Sunday, March 24, 2024

Midwest set - and chalk is 10/10.

Well, that was a disappointment, if your goal is to show a good game.  Was this the biggest blowout of the tournament?  I think it might have been.  Ugh…  Purdue looks really good though, so my redemption arc strategy is still looking good.

The Sweet 16 is all set in the Midwest.  It’s a 1, 2, 3 & 5.  That is pretty chalky.  How chalky?  There are still 5 people that are undefeated in the Midwest.  As a matter of fact the only person still alive to win the Midwest that did not nail all 4 Sweet 16 teams is Alyssa B. who had Texas instead of Tennessee.

You’ll notice that everyone in the Midwest has the same probability of winning.  That more or less means that of the remaining 3 games, you have to get all 3 right to win.  If you miss even one, you are eliminated.  As favorites continue to win, that’s going to happen a lot more often.  Every game will be a bloodbath of eliminations.  That’s fun, if your goal is keep people interested in the pool.

Here are the updated standings:

1. Derek B.: 45 (-23) - North Carolina

2. Scott H. #1: 42 (-12) - Connecticut

3. John Mack #1: 42 (-14) - Connecticut

4. Michelle L. #3: 42 (-16) - Houston

4. Michelle L. #4: 42 (-16) - Purdue

4. Becky H.: 42 (-16) - Purdue

7. Michelle L. #2: 42 (-40) - North Carolina

7. Dan Dug. #2: 42 (-40) - North Carolina

9. Kim F.: 41 (-11) - Creighton

9. Chun W. #2: 41 (-11) - North Carolina

11. Jim W.: 41 (-13) - North Carolina

12. Ally H.: 41 (-15) - Purdue

12. Dan Mck.: 41 (-15) - Purdue

12. Missy W. #1: 41 (-15) - Marquette

15. Mark A.: 41 (-21) - Arizona

16. Jackson I.: 41 (-23) - Tennessee

17. Matt W.: 41 (-41) - Arizona

18. Dan L. #1: 41 (-43) - Tennessee

19. Eric V.: 41 (-77) - Auburn

20. Daisy N. #3: 40 (-12) - Houston

20. Szecho L.: 40 (-12) - Houston

22. Patrick McC. #1: 40 (-20) - Connecticut

22. Brandon B. #1: 40 (-20) - Connecticut

22. Eric S. #2: 40 (-20) - Purdue

25. Brent S. #2: 40 (-24) - Connecticut

26. Chris E.: 40 (-26) - Marquette

27. Luis B. #3: 40 (-40) - Connecticut

28. Pat K.: 40 (-42) - Connecticut

29. Alyssa B.: 40 (-56) - Arizona

30. Brent E. #2: 39 (-13) - North Carolina

31. Dawn T.: 39 (-15) - North Carolina

31. Adam E.: 39 (-15) - North Carolina

31. Deanna T.: 39 (-15) - Purdue

31. Ken Pom: 39 (-15) - Connecticut

31. Michael S. #2: 39 (-15) - Purdue

31. Wayne D. #3: 39 (-15) - Purdue

31. Daisy N. #4: 39 (-15) - Connecticut

38. Brent E. #3: 39 (-17) - Connecticut

38. Brent E. #4: 39 (-17) - Connecticut

40. Michael S. #1: 39 (-19) - Connecticut

40. Michelle L. #5: 39 (-19) - Alabama

40. Danielle A.: 39 (-19) - Connecticut

40. Kirt R. #1: 39 (-19) - Houston

44. Emily T.: 39 (-21) - Arizona

44. Dave A.: 39 (-21) - Purdue

44. Niren D.: 39 (-21) - Connecticut

47. Rich F.: 39 (-23) - Marquette

48. Bryce O.: 39 (-25) - Houston

49. Scott K. #2: 39 (-27) - Houston

