Friday, March 22, 2024

Third set of 4 games

 Hmmm…  It seems like the power of the T-shirt is not what I thought it was.  Stetson got crushed in their game.  UConn looked every bit the #1 seed – against Stetson.  I did like the rundown of the mascot for Stetson.  Apparently, it did used to be a giant hat.  Then they changed it to some kind of man/hat hybrid that scared kids.  Now, it’s just a giant stuffed version of the founder, with a Stetson hat on.  I also liked the sign the cheerleaders had – “Go Hats”.  We need more mascots like this.  It makes the game more fun.

Also, it appears that Clemson got the alert that 6 seeds have all been losing because they beat New Mexico pretty easily.  New Mexico was a pretty trendy pick going into this thing, so that hurts a lot of people.

I also had to sweat out the San Diego State game.  I should be used to that by now.  It seems like that’s the only games they play- or at least the games I wind up watching.  The nice thing is that they tend to win those games.

Here are the updated stats after the last 4 games:

1. Becky H.: 20 (-2) - Purdue

1. Derek B.: 20 (-2) - North Carolina

3. Mark A.: 19 (-5) - Arizona

3. Missy W. #1: 19 (-5) - Marquette

3. Szecho L.: 19 (-5) - Houston

6. Ally H.: 19 (-9) - Purdue

6. Jackson I.: 19 (-9) - Tennessee

6. John Mack #1: 19 (-9) - Connecticut

9. Ryan W.: 19 (-65) - Kentucky

10. Daisy N. #3: 18 (-4) - Houston

10. Dave A.: 18 (-4) - Purdue

12. Brent E. #1: 18 (-6) - Houston

12. Chun W. #2: 18 (-6) - North Carolina

12. Dan Dug. #2: 18 (-6) - North Carolina

12. Tomas L.: 18 (-6) - Houston

16. Deanna T.: 18 (-8) - Purdue

17. Bryce O.: 18 (-10) - Houston

18. Chris M.: 18 (-12) - Houston

18. Craig G.: 18 (-12) - Purdue

18. Scott K. #2: 18 (-12) - Houston

21. April K.: 18 (-18) - Purdue

21. Irene H. #4: 18 (-18) - Arizona

23. Alyssa B.: 18 (-34) - Arizona

24. Amber D.: 18 (-36) - Connecticut

25. Moochie #1: 18 (-48) - North Carolina

26. Daisy N. #4: 17 (-5) - Connecticut

27. Brent E. #2: 17 (-7) - North Carolina

27. Brooklynn B.: 17 (-7) - Purdue

27. Connor W.: 17 (-7) - Houston

27. Dawn T.: 17 (-7) - North Carolina

27. Scott H. #1: 17 (-7) - Connecticut

27. Steve Dz. #2: 17 (-7) - Illinois

33. Tim N.: 17 (-9) - Marquette

34. Brent E. #3: 17 (-11) - Connecticut

34. Brent E. #4: 17 (-11) - Connecticut

34. Kiah H. #1: 17 (-11) - Houston

34. Kirt R. #1: 17 (-11) - Houston

34. Michelle L. #1: 17 (-11) - Connecticut

34. Michelle L. #3: 17 (-11) - Houston

34. Michelle L. #4: 17 (-11) - Purdue

34. Pete J. #1: 17 (-11) - Connecticut

42. Brandon B. #1: 17 (-13) - Connecticut

42. Chris E.: 17 (-13) - Marquette

42. Howard S. #1: 17 (-13) - Auburn

42. Klei R. #2: 17 (-13) - Purdue

42. Patrick McC. #1: 17 (-13) - Connecticut

42. Vang L.: 17 (-13) - Iowa State

48. Klei R. #3: 17 (-23) - Purdue

49. Adam S.: 17 (-29) - North Carolina

50. Matt W.: 17 (-35) - Arizona

