It finally happened, and I feel totally vindicated. Up until now, the only upsets have been for teams that were supposed to lose in the next round anyway based on the seeds. For instance, BYU lost, but they were a 6 seed. They were supposed to lose to Illinois in the next round. It’s always much more exciting when a team loses that was supposed to win more than one game. Enter Kentucky.
I know I said earlier that one of the #14 seeds was going to
win, I just didn’t know which one. Well,
I guess it’s Oakland. A grand total of
13 people got points for that one.
Sadly, what often happens in games like this, the effect is not so much
the 1 point those people won. Often
times, people that pick teams like Oakland also have a lot of other whacky
stuff that doesn’t actually happen. It
takes a lot of discipline to pick nothing but chalk, but then also pick
Kentucky to lose. Nobody really does
that. The impact to the tournament is
how much damage it does to the people that had Kentucky. If you are lucky, you had them losing in the
next round. If you are really unlucky,
like 48 people, you had them in the Final 4.
Or even worse, you were one of the 8 people that had them winning it
This is where the net points rankings really make a
difference. They are there to indicate
how healthy your bracket it. Because it
is points won minus points lost, if you had Kentucky going really far, you lost
a lot points and you are much, much lower.
Anyway, I’m super excited about watching Oakland again. Anytime you can watch a guy make 10 3s in a
game, it’s super exciting. I also like
when the people in the crowd that are there to watch the second game start
rooting for the upset. That is one of
the best times of the tournament. It’s
so fun. Plus, really, who roots for
Kentucky? It’s like rooting for
Goliath. Nobody does that.
All the other games were pretty much trash. McNeese St. killed a lot of contrarians. They were never in that game. Neither were South Dakota State. Colorado State switched jerseys with Virginia
after beating them in the first 4. I don’t
think I’ve ever seen a game with 11 points scored at halftime. Just tough to watch.
I feel like it goes without saying, but we no longer have a
perfect bracket.
Here are the updated standings. I realized that I had two Ryan G’s. I switched one to Ryan Green.
1. Derek B.: 11 (-1) - North
Carolina |
1. Ryan Green: 11 (-1) - Houston |
3. D. Mag #1: 11 (-7) - Auburn |
4. Becky H.: 10 (-2) - Purdue |
4. Daisy N. #3: 10 (-2) - Houston |
4. Daisy N. #4: 10 (-2) -
Connecticut |
4. Daisy N. #9: 10 (-2) - Houston |
8. Bryce O.: 10 (-4) - Houston |
8. Dawn T.: 10 (-4) - North Carolina |