49. Vang L.: 39 (-27) - Iowa State

51. Kirt R. #2: 39 (-31) - Purdue

52. Brent S. #1: 39 (-41) - Connecticut

53. Brent E. #1: 39 (-43) - Houston

54. Ryan W.: 39 (-83) - Kentucky

55. Andrew D. #1: 38 (-14) - Houston

55. Paul W.: 38 (-14) - North Carolina

57. Chris T.: 38 (-16) - North Carolina

57. Brad E.: 38 (-16) - Purdue

59. Zach V.: 38 (-18) - Connecticut

60. Pete J. #1: 38 (-20) - Connecticut

60. Scott H. #2: 38 (-20) - Houston

60. Michelle L. #1: 38 (-20) - Connecticut

60. Mike N.: 38 (-20) - Connecticut

60. Roth W.: 38 (-20) - Houston

60. Irene H. #2: 38 (-20) - Houston

60. Luis B. #2: 38 (-20) - Connecticut

60. Eric G.: 38 (-20) - Houston

68. CAAT #3: 38 (-22) - Connecticut

68. CAAT #4: 38 (-22) - Connecticut

68. Chris L. #4: 38 (-22) - North Carolina

68. Chris L. #1: 38 (-22) - Connecticut

68. Chris L. #2: 38 (-22) - Purdue

68. Chris L. #3: 38 (-22) - North Carolina

68. Jay B. - ESPN: 38 (-22) - Connecticut

68. Jay H. #2: 38 (-22) - Connecticut

68. John A. #2: 38 (-22) - Houston

77. Mike V.: 38 (-26) - Connecticut

77. Ben S.: 38 (-26) - Connecticut

79. Mason A. #2: 38 (-28) - North Carolina

79. Damien R. #1: 38 (-28) - Houston

79. Dan L. #2: 38 (-28) - Purdue

82. Tim N.: 38 (-30) - Marquette

83. Chun W. #1: 38 (-32) - Tennessee

83. Tomas L.: 38 (-32) - Houston

85. Daniel E.: 38 (-34) - Arizona

86. April K.: 38 (-38) - Purdue

87. Luis B. #1: 38 (-44) - Connecticut

88. Baily T.: 38 (-80) - South Carolina

89. Daisy N. #7: 38 (-82) - Kentucky

90. Gutless Bracket: 37 (-17) - Connecticut

90. Mary Lou H.: 37 (-17) - Houston

90. Kristin G.: 37 (-17) - Houston

90. John E. #1: 37 (-17) - Houston

94. Cicely K.: 37 (-19) - North Carolina

95. Ryan Green: 37 (-21) - Houston

95. Dan P.: 37 (-21) - Connecticut

95. Mike W.: 37 (-21) - Iowa State

95. Scott K. #1: 37 (-21) - Tennessee

99. CAAT #1: 37 (-23) - Connecticut

99. Damien R. #2: 37 (-23) - Connecticut

99. Derek H.: 37 (-23) - Connecticut

99. Nate R.: 37 (-23) - Houston

103. Stefon K.: 37 (-25) - Purdue

104. Moochie #5: 37 (-27) - Connecticut

104. Connor W.: 37 (-27) - Houston

106. Howard S. #2: 37 (-29) - Purdue

107. Brooklynn B.: 37 (-31) - Purdue

108. Steve Dz. #2: 37 (-35) - Illinois

109. Elizabeth N. #1: 37 (-47) - Connecticut

110. Dan Dug. #1: 37 (-51) - Connecticut

111. Noah G.: 37 (-79) - Kentucky

112. Chrissy I.: 36 (-18) - Arizona

112. Jared V.: 36 (-18) - Connecticut

112. Joe C.: 36 (-18) - Houston

112. John E. #2: 36 (-18) - Purdue

112. Dustin B.: 36 (-18) - Creighton

117. Andy L.: 36 (-20) - Purdue

117. Matt N.: 36 (-20) - Purdue

117. Kealoha G.: 36 (-20) - North Carolina

117. Josh V.: 36 (-20) - Connecticut

121. Greg R.: 36 (-22) - Purdue

121. Luis B. #5: 36 (-22) - Connecticut

121. David F. #2: 36 (-22) - Connecticut

124. CAAT #5: 36 (-24) - Connecticut

124. Veronica G.: 36 (-24) - Houston

124. Tyler C.: 36 (-24) - Houston

