dianna A.: 16 (-26) - Kansas |
172 |
172. Guillermo V.: 16 (-26) -
Connecticut |
172 |
172. Kyle V.: 16 (-26) - Houston |
176 |
176. Grant F.: 16 (-28) - Houston |
176 |
176. John Mack #2: 16 (-28) - Purdue |
176 |
176. Mitchell S.: 16 (-28) - North
Carolina |
176 |
176. Valerie D.: 16 (-28) -
Connecticut |
180 |
180. Daisy N. #10: 16 (-30) -
Arizona |
180 |
180. Gary W.: 16 (-30) - Arizona |
182 |
182. Josiah T.: 16 (-36) - North
Carolina |
183 |
183. Luis B. #3: 16 (-40) -
Connecticut |
184 |
184. D. Mag #2: 16 (-42) - North
Carolina |
184 |
184. Mark B.: 16 (-42) - Connecticut |
186 |
186. Luis B. #1: 16 (-44) -
Connecticut |
187 |
187. Daisy N. #11: 16 (-46) -
Connecticut |
188 |
188. Jacob A.: 16 (-52) - Iowa State |
189 |
189. Jaxon S.: 16 (-56) - Purdue |
189 |
189. Steve Dz. #1: 16 (-56) - Iowa
State |
191 |
191. Adalyn H.: 16 (-68) - Purdue |
192 |
192. Kristina H.: 16 (-80) -
Kentucky |
193 |
193. Marshmellow (Nik B.): 16 (-82)
- Howard / Wagner |
194 |
194. Kiah H. #2: 16 (-86) - Texas
Tech |
195 |
195. Josh C.: 16 (-104) - Auburn |
196 |
196. Noah N.: 16 (-108) - Kentucky |
197 |
197. Jared V.: 15 (-15) -
Connecticut |
197 |
197. Mike W.: 15 (-15) - Iowa State |
197 |
197. Wayne D. #3: 15 (-15) - Purdue |
200 |
200. Brooke M. #2: 15 (-17) -
Arizona |
200 |
200. Harrell R. #2: 15 (-17) - NC
State |
200 |
200. Kristin G.: 15 (-17) - Houston |
200 |
200. Scott H. #2: 15 (-17) - Houston |
204 |
204. Chris L. #1: 15 (-19) -
Connecticut |
204 |
204. Chris L. #2: 15 (-19) - Purdue |
204 |
204. Chris L. #3: 15 (-19) - North
Carolina |
204 |
204. Chris L. #4: 15 (-19) - North
Carolina |
204 |
204. Hutch H. #1: 15 (-19) - Kansas |
204 |
204. Jay B. - ESPN: 15 (-19) -
Connecticut |
204 |
204. Jay H. #2: 15 (-19) -
Connecticut |
204 |
204. Josh V.: 15 (-19) - Connecticut |
204 |
204. Kealoha G.: 15 (-19) - North
Carolina |
204 |
204. Larry G. #4: 15 (-19) -
Tennessee |
204 |
204. Rob C.: 15 (-19) - Connecticut |
215 |
215. Harrell R. #1: 15 (-21) - North
Carolina |
215 |
215. James G.: 15 (-21) -
Connecticut |
215 |
215. Jim D. #1: 15 (-21) -
Connecticut |
215 |
215. Larry G. #1: 15 (-21) - Purdue |
215 |
215. Luis B. #5: 15 (-21) -
Connecticut |
215 |
215. Matt H.: 15 (-21) - Connecticut |
215 |
215. Paul K. #2: 15 (-21) - Illinois |
222 |
222. Brandon H. #1: 15 (-23) -
Houston |
222 |
222. Brett G. (Upset): 15 (-23) -
Connecticut |
222 |
222. Brooke M. #1: 15 (-23) -
Houston |
222 |
222. CAAT #2: 15 (-23) - Connecticut |
222 |
222. Harrell R. #3: 15 (-23) -
Tennessee |
222 |
222. Pete J. #3: 15 (-23) - Houston |
222 |
222. Tyler C.: 15 (-23) - Houston |
229 |
229. Rob I.: 15 (-25) - Arizona |
230 |
230. Daisy N. #1: 15 (-27) -
Connecticut |
231 |
231. Beau H.: 15 (-31) - Alabama |
231 |
231. Irene H. #5: 15 (-31) -