8. Mark A.: 10 (-4) - Arizona |
8. Missy W. #1: 10 (-4) - Marquette |
8. Scott H. #1: 10 (-4) -
Connecticut |
8. Szecho L.: 10 (-4) - Houston |
14. Ally H.: 10 (-8) - Purdue |
14. Daisy N. #1: 10 (-8) -
Connecticut |
14. Danielle A.: 10 (-8) -
Connecticut |
14. Jackson I.: 10 (-8) - Tennessee |
14. Michelle L. #1: 10 (-8) -
Connecticut |
14. Michelle L. #3: 10 (-8) -
Houston |
14. Michelle L. #4: 10 (-8) - Purdue |
14. Patrick McC. #1: 10 (-8) -
Connecticut |
22. Alyssa B.: 10 (-32) - Arizona |
22. Matt W.: 10 (-32) - Arizona |
22. Michelle L. #2: 10 (-32) - North
Carolina |
22. Paul K. #1: 10 (-32) - North
Carolina |
26. Moochie #1: 10 (-46) - North
Carolina |
27. Ryan W.: 10 (-64) - Kentucky |
28. Brett G. (Sleeper): 9 (-3) -
Iowa State |
28. Brian K.: 9 (-3) - Illinois |
28. Dan L. #1: 9 (-3) - Tennessee |
28. Dave A.: 9 (-3) - Purdue |
28. Josh V.: 9 (-3) - Connecticut |
28. Kirt R. #2: 9 (-3) - Purdue |
28. Legend of Zelli: 9 (-3) - Duke |
28. Paul W.: 9 (-3) - North Carolina |
36. Andrew D. #1: 9 (-5) - Houston |
36. Andrew D. #2: 9 (-5) - Houston |
36. Brent E. #1: 9 (-5) - Houston |
36. Brent E. #2: 9 (-5) - North
Carolina |
36. Brett G. (Upset): 9 (-5) -
Connecticut |
36. Chris E.: 9 (-5) - Marquette |
36. Christopher K.: 9 (-5) -
Illinois |
36. Chun W. #2: 9 (-5) - North
Carolina |
36. Daisy N. #8: 9 (-5) - Tennessee |
36. Dan Dug. #2: 9 (-5) - North
Carolina |
36. Eric G.: 9 (-5) - Houston |
36. Ken Pom: 9 (-5) - Connecticut |
36. Rich F.: 9 (-5) - Marquette |
36. Scott H. #2: 9 (-5) - Houston |
36. Scott K. #1: 9 (-5) - Tennessee |
36. Shawn D.: 9 (-5) - Purdue |
36. Steve Dz. #2: 9 (-5) - Illinois |
36. Tim N.: 9 (-5) - Marquette |
36. Tomas L.: 9 (-5) - Houston |
55. Deanna T.: 9 (-7) - Purdue |
56. Brandon B. #1: 9 (-9) -
Connecticut |
56. Brent E. #3: 9 (-9) -
Connecticut |
56. Brent E. #4: 9 (-9) -
Connecticut |
56. Colston W.: 9 (-9) - Connecticut |
56. Damien R. #1: 9 (-9) - Houston |
56. Damien R. #2: 9 (-9) -
Connecticut |
56. Howard S. #1: 9 (-9) - Auburn |
56. John A. #2: 9 (-9) - Houston |
56. John Mack #1: 9 (-9) -
Connecticut |
56. John N.: 9 (-9) - San Diego
State |
56. Kiah H. #1: 9 (-9) - Houston |
56. Kirt R. #1: 9 (-9) - Houston |
56. Marc R.: 9 (-9) - Arizona |
56. Patrick McC. #2: 9 (-9) -
Connecticut |
56. Scott K. #2: 9 (-9) - Houston |
71. Chris M.: 9 (-11) - Houston |
71. Craig G.: 9 (-11) - Purdue |
71. Dennis R.: 9 (-11) - Connecticut |
71. Kevin F. #1: 9 (-11) -
Connecticut |
71. Kevin F. #2: 9 (-11) - Purdue |
71. Mason A. #2: 9 (-11) - North
Carolina |
71. Mustard (Nikolajs B.): 9 (-11) -
Oregon |
78. Brandon H. #2: 9 (-13) - Arizona |
79. Gary W.: 9 (-15) - Arizona |
