Thursday, March 21, 2024

NCAA Day 1 - 6 games in

 OK, we are now 6 games into the tournament and things have largely calmed down in terms of upsets.  The last 4 games were all won by the favorites, with three of them covering the spread.  Most of the games were at least close at halftime, but almost none of them were close with 10 minutes to go in the game.  On the plus side, that means more points for everyone.

Through 6 games, there are still 30 perfect brackets.  I’m guessing we’ll lose a bunch of those as the Oregon / South Carolina and Dayton / Nevada games finish.  Right now, the grneric bracket is looking pretty smart as Oregon and Nevada are both winning.

Here is the updated points standings:

1. Adam S.: 6 (0) - North Carolina

1. Ally H.: 6 (0) - Purdue

1. April K.: 6 (0) - Purdue

1. Becky H.: 6 (0) - Purdue

1. Colston W.: 6 (0) - Connecticut

1. D. Mag #1: 6 (0) - Auburn

1. Dan Dug. #2: 6 (0) - North Carolina

1. Dawn T.: 6 (0) - North Carolina

1. Def Efficiency: 6 (0) - Iowa State

1. Derek B.: 6 (0) - North Carolina

1. Derek H.: 6 (0) - Connecticut

1. Dylan B.: 6 (0) - Houston

1. Jackson I.: 6 (0) - Tennessee

1. John A. #2: 6 (0) - Houston

1. Josh V.: 6 (0) - Connecticut

1. Kevin F. #1: 6 (0) - Connecticut

1. Kevin F. #2: 6 (0) - Purdue

1. Marc R.: 6 (0) - Arizona

1. Mark B.: 6 (0) - Connecticut

1. Matt W.: 6 (0) - Arizona

1. Michael S. #1: 6 (0) - Connecticut

1. Michael S. #2: 6 (0) - Purdue

1. Patrick McC. #1: 6 (0) - Connecticut

1. Paul K. #1: 6 (0) - North Carolina

1. Ryan G.: 6 (0) - Houston

1. Ryan G.: 6 (0) - Purdue

1. Ryan W.: 6 (0) - Kentucky

1. Scott H. #1: 6 (0) - Connecticut

1. Scott K. #2: 6 (0) - Houston

1. Wayne D. #1: 6 (0) - North Carolina

31. Alyssa B.: 5 (-1) - Arizona

31. Amber D.: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Andrew D. #1: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. Andrew D. #2: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. Andy L.: 5 (-1) - Purdue

31. Baily T.: 5 (-1) - South Carolina

31. Brad E.: 5 (-1) - Purdue

31. Brandon B. #1: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Brent E. #1: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. Brent E. #2: 5 (-1) - North Carolina

31. Brent E. #3: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Brent E. #4: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Brent S. #1: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Brett G. (Sleeper): 5 (-1) - Iowa State

31. Brian K.: 5 (-1) - Illinois

31. CAAT #1: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. CAAT #2: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. CAAT #3: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. CAAT #4: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. CAAT #5: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Chris E.: 5 (-1) - Marquette

31. Christopher K.: 5 (-1) - Illinois

31. Chun W. #2: 5 (-1) - North Carolina

31. Connor W.: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. Craig G.: 5 (-1) - Purdue

31. Daisy N. #1: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Daisy N. #3: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. Daisy N. #4: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Daisy N. #7: 5 (-1) - Kentucky

31. Daisy N. #9: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. Damien R. #1: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. Damien R. #2: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Dan Dug. #1: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Dan L. #1: 5 (-1) - Tennessee

31. Dan L. #2: 5 (-1) - Purdue

31. Danielle A.: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Dave A.: 5 (-1) - Purdue

31. David F. #2: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Dennis R.: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. DESGRU8 (Dan Dz.): 5 (-1) - North Carolina