Tennessee |
233 |
233. Brett W.: 15 (-33) - Arizona |
234 |
234. Mason A. #1: 15 (-35) -
Connecticut |
234 |
234. Mustard (Nikolajs B.): 15 (-35)
- Oregon |
236 |
236. David F. #1: 15 (-37) - Purdue |
237 |
237. Brett G. (Devils): 15 (-39) -
Houston |
238 |
238. Melissa M.: 15 (-41) -
Connecticut |
239 |
239. Ali A. #2: 15 (-49) - Arizona |
239 |
239. Pete J. #6: 15 (-49) -
Connecticut |
241 |
241. Harrell R. #4: 15 (-51) - Iowa
State |
242 |
242. Moochie #3: 15 (-57) - James
Madison |
243 |
243. Pete J. #2: 15 (-81) - Kentucky |
244 |
244. John E. #2: 14 (-16) - Purdue |
245 |
245. Cicely K.: 14 (-18) - North
Carolina |
245 |
245. Larry G. #3: 14 (-18) - Purdue |
247 |
247. Jim D. #2: 14 (-20) - Houston |
247 |
247. Matt N.: 14 (-20) - Purdue |
249 |
249. Irene H. #1: 14 (-22) -
Connecticut |
250 |
250. Eric S. #1: 14 (-24) - Houston |
250 |
250. Seth D.: 14 (-24) - Connecticut |
252 |
252. Jay H. #1: 14 (-26) - Houston |
253 |
253. Daisy N. #2: 14 (-28) - Purdue |
254 |
254. Charlotte N.: 14 (-32) - San
Diego State |
254 |
254. Wayne D. #1: 14 (-32) - North
Carolina |
256 |
256. Constance McA.: 14 (-36) -
Gonzaga |
257 |
257. Faye N.: 14 (-42) - Texas
A&M |
258 |
258. Bryce S.: 14 (-50) - Creighton |
259 |
259. Wayne D. #2: 14 (-82) - Auburn |
260 |
260. Matt M.: 14 (-84) - Auburn |
261 |
261. Irene H. #3: 13 (-19) - Purdue |
261 |
261. Irene H. #6: 13 (-19) - North
Carolina |
261 |
261. Wayne D. #4: 13 (-19) - Purdue |
264 |
264. Ali A. #1: 13 (-27) -
Washington State |
264 |
264. Jared B.: 13 (-27) - Iowa State |
266 |
266. Wayne D. #5: 13 (-35) - Houston |
267 |
267. Luis B. #4: 13 (-47) -
Connecticut |
268 |
268. Brett G. (Quinnie): 13 (-57) -
Arizona |
269 |
269. Damien R. #4: 13 (-97) - Long
Beach State |
270 |
270. Daisy N. #6: 12 (-22) - Iowa
State |
271 |
271. Scarlett H.: 12 (-40) - Houston |
272 |
272. Daisy N. #5: 12 (-44) - North
Carolina |
273 |
273. D. Mag #4: 11 (-43) - Illinois |
274 |
274. Brandie H.: 9 (-103) - Nebraska |
…and net points:
1. Becky H. (20) |
2. Mark A. (16) |
3. Dan Dug. #2 (14) |
4. John Mack #1 (12) |
4. Missy W. #1 (12) |
4. Chun W. #2 (12) |
4. Scott H. #1 (12) |
4. Szecho L. (12) |
4. Daisy N. #3 (12) |
10. Deanna T. (10) |
10. Brent E. #1 (10) |
10. Connor W. (10) |
10. Daisy N. #4 (10) |
10. Dave A. (10) |
10. Kim F. (10) |
10. Kirt R. #2 (10) |
17. Chris M. (8) |
17. Jackson I. (8) |
17. Dawn T. (8) |
17. Andrew D. #1 (8) |
17. Brent E. #2 (8) |
17. Brooklynn B. (8) |
17. Chris T. (8) |
17. Paul W. (8) |
25. Derek B. (6) |
25. Ally H. (6) |
25. Dan Dug. #1 (6) |
25. Tomas L. (6) |
25. Vang L. (6) |
25. Tim N. (6) |
25. Emily T. (6) |
25. Jim W. (6) |
25. Ken Pom (6) |
25. Rich F. (6) |
25. Ryan Green (6) |
36. April K. (4) |
36. Chris E. (4) |
36. Craig G. (4) |