50. Michelle L. #2: 17 (-35) - North Carolina

52. DESGRU8 (Dan Dz.): 17 (-37) - North Carolina

52. Pat K.: 17 (-37) - Connecticut

52. Paul K. #1: 17 (-37) - North Carolina

55. Elizabeth N. #1: 17 (-41) - Connecticut

56. Paul W.: 16 (-6) - North Carolina

57. Andrew D. #1: 16 (-8) - Houston

57. Andrew D. #2: 16 (-8) - Houston

57. Christopher K.: 16 (-8) - Illinois

57. Dan L. #1: 16 (-8) - Tennessee

57. Gutless Bracket: 16 (-8) - Connecticut

57. Ken Pom: 16 (-8) - Connecticut

57. Kirt R. #2: 16 (-8) - Purdue

57. Mary Lou H.: 16 (-8) - Houston

57. Rich F.: 16 (-8) - Marquette

57. Scott K. #1: 16 (-8) - Tennessee

67. Def Efficiency: 16 (-10) - Iowa State

67. Eric V.: 16 (-10) - Auburn

67. Ryan Green: 16 (-10) - Houston

70. D. Mag #1: 16 (-12) - Auburn

70. D. Mag #3: 16 (-12) - Connecticut

70. Eric S. #2: 16 (-12) - Purdue

70. John A. #2: 16 (-12) - Houston

70. Mike V.: 16 (-12) - Connecticut

70. Patrick McC. #2: 16 (-12) - Connecticut

70. Pete J. #5: 16 (-12) - Auburn

70. Ryan G.: 16 (-12) - Purdue

78. Dan Dug. #1: 16 (-14) - Connecticut

78. Dennis R.: 16 (-14) - Connecticut

78. John N.: 16 (-14) - San Diego State

78. Legend of Zelli: 16 (-14) - Duke

78. Moochie #5: 16 (-14) - Connecticut

83. Brad R.: 16 (-16) - Connecticut

83. Kevin F. #1: 16 (-16) - Connecticut

83. Kevin F. #2: 16 (-16) - Purdue

83. Mason A. #2: 16 (-16) - North Carolina

87. Brandon H. #2: 16 (-18) - Arizona

87. Carlo G.: 16 (-18) - Connecticut

87. Stefon K.: 16 (-18) - Purdue

87. Stephen C.: 16 (-18) - Nebraska

91. Brent S. #2: 16 (-20) - Connecticut

91. Howard S. #2: 16 (-20) - Purdue

91. Missy W. #2: 16 (-20) - Tennessee

94. Dan L. #2: 16 (-22) - Purdue

94. Pete J. #4: 16 (-22) - Tennessee

96. Henry A.: 16 (-24) - Connecticut

97. Gigi I.: 16 (-32) - Arizona

98. Daisy N. #7: 16 (-68) - Kentucky

99. Noah G.: 16 (-72) - Kentucky

100. Elizabeth P. #3: 16 (-74) - Kentucky

101. Andy L.: 15 (-9) - Purdue

101. Brad E.: 15 (-9) - Purdue

101. Brett G. (Sleeper): 15 (-9) - Iowa State

101. Chris T.: 15 (-9) - North Carolina

101. Daniel E.: 15 (-9) - Arizona

101. Emily T.: 15 (-9) - Arizona

101. Joe C.: 15 (-9) - Houston

101. Kim F.: 15 (-9) - Creighton

109. Elliot N.: 15 (-11) - Connecticut

109. Eric G.: 15 (-11) - Houston

109. Jim W.: 15 (-11) - North Carolina

109. Michael S. #2: 15 (-11) - Purdue

113. CAAT #3: 15 (-13) - Connecticut

113. CAAT #4: 15 (-13) - Connecticut

113. CAAT #5: 15 (-13) - Connecticut

113. Daisy N. #12: 15 (-13) - Tennessee

113. Danielle A.: 15 (-13) - Connecticut

113. Derek H.: 15 (-13) - Connecticut

113. John A. #1: 15 (-13) - Houston

113. Larry G. #2: 15 (-13) - Connecticut

113. Michelle L. #5: 15 (-13) - Alabama

113. Niren D.: 15 (-13) - Connecticut

123. Brian K.: 15 (-15) - Illinois

123. Colston W.: 15 (-15) - Connecticut

123. Daisy N. #8: 15 (-15) - Tennessee

123. Daisy N. #9: 15 (-15) - Houston