127. Irene H. #7: 36 (-26) - Connecticut

127. Klei R. #1: 36 (-26) - Houston

127. Brian K.: 36 (-26) - Illinois

130. Daisy N. #9: 36 (-28) - Houston

130. Kevin F. #2: 36 (-28) - Purdue

130. Shanky G.: 36 (-28) - Connecticut

130. Patrick McC. #2: 36 (-28) - Connecticut

130. Miles D.: 36 (-28) - Arizona

135. Irene H. #4: 36 (-30) - Arizona

136. Wayne D. #1: 36 (-32) - North Carolina

137. Kevin F. #1: 36 (-64) - Connecticut

138. Adalyn H.: 36 (-72) - Purdue

139. Klei R. #3: 36 (-74) - Purdue

140. Wayne D. #2: 36 (-82) - Auburn

140. Kristina H.: 36 (-82) - Kentucky

142. Pete J. #5: 36 (-84) - Auburn

143. D. Mag #1: 36 (-98) - Auburn

144. Elliot N.: 35 (-17) - Connecticut

144. Hutch H. #2: 35 (-17) - Houston

146. Daisy N. #12: 35 (-19) - Tennessee

146. Wayne D. #4: 35 (-19) - Purdue

148. Brandon H. #1: 35 (-23) - Houston

148. D. Mag #3: 35 (-23) - Connecticut

148. Larry G. #4: 35 (-23) - Tennessee

148. Brett G. (Sleeper): 35 (-23) - Iowa State

152. Paul K. #2: 35 (-25) - Illinois

152. Daisy N. #8: 35 (-25) - Tennessee

152. Dennis R.: 35 (-25) - Connecticut

152. Dirk F.: 35 (-25) - Purdue

152. John A. #1: 35 (-25) - Houston

157. Carlo G.: 35 (-27) - Connecticut

158. Craig G.: 35 (-29) - Purdue

158. Dylan B.: 35 (-29) - Houston

160. Def Efficiency: 35 (-31) - Iowa State

160. John N.: 35 (-31) - San Diego State

162. Kyle V.: 35 (-33) - Houston

163. Ryan G.: 35 (-37) - Purdue

164. Guillermo V.: 35 (-43) - Connecticut

165. Brandon B. #2: 35 (-47) - North Carolina

166. Josiah T.: 35 (-51) - North Carolina

167. Amber D.: 35 (-53) - Connecticut

167. Chris M.: 35 (-53) - Houston

169. Jaxon S.: 35 (-61) - Purdue

169. Daisy N. #11: 35 (-61) - Connecticut

171. Klei R. #2: 35 (-67) - Purdue

172. Hutch H. #1: 35 (-85) - Kansas

173. Noah N.: 35 (-109) - Kentucky

174. Melody K.: 34 (-18) - Connecticut

175. Seth D.: 34 (-24) - Connecticut

175. Mario M.: 34 (-24) - Tennessee

175. Pete J. #3: 34 (-24) - Houston

178. Matt H.: 34 (-26) - Connecticut

178. Moochie #2: 34 (-26) - Tennessee

178. Larry G. #2: 34 (-26) - Connecticut

178. Nick I.: 34 (-26) - Purdue

182. Marc R.: 34 (-28) - Arizona

183. Kiah H. #1: 34 (-30) - Houston

184. Mitchell S.: 34 (-32) - North Carolina

184. Andrew D. #2: 34 (-32) - Houston

184. Daisy N. #10: 34 (-32) - Arizona

184. Pete J. #4: 34 (-32) - Tennessee

188. Gigi I.: 34 (-40) - Arizona

189. Luis B. #4: 34 (-48) - Connecticut

190. Paul K. #1: 34 (-54) - North Carolina

191. Moochie #1: 34 (-60) - North Carolina

192. Howard S. #1: 34 (-86) - Auburn

193. Brooke M. #2: 33 (-21) - Arizona

194. Irene H. #1: 33 (-23) - Connecticut

195. Larry G. #3: 33 (-25) - Purdue

195. Eric S. #1: 33 (-25) - Houston

197. Jim D. #2: 33 (-29) - Houston

198. Off Efficiency: 33 (-33) - Connecticut

199. Brett W.: 33 (-35) - Arizona

199. Brad R.: 33 (-35) - Connecticut

199. Adam S.: 33 (-35) - North Carolina

199. Daisy N. #1: 33 (-35) - Connecticut