36. Patrick McC. #1 (4) |
36. Michelle L. #1 (4) |
36. Michelle L. #3 (4) |
36. Michelle L. #4 (4) |
36. Mike V. (4) |
36. Patrick McC. #2 (4) |
36. Steve Dz. #2 (4) |
36. Brent E. #3 (4) |
36. Brent E. #4 (4) |
36. Kirt R. #1 (4) |
36. Ryan G. (4) |
36. Adam E. (4) |
36. Andrew D. #2 (4) |
36. Andy L. (4) |
36. Brad E. (4) |
36. Elliot N. (4) |
36. Gutless Bracket (4) |
36. Hutch H. #2 (4) |
36. Mary Lou H. (4) |
36. Michael S. #2 (4) |
36. Dustin B. (4) |
60. Brandon B. #1 (2) |
60. Kevin F. #1 (2) |
60. Kevin F. #2 (2) |
60. Kiah H. #1 (2) |
60. Mason A. #2 (2) |
60. Colston W. (2) |
60. Eric S. #2 (2) |
60. Marc R. (2) |
60. Niren D. (2) |
60. Dan Mck. (2) |
60. Eric G. (2) |
60. Tim Dz. #2 (2) |
60. Brett G. (Sleeper) (2) |
60. Joe C. (2) |
60. John E. #1 (2) |
60. Melody K. (2) |
60. Zach V. (2) |
77. Scott K. #2 (0) |
77. Brad R. (0) |
77. Def Efficiency (0) |
77. Moochie #5 (0) |
77. Pete J. #1 (0) |
77. Danielle A. (0) |
77. Derek H. (0) |
77. John A. #2 (0) |
77. Legend of Zelli (0) |
77. Mike N. (0) |
77. Scott K. #1 (0) |
77. Chrissy I. (0) |
77. David F. #2 (0) |
77. Jared V. (0) |
77. Mike W. (0) |
77. Wayne D. #3 (0) |
93. Brent S. #2 (-2) |
93. Bryce O. (-2) |
93. Roth W. (-2) |
93. Stefon K. (-2) |
93. CAAT #3 (-2) |
93. CAAT #4 (-2) |
93. CAAT #5 (-2) |
93. D. Mag #3 (-2) |
93. Daisy N. #8 (-2) |
93. Daisy N. #9 (-2) |
93. Damien R. #1 (-2) |
93. Damien R. #2 (-2) |
93. Dennis R. (-2) |
93. Greg R. (-2) |
93. Irene H. #7 (-2) |
93. Michael S. #1 (-2) |
93. Moochie #2 (-2) |
93. Nate R. (-2) |
93. Daisy N. #12 (-2) |
93. Dirk F. (-2) |
93. Irene H. #2 (-2) |
93. John A. #1 (-2) |
93. John N. (-2) |
93. Luis B. #2 (-2) |
93. Michelle L. #5 (-2) |
93. Veronica G. (-2) |
93. Brooke M. #2 (-2) |
93. Harrell R. #2 (-2) |
93. Kristin G. (-2) |
93. Scott H. #2 (-2) |
93. John E. #2 (-2) |
124. Irene H. #4 (-4) |
124. Carlo G. (-4) |
124. Nick I. (-4) |
124. Brian K. (-4) |
124. CAAT #1 (-4) |
124. Damien R. #3 (-4) |
124. Dan P. (-4) |
124. Larry G. #2 (-4) |
124. Mario M. (-4) |
124. Shanky G. (-4) |
124. Chris L. #1 (-4) |
124. Chris L. #2 (-4) |
124. Chris L. #3 (-4) |
124. Chris L. #4 (-4) |
124. Hutch H. #1 (-4) |
124. Jay B. - ESPN (-4) |
124. Jay H. #2 (-4) |
124. Josh V. (-4) |
124. Kealoha G. (-4) |
124. Larry G. #4 (-4) |
124. Rob C. (-4) |
124. Cicely K. (-4) |
124. Larry G. #3 (-4) |
147. Daniel E. (-6) |
147. Howard S. #2 (-6) |
147. Tim Dz. #1 (-6) |
147. Finn D. (-6) |
147. Harrell R. #1 (-6) |
147. James G. (-6) |
147. Jim D. #1 (-6) |
147. Larry G. #1 (-6) |
147. Luis B. #5 (-6) |
147. Matt H. (-6) |
147. Paul K. #2 (-6) |
147. Jim D. #2 (-6) |
147. Matt N. (-6) |
147. Irene H. #3 (-6) |
147. Irene H. #6 (-6) |
147. Wayne D. #4 (-6) |
163. Dan L. #2 (-8) |
163. Henry A. (-8) |