123. Damien R. #1: 15 (-15) - Houston

123. Damien R. #2: 15 (-15) - Connecticut

123. Greg R.: 15 (-15) - Purdue

123. Irene H. #7: 15 (-15) - Connecticut

123. Marc R.: 15 (-15) - Arizona

123. Mike N.: 15 (-15) - Connecticut

123. Miles D.: 15 (-15) - Arizona

123. Nate R.: 15 (-15) - Houston

123. Shanky G.: 15 (-15) - Connecticut

136. Finn D.: 15 (-17) - Kansas

136. Michael S. #1: 15 (-17) - Connecticut

136. Mitchell S.: 15 (-17) - North Carolina

136. Moochie #2: 15 (-17) - Tennessee

136. Roth W.: 15 (-17) - Houston

136. Tyler C.: 15 (-17) - Houston

142. Dylan B.: 15 (-21) - Houston

143. D. Mag #2: 15 (-23) - North Carolina

143. Jaxon S.: 15 (-23) - Purdue

143. Moochie #4: 15 (-23) - Connecticut

143. Off Efficiency: 15 (-23) - Connecticut

147. Gary W.: 15 (-25) - Arizona

148. Amanda R.: 15 (-29) - Wisconsin

148. Chun W. #1: 15 (-29) - Tennessee

148. Shawn D.: 15 (-29) - Purdue

151. Adalyn H.: 15 (-35) - Purdue

152. Brent S. #1: 15 (-37) - Connecticut

153. Brandon B. #2: 15 (-39) - North Carolina

153. Mark B.: 15 (-39) - Connecticut

155. Daisy N. #11: 15 (-41) - Connecticut

155. Elizabeth N. #2: 15 (-41) - North Carolina

157. Moochie #3: 15 (-51) - James Madison

158. Steve Dz. #1: 15 (-53) - Iowa State

159. Baily T.: 15 (-75) - South Carolina

159. Noah N.: 15 (-75) - Kentucky

161. Karen C.: 15 (-89) - Kentucky

162. Adam E.: 14 (-10) - North Carolina

162. Dustin B.: 14 (-10) - Creighton

162. Jared V.: 14 (-10) - Connecticut

162. Mario M.: 14 (-10) - Tennessee

162. Zach V.: 14 (-10) - Connecticut

167. David F. #2: 14 (-12) - Connecticut

167. Hutch H. #2: 14 (-12) - Houston

167. John E. #1: 14 (-12) - Houston

167. Melody K.: 14 (-12) - Connecticut

167. Paul K. #2: 14 (-12) - Illinois

172. CAAT #1: 14 (-14) - Connecticut

172. Hutch H. #1: 14 (-14) - Kansas

172. Irene H. #2: 14 (-14) - Houston

172. Jay H. #1: 14 (-14) - Houston

172. Josh V.: 14 (-14) - Connecticut

172. Kealoha G.: 14 (-14) - North Carolina

172. Kristin G.: 14 (-14) - Houston

172. Luis B. #2: 14 (-14) - Connecticut

172. Tim Dz. #2: 14 (-14) - Arizona

172. Veronica G.: 14 (-14) - Houston

182. Damien R. #3: 14 (-16) - Houston

182. Dan P.: 14 (-16) - Connecticut

182. Larry G. #1: 14 (-16) - Purdue

185. Mustard (Nikolajs B.): 14 (-18) - Oregon

186. Josiah T.: 14 (-20) - North Carolina

186. Kyle V.: 14 (-20) - Houston

186. Nick I.: 14 (-20) - Purdue

186. Valerie D.: 14 (-20) - Connecticut

190. Daisy N. #1: 14 (-22) - Connecticut

190. Dianna A.: 14 (-22) - Kansas

190. Guillermo V.: 14 (-22) - Connecticut

190. Klei R. #1: 14 (-22) - Houston

190. Tim Dz. #1: 14 (-22) - Connecticut

195. Constance McA.: 14 (-24) - Gonzaga

195. Grant F.: 14 (-24) - Houston

197. Daisy N. #10: 14 (-26) - Arizona

197. Irene H. #5: 14 (-26) - Tennessee

199. Mason A. #1: 14 (-28) - Connecticut

200. David F. #1: 14 (-30) - Purdue

201. Ali A. #2: 14 (-36) - Arizona