31. Eric G.: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. Eric S. #2: 5 (-1) - Purdue

31. Eric V.: 5 (-1) - Auburn

31. Greg R.: 5 (-1) - Purdue

31. Howard S. #1: 5 (-1) - Auburn

31. Howard S. #2: 5 (-1) - Purdue

31. Hutch H. #1: 5 (-1) - Kansas

31. Irene H. #2: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. Jared V.: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Jaxon S.: 5 (-1) - Purdue

31. Jim D. #2: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. Joe C.: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. John A. #1: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. John N.: 5 (-1) - San Diego State

31. Kealoha G.: 5 (-1) - North Carolina

31. Ken Pom: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Kiah H. #1: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. Kim F.: 5 (-1) - Creighton

31. Kirt R. #1: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. Kirt R. #2: 5 (-1) - Purdue

31. Kristin G.: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. Legend of Zelli: 5 (-1) - Duke

31. Luis B. #1: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Luis B. #3: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Mark A.: 5 (-1) - Arizona

31. Mason A. #2: 5 (-1) - North Carolina

31. Matt N.: 5 (-1) - Purdue

31. Michelle L. #1: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Michelle L. #2: 5 (-1) - North Carolina

31. Michelle L. #3: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. Michelle L. #4: 5 (-1) - Purdue

31. Michelle L. #5: 5 (-1) - Alabama

31. Mike N.: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Mike V.: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Mike W.: 5 (-1) - Iowa State

31. Missy W. #1: 5 (-1) - Marquette

31. Mitchell S.: 5 (-1) - North Carolina

31. Mustard (Nikolajs B.): 5 (-1) - Oregon

31. Nate R.: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. Niren D.: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Noah G.: 5 (-1) - Kentucky

31. Off Efficiency: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Patrick McC. #2: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Paul K. #2: 5 (-1) - Illinois

31. Pete J. #2: 5 (-1) - Kentucky

31. Pete J. #3: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. Pete J. #5: 5 (-1) - Auburn

31. Rich F.: 5 (-1) - Marquette

31. Scott H. #2: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. Scott K. #1: 5 (-1) - Tennessee

31. Shanky G.: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

31. Shawn D.: 5 (-1) - Purdue

31. Stephen C.: 5 (-1) - Nebraska

31. Steve Dz. #2: 5 (-1) - Illinois

31. Szecho L.: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. Tomas L.: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. Veronica G.: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. Wayne D. #2: 5 (-1) - Auburn