163. Moochie #4 (-8) |
163. Dylan B. (-8) |
163. Klei R. #1 (-8) |
163. Miles D. (-8) |
163. Brandon H. #1 (-8) |
163. Brett G. (Upset) (-8) |
163. Brooke M. #1 (-8) |
163. CAAT #2 (-8) |
163. Harrell R. #3 (-8) |
163. Pete J. #3 (-8) |
163. Tyler C. (-8) |
163. Irene H. #1 (-8) |
177. Chun W. #1 (-10) |
177. Pete J. #4 (-10) |
177. Ben S. (-10) |
177. Dianna A. (-10) |
177. Guillermo V. (-10) |
177. Kyle V. (-10) |
177. Rob I. (-10) |
177. Eric S. #1 (-10) |
177. Seth D. (-10) |
177. Daisy N. #6 (-10) |
187. Off Efficiency (-12) |
187. Grant F. (-12) |
187. John Mack #2 (-12) |
187. Mitchell S. (-12) |
187. Valerie D. (-12) |
187. Daisy N. #1 (-12) |
187. Jay H. #1 (-12) |
194. Adam S. (-14) |
194. Gigi I. (-14) |
194. Shawn D. (-14) |
194. Daisy N. #10 (-14) |
194. Gary W. (-14) |
194. Daisy N. #2 (-14) |
194. Ali A. #1 (-14) |
194. Jared B. (-14) |
202. Brandon H. #2 (-16) |
202. Beau H. (-16) |
202. Irene H. #5 (-16) |
205. Matt W. (-18) |
205. Brett W. (-18) |
205. Charlotte N. (-18) |
205. Wayne D. #1 (-18) |
209. Amber D. (-20) |
209. Michelle L. #2 (-20) |
209. Paul K. #1 (-20) |
209. Brent S. #1 (-20) |
209. Missy W. #2 (-20) |
209. Josiah T. (-20) |
209. Mason A. #1 (-20) |
209. Mustard (Nikolajs B.) (-20) |
217. DESGRU8 (Dan Dz.) (-22) |
217. Pat K. (-22) |
217. Brandon B. #2 (-22) |
217. David F. #1 (-22) |
217. Constance McA. (-22) |
217. Wayne D. #5 (-22) |
223. Elizabeth N. #1 (-24) |
223. Dan L. #1 (-24) |
223. Luis B. #3 (-24) |
223. Brett G. (Devils) (-24) |
227. Christopher K. (-26) |
227. D. Mag #2 (-26) |
227. Mark B. (-26) |
227. Melissa M. (-26) |
231. Alyssa B. (-28) |
231. Elizabeth N. #2 (-28) |
231. Luis B. #1 (-28) |
231. Faye N. (-28) |
231. Scarlett H. (-28) |
236. Klei R. #2 (-30) |
236. Daisy N. #11 (-30) |
238. Daisy N. #5 (-32) |
238. D. Mag #4 (-32) |
240. Moochie #1 (-34) |
240. Ali A. #2 (-34) |
240. Pete J. #6 (-34) |
240. Luis B. #4 (-34) |
244. Klei R. #3 (-36) |
244. Jacob A. (-36) |
244. Harrell R. #4 (-36) |
244. Bryce S. (-36) |
248. Jaxon S. (-40) |
248. Steve Dz. #1 (-40) |
250. Moochie #3 (-42) |
251. Amanda R. (-44) |
251. Brett G. (Quinnie) (-44) |
253. Ryan W. (-52) |
253. Adalyn H. (-52) |
255. Eric V. (-56) |
256. Elizabeth P. #3 (-58) |
257. Howard S. #1 (-60) |
257. Baily T. (-60) |
257. Noah G. (-60) |
257. Pete J. #5 (-60) |
261. Daisy N. #7 (-62) |
262. D. Mag #1 (-64) |
262. Kristina H. (-64) |
264. Marshmellow (Nik B.) (-66) |
264. Pete J. #2 (-66) |
266. Wayne D. #2 (-68) |
267. Stephen C. (-70) |
267. Kiah H. #2 (-70) |
267. Matt M. (-70) |
270. Karen C. (-72) |
271. Damien R. #4 (-84) |
272. Josh C. (-88) |
273. Noah N. (-92) |
274. Brandie H. (-94) |
For everyone’s info, Becky H. won our fantasy football
league this year. Apparently, this is