79. Klei R. #3: 9 (-15) - Purdue |
81. April K.: 9 (-17) - Purdue |
81. Dan L. #2: 9 (-17) - Purdue |
81. Irene H. #4: 9 (-17) - Arizona |
81. Off Efficiency: 9 (-17) -
Connecticut |
85. Chun W. #1: 9 (-23) - Tennessee |
86. Luis B. #3: 9 (-33) -
Connecticut |
87. Mark B.: 9 (-35) - Connecticut |
88. Daisy N. #7: 9 (-65) - Kentucky |
89. Noah G.: 9 (-67) - Kentucky |
90. Elizabeth P. #3: 9 (-71) -
Kentucky |
91. Brooklynn B.: 8 (-4) - Purdue |
91. Def Efficiency: 8 (-4) - Iowa
State |
91. Eric S. #2: 8 (-4) - Purdue |
91. Joe C.: 8 (-4) - Houston |
91. Mike W.: 8 (-4) - Iowa State |
91. Nate R.: 8 (-4) - Houston |
97. Brad E.: 8 (-6) - Purdue |
97. Connor W.: 8 (-6) - Houston |
97. Daisy N. #6: 8 (-6) - Iowa State |
97. Daniel E.: 8 (-6) - Arizona |
97. David F. #2: 8 (-6) -
Connecticut |
97. Eric V.: 8 (-6) - Auburn |
97. Gutless Bracket: 8 (-6) -
Connecticut |
97. Jared V.: 8 (-6) - Connecticut |
97. Jim W.: 8 (-6) - North Carolina |
97. Kealoha G.: 8 (-6) - North
Carolina |
97. Kristin G.: 8 (-6) - Houston |
97. Mary Lou H.: 8 (-6) - Houston |
97. Michael S. #2: 8 (-6) - Purdue |
97. Tim Dz. #1: 8 (-6) - Connecticut |
97. Wayne D. #3: 8 (-6) - Purdue |
97. Zach V.: 8 (-6) - Connecticut |
113. Ali A. #1: 8 (-8) - Washington
State |
113. Derek H.: 8 (-8) - Connecticut |
113. Tyler C.: 8 (-8) - Houston |
113. Valerie D.: 8 (-8) -
Connecticut |
117. CAAT #1: 8 (-10) - Connecticut |
117. CAAT #3: 8 (-10) - Connecticut |
117. CAAT #4: 8 (-10) - Connecticut |
117. CAAT #5: 8 (-10) - Connecticut |
117. D. Mag #3: 8 (-10) -
Connecticut |
117. Daisy N. #12: 8 (-10) -
Tennessee |
117. Dan Dug. #1: 8 (-10) -
Connecticut |
117. Dan Mck.: 8 (-10) - Purdue |
117. Hutch H. #1: 8 (-10) - Kansas |
117. Irene H. #2: 8 (-10) - Houston |
117. John A. #1: 8 (-10) - Houston |
117. Larry G. #2: 8 (-10) -
Connecticut |
117. Luis B. #2: 8 (-10) -
Connecticut |
117. Michelle L. #5: 8 (-10) -
Alabama |
117. Mike V.: 8 (-10) - Connecticut |
117. Miles D.: 8 (-10) - Arizona |
117. Mitchell S.: 8 (-10) - North
Carolina |
117. Niren D.: 8 (-10) - Connecticut |
117. Pete J. #1: 8 (-10) -
Connecticut |
117. Pete J. #5: 8 (-10) - Auburn |
117. Ryan G.: 8 (-10) - Purdue |
117. Shanky G.: 8 (-10) -
Connecticut |
117. Vang L.: 8 (-10) - Iowa State |
117. Veronica G.: 8 (-10) - Houston |
141. Greg R.: 8 (-12) - Purdue |
141. Irene H. #7: 8 (-12) -
Connecticut |
141. Michael S. #1: 8 (-12) -
Connecticut |
141. Moochie #5: 8 (-12) -
Connecticut |
141. Pete J. #3: 8 (-12) - Houston |
146. Carlo G.: 8 (-16) - Connecticut |
146. Dianna A.: 8 (-16) - Kansas |
146. Dylan B.: 8 (-16) - Houston |
146. Klei R. #1: 8 (-16) - Houston |