202. Luis B. #3: 14 (-38) - Connecticut

203. Luis B. #1: 14 (-42) - Connecticut

204. Jacob A.: 14 (-46) - Iowa State

205. Kristina H.: 14 (-76) - Kentucky

206. Kiah H. #2: 14 (-84) - Texas Tech

207. Mike W.: 13 (-11) - Iowa State

207. Wayne D. #3: 13 (-11) - Purdue

209. Brooke M. #2: 13 (-13) - Arizona

209. Harrell R. #2: 13 (-13) - NC State

209. Scott H. #2: 13 (-13) - Houston

212. Chris L. #1: 13 (-15) - Connecticut

212. Chris L. #2: 13 (-15) - Purdue

212. Chris L. #3: 13 (-15) - North Carolina

212. Chris L. #4: 13 (-15) - North Carolina

212. Dan Mck.: 13 (-15) - Purdue

212. Jay B. - ESPN: 13 (-15) - Connecticut

212. Jay H. #2: 13 (-15) - Connecticut

212. Larry G. #3: 13 (-15) - Purdue

212. Rob C.: 13 (-15) - Connecticut

221. Brett W.: 13 (-17) - Arizona

221. CAAT #2: 13 (-17) - Connecticut

221. Dirk F.: 13 (-17) - Purdue

221. Harrell R. #3: 13 (-17) - Tennessee

221. James G.: 13 (-17) - Connecticut

221. Jim D. #1: 13 (-17) - Connecticut

221. Larry G. #4: 13 (-17) - Tennessee

221. Luis B. #5: 13 (-17) - Connecticut

221. Matt H.: 13 (-17) - Connecticut

221. Pete J. #3: 13 (-17) - Houston

221. Seth D.: 13 (-17) - Connecticut

232. Brandon H. #1: 13 (-19) - Houston

232. Brett G. (Upset): 13 (-19) - Connecticut

232. Harrell R. #1: 13 (-19) - North Carolina

235. Brett G. (Devils): 13 (-23) - Houston

236. Ben S.: 13 (-25) - Connecticut

236. John Mack #2: 13 (-25) - Purdue

238. Wayne D. #1: 13 (-27) - North Carolina

239. Melissa M.: 13 (-37) - Connecticut

240. Harrell R. #4: 13 (-41) - Iowa State

240. Josh C.: 13 (-41) - Auburn

242. Pete J. #6: 13 (-45) - Connecticut

243. Pete J. #2: 13 (-77) - Kentucky

244. Marshmellow (Nik B.): 13 (-79) - Howard / Wagner

245. John E. #2: 12 (-12) - Purdue

246. Cicely K.: 12 (-14) - North Carolina

246. Irene H. #6: 12 (-14) - North Carolina

248. Ali A. #1: 12 (-16) - Washington State

248. Chrissy I.: 12 (-16) - Arizona

248. Irene H. #3: 12 (-16) - Purdue

248. Jim D. #2: 12 (-16) - Houston

248. Matt N.: 12 (-16) - Purdue

253. Bryce S.: 12 (-18) - Creighton

253. Irene H. #1: 12 (-18) - Connecticut

253. Wayne D. #2: 12 (-18) - Auburn

253. Wayne D. #5: 12 (-18) - Houston

257. Brooke M. #1: 12 (-20) - Houston

257. Matt M.: 12 (-20) - Auburn

259. Eric S. #1: 12 (-22) - Houston

259. Jared B.: 12 (-22) - Iowa State

261. Daisy N. #2: 12 (-24) - Purdue

261. Rob I.: 12 (-24) - Arizona

263. Beau H.: 12 (-30) - Alabama

263. Charlotte N.: 12 (-30) - San Diego State

265. Faye N.: 12 (-40) - Texas A&M

266. Wayne D. #4: 11 (-15) - Purdue

267. Daisy N. #6: 11 (-17) - Iowa State

268. Daisy N. #5: 11 (-33) - North Carolina

269. Scarlett H.: 11 (-35) - Houston

270. Brett G. (Quinnie): 11 (-41) - Arizona

271. Luis B. #4: 11 (-45) - Connecticut

272. D. Mag #4: 10 (-26) - Illinois

273. Damien R. #4: 10 (-96) - Long Beach State

274. Brandie H.: 9 (-25) - Nebraska

…and the net points:

1. Becky H. (18)

1. Derek B. (18)

3. Mark A. (14)

3. Missy W. #1 (14)

3. Szecho L. (14)

3. Daisy N. #3 (14)

3. Dave A. (14)

8. Brent E. #1 (12)

8. Chun W. #2 (12)

8. Dan Dug. #2 (12)

8. Tomas L. (12)

8. Daisy N. #4 (12)

13. Ally H. (10)

13. Jackson I. (10)

13. John Mack #1 (10)

13. Deanna T. (10)

13. Brent E. #2 (10)

13. Brooklynn B. (10)

13. Connor W. (10)

13. Dawn T. (10)

13. Scott H. #1 (10)

13. Steve Dz. #2 (10)

13. Paul W. (10)

24. Bryce O. (8)

24. Tim N. (8)

24. Andrew D. #1 (8)

24. Andrew D. #2 (8)

24. Christopher K. (8)

24. Dan L. #1 (8)

24. Gutless Bracket (8)

24. Ken Pom (8)

24. Kirt R. #2 (8)

24. Mary Lou H. (8)

24. Rich F. (8)

24. Scott K. #1 (8)

36. Chris M. (6)

36. Craig G. (6)

36. Scott K. #2 (6)

36. Brent E. #3 (6)

36. Brent E. #4 (6)

36. Kiah H. #1 (6)

36. Kirt R. #1 (6)

36. Michelle L. #1 (6)

36. Michelle L. #3 (6)

36. Michelle L. #4 (6)

36. Pete J. #1 (6)

36. Def Efficiency (6)

36. Eric V. (6)

36. Ryan Green (6)

36. Andy L. (6)

36. Brad E. (6)

36. Brett G. (Sleeper) (6)

36. Chris T. (6)

36. Daniel E. (6)

36. Emily T. (6)

36. Joe C. (6)

36. Kim F. (6)

58. Brandon B. #1 (4)

58. Chris E. (4)

58. Howard S. #1 (4)

58. Klei R. #2 (4)

58. Patrick McC. #1 (4)

58. Vang L. (4)

58. D. Mag #1 (4)

58. D. Mag #3 (4)

58. Eric S. #2 (4)

58. John A. #2 (4)

58. Mike V. (4)

58. Patrick McC. #2 (4)

58. Pete J. #5 (4)

58. Ryan G. (4)

58. Elliot N. (4)

58. Eric G. (4)

58. Jim W. (4)

58. Michael S. #2 (4)

58. Adam E. (4)

58. Dustin B. (4)

58. Jared V. (4)

58. Mario M. (4)

58. Zach V. (4)

81. Dan Dug. #1 (2)

81. Dennis R. (2)

81. John N. (2)

81. Legend of Zelli (2)

81. Moochie #5 (2)

81. CAAT #3 (2)

81. CAAT #4 (2)

81. CAAT #5 (2)

81. Daisy N. #12 (2)

81. Danielle A. (2)

81. Derek H. (2)

81. John A. #1 (2)

81. Larry G. #2 (2)

81. Michelle L. #5 (2)

81. Niren D. (2)

81. David F. #2 (2)

81. Hutch H. #2 (2)

81. John E. #1 (2)

81. Melody K. (2)

81. Paul K. #2 (2)

81. Mike W. (2)

81. Wayne D. #3 (2)

103. April K. (0)

103. Irene H. #4 (0)

103. Brad R. (0)

103. Kevin F. #1 (0)

103. Kevin F. #2 (0)

103. Mason A. #2 (0)

103. Brian K. (0)

103. Colston W. (0)

103. Daisy N. #8 (0)

103. Daisy N. #9 (0)

103. Damien R. #1 (0)

103. Damien R. #2 (0)

103. Greg R. (0)

103. Irene H. #7 (0)

103. Marc R. (0)

103. Mike N. (0)

103. Miles D. (0)

103. Nate R. (0)

103. Shanky G. (0)

103. CAAT #1 (0)

103. Hutch H. #1 (0)

103. Irene H. #2 (0)

103. Jay H. #1 (0)

103. Josh V. (0)

103. Kealoha G. (0)

103. Kristin G. (0)

103. Luis B. #2 (0)

103. Tim Dz. #2 (0)

103. Veronica G. (0)

103. Brooke M. #2 (0)

103. Harrell R. #2 (0)

103. Scott H. #2 (0)

103. John E. #2 (0)

136. Brandon H. #2 (-2)

136. Carlo G. (-2)

136. Stefon K. (-2)

136. Stephen C. (-2)

136. Finn D. (-2)

136. Michael S. #1 (-2)

136. Mitchell S. (-2)

136. Moochie #2 (-2)

136. Roth W. (-2)

136. Tyler C. (-2)

136. Damien R. #3 (-2)

136. Dan P. (-2)

136. Larry G. #1 (-2)

136. Chris L. #1 (-2)

136. Chris L. #2 (-2)

136. Chris L. #3 (-2)

136. Chris L. #4 (-2)

136. Dan Mck. (-2)

