Sunday, March 24, 2024

Our first upset of the 2nd round!!!!

Hey, hey , hey!!!  Look at that!  We have our first upset of the 2nd round.  Clemson beat Baylor, which also proves my personal adage, “Baylor will always let you down”.  I mean, Clemson has traditionally not done real well in the tournament either, but they don’t have the track record that Baylor has.

The pool is also quite cruel.  There were a few people that were perfect in the West region going into this game.  Then Baylor lost, and they are now eliminated from the West region.

Here are the updated standings:

1. Derek B.: 49 (-23) - North Carolina

2. John Mack #1: 46 (-14) - Connecticut

3. Missy W. #1: 45 (-15) - Marquette

4. Daisy N. #3: 44 (-12) - Houston

5. Scott H. #1: 44 (-18) - Connecticut

6. Michelle L. #3: 44 (-22) - Houston

6. Michelle L. #4: 44 (-22) - Purdue

8. Brent S. #2: 44 (-24) - Connecticut

9. Becky H.: 44 (-46) - Purdue

9. Dan Dug. #2: 44 (-46) - North Carolina

9. Michelle L. #2: 44 (-46) - North Carolina

12. Chun W. #2: 43 (-13) - North Carolina

12. Jim W.: 43 (-13) - North Carolina

12. Kim F.: 43 (-13) - Creighton

15. Ally H.: 43 (-17) - Purdue

16. Mark A.: 43 (-23) - Arizona

17. Jackson I.: 43 (-25) - Tennessee

18. Dan L. #1: 43 (-43) - Tennessee

19. Brandon B. #1: 42 (-20) - Connecticut

19. Eric S. #2: 42 (-20) - Purdue

19. Patrick McC. #1: 42 (-20) - Connecticut

19. Pete J. #1: 42 (-20) - Connecticut

23. Luis B. #3: 42 (-42) - Connecticut

23. Szecho L.: 42 (-42) - Houston

25. Pat K.: 42 (-44) - Connecticut

26. Brent E. #2: 41 (-15) - North Carolina

26. Michael S. #2: 41 (-15) - Purdue

28. Daisy N. #4: 41 (-17) - Connecticut

28. Dawn T.: 41 (-17) - North Carolina

28. Ken Pom: 41 (-17) - Connecticut

31. Brent E. #3: 41 (-19) - Connecticut

31. Brent E. #4: 41 (-19) - Connecticut

31. Dan Mck.: 41 (-19) - Purdue

31. Michael S. #1: 41 (-19) - Connecticut

35. Dave A.: 41 (-21) - Purdue

35. Michelle L. #5: 41 (-21) - Alabama

37. Niren D.: 41 (-23) - Connecticut

38. Danielle A.: 41 (-25) - Connecticut

38. Kirt R. #1: 41 (-25) - Houston

40. Scott K. #2: 41 (-27) - Houston

41. Howard S. #2: 41 (-29) - Purdue

42. Kirt R. #2: 41 (-31) - Purdue

43. Brent S. #1: 41 (-43) - Connecticut

44. Matt W.: 41 (-45) - Arizona

45. Elizabeth N. #1: 41 (-47) - Connecticut

46. Eric V.: 41 (-77) - Auburn

47. Andrew D. #1: 40 (-16) - Houston

48. Brad E.: 40 (-18) - Purdue

48. Chris T.: 40 (-18) - North Carolina

50. Eric G.: 40 (-20) - Houston

50. Mike N.: 40 (-20) - Connecticut

50. Paul W.: 40 (-20) - North Carolina

53. Irene H. #2: 40 (-22) - Houston

53. Luis B. #2: 40 (-22) - Connecticut

55. Chris E.: 40 (-26) - Marquette

56. Ben S.: 40 (-28) - Connecticut

56. Damien R. #1: 40 (-28) - Houston

56. Mason A. #2: 40 (-28) - North Carolina