146. Stephen C.: 8 (-16) - Nebraska |
151. D. Mag #2: 8 (-18) - North
Carolina |
151. Jaxon S.: 8 (-18) - Purdue |
153. Moochie #4: 8 (-20) -
Connecticut |
153. Pete J. #4: 8 (-20) - Tennessee |
153. Wayne D. #1: 8 (-20) - North
Carolina |
156. Daisy N. #10: 8 (-22) - Arizona |
157. Brent S. #1: 8 (-34) -
Connecticut |
158. Amber D.: 8 (-36) - Connecticut |
158. Daisy N. #11: 8 (-36) -
Connecticut |
158. DESGRU8 (Dan Dz.): 8 (-36)
- North Carolina |
158. Elizabeth N. #2: 8 (-36) -
North Carolina |
158. Jacob A.: 8 (-36) - Iowa State |
158. Luis B. #1: 8 (-36) -
Connecticut |
158. Pat K.: 8 (-36) - Connecticut |
165. Moochie #3: 8 (-38) - James
Madison |
166. Elizabeth N. #1: 8 (-40) -
Connecticut |
167. Marshmellow (Nik B.): 8 (-68) -
Howard / Wagner |
168. Noah N.: 8 (-70) - Kentucky |
168. Pete J. #2: 8 (-70) - Kentucky |
170. Baily T.: 8 (-72) - South
Carolina |
171. Cicely K.: 7 (-5) - North
Carolina |
171. Dustin B.: 7 (-5) - Creighton |
171. Elliot N.: 7 (-5) - Connecticut |
171. John E. #2: 7 (-5) - Purdue |
175. Adam E.: 7 (-7) - North
Carolina |
175. Andy L.: 7 (-7) - Purdue |
175. Chris T.: 7 (-7) - North
Carolina |
175. Emily T.: 7 (-7) - Arizona |
175. Hutch H. #2: 7 (-7) - Houston |
175. Irene H. #6: 7 (-7) - North
Carolina |
175. John E. #1: 7 (-7) - Houston |
175. Kim F.: 7 (-7) - Creighton |
175. Larry G. #1: 7 (-7) - Purdue |
175. Mario M.: 7 (-7) - Tennessee |
185. Brad R.: 7 (-9) - Connecticut |
185. Brett W.: 7 (-9) - Arizona |
185. Brooke M. #2: 7 (-9) - Arizona |
185. Bryce S.: 7 (-9) - Creighton |
185. Henry A.: 7 (-9) - Connecticut |
185. Melody K.: 7 (-9) - Connecticut |
185. Paul K. #2: 7 (-9) - Illinois |
192. Brett G. (Devils): 7 (-11) -
Houston |
192. Chris L. #1: 7 (-11) -
Connecticut |
192. Chris L. #2: 7 (-11) - Purdue |
192. Chris L. #3: 7 (-11) - North
Carolina |
192. Chris L. #4: 7 (-11) - North
Carolina |
192. Damien R. #3: 7 (-11) - Houston |
192. Jay B. - ESPN: 7 (-11) -
Connecticut |
192. Jay H. #2: 7 (-11) -
Connecticut |
192. Josiah T.: 7 (-11) - North
Carolina |
192. Kyle V.: 7 (-11) - Houston |
192. Mike N.: 7 (-11) - Connecticut |
192. Nick I.: 7 (-11) - Purdue |
192. Wayne D. #5: 7 (-11) - Houston |
205. Amanda R.: 7 (-13) - Wisconsin |
205. Brandie H.: 7 (-13) - Nebraska |
205. CAAT #2: 7 (-13) - Connecticut |
205. Daisy N. #2: 7 (-13) - Purdue |
205. Dan P.: 7 (-13) - Connecticut |
205. Guillermo V.: 7 (-13) -
Connecticut |
205. James G.: 7 (-13) - Connecticut |
205. Jim D. #1: 7 (-13) -
Connecticut |
205. Klei R. #2: 7 (-13) - Purdue |
205. Larry G. #4: 7 (-13) -
Tennessee |
205. Matt H.: 7 (-13) - Connecticut |
205. Seth D.: 7 (-13) - Connecticut |
