Thursday, March 21, 2024

Day 1 wrap up. #$%# Kansas....

Guess who beat Samford tonight?  If you guessed Kansas, you’d be wrong.  The answer was the officials.  Whoever decided the last blocked shot was a foul absolutely blew that call and no one can convince me that call didn’t decide the game.  Now I hate Kansas,  I hope they get blown out by 50 in their next game.  If Bill Self has any sense of shame, he should admit that the refs handed them the game during his press conference.  Just awful officiating.  Whoever made that call should just pack their bags and go home.  There’s no chance that official is doing another game in this tournament.

For the day, there were technically 5 upsets, and they were nicely spaced out with at least one coming in every set of 4 games.  Obviously the biggest of them was Kentucky losing to Oakland, but the others were NC State, Oregon, Duquesne and Michigan State.  Oakland was the big outlier of that group.  A lot of the others were moderately predictable.  Because of that, we actually did quite well predicting winners overall.

There is a clear winner of Day 1, and that person is Derek B.  He went 15/16, only missing Kentucky.  I had to double check his bracket because he did so good.  I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something.  This is fantastic picking.  However, all that gets you is a callout in this blog today.  The winner last year was in the 200s after the first round.  Doing well is great for tie-breakers and separation later on in the tournament.  It’s just a nice story now.  One I love, but still just a nice story.

On the flip side, 12 people have lost their champion already.  Most of the people had Kentucky, but there were a smattering of other teams that got knocked out.  Nobody has lost both of their Championship teams.  59 people have lost at least one final 4 team, but no one has lost more than 2 (there were 6 people like this).

There are only 9 people who have managed to not lose any Sweet 16 teams.  I always say this is the key.  You can withstand losing some games if the team that loses was supposed to lose in the next round.  It’s losing teams that you had winning multiple games that is crippling.  You may not win those games, but at least you have a chance.  That’s what you want.

So, here are the overall points standings:

1. Derek B.: 15 (-1) - North Carolina

2. Becky H.: 14 (-2) - Purdue

2. Daisy N. #3: 14 (-2) - Houston

4. Mark A.: 14 (-4) - Arizona

4. Szecho L.: 14 (-4) - Houston

6. D. Mag #1: 14 (-8) - Auburn

6. Jackson I.: 14 (-8) - Tennessee

8. Ryan W.: 14 (-64) - Kentucky

9. Daisy N. #4: 13 (-3) - Connecticut

9. Dave A.: 13 (-3) - Purdue

11. Dawn T.: 13 (-5) - North Carolina

11. Missy W. #1: 13 (-5) - Marquette

11. Ryan Green: 13 (-5) - Houston

11. Scott H. #1: 13 (-5) - Connecticut

11. Tim N.: 13 (-5) - Marquette

16. Bryce O.: 13 (-7) - Houston

17. Ally H.: 13 (-9) - Purdue

17. Brandon B. #1: 13 (-9) - Connecticut

17. John Mack #1: 13 (-9) - Connecticut

17. Kiah H. #1: 13 (-9) - Houston

17. Michelle L. #1: 13 (-9) - Connecticut

17. Michelle L. #3: 13 (-9) - Houston

17. Michelle L. #4: 13 (-9) - Purdue

17. Scott K. #2: 13 (-9) - Houston

25. Dennis R.: 13 (-11) - Connecticut

26. April K.: 13 (-17) - Purdue

27. Alyssa B.: 13 (-33) - Arizona

27. Michelle L. #2: 13 (-33) - North Carolina

27. Paul K. #1: 13 (-33) - North Carolina

30. Dan L. #1: 12 (-4) - Tennessee

30. Eric S. #2: 12 (-4) - Purdue

30. Kirt R. #2: 12 (-4) - Purdue

30. Paul W.: 12 (-4) - North Carolina

34. Andrew D. #1: 12 (-6) - Houston

34. Andrew D. #2: 12 (-6) - Houston

34. Brent E. #1: 12 (-6) - Houston

34. Chris E.: 12 (-6) - Marquette

34. Christopher K.: 12 (-6) - Illinois

34. Chun W. #2: 12 (-6) - North Carolina

34. Daisy N. #8: 12 (-6) - Tennessee

34. Dan Dug. #2: 12 (-6) - North Carolina

34. Ken Pom: 12 (-6) - Connecticut

34. Rich F.: 12 (-6) - Marquette

34. Steve Dz. #2: 12 (-6) - Illinois

34. Tomas L.: 12 (-6) - Houston

46. Deanna T.: 12 (-8) - Purdue

47. Daisy N. #9: 12 (-10) - Houston

47. Danielle A.: 12 (-10) - Connecticut

47. Howard S. #1: 12 (-10) - Auburn

47. John A. #2: 12 (-10) - Houston

47. John N.: 12 (-10) - San Diego State

47. Kirt R. #1: 12 (-10) - Houston

47. Legend of Zelli: 12 (-10) - Duke

47. Mike V.: 12 (-10) - Connecticut

47. Patrick McC. #1: 12 (-10) - Connecticut

47. Pete J. #1: 12 (-10) - Connecticut

47. Vang L.: 12 (-10) - Iowa State

58. Chris M.: 12 (-12) - Houston

58. Craig G.: 12 (-12) - Purdue

58. Kevin F. #1: 12 (-12) - Connecticut

58. Kevin F. #2: 12 (-12) - Purdue

62. Brandon H. #2: 12 (-16) - Arizona

62. Klei R. #3: 12 (-16) - Purdue

64. Irene H. #4: 12 (-18) - Arizona

64. Jaxon S.: 12 (-18) - Purdue

66. Moochie #4: 12 (-20) - Connecticut

66. Pete J. #4: 12 (-20) - Tennessee

68. Matt W.: 12 (-34) - Arizona

69. Amber D.: 12 (-36) - Connecticut

69. DESGRU8 (Dan Dz.): 12 (-36) - North Carolina