136. Jay B. - ESPN (-2)

136. Jay H. #2 (-2)

136. Larry G. #3 (-2)

136. Rob C. (-2)

136. Cicely K. (-2)

136. Irene H. #6 (-2)

160. Brent S. #2 (-4)

160. Howard S. #2 (-4)

160. Missy W. #2 (-4)

160. Mustard (Nikolajs B.) (-4)

160. Brett W. (-4)

160. CAAT #2 (-4)

160. Dirk F. (-4)

160. Harrell R. #3 (-4)

160. James G. (-4)

160. Jim D. #1 (-4)

160. Larry G. #4 (-4)

160. Luis B. #5 (-4)

160. Matt H. (-4)

160. Pete J. #3 (-4)

160. Seth D. (-4)

160. Ali A. #1 (-4)

160. Chrissy I. (-4)

160. Irene H. #3 (-4)

160. Jim D. #2 (-4)

160. Matt N. (-4)

160. Wayne D. #4 (-4)

181. Klei R. #3 (-6)

181. Dan L. #2 (-6)

181. Pete J. #4 (-6)

181. Dylan B. (-6)

181. Josiah T. (-6)

181. Kyle V. (-6)

181. Nick I. (-6)

181. Valerie D. (-6)

181. Brandon H. #1 (-6)

181. Brett G. (Upset) (-6)

181. Harrell R. #1 (-6)

181. Bryce S. (-6)

181. Irene H. #1 (-6)

181. Wayne D. #2 (-6)

181. Wayne D. #5 (-6)

181. Daisy N. #6 (-6)

197. Henry A. (-8)

197. D. Mag #2 (-8)

197. Jaxon S. (-8)

197. Moochie #4 (-8)

197. Off Efficiency (-8)

197. Daisy N. #1 (-8)

197. Dianna A. (-8)

197. Guillermo V. (-8)

197. Klei R. #1 (-8)

197. Tim Dz. #1 (-8)

197. Brooke M. #1 (-8)

197. Matt M. (-8)

209. Gary W. (-10)

209. Constance McA. (-10)

209. Grant F. (-10)

209. Brett G. (Devils) (-10)

209. Eric S. #1 (-10)

209. Jared B. (-10)

215. Adam S. (-12)

215. Daisy N. #10 (-12)

215. Irene H. #5 (-12)

215. Ben S. (-12)

215. John Mack #2 (-12)

215. Daisy N. #2 (-12)

215. Rob I. (-12)

222. Amanda R. (-14)

222. Chun W. #1 (-14)

222. Shawn D. (-14)

222. Mason A. #1 (-14)

222. Wayne D. #1 (-14)

227. Alyssa B. (-16)

227. Gigi I. (-16)

227. David F. #1 (-16)

227. D. Mag #4 (-16)

227. Brandie H. (-16)

232. Amber D. (-18)

232. Matt W. (-18)

232. Michelle L. #2 (-18)

232. Beau H. (-18)

232. Charlotte N. (-18)

237. DESGRU8 (Dan Dz.) (-20)

237. Pat K. (-20)

237. Paul K. #1 (-20)

237. Adalyn H. (-20)

241. Brent S. #1 (-22)

241. Ali A. #2 (-22)

241. Daisy N. #5 (-22)

244. Elizabeth N. #1 (-24)

244. Brandon B. #2 (-24)

244. Mark B. (-24)

244. Luis B. #3 (-24)

244. Melissa M. (-24)

244. Scarlett H. (-24)

250. Daisy N. #11 (-26)

250. Elizabeth N. #2 (-26)

252. Luis B. #1 (-28)

252. Harrell R. #4 (-28)

252. Josh C. (-28)

252. Faye N. (-28)

256. Moochie #1 (-30)

256. Brett G. (Quinnie) (-30)

258. Jacob A. (-32)

258. Pete J. #6 (-32)

260. Luis B. #4 (-34)

261. Moochie #3 (-36)

262. Steve Dz. #1 (-38)

263. Ryan W. (-46)

264. Daisy N. #7 (-52)

265. Noah G. (-56)

266. Elizabeth P. #3 (-58)

267. Baily T. (-60)

267. Noah N. (-60)

269. Kristina H. (-62)

270. Pete J. #2 (-64)

271. Marshmellow (Nik B.) (-66)

272. Kiah H. #2 (-70)

273. Karen C. (-74)

274. Damien R. #4 (-86)

Here are the details for the 3rd set of 4 games today:

Game 25

Nebraska v Texas A&M

Vegas Line: Nebraska -1.5

Picks for Nebraska: 137

Picks for Texas A&M: 137