205. Wayne D. #2: 7 (-13) - Auburn |
218. Constance McA.: 7 (-15) -
Gonzaga |
218. Finn D.: 7 (-15) - Kansas |
220. Grant F.: 7 (-17) - Houston |
220. Stefon K.: 7 (-17) - Purdue |
222. Brent S. #2: 7 (-19) -
Connecticut |
222. Howard S. #2: 7 (-19) - Purdue |
222. Missy W. #2: 7 (-19) -
Tennessee |
225. Ali A. #2: 7 (-21) - Arizona |
225. Ben S.: 7 (-21) - Connecticut |
227. Daisy N. #5: 7 (-25) - North
Carolina |
227. Mason A. #1: 7 (-25) -
Connecticut |
229. David F. #1: 7 (-27) - Purdue |
230. Adam S.: 7 (-29) - North
Carolina |
231. Gigi I.: 7 (-31) - Arizona |
231. Josh C.: 7 (-31) - Auburn |
233. Adalyn H.: 7 (-33) - Purdue |
234. Brandon B. #2: 7 (-37) - North
Carolina |
235. Pete J. #6: 7 (-41) -
Connecticut |
236. Steve Dz. #1: 7 (-51) - Iowa
State |
237. Kristina H.: 7 (-73) - Kentucky |
238. Karen C.: 7 (-85) - Kentucky |
239. Larry G. #3: 6 (-6) - Purdue |
240. Brandon H. #1: 6 (-8) - Houston |
240. Wayne D. #4: 6 (-8) - Purdue |
242. Harrell R. #1: 6 (-10) - North
Carolina |
242. Harrell R. #2: 6 (-10) - NC
State |
242. Matt N.: 6 (-10) - Purdue |
245. Charlotte N.: 6 (-12) - San
Diego State |
245. D. Mag #4: 6 (-12) - Illinois |
245. Dirk F.: 6 (-12) - Purdue |
245. Irene H. #1: 6 (-12) -
Connecticut |
245. Jay H. #1: 6 (-12) - Houston |
245. Jim D. #2: 6 (-12) - Houston |
245. Rob C.: 6 (-12) - Connecticut |
245. Tim Dz. #2: 6 (-12) - Arizona |
253. Brooke M. #1: 6 (-14) - Houston |
253. Harrell R. #3: 6 (-14) -
Tennessee |
253. Luis B. #5: 6 (-14) -
Connecticut |
256. Eric S. #1: 6 (-16) - Houston |
256. Jared B.: 6 (-16) - Iowa State |
256. Moochie #2: 6 (-16) - Tennessee |
256. Roth W.: 6 (-16) - Houston |
260. Kiah H. #2: 6 (-18) - Texas
Tech |
261. John Mack #2: 6 (-22) - Purdue |
262. Irene H. #5: 6 (-24) -
Tennessee |
263. Beau H.: 6 (-26) - Alabama |
264. Brett G. (Quinnie): 6 (-34) -
Arizona |
265. Harrell R. #4: 6 (-38) - Iowa
State |
266. Damien R. #4: 6 (-72) - Long
Beach State |
267. Chrissy I.: 5 (-11) - Arizona |
267. Irene H. #3: 5 (-11) - Purdue |
269. Matt M.: 5 (-13) - Auburn |
270. Rob I.: 5 (-15) - Arizona |
271. Scarlett H.: 5 (-19) - Houston |
272. Melissa M.: 5 (-21) -
Connecticut |
273. Faye N.: 5 (-29) - Texas
A&M |
274. Luis B. #4: 5 (-39) -
Connecticut |
..and the net points:
1. Derek B. (10) |
1. Ryan Green (10) |
3. Becky H. (8) |
3. Daisy N. #3 (8) |
3. Daisy N. #4 (8) |
3. Daisy N. #9 (8) |
7. Bryce O. (6) |
7. Dawn T. (6) |
7. Mark A. (6) |
7. Missy W. #1 (6) |
7. Scott H. #1 (6) |
7. Szecho L. (6) |
7. Brett G. (Sleeper) (6) |
7. Brian K. (6) |
7. Dan L. #1 (6) |
7. Dave A. (6) |
7. Josh V. (6) |
7. Kirt R. #2 (6) |
7. Legend of Zelli (6) |
7. Paul W. (6) |