71. Moochie #1: 12 (-48) - North Carolina

72. Noah G.: 12 (-68) - Kentucky

73. Elizabeth P. #3: 12 (-72) - Kentucky

74. Brent E. #2: 11 (-7) - North Carolina

74. Brett G. (Sleeper): 11 (-7) - Iowa State

74. Brooklynn B.: 11 (-7) - Purdue

74. Chris T.: 11 (-7) - North Carolina

74. Connor W.: 11 (-7) - Houston

74. Daniel E.: 11 (-7) - Arizona

74. Def Efficiency: 11 (-7) - Iowa State

74. Eric G.: 11 (-7) - Houston

74. Eric V.: 11 (-7) - Auburn

74. Gutless Bracket: 11 (-7) - Connecticut

74. Jim W.: 11 (-7) - North Carolina

74. Mary Lou H.: 11 (-7) - Houston

74. Michael S. #2: 11 (-7) - Purdue

74. Scott K. #1: 11 (-7) - Tennessee

88. Brad R.: 11 (-9) - Connecticut

88. Derek H.: 11 (-9) - Connecticut

88. Henry A.: 11 (-9) - Connecticut

88. Tyler C.: 11 (-9) - Houston

92. Brent E. #3: 11 (-11) - Connecticut

92. Brent E. #4: 11 (-11) - Connecticut

92. Brian K.: 11 (-11) - Illinois

92. CAAT #3: 11 (-11) - Connecticut

92. CAAT #4: 11 (-11) - Connecticut

92. CAAT #5: 11 (-11) - Connecticut

92. D. Mag #3: 11 (-11) - Connecticut

92. Daisy N. #12: 11 (-11) - Tennessee

92. Damien R. #1: 11 (-11) - Houston

92. Damien R. #2: 11 (-11) - Connecticut

92. Dan Dug. #1: 11 (-11) - Connecticut

92. John A. #1: 11 (-11) - Houston

92. Michelle L. #5: 11 (-11) - Alabama

92. Miles D.: 11 (-11) - Arizona

92. Nate R.: 11 (-11) - Houston

92. Niren D.: 11 (-11) - Connecticut

92. Patrick McC. #2: 11 (-11) - Connecticut

92. Pete J. #5: 11 (-11) - Auburn

92. Ryan G.: 11 (-11) - Purdue

92. Shawn D.: 11 (-11) - Purdue

112. Amanda R.: 11 (-13) - Wisconsin

112. Colston W.: 11 (-13) - Connecticut

112. Daisy N. #1: 11 (-13) - Connecticut

112. Greg R.: 11 (-13) - Purdue

112. Klei R. #2: 11 (-13) - Purdue

112. Mason A. #2: 11 (-13) - North Carolina

112. Michael S. #1: 11 (-13) - Connecticut

112. Mitchell S.: 11 (-13) - North Carolina

112. Moochie #5: 11 (-13) - Connecticut

121. Finn D.: 11 (-15) - Kansas

122. Carlo G.: 11 (-17) - Connecticut

122. Dianna A.: 11 (-17) - Kansas

122. Dylan B.: 11 (-17) - Houston

122. Stephen C.: 11 (-17) - Nebraska

126. Brent S. #2: 11 (-19) - Connecticut

126. Howard S. #2: 11 (-19) - Purdue

126. Missy W. #2: 11 (-19) - Tennessee

129. D. Mag #2: 11 (-21) - North Carolina

129. Dan L. #2: 11 (-21) - Purdue

129. Off Efficiency: 11 (-21) - Connecticut

132. Chun W. #1: 11 (-25) - Tennessee

133. Adam S.: 11 (-29) - North Carolina

134. Gigi I.: 11 (-31) - Arizona

135. Brent S. #1: 11 (-35) - Connecticut

136. Daisy N. #11: 11 (-37) - Connecticut

136. Elizabeth N. #2: 11 (-37) - North Carolina

136. Jacob A.: 11 (-37) - Iowa State