I couldn’t make this up.  An 8/9 game where we are evenly split in picks.  Incredible.  I love it.  I don’t know anything about either team, so I don’t have a strong rooting interest here.  This seems like a game will potentially determine who wins a region though.  Because there aren’t that many points to go around, losing this game may result in knocking you out of any chance to get 1st in the South Region.  That’s kinda fun to think about.

Game 26

Duke v Vermont

Vegas Line: Duke -11.5

Picks for Duke: 254

Picks for Vermont: 20

This line seems low for me, but maybe gamblers know more about this Duke team than I do.  The picks distribution puts it in line with Illinois, Auburn and Creighton.  2 of those teams are 3s and the other is considered the best 4 seed.  I’m not sure Duke is as good as those teams.  I will say that for most of my life, you could pencil Duke in the Sweet 16 and not think about.  Nowadays, you kind of have to.  I’m not sure when that started, but I’d like to think it was when Kyrie Irving went there.  It’s probably the start of the one-and-done era, but Kyrie Irving is a nice player to blame bad things on.

Personally, I’d like Duke to lose.  I can’t stand Duke.  Even now, without Coach K., when they are more or less indistinguishable from Kentucky.  They just replace 5-str recruits every year, and don’t win many games in the tournament.  I kind of like that as a description of this era.  Maybe a generation from now, I’ll just feel bad for Duke.  Probably not….

Game 27

Purdue v Grambling

Vegas Line: Purdue -27

Picks for Purdue: 269

Picks for Grambling: 5

I stand corrected.  I thought UConn had the biggest points spread in the first round, but Purdue takes that title by half a point.  The big thing will be if they can just run away from Grambling.  If it’s at all close, all the pressure in the world is coming to come down hard on them.

I think I picked Purdue to win it all in 2 of my brackets, based entirely on the Virginia precedent.  Not sure if that’s a thing, but if it happens again, it should be coined “The Virginia Precedent”.  I’m claiming that right now.

Game 28

Alabama v Charleston

Vegas Line: Alabama -9.5

Picks for Alabama: 243

Picks for Charleston: 31

Poor Alabama, they were the #1 overall seed last year, and this year they are kind of lucky to be a 4 seed.  That’s a pretty steep drop.  I guess that happens when you lose the #2 player in the NBA draft. I’ve heard a rumor that Michigan is looking to steal Nate Oates to coach them after the implosion of the Juwan Howard era.  That would also be fun.

Fun fact, not only do I have a Charleston t-shirt, I have a College of Charleston sweatshirt.  It’s pretty nice, although I don’t wear it too often.  I used to have a bunch of sweatshirts from various colleges.  That’s kind of how this collection got started.  I would pick some random team as my #1 team pre-season, and they my parents would get me a sweatshirt from that school.  I had a Wyoming one, a Tulane one.  I still have my Santa Clara one.  That was a pretty fun, but expensive, tradition.

All right, the impossible may actually happen as Yale is hanging with Auburn right now.  Go Bulldogs or Elis, or Supreme Court Justices or whatever the Yale mascot is!!!

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