the year she dominates my sports life.
Great picking so far, Becky…
Here are the last 4 games
Game 29
Houston v Longwood
Vegas Line: Houston -24.5
Picks for Houston: 269
Picks for Longwood: 5
I have a feeling that Houston is slowly creeping into the
Baylor Zone. For the last 3-4 years, I
have loved Houston during the regular season, and I pick them to do really well
in the tournament only to be let down. It
was hard to admit that to myself, but I feel like a psychological weight has
been lifted by saying it out loud. It’s
OK. Life will go on. Better to face these things with open-eyed
clarity. I’m still going to carry a
small torch for Houston, but maybe I just need to let them go. They aren’t good for me. But not yet…
Let’s have one last fling, Houston.
We can still have some fun together for one last run…..
Game 30
Wisconsin v James Madison
Vegas Line: Wisconsin -5.5
Picks for Wisconsin: 155
Picks for James Madison: 119
You know a game is a semi-toss up if both sides have >100
picks on them. There was a time not too
long ago, that the 12/5 game was a sure fire upset pick. Well, 5s are 2-0 so far, so maybe it’s time
to let that idea go as well. I kind of like
James Madison, but that’s probably more because I like mid-majors beating up on
mid tier Power 5 conference teams.
Game 31
Utah State v TCU
Vegas Line: TCU -3
Picks for Utah State: 148
Picks for TCU: 126
This is a little strange.
The seeds say that Utah State is the better team, but Vegas has TCU
favored. I feel like 99 times out of
100, the picks come down on the Vegas favorite, but this time we went with Utah
State. Good for us. We aren’t slaves to the Vegas lines. They don’t know everything…. I am rooting for Utah State. During the pandemic, I used to have to sit on
a daily 2 hour meeting where we discussed the scheduling of bags. The people on that call were all in Logan,
Utah. I got to hear a lot about Utah
State sports teams as a result. They were
good people. Not sure I needed to spend
10 hours a week discussing bags with them, but I did like them in general. The Aggies are also a Mountain West team, so
I’m hoping they win.
Game 32
St. Mary’s v Grand Canyon
Vegas Line: St. Mary’s -5.5
Picks for St. Mary’s: 160
Picks for Grand Canyon: 114
Another upset special pick.
Would be an interesting way to finish the first round. My wife asked me, “Isn’t Grand Canyon one of
those on-line universities?” Why yes, it
was. I believe that they started out as
an on-line university a la U of Phoenix.
However, they actually built a campus and hold in person classes and
have a sports program. They are pretty
decent as well. Grand Canyon beat San Diego
State early this season, so they can certainly pull of an upset here.
Good luck!!!!!
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