59. Dan L. #2: 40 (-34) - Purdue

59. Michelle L. #1: 40 (-34) - Connecticut

59. Roth W.: 40 (-34) - Houston

62. Daniel E.: 40 (-36) - Arizona

63. April K.: 40 (-40) - Purdue

64. Luis B. #1: 40 (-44) - Connecticut

65. Alyssa B.: 40 (-58) - Arizona

66. Tomas L.: 40 (-62) - Houston

67. Baily T.: 40 (-82) - South Carolina

67. Kristina H.: 40 (-82) - Kentucky

69. Daisy N. #7: 40 (-84) - Kentucky

70. John E. #1: 39 (-17) - Houston

70. Kristin G.: 39 (-17) - Houston

72. Adam E.: 39 (-19) - North Carolina

72. Cicely K.: 39 (-19) - North Carolina

72. Gutless Bracket: 39 (-19) - Connecticut

72. Mary Lou H.: 39 (-19) - Houston

72. Wayne D. #3: 39 (-19) - Purdue

77. Deanna T.: 39 (-21) - Purdue

77. Ryan Green: 39 (-21) - Houston

79. Damien R. #2: 39 (-23) - Connecticut

79. Dan P.: 39 (-23) - Connecticut

79. Derek H.: 39 (-23) - Connecticut

79. Emily T.: 39 (-23) - Arizona

79. Nate R.: 39 (-23) - Houston

84. Bryce O.: 39 (-25) - Houston

84. Rich F.: 39 (-25) - Marquette

86. Stefon K.: 39 (-27) - Purdue

86. Vang L.: 39 (-27) - Iowa State

88. Brooklynn B.: 39 (-31) - Purdue

89. Scott K. #1: 39 (-35) - Tennessee

90. Brent E. #1: 39 (-45) - Houston

91. Noah G.: 39 (-79) - Kentucky

92. Ryan W.: 39 (-85) - Kentucky

93. Chrissy I.: 38 (-18) - Arizona

94. John E. #2: 38 (-20) - Purdue

94. Josh V.: 38 (-20) - Connecticut

94. Kealoha G.: 38 (-20) - North Carolina

94. Matt N.: 38 (-20) - Purdue

98. David F. #2: 38 (-22) - Connecticut

98. Scott H. #2: 38 (-22) - Houston

98. Zach V.: 38 (-22) - Connecticut

101. CAAT #3: 38 (-24) - Connecticut

101. CAAT #4: 38 (-24) - Connecticut

101. Chris L. #1: 38 (-24) - Connecticut

101. Chris L. #2: 38 (-24) - Purdue

101. Chris L. #3: 38 (-24) - North Carolina

101. Chris L. #4: 38 (-24) - North Carolina

101. Jay B. - ESPN: 38 (-24) - Connecticut

101. Jay H. #2: 38 (-24) - Connecticut

101. Joe C.: 38 (-24) - Houston

101. John A. #2: 38 (-24) - Houston

101. Luis B. #5: 38 (-24) - Connecticut

112. Moochie #2: 38 (-26) - Tennessee

113. Daisy N. #9: 38 (-28) - Houston

113. Greg R.: 38 (-28) - Purdue

113. Mike V.: 38 (-28) - Connecticut

113. Miles D.: 38 (-28) - Arizona

117. Irene H. #4: 38 (-30) - Arizona

117. Patrick McC. #2: 38 (-30) - Connecticut

117. Tim N.: 38 (-30) - Marquette

120. Dustin B.: 38 (-32) - Creighton

120. Jared V.: 38 (-32) - Connecticut

120. Wayne D. #1: 38 (-32) - North Carolina

123. Andy L.: 38 (-34) - Purdue

123. Chun W. #1: 38 (-34) - Tennessee

125. Wayne D. #2: 38 (-96) - Auburn

126. Elliot N.: 37 (-19) - Connecticut

126. Hutch H. #2: 37 (-19) - Houston

128. Daisy N. #12: 37 (-21) - Tennessee

129. Brett G. (Sleeper): 37 (-23) - Iowa State

130. Brandon H. #1: 37 (-25) - Houston

130. CAAT #1: 37 (-25) - Connecticut

130. Daisy N. #8: 37 (-25) - Tennessee