31. Wayne D. #3: 5 (-1) - Purdue

31. Wayne D. #5: 5 (-1) - Houston

31. Zach V.: 5 (-1) - Connecticut

132. Brett G. (Upset): 5 (-3) - Connecticut

132. Brooke M. #1: 5 (-3) - Houston

132. Brooke M. #2: 5 (-3) - Arizona

132. Bryce O.: 5 (-3) - Houston

132. Chris M.: 5 (-3) - Houston

132. Daisy N. #10: 5 (-3) - Arizona

132. Daisy N. #12: 5 (-3) - Tennessee

132. Daniel E.: 5 (-3) - Arizona

132. Deanna T.: 5 (-3) - Purdue

132. James G.: 5 (-3) - Connecticut

132. Jay H. #1: 5 (-3) - Houston

132. Jim D. #1: 5 (-3) - Connecticut

132. John E. #1: 5 (-3) - Houston

132. Karen C.: 5 (-3) - Kentucky

132. Noah N.: 5 (-3) - Kentucky

132. Tim N.: 5 (-3) - Marquette

148. Brandon H. #2: 5 (-7) - Arizona

148. Elizabeth N. #1: 5 (-7) - Connecticut

148. Elizabeth P. #3: 5 (-7) - Kentucky

148. Gary W.: 5 (-7) - Arizona

148. Grant F.: 5 (-7) - Houston

148. John Mack #1: 5 (-7) - Connecticut

148. Josh C.: 5 (-7) - Auburn

148. Klei R. #1: 5 (-7) - Houston

148. Klei R. #3: 5 (-7) - Purdue

148. Moochie #5: 5 (-7) - Connecticut

158. Moochie #1: 5 (-15) - North Carolina

159. Adam E.: 4 (-2) - North Carolina

159. Ben S.: 4 (-2) - Connecticut

159. Brad R.: 4 (-2) - Connecticut

159. Brandon B. #2: 4 (-2) - North Carolina

159. Brent S. #2: 4 (-2) - Connecticut

159. Brett W.: 4 (-2) - Arizona

159. Brooklynn B.: 4 (-2) - Purdue

159. Bryce S.: 4 (-2) - Creighton

159. Chris L. #1: 4 (-2) - Connecticut

159. Chris L. #2: 4 (-2) - Purdue

159. Chris L. #3: 4 (-2) - North Carolina

159. Chris L. #4: 4 (-2) - North Carolina

159. Chris T.: 4 (-2) - North Carolina

159. Cicely K.: 4 (-2) - North Carolina

159. D. Mag #2: 4 (-2) - North Carolina

159. D. Mag #3: 4 (-2) - Connecticut

159. D. Mag #4: 4 (-2) - Illinois

159. Daisy N. #8: 4 (-2) - Tennessee

159. Dan Mck.: 4 (-2) - Purdue

159. Dan P.: 4 (-2) - Connecticut

159. Dustin B.: 4 (-2) - Creighton

159. Elliot N.: 4 (-2) - Connecticut

159. Emily T.: 4 (-2) - Arizona

159. Gutless Bracket: 4 (-2) - Connecticut

159. Irene H. #4: 4 (-2) - Arizona

159. Irene H. #6: 4 (-2) - North Carolina

159. Irene H. #7: 4 (-2) - Connecticut

159. Jared B.: 4 (-2) - Iowa State

159. Jay B. - ESPN: 4 (-2) - Connecticut

159. Jay H. #2: 4 (-2) - Connecticut

159. John E. #2: 4 (-2) - Purdue

159. Josiah T.: 4 (-2) - North Carolina

159. Kristina H.: 4 (-2) - Kentucky

159. Kyle V.: 4 (-2) - Houston

159. Larry G. #2: 4 (-2) - Connecticut

159. Larry G. #3: 4 (-2) - Purdue

159. Luis B. #2: 4 (-2) - Connecticut

159. Luis B. #4: 4 (-2) - Connecticut

159. Luis B. #5: 4 (-2) - Connecticut

159. Mary Lou H.: 4 (-2) - Houston

159. Miles D.: 4 (-2) - Arizona

159. Moochie #4: 4 (-2) - Connecticut

159. Pat K.: 4 (-2) - Connecticut

159. Paul W.: 4 (-2) - North Carolina