136. Pat K.: 11 (-37) - Connecticut

140. Elizabeth N. #1: 11 (-41) - Connecticut

140. Moochie #3: 11 (-41) - James Madison

142. Daisy N. #7: 11 (-67) - Kentucky

143. Noah N.: 11 (-71) - Kentucky

144. Andy L.: 10 (-8) - Purdue

144. Brad E.: 10 (-8) - Purdue

144. David F. #2: 10 (-8) - Connecticut

144. Dustin B.: 10 (-8) - Creighton

144. Emily T.: 10 (-8) - Arizona

144. Jared V.: 10 (-8) - Connecticut

144. Joe C.: 10 (-8) - Houston

144. John E. #1: 10 (-8) - Houston

144. Kim F.: 10 (-8) - Creighton

144. Mario M.: 10 (-8) - Tennessee

144. Scott H. #2: 10 (-8) - Houston

144. Zach V.: 10 (-8) - Connecticut

156. Josh V.: 10 (-10) - Connecticut

156. Kealoha G.: 10 (-10) - North Carolina

156. Kristin G.: 10 (-10) - Houston

159. CAAT #1: 10 (-12) - Connecticut

159. Damien R. #3: 10 (-12) - Houston

159. Hutch H. #1: 10 (-12) - Kansas

159. Jay H. #1: 10 (-12) - Houston

159. Larry G. #2: 10 (-12) - Connecticut

159. Luis B. #2: 10 (-12) - Connecticut

159. Marc R.: 10 (-12) - Arizona

159. Mike N.: 10 (-12) - Connecticut

159. Nick I.: 10 (-12) - Purdue

159. Shanky G.: 10 (-12) - Connecticut

159. Veronica G.: 10 (-12) - Houston

170. Brett G. (Upset): 10 (-14) - Connecticut

170. Guillermo V.: 10 (-14) - Connecticut

170. Irene H. #7: 10 (-14) - Connecticut

170. Larry G. #1: 10 (-14) - Purdue

170. Mustard (Nikolajs B.): 10 (-14) - Oregon

175. Moochie #2: 10 (-16) - Tennessee

175. Roth W.: 10 (-16) - Houston

177. Constance McA.: 10 (-18) - Gonzaga

177. Josiah T.: 10 (-18) - North Carolina

177. Klei R. #1: 10 (-18) - Houston

177. Stefon K.: 10 (-18) - Purdue

177. Valerie D.: 10 (-18) - Connecticut

182. Tim Dz. #1: 10 (-20) - Connecticut

183. Gary W.: 10 (-22) - Arizona

184. Daisy N. #10: 10 (-24) - Arizona

185. Mason A. #1: 10 (-26) - Connecticut

186. David F. #1: 10 (-28) - Purdue

187. Adalyn H.: 10 (-34) - Purdue

188. Luis B. #3: 10 (-36) - Connecticut

189. Brandon B. #2: 10 (-38) - North Carolina

189. Luis B. #1: 10 (-38) - Connecticut

189. Mark B.: 10 (-38) - Connecticut

192. Steve Dz. #1: 10 (-52) - Iowa State

193. Baily T.: 10 (-74) - South Carolina

194. Karen C.: 10 (-88) - Kentucky

195. Adam E.: 9 (-9) - North Carolina

195. Cicely K.: 9 (-9) - North Carolina

195. Mike W.: 9 (-9) - Iowa State

195. Wayne D. #3: 9 (-9) - Purdue

199. Ali A. #1: 9 (-11) - Washington State

199. Brooke M. #2: 9 (-11) - Arizona

199. Daisy N. #6: 9 (-11) - Iowa State

199. Elliot N.: 9 (-11) - Connecticut

199. Harrell R. #1: 9 (-11) - North Carolina

199. Harrell R. #2: 9 (-11) - NC State

199. Hutch H. #2: 9 (-11) - Houston

199. Irene H. #6: 9 (-11) - North Carolina