203. Pete J. #6: 33 (-53) - Connecticut

204. Elizabeth P. #3: 33 (-85) - Kentucky

204. Pete J. #2: 33 (-85) - Kentucky

206. James G.: 32 (-26) - Connecticut

206. Jim D. #1: 32 (-26) - Connecticut

206. Irene H. #6: 32 (-26) - North Carolina

209. CAAT #2: 32 (-28) - Connecticut

209. Larry G. #1: 32 (-28) - Purdue

209. Daisy N. #6: 32 (-28) - Iowa State

212. Brooke M. #1: 32 (-30) - Houston

212. Legend of Zelli: 32 (-30) - Duke

214. Rob I.: 32 (-34) - Arizona

214. Brett G. (Upset): 32 (-34) - Connecticut

216. Irene H. #5: 32 (-36) - Tennessee

217. D. Mag #2: 32 (-46) - North Carolina

218. Missy W. #2: 32 (-48) - Tennessee

219. Henry A.: 32 (-54) - Connecticut

219. Tim Dz. #2: 32 (-54) - Arizona

221. Jacob A.: 32 (-56) - Iowa State

222. Steve Dz. #1: 32 (-68) - Iowa State

223. Amanda R.: 32 (-136) - Wisconsin

224. Harrell R. #2: 31 (-23) - NC State

225. Harrell R. #1: 31 (-27) - North Carolina

226. Gary W.: 31 (-33) - Arizona

227. Beau H.: 31 (-35) - Alabama

227. Damien R. #3: 31 (-35) - Houston

229. David F. #1: 31 (-39) - Purdue

230. Shawn D.: 31 (-49) - Purdue

231. Bryce S.: 31 (-57) - Creighton

232. DESGRU8 (Dan Dz.): 31 (-67) - North Carolina

233. Josh C.: 31 (-105) - Auburn

234. Rob C.: 30 (-28) - Connecticut

235. Tim Dz. #1: 30 (-30) - Connecticut

236. Grant F.: 30 (-32) - Houston

236. Jared B.: 30 (-32) - Iowa State

238. Brett G. (Devils): 30 (-46) - Houston

239. Daisy N. #5: 30 (-48) - North Carolina

240. Brett G. (Quinnie): 30 (-58) - Arizona

241. Christopher K.: 30 (-76) - Illinois

242. Matt M.: 30 (-92) - Auburn

243. Irene H. #3: 29 (-25) - Purdue

244. Harrell R. #3: 29 (-29) - Tennessee

245. Daisy N. #2: 29 (-35) - Purdue

246. Brandon H. #2: 29 (-39) - Arizona

247. Moochie #4: 29 (-53) - Connecticut

248. Harrell R. #4: 29 (-57) - Iowa State

249. Mark B.: 29 (-67) - Connecticut

250. Elizabeth N. #2: 29 (-75) - North Carolina

251. Kiah H. #2: 29 (-93) - Texas Tech

252. Stephen C.: 29 (-107) - Nebraska

253. Jay H. #1: 28 (-32) - Houston

253. John Mack #2: 28 (-32) - Purdue

255. Colston W.: 28 (-34) - Connecticut

256. Melissa M.: 28 (-44) - Connecticut

257. Karen C.: 28 (-100) - Kentucky

258. Valerie D.: 27 (-39) - Connecticut

259. Scarlett H.: 27 (-41) - Houston

260. Wayne D. #5: 27 (-45) - Houston

261. Dianna A.: 27 (-99) - Kansas

262. Mason A. #1: 26 (-44) - Connecticut

263. Constance McA.: 26 (-84) - Gonzaga

264. Marshmellow (Nik B.): 26 (-106) - Howard / Wagner

265. Finn D.: 25 (-93) - Kansas

266. Moochie #3: 25 (-97) - James Madison

267. Charlotte N.: 24 (-42) - San Diego State

268. Faye N.: 24 (-64) - Texas A&M

269. Mustard (Nikolajs B.): 24 (-112) - Oregon

270. Damien R. #4: 22 (-110) - Long Beach State

271. Brandie H.: 22 (-112) - Nebraska

272. D. Mag #4: 21 (-85) - Illinois

273. Ali A. #1: 21 (-149) - Washington State

274. Ali A. #2: 19 (-109) - Arizona

…and net points:

1. Scott H. #1 (30)

1. Kim F. (30)

1. Chun W. #2 (30)

4. John Mack #1 (28)

4. Jim W. (28)

4. Daisy N. #3 (28)

4. Szecho L. (28)

8. Michelle L. #3 (26)

8. Michelle L. #4 (26)

8. Becky H. (26)

8. Ally H. (26)

8. Dan Mck. (26)

8. Missy W. #1 (26)

8. Brent E. #2 (26)

15. Dawn T. (24)

15. Adam E. (24)

15. Deanna T. (24)

15. Ken Pom (24)

15. Michael S. #2 (24)

15. Wayne D. #3 (24)

15. Daisy N. #4 (24)

15. Andrew D. #1 (24)

15. Paul W. (24)

24. Derek B. (22)

24. Brent E. #3 (22)

24. Brent E. #4 (22)

24. Chris T. (22)

24. Brad E. (22)

29. Mark A. (20)

29. Patrick McC. #1 (20)

29. Brandon B. #1 (20)

29. Eric S. #2 (20)

29. Michael S. #1 (20)

29. Michelle L. #5 (20)

29. Danielle A. (20)

29. Kirt R. #1 (20)

29. Zach V. (20)

29. Gutless Bracket (20)

29. Mary Lou H. (20)

29. Kristin G. (20)

29. John E. #1 (20)

42. Jackson I. (18)

42. Emily T. (18)

42. Dave A. (18)

42. Niren D. (18)

42. Pete J. #1 (18)

42. Scott H. #2 (18)

42. Michelle L. #1 (18)

42. Mike N. (18)

42. Roth W. (18)

42. Irene H. #2 (18)

42. Luis B. #2 (18)

42. Eric G. (18)

42. Cicely K. (18)

42. Chrissy I. (18)

42. Jared V. (18)

42. Joe C. (18)

42. John E. #2 (18)

42. Dustin B. (18)

42. Elliot N. (18)

42. Hutch H. #2 (18)

62. Brent S. #2 (16)

62. Rich F. (16)

62. CAAT #3 (16)

62. CAAT #4 (16)

62. Chris L. #4 (16)

62. Chris L. #1 (16)

62. Chris L. #2 (16)

62. Chris L. #3 (16)

62. Jay B. - ESPN (16)

62. Jay H. #2 (16)

62. John A. #2 (16)

62. Ryan Green (16)

62. Dan P. (16)

62. Mike W. (16)

62. Scott K. #1 (16)

62. Andy L. (16)

62. Matt N. (16)

62. Kealoha G. (16)

62. Josh V. (16)

62. Daisy N. #12 (16)

62. Wayne D. #4 (16)

62. Melody K. (16)

84. Chris E. (14)

84. Bryce O. (14)

84. CAAT #1 (14)

84. Damien R. #2 (14)

84. Derek H. (14)

84. Nate R. (14)

84. Greg R. (14)

84. Luis B. #5 (14)

84. David F. #2 (14)

93. Scott K. #2 (12)

93. Vang L. (12)

93. Mike V. (12)

93. Ben S. (12)

93. Stefon K. (12)

93. CAAT #5 (12)

93. Veronica G. (12)

93. Tyler C. (12)

93. Brandon H. #1 (12)

93. D. Mag #3 (12)

93. Larry G. #4 (12)

93. Brett G. (Sleeper) (12)

93. Brooke M. #2 (12)

106. Mason A. #2 (10)

106. Damien R. #1 (10)

106. Dan L. #2 (10)

106. Moochie #5 (10)

106. Connor W. (10)

106. Irene H. #7 (10)

106. Klei R. #1 (10)

106. Brian K. (10)

106. Paul K. #2 (10)

106. Daisy N. #8 (10)

106. Dennis R. (10)

106. Dirk F. (10)