130. Dirk F.: 37 (-25) - Purdue

134. Mike W.: 37 (-27) - Iowa State

135. Carlo G.: 37 (-29) - Connecticut

135. Connor W.: 37 (-29) - Houston

135. D. Mag #3: 37 (-29) - Connecticut

135. Larry G. #4: 37 (-29) - Tennessee

135. Moochie #5: 37 (-29) - Connecticut

140. Def Efficiency: 37 (-31) - Iowa State

141. Kyle V.: 37 (-33) - Houston

142. Ryan G.: 37 (-39) - Purdue

143. Steve Dz. #2: 37 (-41) - Illinois

144. Brandon B. #2: 37 (-53) - North Carolina

144. Dan Dug. #1: 37 (-53) - Connecticut

144. Josiah T.: 37 (-53) - North Carolina

147. Chris M.: 37 (-59) - Houston

148. Daisy N. #11: 37 (-61) - Connecticut

148. Jaxon S.: 37 (-61) - Purdue

150. Amber D.: 37 (-67) - Connecticut

150. Klei R. #2: 37 (-67) - Purdue

152. Hutch H. #1: 37 (-99) - Kansas

153. Noah N.: 37 (-109) - Kentucky

154. Melody K.: 36 (-24) - Connecticut

155. Brian K.: 36 (-26) - Illinois

155. CAAT #5: 36 (-26) - Connecticut

155. Mario M.: 36 (-26) - Tennessee

155. Tyler C.: 36 (-26) - Houston

155. Veronica G.: 36 (-26) - Houston

160. Irene H. #7: 36 (-28) - Connecticut

160. Kevin F. #2: 36 (-28) - Purdue

160. Klei R. #1: 36 (-28) - Houston

160. Larry G. #2: 36 (-28) - Connecticut

160. Marc R.: 36 (-28) - Arizona

160. Shanky G.: 36 (-28) - Connecticut

166. Matt H.: 36 (-32) - Connecticut

166. Mitchell S.: 36 (-32) - North Carolina

168. Andrew D. #2: 36 (-34) - Houston

168. Daisy N. #10: 36 (-34) - Arizona

168. Pete J. #4: 36 (-34) - Tennessee

171. Gigi I.: 36 (-42) - Arizona

172. Missy W. #2: 36 (-48) - Tennessee

173. Paul K. #1: 36 (-54) - North Carolina

174. Kevin F. #1: 36 (-64) - Connecticut

175. Moochie #1: 36 (-66) - North Carolina

176. Adalyn H.: 36 (-74) - Purdue

177. Klei R. #3: 36 (-76) - Purdue

178. Howard S. #1: 36 (-86) - Auburn

178. Pete J. #5: 36 (-86) - Auburn

180. D. Mag #1: 36 (-100) - Auburn

181. Brooke M. #2: 35 (-23) - Arizona

181. Irene H. #1: 35 (-23) - Connecticut

181. Wayne D. #4: 35 (-23) - Purdue

184. John A. #1: 35 (-27) - Houston

185. Craig G.: 35 (-31) - Purdue

185. Dennis R.: 35 (-31) - Connecticut

185. Dylan B.: 35 (-31) - Houston

185. John N.: 35 (-31) - San Diego State

189. Daisy N. #1: 35 (-35) - Connecticut

190. Adam S.: 35 (-37) - North Carolina

191. Off Efficiency: 35 (-39) - Connecticut

191. Paul K. #2: 35 (-39) - Illinois

193. Guillermo V.: 35 (-43) - Connecticut

194. Larry G. #3: 35 (-55) - Purdue

195. Pete J. #6: 35 (-67) - Connecticut

196. Daisy N. #6: 34 (-28) - Iowa State

196. James G.: 34 (-28) - Connecticut

196. Jim D. #1: 34 (-28) - Connecticut

196. Pete J. #3: 34 (-28) - Houston

196. Seth D.: 34 (-28) - Connecticut

201. Legend of Zelli: 34 (-30) - Duke

202. Kiah H. #1: 34 (-32) - Houston

202. Nick I.: 34 (-32) - Purdue

204. Brett G. (Upset): 34 (-34) - Connecticut