21. D. Mag #1 (4) |
21. Andrew D. #1 (4) |
21. Andrew D. #2 (4) |
21. Brent E. #1 (4) |
21. Brent E. #2 (4) |
21. Brett G. (Upset) (4) |
21. Chris E. (4) |
21. Christopher K. (4) |
21. Chun W. #2 (4) |
21. Daisy N. #8 (4) |
21. Dan Dug. #2 (4) |
21. Eric G. (4) |
21. Ken Pom (4) |
21. Rich F. (4) |
21. Scott H. #2 (4) |
21. Scott K. #1 (4) |
21. Shawn D. (4) |
21. Steve Dz. #2 (4) |
21. Tim N. (4) |
21. Tomas L. (4) |
21. Brooklynn B. (4) |
21. Def Efficiency (4) |
21. Eric S. #2 (4) |
21. Joe C. (4) |
21. Mike W. (4) |
21. Nate R. (4) |
47. Ally H. (2) |
47. Daisy N. #1 (2) |
47. Danielle A. (2) |
47. Jackson I. (2) |
47. Michelle L. #1 (2) |
47. Michelle L. #3 (2) |
47. Michelle L. #4 (2) |
47. Patrick McC. #1 (2) |
47. Deanna T. (2) |
47. Brad E. (2) |
47. Connor W. (2) |
47. Daisy N. #6 (2) |
47. Daniel E. (2) |
47. David F. #2 (2) |
47. Eric V. (2) |
47. Gutless Bracket (2) |
47. Jared V. (2) |
47. Jim W. (2) |
47. Kealoha G. (2) |
47. Kristin G. (2) |
47. Mary Lou H. (2) |
47. Michael S. #2 (2) |
47. Tim Dz. #1 (2) |
47. Wayne D. #3 (2) |
47. Zach V. (2) |
47. Cicely K. (2) |
47. Dustin B. (2) |
47. Elliot N. (2) |
47. John E. #2 (2) |
76. Brandon B. #1 (0) |
76. Brent E. #3 (0) |
76. Brent E. #4 (0) |
76. Colston W. (0) |
76. Damien R. #1 (0) |
76. Damien R. #2 (0) |
76. Howard S. #1 (0) |
76. John A. #2 (0) |
76. John Mack #1 (0) |
76. John N. (0) |
76. Kiah H. #1 (0) |
76. Kirt R. #1 (0) |
76. Marc R. (0) |
76. Patrick McC. #2 (0) |
76. Scott K. #2 (0) |
76. Ali A. #1 (0) |
76. Derek H. (0) |
76. Tyler C. (0) |
76. Valerie D. (0) |
76. Adam E. (0) |
76. Andy L. (0) |
76. Chris T. (0) |
76. Emily T. (0) |
76. Hutch H. #2 (0) |
76. Irene H. #6 (0) |
76. John E. #1 (0) |
76. Kim F. (0) |
76. Larry G. #1 (0) |
76. Mario M. (0) |
76. Larry G. #3 (0) |
106. Chris M. (-2) |
106. Craig G. (-2) |
106. Dennis R. (-2) |
106. Kevin F. #1 (-2) |
106. Kevin F. #2 (-2) |
106. Mason A. #2 (-2) |
106. Mustard (Nikolajs B.) (-2) |
106. CAAT #1 (-2) |
106. CAAT #3 (-2) |
106. CAAT #4 (-2) |
106. CAAT #5 (-2) |
106. D. Mag #3 (-2) |
106. Daisy N. #12 (-2) |
106. Dan Dug. #1 (-2) |
106. Dan Mck. (-2) |
106. Hutch H. #1 (-2) |
106. Irene H. #2 (-2) |
106. John A. #1 (-2) |
106. Larry G. #2 (-2) |
106. Luis B. #2 (-2) |
106. Michelle L. #5 (-2) |
106. Mike V. (-2) |
106. Miles D. (-2) |
106. Mitchell S. (-2) |
106. Niren D. (-2) |
106. Pete J. #1 (-2) |
106. Pete J. #5 (-2) |
106. Ryan G. (-2) |
106. Shanky G. (-2) |
106. Vang L. (-2) |
106. Veronica G. (-2) |
106. Brad R. (-2) |
106. Brett W. (-2) |
106. Brooke M. #2 (-2) |
106. Bryce S. (-2) |
106. Henry A. (-2) |
106. Melody K. (-2) |
106. Paul K. #2 (-2) |
106. Brandon H. #1 (-2) |