106. John A. #1 (10)

106. Seth D. (10)

106. Mario M. (10)

106. Pete J. #3 (10)

106. Irene H. #1 (10)

123. Kirt R. #2 (8)

123. Tim N. (8)

123. Howard S. #2 (8)

123. Daisy N. #9 (8)

123. Kevin F. #2 (8)

123. Shanky G. (8)

123. Patrick McC. #2 (8)

123. Miles D. (8)

123. Carlo G. (8)

123. Matt H. (8)

123. Moochie #2 (8)

123. Larry G. #2 (8)

123. Nick I. (8)

123. Larry G. #3 (8)

123. Eric S. #1 (8)

123. Harrell R. #2 (8)

139. Chun W. #1 (6)

139. Tomas L. (6)

139. Brooklynn B. (6)

139. Irene H. #4 (6)

139. Craig G. (6)

139. Dylan B. (6)

139. Marc R. (6)

139. James G. (6)

139. Jim D. #1 (6)

139. Irene H. #6 (6)

149. Daniel E. (4)

149. Wayne D. #1 (4)

149. Def Efficiency (4)

149. John N. (4)

149. Kiah H. #1 (4)

149. Jim D. #2 (4)

149. CAAT #2 (4)

149. Larry G. #1 (4)

149. Daisy N. #6 (4)

149. Harrell R. #1 (4)

149. Irene H. #3 (4)

160. Michelle L. #2 (2)

160. Dan Dug. #2 (2)

160. Steve Dz. #2 (2)

160. Kyle V. (2)

160. Mitchell S. (2)

160. Andrew D. #2 (2)

160. Daisy N. #10 (2)

160. Pete J. #4 (2)

160. Brooke M. #1 (2)

160. Legend of Zelli (2)

160. Rob C. (2)

171. Matt W. (0)

171. Luis B. #3 (0)

171. April K. (0)

171. Off Efficiency (0)

171. Tim Dz. #1 (0)

171. Harrell R. #3 (0)

177. Dan L. #1 (-2)

177. Pat K. (-2)

177. Brent S. #1 (-2)

177. Ryan G. (-2)

177. Brett W. (-2)

177. Brad R. (-2)

177. Adam S. (-2)

177. Daisy N. #1 (-2)

177. Rob I. (-2)

177. Brett G. (Upset) (-2)

177. Gary W. (-2)

177. Grant F. (-2)

177. Jared B. (-2)

190. Brent E. #1 (-4)

190. Irene H. #5 (-4)

190. Beau H. (-4)

190. Damien R. #3 (-4)

190. Jay H. #1 (-4)

190. John Mack #2 (-4)

196. Luis B. #1 (-6)

196. Gigi I. (-6)

196. Daisy N. #2 (-6)

196. Colston W. (-6)

200. Guillermo V. (-8)

200. David F. #1 (-8)

202. Elizabeth N. #1 (-10)

202. Brandon H. #2 (-10)

204. Brandon B. #2 (-12)

204. Valerie D. (-12)

206. Dan Dug. #1 (-14)

206. Luis B. #4 (-14)

206. D. Mag #2 (-14)

206. Scarlett H. (-14)

210. Alyssa B. (-16)

210. Josiah T. (-16)

210. Missy W. #2 (-16)

210. Brett G. (Devils) (-16)

210. Melissa M. (-16)

215. Amber D. (-18)

215. Chris M. (-18)

215. Shawn D. (-18)

215. Daisy N. #5 (-18)

215. Wayne D. #5 (-18)

215. Mason A. #1 (-18)

215. Charlotte N. (-18)

222. Paul K. #1 (-20)

222. Pete J. #6 (-20)

224. Henry A. (-22)

224. Tim Dz. #2 (-22)

226. Jacob A. (-24)

226. Moochie #4 (-24)

228. Jaxon S. (-26)