199. Melody K.: 9 (-11) - Connecticut

199. Paul K. #2: 9 (-11) - Illinois

209. Brett W.: 9 (-13) - Arizona

209. Chris L. #1: 9 (-13) - Connecticut

209. Chris L. #2: 9 (-13) - Purdue

209. Chris L. #3: 9 (-13) - North Carolina

209. Chris L. #4: 9 (-13) - North Carolina

209. Dan Mck.: 9 (-13) - Purdue

209. Dirk F.: 9 (-13) - Purdue

209. Irene H. #2: 9 (-13) - Houston

209. Jay B. - ESPN: 9 (-13) - Connecticut

209. Jay H. #2: 9 (-13) - Connecticut

209. Kyle V.: 9 (-13) - Houston

209. Larry G. #3: 9 (-13) - Purdue

221. CAAT #2: 9 (-15) - Connecticut

221. Dan P.: 9 (-15) - Connecticut

221. Harrell R. #3: 9 (-15) - Tennessee

221. James G.: 9 (-15) - Connecticut

221. Jim D. #1: 9 (-15) - Connecticut

221. Larry G. #4: 9 (-15) - Tennessee

221. Luis B. #5: 9 (-15) - Connecticut

221. Matt H.: 9 (-15) - Connecticut

221. Pete J. #3: 9 (-15) - Houston

230. Brett G. (Devils): 9 (-19) - Houston

231. Grant F.: 9 (-21) - Houston

232. Wayne D. #1: 9 (-23) - North Carolina

233. Irene H. #5: 9 (-25) - Tennessee

234. Beau H.: 9 (-27) - Alabama

234. Daisy N. #5: 9 (-27) - North Carolina

236. Ali A. #2: 9 (-35) - Arizona

237. Harrell R. #4: 9 (-39) - Iowa State

238. Pete J. #6: 9 (-43) - Connecticut

239. Pete J. #2: 9 (-73) - Kentucky

240. Kristina H.: 9 (-75) - Kentucky

241. Marshmellow (Nik B.): 9 (-77) - Howard / Wagner

242. John E. #2: 8 (-10) - Purdue

243. Chrissy I.: 8 (-12) - Arizona

243. Matt N.: 8 (-12) - Purdue

245. Bryce S.: 8 (-14) - Creighton

245. D. Mag #4: 8 (-14) - Illinois

245. Irene H. #1: 8 (-14) - Connecticut

245. Jim D. #2: 8 (-14) - Houston

245. Rob C.: 8 (-14) - Connecticut

245. Tim Dz. #2: 8 (-14) - Arizona

251. Brandie H.: 8 (-16) - Nebraska

251. Brooke M. #1: 8 (-16) - Houston

251. Seth D.: 8 (-16) - Connecticut

251. Wayne D. #2: 8 (-16) - Auburn

251. Wayne D. #5: 8 (-16) - Houston

256. Brandon H. #1: 8 (-18) - Houston

256. Eric S. #1: 8 (-18) - Houston

256. Jared B.: 8 (-18) - Iowa State

256. Rob I.: 8 (-18) - Arizona

260. Charlotte N.: 8 (-22) - San Diego State

260. Daisy N. #2: 8 (-22) - Purdue

262. Ben S.: 8 (-24) - Connecticut

262. John Mack #2: 8 (-24) - Purdue

264. Melissa M.: 8 (-36) - Connecticut

265. Josh C.: 8 (-38) - Auburn

266. Kiah H. #2: 8 (-84) - Texas Tech

267. Damien R. #4: 8 (-88) - Long Beach State

268. Wayne D. #4: 7 (-13) - Purdue

269. Irene H. #3: 7 (-15) - Purdue

270. Matt M.: 7 (-17) - Auburn

271. Scarlett H.: 7 (-25) - Houston

272. Brett G. (Quinnie): 7 (-37) - Arizona

273. Faye N.: 7 (-39) - Texas A&M

274. Luis B. #4: 7 (-41) - Connecticut

…and the net points:

1. Derek B. (14)

2. Becky H. (12)

2. Daisy N. #3 (12)

4. Mark A. (10)

4. Szecho L. (10)

4. Daisy N. #4 (10)

4. Dave A. (10)

8. Dawn T. (8)

8. Missy W. #1 (8)

8. Ryan Green (8)

8. Scott H. #1 (8)

8. Tim N. (8)

8. Dan L. #1 (8)

8. Eric S. #2 (8)

8. Kirt R. #2 (8)

8. Paul W. (8)

17. D. Mag #1 (6)

17. Jackson I. (6)

17. Bryce O. (6)

17. Andrew D. #1 (6)

17. Andrew D. #2 (6)

17. Brent E. #1 (6)

17. Chris E. (6)

17. Christopher K. (6)

17. Chun W. #2 (6)

17. Daisy N. #8 (6)

17. Dan Dug. #2 (6)

17. Ken Pom (6)

17. Rich F. (6)

17. Steve Dz. #2 (6)

17. Tomas L. (6)

32. Ally H. (4)

32. Brandon B. #1 (4)

32. John Mack #1 (4)

32. Kiah H. #1 (4)

32. Michelle L. #1 (4)

32. Michelle L. #3 (4)

32. Michelle L. #4 (4)

32. Scott K. #2 (4)

32. Deanna T. (4)

32. Brent E. #2 (4)

32. Brett G. (Sleeper) (4)

32. Brooklynn B. (4)

32. Chris T. (4)

32. Connor W. (4)

32. Daniel E. (4)

32. Def Efficiency (4)

32. Eric G. (4)

32. Eric V. (4)

32. Gutless Bracket (4)

32. Jim W. (4)

32. Mary Lou H. (4)

32. Michael S. #2 (4)

32. Scott K. #1 (4)

55. Dennis R. (2)

55. Daisy N. #9 (2)

55. Danielle A. (2)

55. Howard S. #1 (2)

55. John A. #2 (2)

55. John N. (2)

55. Kirt R. #1 (2)

55. Legend of Zelli (2)

55. Mike V. (2)

55. Patrick McC. #1 (2)

55. Pete J. #1 (2)

55. Vang L. (2)

55. Brad R. (2)

55. Derek H. (2)

55. Henry A. (2)

55. Tyler C. (2)

55. Andy L. (2)

55. Brad E. (2)

55. David F. #2 (2)

55. Dustin B. (2)

55. Emily T. (2)

55. Jared V. (2)

55. Joe C. (2)

55. John E. #1 (2)

55. Kim F. (2)

55. Mario M. (2)

55. Scott H. #2 (2)

55. Zach V. (2)

83. Chris M. (0)

83. Craig G. (0)

83. Kevin F. #1 (0)

83. Kevin F. #2 (0)

83. Brent E. #3 (0)

83. Brent E. #4 (0)

83. Brian K. (0)

83. CAAT #3 (0)

83. CAAT #4 (0)

83. CAAT #5 (0)

83. D. Mag #3 (0)

83. Daisy N. #12 (0)

83. Damien R. #1 (0)

83. Damien R. #2 (0)

83. Dan Dug. #1 (0)

83. John A. #1 (0)

83. Michelle L. #5 (0)

83. Miles D. (0)

83. Nate R. (0)

83. Niren D. (0)

83. Patrick McC. #2 (0)

83. Pete J. #5 (0)

83. Ryan G. (0)

83. Shawn D. (0)

83. Josh V. (0)

83. Kealoha G. (0)

83. Kristin G. (0)

83. Adam E. (0)

83. Cicely K. (0)

83. Mike W. (0)

83. Wayne D. #3 (0)

114. Amanda R. (-2)

114. Colston W. (-2)

114. Daisy N. #1 (-2)

114. Greg R. (-2)

114. Klei R. #2 (-2)

114. Mason A. #2 (-2)

114. Michael S. #1 (-2)

114. Mitchell S. (-2)

114. Moochie #5 (-2)

114. CAAT #1 (-2)

114. Damien R. #3 (-2)

114. Hutch H. #1 (-2)

114. Jay H. #1 (-2)

114. Larry G. #2 (-2)

114. Luis B. #2 (-2)

114. Marc R. (-2)

114. Mike N. (-2)

114. Nick I. (-2)

114. Shanky G. (-2)

114. Veronica G. (-2)

114. Ali A. #1 (-2)

114. Brooke M. #2 (-2)

114. Daisy N. #6 (-2)

114. Elliot N. (-2)

114. Harrell R. #1 (-2)

114. Harrell R. #2 (-2)

114. Hutch H. #2 (-2)

114. Irene H. #6 (-2)

114. Melody K. (-2)

114. Paul K. #2 (-2)

114. John E. #2 (-2)

145. April K. (-4)

145. Brandon H. #2 (-4)

145. Klei R. #3 (-4)

145. Finn D. (-4)

145. Brett G. (Upset) (-4)