106. Wayne D. #4 (-2) |
146. Brandon H. #2 (-4) |
146. Greg R. (-4) |
146. Irene H. #7 (-4) |
146. Michael S. #1 (-4) |
146. Moochie #5 (-4) |
146. Pete J. #3 (-4) |
146. Brett G. (Devils) (-4) |
146. Chris L. #1 (-4) |
146. Chris L. #2 (-4) |
146. Chris L. #3 (-4) |
146. Chris L. #4 (-4) |
146. Damien R. #3 (-4) |
146. Jay B. - ESPN (-4) |
146. Jay H. #2 (-4) |
146. Josiah T. (-4) |
146. Kyle V. (-4) |
146. Mike N. (-4) |
146. Nick I. (-4) |
146. Wayne D. #5 (-4) |
146. Harrell R. #1 (-4) |
146. Harrell R. #2 (-4) |
146. Matt N. (-4) |
168. Gary W. (-6) |
168. Klei R. #3 (-6) |
168. Amanda R. (-6) |
168. Brandie H. (-6) |
168. CAAT #2 (-6) |
168. Daisy N. #2 (-6) |
168. Dan P. (-6) |
168. Guillermo V. (-6) |
168. James G. (-6) |
168. Jim D. #1 (-6) |
168. Klei R. #2 (-6) |
168. Larry G. #4 (-6) |
168. Matt H. (-6) |
168. Seth D. (-6) |
168. Wayne D. #2 (-6) |
168. Charlotte N. (-6) |
168. D. Mag #4 (-6) |
168. Dirk F. (-6) |
168. Irene H. #1 (-6) |
168. Jay H. #1 (-6) |
168. Jim D. #2 (-6) |
168. Rob C. (-6) |
168. Tim Dz. #2 (-6) |
168. Chrissy I. (-6) |
168. Irene H. #3 (-6) |
193. April K. (-8) |
193. Dan L. #2 (-8) |
193. Irene H. #4 (-8) |
193. Off Efficiency (-8) |
193. Carlo G. (-8) |
193. Dianna A. (-8) |
193. Dylan B. (-8) |
193. Klei R. #1 (-8) |
193. Stephen C. (-8) |
193. Constance McA. (-8) |
193. Finn D. (-8) |
193. Brooke M. #1 (-8) |
193. Harrell R. #3 (-8) |
193. Luis B. #5 (-8) |
193. Matt M. (-8) |
208. D. Mag #2 (-10) |
208. Jaxon S. (-10) |
208. Grant F. (-10) |
208. Stefon K. (-10) |
208. Eric S. #1 (-10) |
208. Jared B. (-10) |
208. Moochie #2 (-10) |
208. Roth W. (-10) |
208. Rob I. (-10) |
217. Moochie #4 (-12) |
217. Pete J. #4 (-12) |
217. Wayne D. #1 (-12) |
217. Brent S. #2 (-12) |
217. Howard S. #2 (-12) |
217. Missy W. #2 (-12) |
217. Kiah H. #2 (-12) |
224. Chun W. #1 (-14) |
224. Daisy N. #10 (-14) |
224. Ali A. #2 (-14) |
224. Ben S. (-14) |
224. Scarlett H. (-14) |
229. John Mack #2 (-16) |
229. Melissa M. (-16) |
231. Daisy N. #5 (-18) |
231. Mason A. #1 (-18) |
231. Irene H. #5 (-18) |
234. David F. #1 (-20) |
234. Beau H. (-20) |
236. Alyssa B. (-22) |
236. Matt W. (-22) |
236. Michelle L. #2 (-22) |
236. Paul K. #1 (-22) |
236. Adam S. (-22) |
241. Luis B. #3 (-24) |
241. Gigi I. (-24) |
241. Josh C. (-24) |
241. Faye N. (-24) |
245. Mark B. (-26) |
245. Brent S. #1 (-26) |
245. Adalyn H. (-26) |
248. Amber D. (-28) |
248. Daisy N. #11 (-28) |
248. DESGRU8 (Dan Dz.) (-28) |
248. Elizabeth N. #2 (-28) |
248. Jacob A. (-28) |
248. Luis B. #1 (-28) |
248. Pat K. (-28) |
248. Brett G. (Quinnie) (-28) |
256. Moochie #3 (-30) |
256. Brandon B. #2 (-30) |