204. Rob I.: 34 (-34) - Arizona

206. Luis B. #4: 34 (-50) - Connecticut

207. D. Mag #2: 34 (-52) - North Carolina

208. Jacob A.: 34 (-62) - Iowa State

209. Eric S. #1: 33 (-27) - Houston

210. Jim D. #2: 33 (-31) - Houston

211. Gary W.: 33 (-33) - Arizona

212. Brad R.: 33 (-35) - Connecticut

212. Daisy N. #2: 33 (-35) - Purdue

212. Damien R. #3: 33 (-35) - Houston

215. Brett W.: 33 (-37) - Arizona

216. DESGRU8 (Dan Dz.): 33 (-73) - North Carolina

217. Pete J. #2: 33 (-85) - Kentucky

218. Elizabeth P. #3: 33 (-87) - Kentucky

219. Josh C.: 33 (-105) - Auburn

220. Irene H. #6: 32 (-28) - North Carolina

221. Brooke M. #1: 32 (-30) - Houston

221. CAAT #2: 32 (-30) - Connecticut

221. Larry G. #1: 32 (-30) - Purdue

221. Rob C.: 32 (-30) - Connecticut

225. John Mack #2: 32 (-32) - Purdue

226. Melissa M.: 32 (-44) - Connecticut

227. Brett G. (Devils): 32 (-46) - Houston

228. Daisy N. #5: 32 (-48) - North Carolina

229. Irene H. #5: 32 (-50) - Tennessee

230. Henry A.: 32 (-54) - Connecticut

231. Tim Dz. #2: 32 (-56) - Arizona

232. Brett G. (Quinnie): 32 (-58) - Arizona

233. Steve Dz. #1: 32 (-70) - Iowa State

234. Christopher K.: 32 (-78) - Illinois

235. Matt M.: 32 (-92) - Auburn

236. Amanda R.: 32 (-136) - Wisconsin

237. Harrell R. #2: 31 (-31) - NC State

238. Harrell R. #1: 31 (-35) - North Carolina

239. Beau H.: 31 (-37) - Alabama

240. Irene H. #3: 31 (-39) - Purdue

241. Shawn D.: 31 (-49) - Purdue

242. David F. #1: 31 (-55) - Purdue

243. Bryce S.: 31 (-59) - Creighton

243. Moochie #4: 31 (-59) - Connecticut

245. Elizabeth N. #2: 31 (-75) - North Carolina

246. Kiah H. #2: 31 (-95) - Texas Tech

247. Stephen C.: 31 (-109) - Nebraska

248. Grant F.: 30 (-32) - Houston

248. Jared B.: 30 (-32) - Iowa State

250. Tim Dz. #1: 30 (-46) - Connecticut

251. Marshmellow (Nik B.): 30 (-106) - Howard / Wagner

252. Harrell R. #3: 29 (-37) - Tennessee

253. Brandon H. #2: 29 (-41) - Arizona

253. Scarlett H.: 29 (-41) - Houston

253. Valerie D.: 29 (-41) - Connecticut

256. Harrell R. #4: 29 (-65) - Iowa State

257. Mark B.: 29 (-73) - Connecticut

258. Dianna A.: 29 (-105) - Kansas

259. Colston W.: 28 (-36) - Connecticut

260. Jay H. #1: 28 (-48) - Houston

261. Mason A. #1: 28 (-58) - Connecticut

262. Karen C.: 28 (-108) - Kentucky

263. Wayne D. #5: 27 (-77) - Houston

264. Finn D.: 27 (-93) - Kansas

265. Constance McA.: 26 (-84) - Gonzaga

266. Mustard (Nikolajs B.): 26 (-112) - Oregon

267. Moochie #3: 25 (-159) - James Madison

268. Charlotte N.: 24 (-44) - San Diego State

269. Faye N.: 24 (-68) - Texas A&M

270. Damien R. #4: 22 (-110) - Long Beach State

271. Brandie H.: 22 (-112) - Nebraska

272. D. Mag #4: 21 (-87) - Illinois

273. Ali A. #1: 21 (-153) - Washington State

274. Ali A. #2: 19 (-111) - Arizona

…and the net points:

1. John Mack #1 (32)

1. Daisy N. #3 (32)

3. Missy W. #1 (30)

3. Chun W. #2 (30)

3. Jim W. (30)

3. Kim F. (30)

7. Derek B. (26)

7. Scott H. #1 (26)

7. Ally H. (26)

7. Brent E. #2 (26)

7. Michael S. #2 (26)

12. Daisy N. #4 (24)

12. Dawn T. (24)

12. Ken Pom (24)

12. Andrew D. #1 (24)

16. Michelle L. #3 (22)

16. Michelle L. #4 (22)

16. Brandon B. #1 (22)

16. Eric S. #2 (22)

16. Patrick McC. #1 (22)

16. Pete J. #1 (22)

16. Brent E. #3 (22)

16. Brent E. #4 (22)

16. Dan Mck. (22)

16. Michael S. #1 (22)

16. Brad E. (22)

16. Chris T. (22)

16. John E. #1 (22)

16. Kristin G. (22)

30. Brent S. #2 (20)

30. Mark A. (20)

30. Dave A. (20)

30. Michelle L. #5 (20)

30. Eric G. (20)

30. Mike N. (20)

30. Paul W. (20)

30. Adam E. (20)

30. Cicely K. (20)

30. Gutless Bracket (20)

30. Mary Lou H. (20)

30. Wayne D. #3 (20)

30. Chrissy I. (20)

43. Jackson I. (18)

43. Niren D. (18)

43. Irene H. #2 (18)

43. Luis B. #2 (18)

43. Deanna T. (18)

43. Ryan Green (18)

43. John E. #2 (18)

43. Josh V. (18)

43. Kealoha G. (18)

43. Matt N. (18)

43. Elliot N. (18)

43. Hutch H. #2 (18)

55. Danielle A. (16)

55. Kirt R. #1 (16)

55. Damien R. #2 (16)

55. Dan P. (16)

55. Derek H. (16)

55. Emily T. (16)

55. Nate R. (16)

55. David F. #2 (16)

55. Scott H. #2 (16)

55. Zach V. (16)

55. Daisy N. #12 (16)

66. Scott K. #2 (14)

66. Chris E. (14)

66. Bryce O. (14)

66. Rich F. (14)

66. CAAT #3 (14)

66. CAAT #4 (14)

66. Chris L. #1 (14)

66. Chris L. #2 (14)

66. Chris L. #3 (14)

66. Chris L. #4 (14)

66. Jay B. - ESPN (14)

66. Jay H. #2 (14)

66. Joe C. (14)

66. John A. #2 (14)

66. Luis B. #5 (14)

66. Brett G. (Sleeper) (14)

82. Howard S. #2 (12)

82. Ben S. (12)

82. Damien R. #1 (12)

82. Mason A. #2 (12)

82. Stefon K. (12)

82. Vang L. (12)

82. Moochie #2 (12)

82. Brandon H. #1 (12)

82. CAAT #1 (12)

82. Daisy N. #8 (12)

82. Dirk F. (12)

82. Melody K. (12)

82. Brooke M. #2 (12)

82. Irene H. #1 (12)

82. Wayne D. #4 (12)

97. Kirt R. #2 (10)

97. Daisy N. #9 (10)

97. Greg R. (10)

97. Mike V. (10)

97. Miles D. (10)

97. Mike W. (10)

97. Brian K. (10)

97. CAAT #5 (10)

97. Mario M. (10)

97. Tyler C. (10)

97. Veronica G. (10)

108. Brooklynn B. (8)

108. Irene H. #4 (8)

108. Patrick McC. #2 (8)

108. Tim N. (8)

108. Carlo G. (8)

108. Connor W. (8)

108. D. Mag #3 (8)

108. Larry G. #4 (8)

108. Moochie #5 (8)

108. Irene H. #7 (8)

108. Kevin F. #2 (8)

108. Klei R. #1 (8)

108. Larry G. #2 (8)

108. Marc R. (8)

108. Shanky G. (8)

108. John A. #1 (8)

124. Dan L. #2 (6)

124. Michelle L. #1 (6)

124. Roth W. (6)

124. Dustin B. (6)

124. Jared V. (6)

124. Wayne D. #1 (6)

124. Def Efficiency (6)

124. Daisy N. #6 (6)

124. James G. (6)

124. Jim D. #1 (6)

124. Pete J. #3 (6)

124. Seth D. (6)

124. Eric S. #1 (6)

137. Daniel E. (4)

137. Scott K. #1 (4)

137. Andy L. (4)

137. Chun W. #1 (4)

137. Kyle V. (4)

137. Matt H. (4)