145. Guillermo V. (-4)

145. Irene H. #7 (-4)

145. Larry G. #1 (-4)

145. Mustard (Nikolajs B.) (-4)

145. Brett W. (-4)

145. Chris L. #1 (-4)

145. Chris L. #2 (-4)

145. Chris L. #3 (-4)

145. Chris L. #4 (-4)

145. Dan Mck. (-4)

145. Dirk F. (-4)

145. Irene H. #2 (-4)

145. Jay B. - ESPN (-4)

145. Jay H. #2 (-4)

145. Kyle V. (-4)

145. Larry G. #3 (-4)

145. Chrissy I. (-4)

145. Matt N. (-4)

168. Irene H. #4 (-6)

168. Jaxon S. (-6)

168. Carlo G. (-6)

168. Dianna A. (-6)

168. Dylan B. (-6)

168. Stephen C. (-6)

168. Moochie #2 (-6)

168. Roth W. (-6)

168. CAAT #2 (-6)

168. Dan P. (-6)

168. Harrell R. #3 (-6)

168. James G. (-6)

168. Jim D. #1 (-6)

168. Larry G. #4 (-6)

168. Luis B. #5 (-6)

168. Matt H. (-6)

168. Pete J. #3 (-6)

168. Bryce S. (-6)

168. D. Mag #4 (-6)

168. Irene H. #1 (-6)

168. Jim D. #2 (-6)

168. Rob C. (-6)

168. Tim Dz. #2 (-6)

168. Wayne D. #4 (-6)

192. Moochie #4 (-8)

192. Pete J. #4 (-8)

192. Brent S. #2 (-8)

192. Howard S. #2 (-8)

192. Missy W. #2 (-8)

192. Constance McA. (-8)

192. Josiah T. (-8)

192. Klei R. #1 (-8)

192. Stefon K. (-8)

192. Valerie D. (-8)

192. Brandie H. (-8)

192. Brooke M. #1 (-8)

192. Seth D. (-8)

192. Wayne D. #2 (-8)

192. Wayne D. #5 (-8)

192. Irene H. #3 (-8)

208. D. Mag #2 (-10)

208. Dan L. #2 (-10)

208. Off Efficiency (-10)

208. Tim Dz. #1 (-10)

208. Brett G. (Devils) (-10)

208. Brandon H. #1 (-10)

208. Eric S. #1 (-10)

208. Jared B. (-10)

208. Rob I. (-10)

208. Matt M. (-10)

218. Gary W. (-12)

218. Grant F. (-12)

220. Chun W. #1 (-14)

220. Daisy N. #10 (-14)

220. Wayne D. #1 (-14)

220. Charlotte N. (-14)

220. Daisy N. #2 (-14)

225. Mason A. #1 (-16)

225. Irene H. #5 (-16)

225. Ben S. (-16)

225. John Mack #2 (-16)

229. Adam S. (-18)

229. David F. #1 (-18)

229. Beau H. (-18)

229. Daisy N. #5 (-18)

229. Scarlett H. (-18)

234. Alyssa B. (-20)

234. Michelle L. #2 (-20)

234. Paul K. #1 (-20)

234. Gigi I. (-20)

238. Matt W. (-22)

239. Amber D. (-24)

239. DESGRU8 (Dan Dz.) (-24)

239. Brent S. #1 (-24)

239. Adalyn H. (-24)

243. Daisy N. #11 (-26)

243. Elizabeth N. #2 (-26)

243. Jacob A. (-26)

243. Pat K. (-26)

243. Luis B. #3 (-26)

243. Ali A. #2 (-26)

249. Brandon B. #2 (-28)

249. Luis B. #1 (-28)

249. Mark B. (-28)

249. Melissa M. (-28)

253. Elizabeth N. #1 (-30)

253. Moochie #3 (-30)

253. Harrell R. #4 (-30)

253. Josh C. (-30)

253. Brett G. (Quinnie) (-30)

258. Faye N. (-32)

259. Pete J. #6 (-34)

259. Luis B. #4 (-34)

261. Moochie #1 (-36)

262. Steve Dz. #1 (-42)

263. Ryan W. (-50)

264. Noah G. (-56)

264. Daisy N. #7 (-56)

266. Elizabeth P. #3 (-60)

266. Noah N. (-60)

268. Baily T. (-64)

268. Pete J. #2 (-64)

270. Kristina H. (-66)

271. Marshmellow (Nik B.) (-68)

272. Kiah H. #2 (-76)

273. Karen C. (-78)

274. Damien R. #4 (-80)

Ok.  I need to head home.  I’ll be back tomorrow morning.  I hope for more upsets and more chaos.  Hopefully, better officiating….

See you then.

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