159. Pete J. #1: 4 (-2) - Connecticut

159. Pete J. #4: 4 (-2) - Tennessee

159. Seth D.: 4 (-2) - Connecticut

159. Stefon K.: 4 (-2) - Purdue

159. Tim Dz. #1: 4 (-2) - Connecticut

159. Vang L.: 4 (-2) - Iowa State

159. Wayne D. #4: 4 (-2) - Purdue

210. Ali A. #1: 4 (-4) - Washington State

210. Ali A. #2: 4 (-4) - Arizona

210. Brandon H. #1: 4 (-4) - Houston

210. Daisy N. #11: 4 (-4) - Connecticut

210. Daisy N. #2: 4 (-4) - Purdue

210. Daisy N. #6: 4 (-4) - Iowa State

210. Dirk F.: 4 (-4) - Purdue

210. Elizabeth N. #2: 4 (-4) - North Carolina

210. Eric S. #1: 4 (-4) - Houston

210. Guillermo V.: 4 (-4) - Connecticut

210. Harrell R. #1: 4 (-4) - North Carolina

210. Harrell R. #2: 4 (-4) - NC State

210. Harrell R. #4: 4 (-4) - Iowa State

210. Irene H. #1: 4 (-4) - Connecticut

210. Jacob A.: 4 (-4) - Iowa State

210. Jim W.: 4 (-4) - North Carolina

210. Klei R. #2: 4 (-4) - Purdue

210. Larry G. #1: 4 (-4) - Purdue

210. Larry G. #4: 4 (-4) - Tennessee

210. Mario M.: 4 (-4) - Tennessee

210. Matt H.: 4 (-4) - Connecticut

210. Melody K.: 4 (-4) - Connecticut

210. Nick I.: 4 (-4) - Purdue

210. Rob C.: 4 (-4) - Connecticut

210. Steve Dz. #1: 4 (-4) - Iowa State

210. Tyler C.: 4 (-4) - Houston

210. Valerie D.: 4 (-4) - Connecticut

237. Amanda R.: 4 (-8) - Wisconsin

237. Beau H.: 4 (-8) - Alabama

237. Brett G. (Devils): 4 (-8) - Houston

237. Carlo G.: 4 (-8) - Connecticut

237. Chun W. #1: 4 (-8) - Tennessee

237. Dianna A.: 4 (-8) - Kansas

237. Gigi I.: 4 (-8) - Arizona

237. Harrell R. #3: 4 (-8) - Tennessee

237. Kiah H. #2: 4 (-8) - Texas Tech

237. Mason A. #1: 4 (-8) - Connecticut

237. Missy W. #2: 4 (-8) - Tennessee

237. Moochie #2: 4 (-8) - Tennessee

237. Roth W.: 4 (-8) - Houston

237. Scarlett H.: 4 (-8) - Houston

251. Brett G. (Quinnie): 4 (-10) - Arizona

251. David F. #1: 4 (-10) - Purdue

251. John Mack #2: 4 (-10) - Purdue

254. Adalyn H.: 4 (-16) - Purdue

255. Moochie #3: 4 (-22) - James Madison

256. Marshmellow (Nik B.): 4 (-64) - Howard / Wagner

257. Damien R. #3: 3 (-3) - Houston

258. Charlotte N.: 3 (-5) - San Diego State

258. Chrissy I.: 3 (-5) - Arizona

258. Faye N.: 3 (-5) - Texas A&M

258. Henry A.: 3 (-5) - Connecticut

258. Hutch H. #2: 3 (-5) - Houston

258. Irene H. #3: 3 (-5) - Purdue

258. Irene H. #5: 3 (-5) - Tennessee

258. Tim Dz. #2: 3 (-5) - Arizona

266. Brandie H.: 3 (-7) - Nebraska

267. Matt M.: 3 (-9) - Auburn

267. Melissa M.: 3 (-9) - Connecticut

267. Pete J. #6: 3 (-9) - Connecticut

267. Rob I.: 3 (-9) - Arizona

271. Constance McA.: 3 (-11) - Gonzaga

271. Finn D.: 3 (-11) - Kansas

273. Daisy N. #5: 3 (-17) - North Carolina

274. Damien R. #4: 3 (-67) - Long Beach State

…and the net points standings:

1. Adam S. (6)

1. Ally H. (6)

1. April K. (6)

1. Becky H. (6)

1. Colston W. (6)

1. D. Mag #1 (6)

1. Dan Dug. #2 (6)

1. Dawn T. (6)

1. Def Efficiency (6)

1. Derek B. (6)

1. Derek H. (6)

1. Dylan B. (6)

1. Jackson I. (6)

1. John A. #2 (6)

1. Josh V. (6)

1. Kevin F. #1 (6)

1. Kevin F. #2 (6)

1. Marc R. (6)

1. Mark B. (6)

1. Matt W. (6)

1. Michael S. #1 (6)

1. Michael S. #2 (6)

1. Patrick McC. #1 (6)

1. Paul K. #1 (6)

1. Ryan G. (6)

1. Ryan G. (6)

1. Ryan W. (6)

1. Scott H. #1 (6)

1. Scott K. #2 (6)

1. Wayne D. #1 (6)

31. Alyssa B. (4)

31. Amber D. (4)

31. Andrew D. #1 (4)

31. Andrew D. #2 (4)

31. Andy L. (4)

31. Baily T. (4)

31. Brad E. (4)

31. Brandon B. #1 (4)

31. Brent E. #1 (4)

31. Brent E. #2 (4)

31. Brent E. #3 (4)

31. Brent E. #4 (4)

31. Brent S. #1 (4)

31. Brett G. (Sleeper) (4)

31. Brian K. (4)

31. CAAT #1 (4)

31. CAAT #2 (4)

31. CAAT #3 (4)

31. CAAT #4 (4)

31. CAAT #5 (4)

31. Chris E. (4)

31. Christopher K. (4)

31. Chun W. #2 (4)

31. Connor W. (4)

31. Craig G. (4)

31. Daisy N. #1 (4)

31. Daisy N. #3 (4)

31. Daisy N. #4 (4)

31. Daisy N. #7 (4)

31. Daisy N. #9 (4)

31. Damien R. #1 (4)

31. Damien R. #2 (4)

31. Dan Dug. #1 (4)

31. Dan L. #1 (4)

31. Dan L. #2 (4)

31. Danielle A. (4)

31. Dave A. (4)

31. David F. #2 (4)

31. Dennis R. (4)

31. DESGRU8 (Dan Dz.) (4)

31. Eric G. (4)

31. Eric S. #2 (4)

31. Eric V. (4)

31. Greg R. (4)

31. Howard S. #1 (4)

31. Howard S. #2 (4)

31. Hutch H. #1 (4)

31. Irene H. #2 (4)

31. Jared V. (4)

31. Jaxon S. (4)

31. Jim D. #2 (4)

31. Joe C. (4)

31. John A. #1 (4)

31. John N. (4)

31. Kealoha G. (4)

31. Ken Pom (4)

31. Kiah H. #1 (4)

31. Kim F. (4)

31. Kirt R. #1 (4)

31. Kirt R. #2 (4)

31. Kristin G. (4)

31. Legend of Zelli (4)

31. Luis B. #1 (4)

31. Luis B. #3 (4)

31. Mark A. (4)

31. Mason A. #2 (4)

31. Matt N. (4)

31. Michelle L. #1 (4)

31. Michelle L. #2 (4)

31. Michelle L. #3 (4)

31. Michelle L. #4 (4)

31. Michelle L. #5 (4)

31. Mike N. (4)

31. Mike V. (4)

31. Mike W. (4)

31. Missy W. #1 (4)

31. Mitchell S. (4)

31. Mustard (Nikolajs B.) (4)

31. Nate R. (4)

31. Niren D. (4)

31. Noah G. (4)

31. Off Efficiency (4)

31. Patrick McC. #2 (4)

31. Paul K. #2 (4)

31. Pete J. #2 (4)

31. Pete J. #3 (4)

31. Pete J. #5 (4)

31. Rich F. (4)

31. Scott H. #2 (4)

31. Scott K. #1 (4)

31. Shanky G. (4)

31. Shawn D. (4)

31. Stephen C. (4)

31. Steve Dz. #2 (4)

31. Szecho L. (4)

31. Tomas L. (4)

31. Veronica G. (4)

31. Wayne D. #2 (4)

31. Wayne D. #3 (4)

31. Wayne D. #5 (4)

31. Zach V. (4)

132. Brett G. (Upset) (2)

132. Brooke M. #1 (2)

132. Brooke M. #2 (2)

132. Bryce O. (2)

132. Chris M. (2)

132. Daisy N. #10 (2)

132. Daisy N. #12 (2)

132. Daniel E. (2)

132. Deanna T. (2)

132. James G. (2)

132. Jay H. #1 (2)

132. Jim D. #1 (2)