137. Mitchell S. (4)

137. Craig G. (4)

137. Dennis R. (4)

137. Dylan B. (4)

137. John N. (4)

137. Legend of Zelli (4)

137. Irene H. #6 (4)

150. Andrew D. #2 (2)

150. Daisy N. #10 (2)

150. Pete J. #4 (2)

150. Kiah H. #1 (2)

150. Nick I. (2)

150. Jim D. #2 (2)

150. Brooke M. #1 (2)

150. CAAT #2 (2)

150. Larry G. #1 (2)

150. Rob C. (2)

160. Dan L. #1 (0)

160. Luis B. #3 (0)

160. Szecho L. (0)

160. April K. (0)

160. Daisy N. #1 (0)

160. Brett G. (Upset) (0)

160. Rob I. (0)

160. Gary W. (0)

160. John Mack #2 (0)

160. Harrell R. #2 (0)

170. Becky H. (-2)

170. Dan Dug. #2 (-2)

170. Michelle L. #2 (-2)

170. Pat K. (-2)

170. Brent S. #1 (-2)

170. Ryan G. (-2)

170. Adam S. (-2)

170. Brad R. (-2)

170. Daisy N. #2 (-2)

170. Damien R. #3 (-2)

170. Grant F. (-2)

170. Jared B. (-2)

182. Matt W. (-4)

182. Luis B. #1 (-4)

182. Steve Dz. #2 (-4)

182. Off Efficiency (-4)

182. Paul K. #2 (-4)

182. Brett W. (-4)

182. Harrell R. #1 (-4)

189. Elizabeth N. #1 (-6)

189. Brent E. #1 (-6)

189. Gigi I. (-6)

189. Beau H. (-6)

193. Guillermo V. (-8)

193. Irene H. #3 (-8)

193. Harrell R. #3 (-8)

193. Colston W. (-8)

197. Missy W. #2 (-12)

197. Melissa M. (-12)

197. Brandon H. #2 (-12)

197. Scarlett H. (-12)

197. Valerie D. (-12)

202. Brett G. (Devils) (-14)

203. Brandon B. #2 (-16)

203. Dan Dug. #1 (-16)

203. Josiah T. (-16)

203. Luis B. #4 (-16)

203. Daisy N. #5 (-16)

203. Tim Dz. #1 (-16)

209. Alyssa B. (-18)

209. Paul K. #1 (-18)

209. D. Mag #2 (-18)

209. Irene H. #5 (-18)

209. Shawn D. (-18)

214. Larry G. #3 (-20)

214. Jay H. #1 (-20)

214. Charlotte N. (-20)

217. Tomas L. (-22)

217. Chris M. (-22)

217. Henry A. (-22)

220. Daisy N. #11 (-24)

220. Jaxon S. (-24)

220. Tim Dz. #2 (-24)

220. David F. #1 (-24)

224. Brett G. (Quinnie) (-26)

225. Kevin F. #1 (-28)

225. Jacob A. (-28)

225. Bryce S. (-28)

225. Moochie #4 (-28)

229. Amber D. (-30)

229. Klei R. #2 (-30)

229. Moochie #1 (-30)

229. Mason A. #1 (-30)

233. Pete J. #6 (-32)

234. Eric V. (-36)

234. Harrell R. #4 (-36)

236. Adalyn H. (-38)

236. Steve Dz. #1 (-38)

238. Noah G. (-40)

238. Klei R. #3 (-40)

238. DESGRU8 (Dan Dz.) (-40)

241. Baily T. (-42)

241. Kristina H. (-42)

243. Daisy N. #7 (-44)

243. Elizabeth N. #2 (-44)

243. Mark B. (-44)

243. Faye N. (-44)

247. Ryan W. (-46)

247. Christopher K. (-46)

249. Howard S. #1 (-50)

249. Pete J. #5 (-50)

249. Wayne D. #5 (-50)

252. Pete J. #2 (-52)

253. Elizabeth P. #3 (-54)

254. Wayne D. #2 (-58)

254. Constance McA. (-58)

256. Matt M. (-60)

257. Hutch H. #1 (-62)

258. D. Mag #1 (-64)

258. Kiah H. #2 (-64)

260. Finn D. (-66)

260. D. Mag #4 (-66)

262. Noah N. (-72)

262. Josh C. (-72)

264. Marshmellow (Nik B.) (-76)

264. Dianna A. (-76)

266. Stephen C. (-78)

267. Karen C. (-80)

268. Mustard (Nikolajs B.) (-86)

269. Damien R. #4 (-88)

270. Brandie H. (-90)

271. Ali A. #2 (-92)