258. Elizabeth N. #1 (-32) |
One las t 258. Harrell R. #4 (-32) |
260. Pete J. #6 (-34) |
260. Luis B. #4 (-34) |
262. Moochie #1 (-36) |
263. Steve Dz. #1 (-44) |
264. Ryan W. (-54) |
265. Daisy N. #7 (-56) |
266. Noah G. (-58) |
267. Marshmellow (Nik B.) (-60) |
268. Elizabeth P. #3 (-62) |
268. Noah N. (-62) |
268. Pete J. #2 (-62) |
271. Baily T. (-64) |
272. Kristina H. (-66) |
272. Damien R. #4 (-66) |
274. Karen C. (-78) |
One last set of 4 games to go:
Game 13
Tennessee v St. Peter’s
Vegas Line: Tennessee -21
Picks for Tennessee: 264
Picks for St. Peter’s: 10
I have this game on, and it’s as if a train wreck ignited a
dumpster fire. This is not the same St.
Peter’s team that made the Elite 8 2 years ago.
I mean, it’s technically the same school, but you know what I mean.
Game 14
Texas Tech v NC State
Vegas Line: Texas Tech -5
Picks for Texas Tech: 145
Picks for NC State: 128
I’m totally meh about this game. It should be close, but these games where
mid-conference teams from power 5 conferences don’t get me too excited. There should be a lot of red worn. I guess I’ll root for the Wolfpack to spring
the upset. I’d say that the winner has
to feel pretty good that they won’t have to face Kentucky. Then again, are they really that lucky. The team they played just outplayed Kentucky
for 40 minutes. Not so sure I’d feel too
chesty about rolling over them.
Game 15
Kansas v Samford
Vegas Line: Kansas -7.5
Picks for Kansas: 211
Picks for Samford: 63
I have no idea what kind of Kansas team we are going to see
here. They are missing one of their best
players, and another of their better players had a separated shoulder not too
long ago. Normally Kansas is a good bet
to go far in the tournament, but this year?
Who knows. I think because of the
injured, people were willing to take a chance on them losing to Samford. Maybe not the worst bet. Potentially, if they do wind up winning, they
may lose to Gonzaga, so you may only lose 1 point to the field. I bet people aren’t thinking that
I know absolutely nothing about Samford, other than they are
definitely not Stanford.
Game 16
Washington State v Drake
Vegas Line: Drake -1.5
Picks for Washington State: 107
Picks for Drake: 167
You know what I was saying earlier about people really
wanting to pick upsets, but not wanting to take too big of a chance. Case in point… Drake would technically be an upset by the
seeds, but they are favored in Vegas and more people picked them to win. Seems like an easy way to take a measured
chance. The winner gets Iowa State, so
this may just be a fun watch to end the day.
Good luck!!!!
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