132. John E. #1 (2)

132. Karen C. (2)

132. Noah N. (2)

132. Tim N. (2)

132. Adam E. (2)

132. Ben S. (2)

132. Brad R. (2)

132. Brandon B. #2 (2)

132. Brent S. #2 (2)

132. Brett W. (2)

132. Brooklynn B. (2)

132. Bryce S. (2)

132. Chris L. #1 (2)

132. Chris L. #2 (2)

132. Chris L. #3 (2)

132. Chris L. #4 (2)

132. Chris T. (2)

132. Cicely K. (2)

132. D. Mag #2 (2)

132. D. Mag #3 (2)

132. D. Mag #4 (2)

132. Daisy N. #8 (2)

132. Dan Mck. (2)

132. Dan P. (2)

132. Dustin B. (2)

132. Elliot N. (2)

132. Emily T. (2)

132. Gutless Bracket (2)

132. Irene H. #4 (2)

132. Irene H. #6 (2)

132. Irene H. #7 (2)

132. Jared B. (2)

132. Jay B. - ESPN (2)

132. Jay H. #2 (2)

132. John E. #2 (2)

132. Josiah T. (2)

132. Kristina H. (2)

132. Kyle V. (2)

132. Larry G. #2 (2)

132. Larry G. #3 (2)

132. Luis B. #2 (2)

132. Luis B. #4 (2)

132. Luis B. #5 (2)

132. Mary Lou H. (2)

132. Miles D. (2)

132. Moochie #4 (2)

132. Pat K. (2)

132. Paul W. (2)

132. Pete J. #1 (2)

132. Pete J. #4 (2)

132. Seth D. (2)

132. Stefon K. (2)

132. Tim Dz. #1 (2)

132. Vang L. (2)

132. Wayne D. #4 (2)

199. Ali A. #1 (0)

199. Ali A. #2 (0)

199. Brandon H. #1 (0)

199. Daisy N. #11 (0)

199. Daisy N. #2 (0)

199. Daisy N. #6 (0)

199. Dirk F. (0)

199. Elizabeth N. #2 (0)

199. Eric S. #1 (0)

199. Guillermo V. (0)

199. Harrell R. #1 (0)

199. Harrell R. #2 (0)

199. Harrell R. #4 (0)

199. Irene H. #1 (0)

199. Jacob A. (0)

199. Jim W. (0)

199. Klei R. #2 (0)

199. Larry G. #1 (0)

199. Larry G. #4 (0)

199. Mario M. (0)

199. Matt H. (0)

199. Melody K. (0)

199. Nick I. (0)

199. Rob C. (0)

199. Steve Dz. #1 (0)

199. Tyler C. (0)

199. Valerie D. (0)

199. Damien R. #3 (0)

227. Brandon H. #2 (-2)

227. Elizabeth N. #1 (-2)

227. Elizabeth P. #3 (-2)

227. Gary W. (-2)

227. Grant F. (-2)

227. John Mack #1 (-2)

227. Josh C. (-2)

227. Klei R. #1 (-2)

227. Klei R. #3 (-2)

227. Moochie #5 (-2)

227. Charlotte N. (-2)

227. Chrissy I. (-2)

227. Faye N. (-2)

227. Henry A. (-2)

227. Hutch H. #2 (-2)

227. Irene H. #3 (-2)

227. Irene H. #5 (-2)

227. Tim Dz. #2 (-2)

245. Amanda R. (-4)

245. Beau H. (-4)

245. Brett G. (Devils) (-4)

245. Carlo G. (-4)

245. Chun W. #1 (-4)

245. Dianna A. (-4)

245. Gigi I. (-4)

245. Harrell R. #3 (-4)

245. Kiah H. #2 (-4)

245. Mason A. #1 (-4)

245. Missy W. #2 (-4)

245. Moochie #2 (-4)

245. Roth W. (-4)

245. Scarlett H. (-4)

245. Brandie H. (-4)

260. Brett G. (Quinnie) (-6)

260. David F. #1 (-6)

260. John Mack #2 (-6)

260. Matt M. (-6)

260. Melissa M. (-6)

260. Pete J. #6 (-6)

260. Rob I. (-6)

267. Constance McA. (-8)

267. Finn D. (-8)

269. Moochie #1 (-10)

270. Adalyn H. (-12)

271. Daisy N. #5 (-14)

272. Moochie #3 (-18)

273. Marshmellow (Nik B.) (-60)

274. Damien R. #4 (-64)

Let’s take a look at the next set of 4 games:

Game 9:

Texas v Colorado State

Vegas Line: Texas -2.5

Picks for Texas: 154

Picks for Colorado State: 120

I love games like this.  I don’t think Texas is all that great.  I mean they are pretty good, and they Max Abmas, who took Oral Roberts to a Sweet 16 about 28 years ago.  But they were pretty mediocre in a very good conference.  On the other side, Colorado State won the play in game by holding Virginia to, I think, 0 FGs in the second half.  I think the distribution here seems about right, although I’m rooting for the Rams.

Game 10:

Kentucky v Oakland

Vegas Line: Kentucky -13.5

Picks for Kentucky: 261

Picks for Oakland: 13

I have a little affection for Oakland.  For those that don’t realize, this team doesn’t play in Oakland, California.  They play in Oakland, Michigan.  It’s a suburb of Detroit.  As I’ve already established, I am a fan of most Michigan teams.

I also don’t have a ton of love for Kentucky.  Some years, I like them, and other years I don’t.  It’s hard to know, since it seems like they have a new starting 5 every season because everyone goes to the pros.  This year promises to be no different.  I’m a little unsure if that will work to win a national championship.  Then again, with the transfer portal, a lot of teams are starting over again every season.

Game 11

Gonzaga v McNeese State

Vegas Line: Gonzaga -6

Picks for Gonzaga: 197

Picks for Mcneese State: 77

I feel like there are two competing story lines going on with this game.  Whichever one you found more compelling determined your pick.  I mentioned earlier that this region doesn’t have a lot of teams with solid histories of making deep runs in this tournament (Purdue, Tennessee, Creighton).  Kansas is the 4 and thy are limping into the tournament with a ton of injuries.  That may leave you with Gonzaga.  Mid-season, there was a lot of talk about them missing the tournament.  They’ve played really well since then.  It may not be a Gonzaga team of years past, but they could go on a deep run.

On the other side, there is McNeese State.  They have a gaudy record.  Some of you may recognize their coach.  His name is Will Wade, and he used to be the coach at LSU, and he was fired by LSU and sanctioned by the NCAA for – paying players.  That seems so quaint now.  Players get paid on the regular now.  It seems crazy that someone would get fired for it.  It’s like people in Califiornia that used to sell Marijuana.  10 years ago, they’d be put in jail.  Now they are legitimate entrepreneurs.  All of that is to say that if Will Wade isn’t scooped up by some big name school next season, I’ll be shocked.  In the mean time, he can remind everyone in the world that he is a pretty good coach by winning this game.

Game 12

Iowa State v South Dakota State

Vegas Line: Iowa State -16.5

Iowa State Picks: 260

South Dakota State Picks: 14

Speaking of good teams that have a history of choking…  Oh, hello Iowa State.  I could be wrong about this, but I’m pretty sure that Iowa State has lost twice as a #2 seed.  They are solidly one of those teams I fall in love every year, and then they stomp all over my dreams in the post season.  I will say that they seem like a bit of a contrarian pick in this region.  Like, people that think they will play the percentages and take Iowa State over Connecticut to make the Final 4.  I’m not saying that won’t work. I’m just saying that a higher percent of people probably have Iowa State makes the Final 4 than you may think (Auburn is also like this).

I know nothing about the Jackrabbits.  They seem to make the tournament.  Sometimes they are a 12, and they sometimes pull an upset.  I’ll be surprised if they do here, but that’s why they play the games.

Good luck!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. i always pick iowa state bc they upset uconn the year iowa state had royce white.