272. Amanda R. (-104)

273. Ali A. #1 (-132)

274. Moochie #3 (-134)

Here’s who we lost with Baylor’s annual choke job:

Ally H.: 11 (-3) - Alabama / Arizona / Arizona

Brent E. #2: 12 (-2) - North Carolina / Arizona / North Carolina

Brent E. #3: 12 (-2) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona

Brent E. #4: 12 (-2) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona

Brent S. #1: 10 (-4) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona

Daisy N. #7: 12 (-2) - North Carolina / Arizona / North Carolina

Dan Dug. #1: 11 (-3) - Alabama / Arizona / Arizona

Dan Mck.: 10 (-4) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona

Dawn T.: 12 (-2) - North Carolina / Arizona / North Carolina

Deanna T.: 11 (-7) - North Carolina / Baylor / North Carolina

Irene H. #5: 10 (-16) - North Carolina / Baylor / Baylor

Jared V.: 9 (-17) - Alabama / Baylor / Baylor

Joe C.: 11 (-7) - North Carolina / Baylor / North Carolina

Kim F.: 10 (-4) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona

Kristin G.: 11 (-3) - Grand Canyon / Arizona / Arizona

Luis B. #3: 10 (-4) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona

Matt W.: 10 (-4) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona

Michelle L. #1: 10 (-16) - North Carolina / Baylor / Baylor

Moochie #1: 11 (-7) - North Carolina / Baylor / North Carolina

Moochie #5: 10 (-4) - North Carolina / Arizona / North Carolina

Off Efficiency: 11 (-7) - Alabama / Baylor / Alabama

Paul K. #2: 10 (-16) - North Carolina / Baylor / Baylor

Seth D.: 10 (-4) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona

Steve Dz. #2: 11 (-7) - North Carolina / Baylor / North Carolina

Szecho L.: 12 (-14) - North Carolina / Baylor / Baylor

Wayne D. #2: 10 (-16) - North Carolina / Baylor / Baylor

..and who is left in the South:

Daisy N. #2: 11 (-5) - North Carolina / Clemson / Clemson


Dave A.: 13 (-1) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona


Howard S. #2: 13 (-1) - Alabama / Clemson / Alabama


Irene H. #4: 13 (-1) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona


Kristina H.: 12 (-2) - North Carolina / Clemson / North Carolina


Brandie H.: 7 (-7) - Grand Canyon / Arizona / Grand Canyon


Brandon H. #1: 12 (-2) - Grand Canyon / Arizona / Arizona


D. Mag #1: 11 (-3) - Alabama / Arizona / Alabama


Elizabeth N. #1: 13 (-1) - Alabama / Arizona / Arizona


Finn D.: 7 (-7) - Grand Canyon / Clemson / Grand Canyon


Gigi I.: 13 (-3) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona


John Mack #1: 13 (-1) - North Carolina / Arizona / North Carolina


Melissa M.: 13 (-1) - North Carolina / Arizona / North Carolina


Missy W. #1: 12 (-4) - North Carolina / Clemson / North Carolina


Noah G.: 11 (-3) - North Carolina / Arizona / Arizona


Pete J. #1: 11 (-3) - Alabama / Arizona / Alabama


Good luck to everyone!!!!

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