228. Daisy N. #11 (-26)

228. Moochie #1 (-26)

228. Bryce S. (-26)

232. Kevin F. #1 (-28)

232. Brett G. (Quinnie) (-28)

232. Harrell R. #4 (-28)

235. Klei R. #2 (-32)

236. Eric V. (-36)

236. Adalyn H. (-36)

236. Steve Dz. #1 (-36)

236. DESGRU8 (Dan Dz.) (-36)

240. Klei R. #3 (-38)

240. Mark B. (-38)

242. Faye N. (-40)

243. Baily T. (-42)

243. Noah G. (-42)

245. Ryan W. (-44)

245. Daisy N. #7 (-44)

247. Wayne D. #2 (-46)

247. Kristina H. (-46)

247. Christopher K. (-46)

247. Elizabeth N. #2 (-46)

251. Pete J. #5 (-48)

252. Hutch H. #1 (-50)

253. Howard S. #1 (-52)

253. Elizabeth P. #3 (-52)

253. Pete J. #2 (-52)

256. Constance McA. (-58)

257. D. Mag #1 (-62)

257. Matt M. (-62)

259. Kiah H. #2 (-64)

259. D. Mag #4 (-64)

261. Finn D. (-68)

262. Karen C. (-72)

262. Dianna A. (-72)

262. Moochie #3 (-72)

265. Noah N. (-74)

265. Josh C. (-74)

267. Stephen C. (-78)

268. Marshmellow (Nik B.) (-80)

269. Mustard (Nikolajs B.) (-88)

269. Damien R. #4 (-88)

271. Brandie H. (-90)

271. Ali A. #2 (-90)

273. Amanda R. (-104)

274. Ali A. #1 (-128)

Here’s who we lost in the Midwest:

Chris E.: 12 (-8) - Utah State / Creighton / Creighton

Chris T.: 13 (-3) - Gonzaga / Creighton / Creighton

Connor W.: 11 (-9) - Utah State / Tennessee / Tennessee

Moochie #5: 13 (-3) - Gonzaga / Creighton / Creighton

…and the remaining live brackets in the Midwest:

Alyssa B.: 14 (-2) - Gonzaga / Creighton / Gonzaga


CAAT #3: 15 (-1) - Purdue / Tennessee / Tennessee


CAAT #4: 15 (-1) - Purdue / Tennessee / Tennessee


Chris L. #4: 15 (-1) - Purdue / Tennessee / Tennessee


D. Mag #1: 15 (-1) - Gonzaga / Creighton / Creighton


Dan L. #1: 15 (-1) - Purdue / Tennessee / Tennessee


Mark A.: 16 (0) - Purdue / Creighton / Purdue


Mason A. #2: 15 (-1) - Gonzaga / Tennessee / Tennessee


Matt H.: 14 (-2) - Gonzaga / Tennessee / Gonzaga


Michelle L. #2: 16 (0) - Purdue / Creighton / Purdue


Michelle L. #3: 16 (0) - Purdue / Creighton / Creighton


Michelle L. #4: 16 (0) - Purdue / Tennessee / Purdue


Mitchell S.: 15 (-1) - Gonzaga / Tennessee / Tennessee


Patrick McC. #1: 16 (0) - Purdue / Creighton / Purdue


Pete J. #1: 15 (-1) - Purdue / Tennessee / Tennessee


Rich F.: 15 (-1) - Gonzaga / Tennessee / Tennessee


Scott H. #2: 15 (-1) - Gonzaga / Tennessee / Tennessee


Good luck everyone!!!!

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